Products with ELD "MAELD1"
Below you will find a list of products with the ELD "" obtained from our database, including their available manuals, documentation, and images.
Click the corresponding vendor name to obtain additional information on the manufactorer, as well as contact information for further troubleshooting.
MapAnything ELD

Vendor | Device Name | Model Number | Approved Version |
| MapAnything ELD | MapAnything | 1.0 and Above |
Data Transfer and Reporting Procedures
This ELD uses the web services and email transmission method.Malfunctions and Testing
The malfunctions supported are: Power Compliance Malfunction Engine Synchronization Malfunction Timing Compliance Malfunction Positioning Compliance Malfunction Data Recording Malfunction Data Transfer Malfunction Each of these malfunctions appears prominently for the user to understand the issue. When the user is presented with this, he is able to rectify the situation, contact the manufacturer or use paper logs, as provided as part of the instruction guide, to remain compliant. The malfunctions and malfunction codes can be found in the instruction guide with the required details in order for the driver to understand what he needs to do next.Certification Statement
The product has been thoroughly tested by both internal and external, third party, testers. Each requirement of the ELD has been either met or exceeded. The process of review and testing included the full review of the ruling, testing procedures and debugging of any blocker found in the software package. It further included the retesting by additional quality assurance professionals. Ultimately, the programing and hardware operate as intended and are in compliance.
MilesAhead DRIVE

Vendor | Device Name | Model Number | Approved Version |
| MilesAhead DRIVE | GO6, GO7, GO8, GO9 (or newer) or PEP-GO7 or ATT-GO7 or FL7 (by Spireon) or RI7 (by BSM) | 1.19.01 |
Data Transfer and Reporting Procedures
>Malfunctions and Testing
MilesAhead DRIVE supports the telematics (electronic) data transfer method via wireless Web services and email. To enable this during a roadside inspection, the following steps will apply: 1) Upon launching the MilesAhead DRIVE, select HOS from the menu. 2) From the HOS dialog, select Transfer, then choose between email or Web services. 4) Drivers may need to enter an output file comment provided by the inspector into the textbox when prompted. This is also outlined in this document: Statement
Malfunction Code P: Power data malfunction: An ELD must monitor the data it receives from the engine ECM or alternative sources, and data record history to identify instances when it might not have complied with the power requirements. Driver’s actions for when a power data malfunction occurs: This may be caused by an intermittent or disconnected connection to the vehicle ECM. This is likely due to an install issue.Contact your carrier to get the install inspected if you’re unable to check yourself. Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code E: Engine synchronization compliance malfunction: An ELD must set an engine synchronization compliance malfunction, if connectivity to any of the required data sources is lost for more than 30 minutes during a 24-hour period aggregated across all driver profiles. Driver’s actions for when a engine synchronization compliance malfunction occurs: This may be caused by an intermittent or disconnected connection to the vehicle ECM. This is likely due to an install issue. Contact your carrier to get the install inspected if you’re unable to check yourself. Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code T: Timing compliance malfunction: The ELD must periodically cross-check its time with an external UTC source, and must record a timing compliance malfunction when it can no longer meet the underlying timing requirement of less than 10 minutes’ time deviation. Driver’s actions for when a timing compliance malfunction occurs: Check your mobile device’s phone time. Ensure it is set to acquire time automatically. Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code L: Positioning Compliance malfunction: An ELD must monitor elapsed time during periods when the ELD fails to acquire a valid position measurement within five miles of the CMV’s movement. When such elapsed time exceeds a cumulative 60 minutes over a 24-hour period, the ELD must set and record a positioning compliance malfunction. Driver’s actions for when a positioning Compliance malfunction occurs: This can be caused by temporary or permanent loss of GPS by the GO device. Contact your carrier to get the install inspected. If problem still persists, replace the GO device.Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code R: Data recording compliance malfunction: An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events, or retrieve recorded logs that are not otherwise cataloged remotely by the motor carrier. Driver’s actions for when a data recording compliance malfunction occurs: Contact your carrier to get in touch with Support as soon as possible.Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code S: Data transfer compliance malfunction: After an ELD records a data transfer data diagnostic event, the ELD must increase the frequency of the monitoring function to check at least once every 24-hour period. If the ELD stays in the unconfirmed data transfer mode following the next three consecutive monitoring checks, the ELD must detect a data transfer compliance malfunction. Driver’s actions for when a data transfer compliance malfunction occurs: Check your internet connection. If problem persists, contact your carrier. Once investigated and the problem is found you may clear this event. Malfunction Code O: “Other” ELD identified malfunction: The other ELD identified malfunction is not supported. Diagnostic Code: 1 Power data diagnostic: An ELD must monitor the data it receives from the engine ECM and data record history to identify instances when it may not have complied with the power requirements. Driver’s actions for when a power data diagnostic occurs: This may be caused by an intermittent or disconnected connection to the vehicle ECM. This is likely due to an install issue. Once investigated and the problem is resolved, the system will auto clear the event. Diagnostic Code: 2 Engine synchronization diagnostic: An ELD is required to establish a link to the engine ECM,and must record an engine synchronization data diagnostics event, when it no longer can acquire values for the ELD parameters required for records within five seconds. Driver’s actions for when a engine synchronization diagnostic occurs: This may be caused by an intermittent or disconnected connection to the vehicle ECM. This is likely due to an install issue. This may also be caused if the ELD is unable to pick up the required engine data from the vehicle ECM.Contact your carrier if the problem persists. Once investigated, and the problem is resolved, the system will auto clear the event. Diagnostic Code: 3 Missing required data elements data diagnostic: An ELD must monitor the completeness of the ELD event record information in relation to the required data elements for each event type, and must record a missing data element and data diagnostics event for the driver, if any required field is missing at the time of recording. Driver’s actions for when a missing required data elements data diagnostic occurs:This can be caused by the creation of a manual log by the driver when there is temporary loss of GPS by the GO device. If the driver does not enter an address manually when prompted by the “Where was this?” message, this diagnostic will be created. It can be resolved by selecting the “Where was this?” associated with the record and manually entering the missing data. Once investigated, and the problem is resolved, the system will auto clear the event. Diagnostic Code: 4 Data transfer data diagnostic: An ELD must implement in-service monitoring functions to verify that the data transfer mechanism(s) are continuing to function properly. An ELD must verify this functionality at least once every seven days. Driver’s actions for when a data transfer data diagnostic occurs: Check your internet connection. If problem persists, contact your carrier. Once investigated, and the problem is resolved, the system will auto clear the event. Diagnostic Code: 5 Unidentified driving records data diagnostic: If more than 30 minutes of driving in a 24-hour period shows unidentified driver on the ELD, the ELD must detect and record an unidentified driving record data diagnostic event, and the data diagnostic indicator must be turned on for all drivers logged in to that ELD for the current 24-hour period and the following seven days. Driver’s actions for when an unidentified driving records data occurs: Review all unassigned logs when logging in or logging out of the vehicle and ensure you have claimed any logs that may be applicable to yourself. If the unassigned logs are not yours, you can ignore this diagnostic event.Please note this event will automatically clear itself as logs get claimed. Diagnostic Code: 6 “Other” ELD identified diagnostic: The other ELD identified is not supported. Driver’s actions for when an “other” ELD identified diagnostic occurs: The other ELD identified is not supported. This is also outlined in this document: