Products with ELD "LEVELE"

Below you will find a list of products with the ELD "" obtained from our database, including their available manuals, documentation, and images.

Click the corresponding vendor name to obtain additional information on the manufactorer, as well as contact information for further troubleshooting.


Product Image
Vendor Device Name Model Number Approved Version
  • Data Transfer and Reporting Procedures

    > Telematic (Web Service, Email)
  • Malfunctions and Testing

    After selecting the Inspection menu, the user goes to the inspection page. In this page user can see driver's the last 7 days and current day logs and send file option. In order to send the driver's last 7 days and current day logs to FMCSA, the driver should add a comment to the output file with selection email or web service of FMCSA and tap the “Send” button. Logs and the comment will be sent to FMCSA. Before report sending driver can input key phrase or code obtained from the inspector.
  • Certification Statement

    ELD malfunction codes and causes P - Power Compliance (The Vehicle Gateway was unable to read the engine’s power status) E - Engine synchronization (The Vehicle Gateway was unable to read engine data such as the odometer or engine hours) T - Timing Compliance (The ELD's internal clock in the vehicle has not yet synchronized with the server that resulted in a time deviation of 10+ minutes) L - Positioning Compliance (The ELD has accumulated more than 60 minutes without a GPS lock within a 24- hour period) R - Data Recording (The ELD does not have sufficient storage capacity to record ELD events) S - Data Transfer Compliance (The ELD has failed to transfer the driver's logs to the DOT as requested during a roadside inspection) O - Other detected malfunction
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