User manual for "SP Logbook"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "SP Logbook".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page IntelliShift.

Vehicle Tracking Solutions
Silent Passenger Logbook User Guide
Downloading Silent Passenger Logbook


 Android version 5.0+ (2015 and later)
 Screen Size: 8.0
 Cellular Enabled
 Bluetooth Enabled
Go to the Google Playstore
Click the search bar
Search SP Logbook
Click install.
Once downloaded you can find the application on your home screen or open App-launcher to
find SP Logbook

Logging in to SP Logbook
1) Open the SP Logbook application
2) You will first be presented the option to enter your DOT Number

3) Click Add and Continue
4) The driver will then be prompted to log in using their unique 4 digit driver pin

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Vehicle Tracking Solutions

5) Click Login
6) The Application will being searching for devices.
a. If only one device is found the tablet will automatically be paired to the device
b. If multiple devices are found, the driver will choose the correct vehicle they are driving
c. If no devices are found, the driver will have the option to continue without being paired
to a device or search again.
i. If the driver continues without connecting to a device they will not be in
compliance with FMCSA regulations.
Silent Passenger Logbook Status Page:
Silent Passenger Logbook Status page allows the drivers an overview of their current duty status along
with how many Currently Remaining hours before the driver needs to take the necessary rest shift(s) or
be violation.

On the left side of the screen the drivers are provided with Currently Remaining time before the
required rest breaks outlined by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
On the right side of the Status Page the drivers current Duty Status is shown in Blue.

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On the Grey bar the driver can see the time when the last Duty
Status was change. While also being provided what vehicle the driver is driving.

Silent Passenger Daily Vehicle Inspection Report:
Silent Passenger Daily Vehicle Inspection Report provides the driver to identify any issues with the
vehicle. The driver can report for Pre & Post trip. If the driver was to report any issues with the vehicle it
will create a Vehicle Service Job in Silent Passenger and indicate in the driver log that there were issues
with the vehicle and outline those issues.

A list of the items on the vehicle that are to be checked by the driver can be configured on
Silent Passenger. This list will allow the Company set the guidelines for the items that the
drivers will review for their particular vehicles.

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When issues are identified there is a 15 day period in which the identified items need to be
resolved. When resolved the mechanic or the driver can provide their signature to mark the

Silent Passenger Logbook Graph
The Silent Passenger Logbook Graph provides the driver to see the graph of the time spent between
the duty statuses.

The arrows on the right side above the graph provide the driver to change pages
The Pick Date option will allow the driver to easily change the date to the past to view any
historical graphs.
The Times and Dates that are on the Grey bar identify On-Duty & Drive time for the day and
help the driver identify the cycle reset.

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Silent Passenger Logs
Silent Passenger Logs is where drivers can see their daily logs and all their duty status changes.
There are also able to make edits to their logs. When edits are made, the data is sent to Silent
Passenger for office approval.

Silent Passenger Inspection Mode
Silent Passenger Logbook offers the ability for an inspection mode, for vehicles roadside inspections.
Silent Passenger Inspection mode is secured inspection to only provide the inspection officer with the
last 7 days plus todays current data.
1) Log in to Silent Passenger Logbook
2) Provide your 4 digit driver PIN
3) At the Dashboard you will see a Generate Report button.

4) Click Generate Report you will then be provided with 3 options
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a. Inspection Mode- this will lock down the tablet to
provide the last 7 days plus todays current data, for the roadside inspection.
b. Send Via Email- This allows you to enter an email address to send the last 7 days plus
todays current data via email
c. Submit Via Internet- This will upload the last 7 days plus todays current data to the
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Association
5) Click Inspection Mode

Inside Inspection Mode the driver will be able to provide the device at this point to the officer.
a. The officer will be able to send via email to email the last 7 days + todays data to himself
for further review.
b. They can use the arrows to go back and forth between days or pick a date to review the

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Vehicle Tracking Solutions
7) To exit Inspection Mode, click
the back arrow on the top left
a. You will be requested to
put in your 4 digit driver

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