
Electronic logging devices (ELDs) are an electronic solution that enables professional truck drivers and commercial motor carriers to easily track Hours of Service (HOS) compliance, required by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). ELD.report has the most comprehensive and easy to use database of all known ELD records.

All CDL drivers who are required to keep a Record of Duty Status (RODS) must use an ELD to document their compliance with HOS rules.

Below you will find a field to search for a particular ELD device, as well as a list of the most recent approved ELD devices. To find additional information on a device or vendor, simply click on the respective ELD ID or vendor name

Recent Approved ELDs
ELD ID Device Name Model Number Approved Version Vendor
Self Revoked
30A003J. J. Keller ELD - Android BYOD and Compliance Tablet Gen 3.030A3.8785.324 or higher J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc.
FHELD4FleetHunt ELDAndroid & Pacific TrackVersion 2+ Fleethunt Technologies
FHELD5FleetHunt ELDiOS & Pacific TrackVersion 1+ Fleethunt Technologies
RIN884Ring ELDG100R2.93 or up RING ELD
SPE777SECURE PATH ELDSECURE11.0.0 or higher Secure Path INC
AXS815AXIOS ELDAX9002.93 and later AXIOS ELD LLC
FRD316FREEDOM LOGBOOKSSLSD52.99 and up Freedom Log Book LLC
FRZ616FORZA ELD4ZALD2.96.28 Fortza ELD
FLEX24FLEXBOOK ELDFLEX1684.05.055 Flexbook Inc
ELD880ELD88 LLCPT-301.0 ELD 88 LLC
VELD01Vulcansols EldAndroid & IOS1.0 and above Vulcansols, Inc
RRS121RELIABLE ELDRRS2.34 and up. Reliable ELD Inc
VORTEXApex ELDVTXELD3.14.0 and higher Apex ELD Inc
SIM001Simplex ELD 2GOSXIOSAN1.10 and Above Gorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
CATT01Command Alkon TrackitCATT011.10 and Above Gorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
ATN001AllwaysTrackAT0011.10 and Above Gorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
BE0001Big ELDPT402.0 and up Big ELD
DBELD1MyDriverBookIO-1020 Micro Eld0.1 MyDriverBook
TRL831TRACKMILE eLOGSTRe-S2.98 or later Trackmile LLC
ELD42ASafe ELD white appSafeELD White-Android200-demo BEMOREX, INC
NSM715MASANA ELD4F4S-82.94 or above Masana ELD
MSTELDMaestral ELDMAEELD3.1.0 and higher Furious Fox LLC
© ELD.report 2024

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