ELD Products from "gorilla-fleet-safety-l-l-c"

Below you will find a list of approved ELD products from the vendor "Gorilla Fleet Safety, LLC" obtained from our ELD database, as well as their listed contact information for further troubleshooting and questions.

To find additional information on one of the vendors ELD products such as user manuals and product photos, simply click the corresponding ID.

Phone Number Email Address Company URL Listed Address
844-636-1360📧 [email protected] gorillasafety.com22327 Gosling Rd, Spring, TX 77379
Products from "Gorilla Fleet Safety, LLC"
ELD ID Device Name Model Number Approved Version Vendor
TPPro1Trucker Path ELD Pro (iOS)Trucker Path ELD Pro (iOS)1.0.0+Gorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
TPPro2Trucker Path ELD ProTrucker Path ELD Pro1.0.0+Gorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
GS0005"Gorilla Fleet Intelligence" by Gorilla Safety ioSIX and iOSGorilla Fleet Intelligence ELD II3.3.5 And AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
GPAND1Gorilla Safety 3.0 Geometris and AndroidPROV-ANDG1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
GPAND2Gorilla Safety 3.0 ioSIX and AndroidPROV-ANDI1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
GPAND3Gorilla Safety 3.0 Pacific Track and AndroidPROV-ANDP1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
GPIOS1Gorilla Safety 3.0 Geometris and iOSPROV-IOSG1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
GPIOS2Gorilla Safety 3.0 ioSIX and iOSPROV-IOSI1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
GPIOS3Gorilla Safety 3.0 Pacific Track and iOSPROV-IOSP1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
MAELD1MapAnything ELDMapAnything1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
TPPro1Trucker Path ELD Pro (iOS)Trucker Path ELD Pro (iOS)1.1.7 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
TPPro2Trucker Path ELD ProTrucker Path ELD Pro1.1.7 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
ELDX02ELDXXIOSiXAP1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
ELDX04ELDXXGEOAP1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
ELDX06ELDXXPTAP1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
ELDX01ELDXXIOSiXAN1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
ELDX05ELDXXPTAN1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
SIM001SimpleXSXIOSAN1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
RTELD1Constitution Risk ManagementRT00011.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
GS0004"Gorilla Fleet Intelligence" by Gorilla Safety Pacific Track and iOSGorilla Fleet Intelligence ELD PI3.3.5 And AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
ATN001AllwaysTrackAT0011.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
CATT01Command Alkon TrackitCATT011.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
ELDX03ELDXXGEOAN1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
ELDH01HCSS ELDHCSSGE11.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
FTHOS1LB Technologies FleetTrack HOSLBTFTH1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
GS0002Gorilla Safety Compact ELDGS00023.3.5 And AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
SIM001Simplex ELD 2GOSXIOSAN1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
TPPro2Trucker Path ELD ProTrucker Path ELD Pro1.1.8 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
ELDH01HCSS ELDHCSSGE11.10 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
FTHOS1LB Technologies FleetTrack HOSLBTFTH1.10 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
GS0002Gorilla Safety Compact ELDGS00024.2 And AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
GSR001GS+RavenGSRAVEN4.15 And AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
PEELD1Patriot ELDPE00011.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
SIM001Simplex ELD 2GOSXIOSAN1.10 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
TO0001TrackOn ELD Powered by Gorilla SafetyTrackOn HOS ELD3.3.4 And AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
TPPro1Trucker Path ELD Pro (iOS)Trucker Path ELD Pro (iOS)1.1.8 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
TPPro2Trucker Path ELD ProTrucker Path ELD Pro1.4.2 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
WFAND1Webfleet Geometris and AndroidWF-ANDG1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
WFAND2Webfleet ioSIX and AndroidWF-ANDI1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
WFAND3Webfleet - Android and PT30WF-ANDP1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
WFIOS1Webfleet Geometris and iOSWF-IOSG1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
WFIOS2Webfleet - ioSIX and iOSWF-IOSI1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
WFIOS3Webfleet - Pacific Track and iOSWF-IOSP1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
GS0002"Gorilla Fleet Intelligence" by Gorilla SafetyGorilla Fleet Intelligence ELD3.3.5 And AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
GS0003"Gorilla Fleet Intelligence" by Gorilla Safety Pacific Track and AndroidGorilla Fleet Intelligence ELD PA3.3.5 And AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
GS0005"Gorilla Fleet Intelligence" by Gorilla Safety ioSIX and iOSGorilla Fleet Intelligence ELD II3.4.2 And AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
GS0006"Gorilla Fleet Intelligence" by Gorilla Safety ioSIX and AndroidGorilla Fleet Intelligence ELD IA3.3.5 And AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
CAUS01Canada & US by Gorilla SafetyCUSGEOAN1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
ALTELDAllwaysTrack ELDALLTRE4.0 and aboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
ATN001AllwaysTrackAT0011.10 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
CAGPSTCommand Alkon Powered by Gorilla SafetyCAGPST4.0 and aboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
CATT01Command Alkon TrackitCATT011.10 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
CAUS01Canada & US by Gorilla SafetyCUSGEOAN4.0 and aboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
ELDX03ELDXXGEOAN1.10 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
ELDXPRELDX ProELDXP4.0 and aboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
ATN001AllwaysTrackAT0011.16.1 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
CATT01Command Alkon TrackitCATT011.23.1 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
ELDX03ELDXXGEOAN1.17.1 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
ALTELDAllwaysTrack ELDALLTRE2.0 and aboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
CAUS01Canada & US by Gorilla SafetyCUSGEOAN5.0 and aboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
CAUS02Canada & US by Gorilla SafetyCUSGEOAP1.0 and AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
GS0001"Prime8" ELD by Gorilla SafetyGS00013.3.5 And AboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
CAGPSTCommand Alkon Powered by Gorilla SafetyCAGPST2.0 and aboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
ELDXPRELDX ProELDXP2.0 and aboveGorilla Fleet Safety, LLC
© ELD.report 2025

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