Products with ELD "GS0001"
Below you will find a list of products with the ELD "" obtained from our database, including their available manuals, documentation, and images.
Click the corresponding vendor name to obtain additional information on the manufactorer, as well as contact information for further troubleshooting.
"Prime8" ELD by Gorilla Safety

Vendor | Device Name | Model Number | Approved Version |
| "Prime8" ELD by Gorilla Safety | GS0001 | 3.3.5 And Above |
Data Transfer and Reporting Procedures
> Telematic (Web Service, Email)Malfunctions and Testing
Data transfer is easily done from the mobile device by clicking on the "Email Logs and DVIR" button in the inspection screen. Steps: 1. Tap the Inspection icon. 2. Tap the "BEGIN NEW INSPECTION" icon 3. Tap the "Email Logs and DVIR" button 4. Enter email address and sendCertification Statement
There are no known malfunctions. If a malfunction, as outlined in the ruling, occurs while using the ELD, a message appears to the driver and that malfunction will be recorded.