ELD Products from "kinesis-fleet-eld"

Below you will find a list of approved ELD products from the vendor "Kinesis Fleet ELD" obtained from our ELD database, as well as their listed contact information for further troubleshooting and questions.

To find additional information on one of the vendors ELD products such as user manuals and product photos, simply click the corresponding ID.

Phone Number Email Address Company URL Listed Address
8882789781📧 [email protected] radiustelematics.com/us16321 Gothard Street, Suite F, Huntington Beach, CA 92647
Products from "Kinesis Fleet ELD"
ELD ID Device Name Model Number Approved Version Vendor
KNSS10kinesis ELDKNSS 0010215 or higherKinesis Fleet ELD
RAD001Radius ELDRAD 00103.3 or higherKinesis Fleet ELD
© ELD.report 2025

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