User manual for "MilesAhead DRIVE"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "MilesAhead DRIVE".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Blue Dot Solutions.

V1 February 2019

MilesAhead DRIVE

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INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................4
HOURS OF SERVICE COMPLIANCE ...................................................................................................4
ADMINISTRATOR  MILESAHEAD/MYGEOTAB FLEET PORTAL ..........................................................6
Hours of Service Compliance ................................................................................................................................ 6
Setup (Trailer) ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Setup (User/Driver) .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Exemptions ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Clearances ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
HOS-Only Access .............................................................................................................................................. 9
DVIR-Only Access ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Messaging-Only Access .................................................................................................................................... 9
Ability to Mark DVIRs as Repaired ................................................................................................................... 9
Driver Assignment .............................................................................................................................................. 10
Hours of Service  Reports ................................................................................................................................ 10
Hours of Service  Duty Status Logs Report ..................................................................................................... 10
Unidentified Drivers ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Editing Logs .................................................................................................................................................... 12
Unassigned Logs............................................................................................................................................. 13
Filter for Unassigned Logs With or Without Annotations ............................................................................. 13
Incorrectly Claimed Logs ................................................................................................................................ 14
After Editing a Log.......................................................................................................................................... 14
Compliance Graph ......................................................................................................................................... 14
Compliance Print............................................................................................................................................ 15
Hours of Service  Violations Report ................................................................................................................ 15
Hours of Service  Availability Report .............................................................................................................. 15

MILESAHEAD DRIVE APPLICATION ................................................................................................ 16
Setup ................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Login............................................................................................................................................................... 16
App Navigation Menu ......................................................................................................................................... 17
HOS Dialog ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Next ................................................................................................................................................................ 21
Options Menu ................................................................................................................................................ 22
Map Tools ........................................................................................................................................................... 23
Map Context Menu ........................................................................................................................................ 23
Load Summary Dialog .................................................................................................................................... 24
MilesAhead NAV ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Map Features Dialog ...................................................................................................................................... 26
My Day Planner .................................................................................................................................................. 27
Request Load ................................................................................................................................................. 29
Trip Options ................................................................................................................................................... 30
Load Summary ............................................................................................................................................... 31
Abandon Trip ................................................................................................................................................. 32
Trip Map......................................................................................................................................................... 33
Pause Trip ...................................................................................................................................................... 35
Complete Load ............................................................................................................................................... 37
Messages ............................................................................................................................................................ 39
Help and Feedback ............................................................................................................................................. 40

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Feedback ........................................................................................................................................................ 41
Synchronize......................................................................................................................................................... 46
About .................................................................................................................................................................. 47
Settings ............................................................................................................................................................... 49
Display Time ................................................................................................................................................... 50
Language ........................................................................................................................................................ 52

GEOTAB DRIVE APP ...................................................................................................................... 54
Access from MilesAhead DRIVE App .................................................................................................................. 54
Hours of Service Menu .................................................................................................................................. 54
In-Vehicle Setup .................................................................................................................................................. 54
Log In .................................................................................................................................................................. 55
Attach Vehicles and Trailers ............................................................................................................................... 56
Disassociation from Current Vehicle ............................................................................................................. 57
Verify Logs .......................................................................................................................................................... 58
Claiming Unassigned Logs .................................................................................................................................. 59
Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR) ............................................................................................................ 59
Manually Selecting Assets .................................................................................................................................. 60
Co-Drivers ........................................................................................................................................................... 61
Geotab Drive App Dashboard (UI) ...................................................................................................................... 62
Information Dialog ......................................................................................................................................... 62
Geotab Drive App  Hours of Service UI ........................................................................................................... 63
The Hours of Service (HOS) UI provides the driver will all the tools necessary for tracking and recording their
duty status. It also provides the ability to verify logs and provide information for roadside inspections. ....... 63
Status Tab ...................................................................................................................................................... 63
Motion Detected When Driving (While Logged In) ....................................................................................... 65
Driving in Violation ........................................................................................................................................ 66
Graph Tab ...................................................................................................................................................... 67
Logs Tab ......................................................................................................................................................... 68
Logs Tab  Location Information .................................................................................................................. 69
Logs Tab  Manual Logs ............................................................................................................................... 70
Logs Tab  Verifying Logs ............................................................................................................................. 71
Options Tab .................................................................................................................................................... 73
Options Tab  Rulesets ................................................................................................................................. 73
Options Tab  Compliance Report ............................................................................................................... 73
Diagnostic Events and Malfunctions ............................................................................................................. 75
Logging Out ......................................................................................................................................................... 77
Complete a DVIR ............................................................................................................................................ 77
Verifying Logs ................................................................................................................................................. 77
Setting a New Duty Status ............................................................................................................................. 78
Geotab Drive App Settings ................................................................................................................................. 79
Updating the App ........................................................................................................................................... 79
Reporting Bugs ............................................................................................................................................... 79

WORKFLOW REFERENCE .............................................................................................................. 80
Circle of Service .................................................................................................................................................. 80
Start................................................................................................................................................................ 80
DVIR ............................................................................................................................................................... 85
Depart ............................................................................................................................................................ 86
Arrive.............................................................................................................................................................. 87
DVIR ............................................................................................................................................................... 89
End ................................................................................................................................................................. 90

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MilesAhead DRIVE provides trucking organizations with an innovative driver workflow experience to
unify the many different applications and job functions drivers must balance today. Built from the
ground up to make drivers everyday lives easier, the MilesAhead DRIVE experience combines
advanced driver workflow concepts with deeply integrated commercial navigation, messaging and ELD
capabilities to improve fleet-wide operations.
MilesAhead DRIVE enhances Blue Dots leading driver workflow solution with unique integration to
Geotabs safety and compliance product offering. By embedding the standard Geotab Drive mobile
application within MilesAhead DRIVE, drivers will benefit from a seamless user experience that
eliminates the need to jump back and forth between applications. It intelligently presents ELD
information to drivers when they need it throughout the day, removing guesswork, and optimizing
Combined with the MilesAhead/MyGeotab Portal to administer the compliance portion of the solution,
MilesAhead DRIVE simply leverages this leading ELD solution and uniquely combines it with a driver
workflow platform.
Everything a driver needs - all in one place in an easy and intuitive interface

Manage trips and stops
Fully Integrated ELD functions
Highly configurable workflow tasks
2-way messaging, voice and video communications
Document imaging and signature capture
Commercial navigation & real-time traffic
Weather alerts and visualization

Note : The MyGeotab Portal and Geotab Drive Application are included in this User Manual for

The MilesAhead DRIVE Application is currently compliant with FMCSA  395.15 of 49 CFR Part 395
(AOBRD). As a motor carrier, before using the MilesAhead DRIVE App, you must:

Know your obligation as a motor carrier  FMCSA 395
Make sure every driver has a copy of the MilesAhead DRIVE App
Maintain a second (backup) copy of the electronic hours-of-service files, by month, at a
different physical location

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The MilesAhead DRIVE App:

Works on a fixed 24-hour period
starting at 12 AM
Supports all time zones
Supports the following rulesets:
FMCSA 7-day/8-day

California intrastate
Florida Intrastate
Texas intrastate
Canadian Duty 1 & 2 (currently
in BETA)

MilesAhead DRIVE

Supports the following exemptions:

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Short Haul
Adverse driving conditions
Personal conveyance
Yard move
Wait at well (for oil-wellservicing drivers)
Oil transport


Note : All Record of Duty Status (RODS) fields can be edited in the Fleet Management
Application. Edited RODS will be permanently identified as having been edited.

Hours of Service Compliance
To be compliant with hours of service regulations, you must add your company information to the
GeoTab Fleet Management Application. In the Fleet Management Application, go to Administration >
System... > System Settings. Fill in the Company name and Company address fields, then set
the Maximum personal conveyance distance.
The personal conveyance distance determines the maximum distance that a driver can drive under the
Personal Conveyance exemption. Exceeding this distance will disable the exemption and place the
driver in the Driving duty status.
Click Save to finalize your changes.
You will need to install a Telematics
Device in the vehicle that will be used
together with the MilesAhead Drive App.
See here for installation instructions.
Once the device is installed, log in to the
Fleet Management Application and
select Vehicles from the main menu.
Next, click the Add button and select
Add vehicle from the dropdown menu.
Fill in the Serial number associated
with the Telematics Device, and add a
Description to help you identify the
Click OK to add the device.
Once the device has been added, select
it from the Vehicles page. On the page
that follows, click the More Details button and fill out the following information:
 License plate: The license plate information must be filled out to be compliant with Hours of
Service regulations.
 Hours of service: Set the hours of service option to On. This will enable the generation of duty
status logs within the system for hours of service compliance. If set to Automatic, this feature will
auto-activate if the system determines that the vehicle is using HOS features.
Once the vehicle is communicating with the Fleet Management Application, verify that the following
information is correct:

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 Vehicle identification number (VIN)
 Odometer value
 Current engine hours

Setup (Trailer)
Select Engine & Maintenance > Trailers from the main menu, then select the Add button at the top of
the page. Enter the desired name for the trailer and any relevant comments. Next, select the groups
for this trailer. The trailer will be visible to members of the selected groups and their parent groups. If
the driver does not belong to the same group as the trailer or a parent group, the driver will not be
able to select the trailer from within the Geotab Drive App.

Setup (User/Driver)
Once the vehicle has been properly configured, you will need to configure the user account of every
driver who will be using the Geotab Drive App.
The driver will need a username and password to log in to the Geotab Drive App.
Before drivers can use the Geotab Drive App to manage their hours of service (HOS) and driver
vehicle inspection reports (DVIR), they must have their accounts created and configured to meet
compliance regulations.
Select Administration > Users from the main menu to view all user accounts. If a driver does not
already have an account, click the Add button to create a new user. Otherwise, select the drivers
account from the list.
In both cases, you will see the User Edit page. Verify that the account has the following information on
the User tab:

User name
First and last name
An appropriate security clearance
 The Geotab Drive App user clearance is the default clearance for Geotab Drive App users.

5. Set the Data access to the groups appropriate for the user. Users will not be able to see
vehicles or HOS logs outside of their data access.
Once this information has been filled, go to the Driver tab:
 Set This user is a driver to Yes
 Set Prevent driver access to shared data to Yes
On the UI Settings tab, ensure that the following is correctly set up:
 Distance measurement system
 Fuel economy measurement
 Time zone

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Note : The time on the mobile device must be set to change automatically.

On the HOS Settings tab, configure the following information:

Ruleset Followed by User
The exemptions relevant to the driver
Home terminal
Home terminal address
Carrier number
Yard Move and Personal Conveyance exemptions
Authority name
Authority address


The HOS settings above are critical to being compliant. Please make sure that
this information is filled out correctly.

By default, drivers only have access to the Adverse Driving Conditions exemption through the
Geotab Drive App. Additional exemptions must be configured for a drivers account before the driver
can use the exemption.
A list of all available exemptions can be found here.

Clearances determine the features that users have access to in the Drive App. You will need to set the
clearances of your drivers to match their role. Security clearances can be created and modified by
clicking the Clearances button above the user list.

The Application has a built-in clearance for users of the Geotab Drive App called the Drive App user
clearance. The Geotab Drive App user clearance will allow the user to access HOS, DVIR, and
messaging capabilities.

Note : Using HOS features will incur additional charges if your device is not on the HOS rate
plan or above. If you do not want to incur additional charges, remove the Administer
HOS Logs and View HOS Logs clearances for the driver.

If you wish to limit the features to which the driver has access to, click on the Geotab Drive App user
clearance, then click on the Add Sub-Clearance button.

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A Sub-Clearance is a customized level of access to the application. It can be used to give a user more
privileges or fewer privileges based on organizational need. Below are some restricted-access modes
for the Drive App.

HOS-Only Access
Remove the following clearances:

Administer DVIR Logs
View DVIR Logs
Send Messages
View Messages

DVIR-Only Access
Remove the following clearances:

Administer HOS Logs
View HOS Logs
Send Messages
View Messages

Messaging-Only Access
Remove the following clearances:

Administer HOS Logs
View HOS Logs
Administer DVIR Logs
View DVIR Logs

Ability to Mark DVIRs as Repaired

The Mark DVIR logs as repaired clearance allows users to certify that repairs have been made for
vehicles with defects in their DVIR. If you do not wish particular users to have the clearance to
perform this action, create a sub- clearance with this feature disabled.

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Driver Assignment
When a driver logs in to the Geotab Drive App and selects a vehicle, they will be assigned to the
vehicle. Any trips performed by the driver while they are assigned to a vehicle will be associated with
their account. Once a driver has logged out of the Geotab Drive App, they will no longer be assigned
to the vehicle.
If an incorrect driver has been associated with a log or if an unidentified HOS log has been generated,
you will need to edit the log. See the Editing Logs section for more information.

Hours of Service  Reports
The Fleet Management Application has a collection of reports to help you understand the duty statuses
of the drivers in your fleet. The basic reports available are:
 Duty Status Logs Report
 Violations Report
 Availability Report
These reports are accessible by navigating to HOS > Logs... from the main menu.

Hours of Service  Duty Status Logs Report
This report allows you to view the records of duty status for any driver in your fleet. Use the Options
button to filter for specific drivers and time periods.
Note : The date information for HOS logs will appear in the drivers time zone, which may be
different from the time zone of the administrator.

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Exemptions used for a particular
log are indicated with a small

Similarly, hours of service
violations are indicated with a red

Ruleset changes are also shown
alongside other duty status logs.

Unidentified Drivers
You can use the Unidentified driver filter from the Options menu to find duty status logs created by
unidentified drivers.

Duty status logs for unidentified drivers provide some information about the trip, like the name of the
vehicle and the area where it was driven. You can click on a log to edit it. If you know the driver who
was responsible for creating this log, you can associate them with the log.

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Editing Logs
If you are the administrator or possess the required clearance, you can edit a drivers records of duty
status. Generally, logs will not need to be edited if the drivers utilize the editing features within the
Geotab Drive App is properly. However, there will be instances when an administrator can request an
The driver will need to approve the suggested edit from the carrier, within the Geotab Drive App. Logs
waiting to be approved will be highlighted in yellow.

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Editing Multiple Logs

You can use the checkmark button to select multiple logs for editing at the same time.
Filtering Logs for Annotations
Select the Filter button to filter logs by those that already have annotations and those needing

Unassigned Logs
Unassigned logs are created when a vehicle is driven without a driver logged in. Trips made without a
logged in user will still be recorded and will have a duty status set automatically. These logs will all be
attributed to the built-in Unidentified driver user. Drivers who do not claim their trips will not have
accurate records of duty status.
You can assign an unassigned log to a driver as follows:
1. Navigate to the Duty Status Logs report (HOS > Logs... > Duty Status Logs).
2. Use the Options to select the Unidentified driver user and an appropriate date range. Click
Apply changes to run the report.
3. Examine the duty status logs on the page. The location, date, and vehicle name information
should provide insight into which driver was responsible for the trip.
Select a single log for editing by clicking on it. Alternatively, select multiple logs by using the
checkmark button in the top-right corner and click Edit selected HOS logs.
5. If you are editing a single log, enter the name of the correct driver into Driver field. If you are
editing multiple logs, click the Replace With button to open the driver dialog, then enter the
name of correct driver into the Driver field.
6. Follow the same steps if you need to edit the Co-driver field as well.
7. Click Save to finalize your changes.

Filter for Unassigned Logs With or Without Annotations
Select the Filter dropdown at the top of the page, choose Without annotations or With

Unassigned Logs That Cannot Be Claimed
The carrier can choose to leave logs unassigned. However, per  395.32 (c)(1)(i), the carrier
must provide an annotation for any log without an assigned driver.
Example: A carrier uses a number of third-party mechanics for maintenance and repairs. The
mechanics do not have credentials to log in to the Geotab Drive App. When moving a vehicle as
part of their work, the mechanics will create unassigned logs for the vehicle. Because the
mechanics are not part of the organization, they cannot claim the logs. The carrier must
annotate these logs with an explanation about the mechanics work.

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Incorrectly Claimed Logs
The Geotab Drive App asks drivers to claim unassigned logs every time they log in. Sometimes drivers
can make a mistake regarding the logs which they have claimed as their own. Claimed logs will affect
the record of duty status for a driver. It takes only a few erroneously claimed logs to put a driver in
violation of the hours of service.
You can assign incorrectly claimed logs to the appropriate driver as follows:
1. Navigate to the Duty Status Logs report (HOS > Logs... > Duty Status Logs).
2. Use the Options to select the driver who has incorrectly claimed a log. Click Apply changes
to run the report.
3. Find the log or logs that have been incorrectly claimed.
4. Select a single log for editing by clicking on it. Alternatively, select multiple logs by using the
checkmark button in the top-right corner and click Edit selected HOS logs.
5. If you are editing a single log, enter the name of the correct driver into Driver field. If you are
editing multiple logs, click the Replace With button to open the driver dialog, then enter the
name of correct driver into the Driver field. If you are still in the process of identifying the
correct driver, select Unidentified driver in the interim and annotate the log.
6. Follow the same steps if you need to edit the Co-driver field as well.
7. Click Save to finalize your changes.

After Editing a Log
Once a log has been edited, it will be permanently marked with a pencil icon. If you edit a verified log,
the logs verified status will disappear and the driver will have to verify the log once more.

When a log is edited, modifications to the log can be viewed by selecting the log and scrolling to the
bottom of the page. The Modifications list will display any edits made to the log.

Compliance Graph
You can view the records of duty status for a single day in the form of a 24-hour status graph. Do so
by clicking the View Graph button.

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The bars on the graph are color-coded in the following way:

Gray: Unverified logs
Green: Verified logs
Yellow: Edited logs
Red: Driving in violation of HOS ruleset
Striped: Personal Conveyance or Yard Move exemption

Compliance Print
You can create a print-ready set of logs grouped by day for a driver. This can be done by clicking the
Compliance Print button from the top menu.


All logs must be verified before they are submitted to the FMCSA.

To save the compliance print as a PDF, set your browsers printer destination as Save to PDF.

Hours of Service  Violations Report
The Violations Report provides a list of all HOS violations that have occurred in your fleet within a
selected time period. The report shows the type of violation, when it began, and, if available, when it
ended, as well as the total time spent driving in violation.

Hours of Service  Availability Report
The Availability Report provides a list of all drivers in your fleet and their availability and duty limits.

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Note : The MilesAhead DRIVE application is highly configurable to meet the specific needs of
each customer. A comprehensive MilesAhead DRIVE user manual can be made available
upon request.

Use your credentials to sign-in.
If Single Sign On (SSO) is turned
on in MilesAhead COMMAND,
users will be automatically
logged into both MilesAhead
DRIVE and the underlying Geotab
DRIVE application simultaneously
upon initial login. If this SSO
option is not activated, however,
when you first click the HOS
Clocks dialog from MilesAhead
DRIVE, the user will be prompted
to enter Geotab credentials to
access ELD information. See
below for more information.
If you dont know your
credentials, contact your system
administrator for more

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App Navigation Menu
Press Hamburger icon to display app navigation menu

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HOS Dialog
Press HOS button to display Hours of Service Dialog

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Press Thumbtack icon to pin HOS Banner on Map
Press x icon to close Hours of Service Dialog
Press current status value to display available Duty Status options.

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Press STATUS, GRAPH, LOGS, or INSPECTION buttons to display corresponding Geotab Drive

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Press NEXT button to display the next required Task for the active Stop

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Options Menu
Press Dots icon to display the Map context menu options
Press + Floating Button to expand Map Tools

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Map Tools
Map Context Menu
In Map view, Press Load Info menu option to display the Load Summary for the current Trip
Press Navigation menu option to open MilesAhead NAV
Press Map Features menu option to display Map Features Dialog

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Load Summary Dialog
Press CLOSE button to close the Load Summary Dialog

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MilesAhead NAV
Press Back icon to return to MilesAhead DRIVE

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Map Features Dialog
Toggle Show Traffic to turn current traffic indicators on or off
Toggle Show Weather to turn current weather radar overlay on or off

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My Day Planner
Press My Day Planner option to open the My Day Planner page

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Press topmost Dots icon to show the My Day Planner context menu options

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Request Load
Press Request Load menu option or $ Floating Button to show Confirm Request for New Load

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Trip Options
Press Dots icon at Trip level to show Trip context menu options
Press Dots icon at Stop level to show Stop context menu options

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Load Summary
Press CLOSE button to close the Load Info Dialog

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Abandon Trip
Press Abandon menu option to show the Abandon Trip confirmation dialog

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Trip Map
Press Map Image menu option to show a Trip Map dialog

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Press x icon to close the Trip Map dialog

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Pause Trip
Press Pause menu option to put the Trip in a paused state so that another Trip can be activated and
Note that on a paused Trip this menu option will read Resume

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Press Resume menu option to put the Trip in an activated state so that it can be opened

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Complete Load
Press Completed menu option to put the Trip in the completed state so that another Trip can be
activated and opened.
Note that if the My Day Planner is not configured to Allow Driver to see Completed Trips & Stops,
this action cannot be undone!

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Press YES button to manually complete the load
Press NO button to cancel and close the Complete Load confirmation dialog

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Press Messages option to open the Messages tab

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Help and Feedback
Press Help & Feedback option to open the Help & Feedback page

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Press FEEDBACK tab to open the Feedback tab

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Press Feedback Type dropdown to show the Feedback Type options

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Press the desired Feedback Type option to select it

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Enter the desired feedback text / body

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Press SEND FEEDBACK button to submit the feedback information

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Press Synchronize option to open the Synchronize page

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Press About option to open the About page

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Press Hamburger icon to display app navigation menu

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Press Settings option to open the Settings page

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Display Time
Press Display Time value to open the options list

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Check Standard Time Format option to display time in standard time (e.g., 12h AM/PM) format
Check Military Time Format option to display time in military time (e.g., 24h) format

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Press Language Preference value to open the options list

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Press the desired language option to show all labels and supporting data in that language
Note that the available language options are configured and managed in COMMAND

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Access from MilesAhead DRIVE App
Press HOS button at top right to display
Hours of Service menu

Hours of Service Menu
Press Thumbtack icon to pin HOS Banner on Map
Press x icon to close Hours of Service Dialog
Press current status value to display available Duty Status

buttons to display corresponding Geotab Drive pages

In-Vehicle Setup
Your vehicle will need to be equipped with a Telematics Device, an IOX-USB accessory (optional), and
a compatible Android or iOS mobile device. Contact your system administrator for more information.

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Log In
If Single Sign On (SSO) is turned in
MilesAhead COMMAND, users will be
automatically logged into both
MilesAhead DRIVE and the underlying
Geotab DRIVE application
simultaneously upon initial login. If
this SSO option is not activated,
however, when you first click the HOS
Clocks dialog from MilesAhead DRIVE,
the user will be prompted to enter
Geotab credentials to access ELD
information. This is a one-time
If you dont know your credentials,
contact your system administrator for
more information.

Once your credentials are confirmed,
the system will begin to synchronize
your data (including your driver
profile, shipment information, HOS
logs, and DVIR records) for a brief
time before loading the main
Your drivers logs will follow you even
when switching between vehicles.

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Motion Detected Without Being Logged In
If you begin driving the vehicle without logging in, the Geotab Drive App will display a warning
message that will advise you to stop the vehicle and log in.
If you do not log in to the Geotab Drive App, the system will not be able to associate your duty status
or other driving events with your account.

Attach Vehicles and Trailers
You will need to attach a vehicle to your
account before the duty status and other
types of electronic records can be associated
with you.
You will be prompted to select your vehicle
shortly after logging in.
If you do not have a vehicle available to you
at the time, you can press the No Vehicle
button to continue into the App without an
active vehicle.
With no vehicle selected, you will only be
able to set their status to On and Off-Duty.
If a vehicle has been previously associated
with your account, you will instead see a
dialog that allows you to quickly select the
last associated vehicle if the vehicle is within
the immediate vicinity.

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Disassociation from Current Vehicle
In some cases, your usual vehicle may
have been claimed by another driver.
If this happens, you will be notified and
asked to select another vehicle.

A similar set of dialogs will follow for
selecting an appropriate trailer.
If you do not have a trailer to attach, click
Continue to skip the trailers dialog.

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Verify Logs
If you have any unverified logs from earlier driving activity, you will be asked to review and verify
them. Use the Verify button beside any 24-hour period to verify that period individually, or use the
Verify All Days button to verify all visible logs. You can also skip this step with the Skip button.

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Claiming Unassigned Logs
The Geotab Drive App will create duty status logs even when your vehicle is driven without a user
logged in. If this occurs, you will be asked to review and claim the unassigned logs that you believe
were created by you.

You can claim logs by selecting all relevant logs and pressing the Assign to me button. You can also
skip this step with the Skip button.

Note : Claiming unassigned logs belonging to other drivers will cause your Record of Duty
Status to be inaccurate.

Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR)
Finally, you will be asked to perform a DVIR to complete the login process. You can find more
information about performing a DVIR in the Geotab Drive App - Drivers Guide to DVIR & Roadside

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Manually Selecting Assets
You can also attach vehicles and trailers after initially log. You can do so by pressing the button with
the Vehicle icon from the Dashboard.

From the menu that follows, youll be able to change your currently associated vehicle, attach and
remove trailers, and create new shipments.

The Change button allows you to choose which vehicle is associated with the Geotab Drive App.
Under the Trailers label, you are able to create new trailers with the New button or attach existing
trailers with the
Attach button. Similarly, you can detach trailers by clicking the minus sign icon beside an attached

To add shipment information to your log, click the New button under the Shipments label. You will
be prompted with the following dialog:

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Enter your shipment information and click Add. Once
completed, youll see your shipment information on the
Assets page. Shipment information will also appear on
the Compliance Print made in the Fleet Management

Co-drivers can be added to the Geotab Drive App by
clicking on the drivers name in the top-right corner of
the screen and selecting the Add driver button. The
co-driver will be prompted to enter their login
credentials. Up to three drivers can be added per
Once logged in, the names of all drivers will be
displayed in the user list.

When multiple drivers are logged in, the steering
 icon will indicate the currently active
driver. Use the Drivers seat button to switch the
active driver.
The active driver will have their duty status change
automatically. The co-driver will need to change their
status manually through the interface. If the active
driver logs out, the co-driver will become the new
active driver.

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The co-drivers can share the Geotab Drive App interface to adjust their individual duty statuses. To
become the active user of the interface, click on your name from the driver list. Once you are the
active user, you will see your name appear at the top of the driver list. At this point you can adjust
your duty status without affecting the duty status of your co-drivers.

Geotab Drive App Dashboard (UI)
The dashboard is the main interface used for navigating the Geotab Drive App. Your particular
dashboard may look different based on your user clearances and the Add-Ins that you have installed.

Information Dialog
You can check your connectivity status by
pressing the information button in the topright corner of the screen.
When clicked, the red exclamation mark
button will provide additional context for
your connectivity issue.

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Geotab Drive App  Hours of Service UI
The Hours of Service (HOS) UI
provides the driver will all the tools
necessary for tracking and
recording their duty status. It also
provides the ability to verify logs
and provide information for
roadside inspections.

The interface is divided into the Status, Graph, Logs, and Options tabs.

Status Tab
The Status Tab allows drivers to view
and set their duty status. Their duty is
reflected by one of the four buttons on
the screen:

Sleeper Berth (SB)
Drive (D)

The Status Tab shows all remaining
durations for a drivers applicable

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The blue bar indicates the time remaining before the driver must take a break.

The red bar indicates that the driver has no driving time remaining and must take a break.
Once you begin to drive, your status will automatically switch to Driving when the vehicle reaches a
speed of 5 mph (8 km/h). Once you stop driving, your status will remain as Driving for an additional
5 minutes. Once 5 minutes have passed, your status will switch to On Duty and your log will be
adjusted to reflect that you were stopped for the last 5 minutes.
Tip: You can manually switch your duty status at any time.

The Rest in timer displays the
time remaining before the driver
must take a break.

Once the Rest in timer reaches
0:00, it will be replaced with a
Rest duration timer when you go
off duty.
The rest duration timer will indicate
the time that has passed during the
break period.

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Your current duty status will be visible from the Dashboard:

Motion Detected When Driving (While Logged In)
When the vehicle begins moving, the interface of the Geotab Drive App will become locked to minimize
driver distraction. All extraneous information will be hidden and you will only see the remaining driving
time available to you.

If you continue to drive past your available hours, the screen will notify you that you are in violation of
your ruleset.

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Driving in Violation
The Geotab Drive App will notify you when you are
nearing a duty violation 2 hours before the
violation, 1 hour before the violation, at 30
minutes before the violation, and right before the

If you switch your duty status to Drive after your
remaining driving time has run out, you will be
notified that doing so will put you in violation of
your selected ruleset.
Proceeding to drive after receiving this notification
will register a violation in your log.

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Graph Tab
The graph tab plots your duty status over a 24-hour period for a given day. The bars on the graph are
color-coded in the following way:

Gray: Unverified logs
Green: Verified logs
Yellow: Edited logs
Red: Driving in violation of HOS ruleset
Striped: Personal Conveyance and/or Yard Moves

Use the arrow buttons to view information for other days.
The total time spent in a particular duty status can be seen to the right of the graph.
Clicking on a log from the graph will show you additional information about the log, including the logs
duration and date of creation.

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Logs Tab
The Logs Tab displays a list of all records of duty status (RODS) for the past 7 or 8 days, depending
on the ruleset.

The bottom of the page shows the total time spent Driving (D) or On-Duty (ON) over the course of all
the records.

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You can click on any individual log to see additional information about it:
The Log page shows additional
information about the log, including
when and where the log was

Annotations can be viewed and
added by the driver.

The Remove button can be used to
delete the currently selected log.
Once a log is removed, it cannot be

Logs Tab  Location Information
Location information is captured by the Telematics Device installed in your vehicle. If for some reason
the GPS signal of the telematics device is unavailable, a log created during this period will not have an
address associated with it.

In this case, youll need to enter location information manually for that log. You can do so by clicking
the Where was this? button. Youll be prompted to enter the address for where that particular log

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Logs Tab  Manual Logs

You can manually create records of duty status by pressing the Add log button. Manual logs allow you
correct your records of duty status in case you made a mistake.
If you made an error when creating a
manual log, you can select the log from the
Logs tab and click on the pencil icon  to
edit the log.

Note : Only manually-created logs can be edited from within the Geotab Drive App. Logs that
Tab  Carrier suggested edits
were created automatically by the system cannot be altered.

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Suggested log edits will be shown to the driver on this tab.

Drivers can review the suggested edit, and choose to either Accept or Reject it.

Logs Tab  Verifying Logs
The Verify button allows the driver to confirm that the logs recorded by the Geotab Drive App are
accurate and valid. The button appears in the summary header of every daily group of logs.

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Clicking the button will bring up the following dialog:

Once the driver agrees, every log for the selected date will be set to the verified status. Verified logs
will have a checkmark beside them, and the Verify button will be replaced with text reading Verified.

Note : Logs that are left unverified for over 14 days will disappear from the list and will no longer
be available to the driver for verification electronically.

Note : Tab
The driver will be notified of unverified logs when logging out.
The Options Tab lets you change rulesets and apply exemptions; view your personal information; and
generate a compliance report for law enforcement officials during roadside inspection.

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Options Tab
A full list of all available exceptions
can be found in the Hours of Service
Ruleset document.

Options Tab  Rulesets
Your currently active ruleset can be seen under the Information label.

You can change your active ruleset by clicking on the ruleset button, selecting another ruleset from
the list, and clicking Done. Switching rulesets will automatically adjust your remaining cycle hours.
Existing ruleset violations will automatically adjust to reflect only the violations relevant to the new
Ruleset changes made by the driver will be visible in the Fleet Management Application.

Options Tab  Compliance Report
If the driver is invited to a roadside inspection by law enforcement, they will need to provide a
compliance report to the inspector. A compliance report can be generated by clicking the Generate
button at the bottom of the Options tab.

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Note : If the driver viewing the Compliance report has their Geotab Drive App language settings
set to a non- English language, they will be presented with a button that allows them to
quickly toggle the Compliance report into English.

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When a driver applies Personal Conveyance exemption and drives the vehicle, the Compliance report
does not count the odometer or engine hours for that duration.

Diagnostic Events and Malfunctions
If the Geotab Drive App detects a diagnostic event, or malfunction, the red bar will notify the driver
immediately. Pressing the red bar will reveal more details around these events.
Drivers should consult the 2-page document titled: MilesAhead DRIVE - Diagnostics and
Malfunctions, which provide details around what to do when these events are created.
Press the Clear button once the diagnostic and/or malfunction events have been looked into, and

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Logging Out
Logging out of the Geotab Drive App
disassociates you from your vehicle.
Any trips done in a vehicle while not
logged in to the Geotab Drive App
will not be identified with you.
You can log out of the Geotab Drive
App by clicking your name and
selecting Log out from the dropdown

Before logging you out, the Geotab Drive App will ask you to do the following:
 Fill out a DVIR
 Verify your logs
 Set your HOS duty status

Complete a DVIR
You will be asked to complete a DVIR for your vehicle.

Note : According to the FMCSA 396.11, a driver must prepare a DVIR at the completion of
each days work and shall submit those reports to the motor carrier upon his/her return
to the home terminal. This does not relieve the motor carrier from the responsibility of
effecting repairs and certification of any items listed on the DVIR, prepared at the end of
each days work, that would be likely to affect the safety of the operation of the motor

Verifying Logs
You will be presented with 14 days of duty status logs  excluding logs that have already been
reviewed  for verification. It is recommended that you verify your logs routinely, particularly at the
end of a shift. However, you can skip log verification using the Skip button.

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Setting a New Duty Status
Finally, you will be reminded to set your duty status to an appropriate non-driving status.

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Geotab Drive App Settings
The Settings page has basic information about your system, as well as options to
change your password and report any bugs.
You can access the Settings page by clicking the gear icon from the Dashboard.

Updating the App
The Geotab Drive App is constantly updated with features and fixes. Generally, the Geotab Drive App
should stay up to date on its own; however, in case it doesnt, you can force a manual update using
the Check for updates button.

Reporting Bugs
If you experience any issues while using the Geotab Drive App, use the Report a bug button on the
Settings page to file a bug report. Your bug reports help us identify and resolve issues with the App.

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Circle of Service
Press Start wedge to open the Start Task

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Press YES button if ready to start Trip

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Press Change your Driver HOS Duty Status to value to show the available options

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Press the desired option to select it

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Note the HOS Log Notation default value. This can be changed if needed
Press CANCEL button to close Task without completing it
Press DONE button to complete and close Task

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Press DVIR wedge to open the DVIR Task

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Press Depart wedge to open the Depart Task

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Press Arrive wedge to open the Arrive Task

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Press CANCEL button to close Task without completing it
Press DONE button to complete and close Task

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Press DVIR wedge to open the DVIR Task

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Press End wedge to open the End Task

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Press Change your Driver HOS Duty Status to value to show available options

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Press the desired Duty Status option to select it

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Note the HOS Log Notation default value. This can be changed if needed
Press CANCEL button to close Task without completing it
Press DONE button to complete and close Task

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Note that completing a Trip may remove it from the My Day Planner list

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