User manual for ""Prime8" ELD by Gorilla Safety"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product ""Prime8" ELD by Gorilla Safety".
For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page
Gorilla Fleet Safety, LLC.
Drivers Intruction Guide GORILL A SAFE TY Manual Getting Started STEP ONE: CREATE PASSWORD Click the link in the email from Gorilla Safety, create password and click Edit Profile Cant find it? Access website: and click Forgot Password and follow steps Return to your email INBOX and open email to access link to Create Password STEP TWO: DOWNLOAD APP Android Users Open Google Play Store App iPhone Users Open App Store Search for Gorilla Safety and Download/Install App GORILL A SAFE TY Manual Setting Up The App Setting Up The App 1. 2. Connect Gorilla Safety ELD to diagnostic port of vehicle. Open Gorilla Safety App Enter your EMAIL ADDRESS Enter your Password Click Login 3. Terms and Conditions Agree to Terms and Conditions (Optional) Send Terms and Conditions by Email 4. Vehicle Assignment Vehicle Already Assigned (2 options) Accept assigned Truck and/or Trailer (If applicable) OR click DECLINE to select a different vehicle by using Unit ID or VIN Number Vehicle Not Assigned Enter Unit ID or VIN Number to assign vehicle 5. Settings Select options for Time Zone, Duty Cycle, Exceptions. The pairing of the device will occur automatically. Tap ELD to connect to a new device (if necessary). Click White Box to edit signature. Swipe finger inside box to capture and click Save. Tap Finish 6. Electronic Signature 7. Tap menu bar. Scroll down and select Edit Signature Click White Box to edit signature Swipe finger inside box to capture and click Save Tap Finish Policies and Procedures Apply Signature (Completed only once on initial login) Tap on signature icon of each company policy to apply Electronic Signature View Policies (Optional) Click on policy name Tap Finish 8. ELD Main Dashboard Screen The time shown is the amount of time left Driving, On Duty, or the time until you can begin working again By tapping Break you will be able to see how much time until you must take your 30 minute break By tapping HOS recap, you will see the amount of driving time and miles driven during the current duty cycle Connection Driver is able to confirm that device is connected from Dashboard screen with green ELD light. If the device is not connected a red X appears over ELD logo. Tap menu bar to go settings, tap on ELD to connect Gorilla Safety ELD. 9. Logbooks Tap the graph at the top of the dashboard or the logs button in the menu and it will bring you to the logbook screen so you can see the traditional graph and other logbook details On this screen you will be able to sign and submit your logbook 10. Change Vehicle: In the menu bar Tap Change Vehicle Tap DECLINE to select a different vehicle by using Unit ID or VIN Number Using The App GORILL A SAFE TY Manual USING THE DASHBOARD 1. Hours of Service Duty Status at top of screen: Driving, On Duty, Off Duty, Sleeping Countdown Bar: changes color as Duty Status moves closer to expiration Click on Bar to go to Edit Log page LEFT Time Clock that syncs with selected DutyStatus and Countdown Bar Changing Duty Status - Driver taps on duty, off duty or sleeping. When changing driver status a popup window appears with the city and state field and annotation field. 2. Alerts Envelope Alert for completing Pre-Trip and Post-Trip Inspections Alert for signing completed logbook Break, Cycle, On Duty and HOS Recap Time Remaining Until Break Cycle Time Remaining On Duty Time Remaining Recap of Hours and Miles for 7 days + current 3. Map Expand top right of map Current Location top left of map 4. Logs: Edit Log Details Click Edit button on bar Edit Logbook Tap Graph to Edit Logbook Tap on specific status below graph to edit that Duty Status Slide graph to edit log and confirm correct status is highlighted below Click Save and Back to return to logs *Information captured from ECM may not be editable Certify and Sign Driver taps sign and popup window appears. Statement appears: I hereby certify that my data entries and my record of duty status for this 24-hour period are true and correct. Driver is able to select Agree or Not Ready. Upon selecting agree, electronic signature is applied. 5. Motor Carrier Edit Acceptance Process Driver will receive motor carrier edit notification under logs tab through a pending approval notification. Driver will review the edit for accuracy. Driver will accept or decline the edit. GORILL A SAFE TY Manual Using The App DOT Roadside Inspection Guide 1. DOT Roadside Inspection Driver: Taps DOT icon from dashboard screen. Driver hands device to DOT officer to review ERODs. DOT Inspector: Upon tapping the daily logs icon the inspector is able to view the 7 days plus current for driver logs. 2. ELD Data File Transfer DOT Inspector has option to Send CSV file of 7 days plus current for driver over email or Send CSV file of 7 days plus current for driver over WebServices CREATING INSPECTIONS 1. 2. DVIR Tap Begin New Inspection Enter odometer (Required) Begin Inspection at FRONT of vehicle Inspect each item listed then tap PROCEED TO CURB- SIDE FRONT AXLE Gorilla Safety app guides you around the entire vehicle and trailer (if applicable) Click Defect if repair is needed Enter defect description Tap on Camera Icon to take a picture of the defect Multiple defects can be entered (if necessary) Assess Vehicle Condition Unsatisfactory repair required before vehicle operation Satisfactory condition of vehicle is satisfactory Defect Driver Instruction Sheet to Transfer Data 1. DOT Roadside Inspection Driver: Taps DOT icon from dashboard screen. Driver hands device to DOT officer to review ERODs. DOT Inspector: Upon tapping the daily logs icon the inspector is able to view the 7 days plus current for driver logs. 2. ELD Data File Transfer DOT Inspector has option to Send CSV file of 7 days plus current for driver over email or Send CSV file of 7 days plus current for driver over WebServices USING OTHER FUNCTIONS 1. Drivers Independent Access of ERODs Drivers Independent Access of ERODs: Driver will login to and click on link to download the file. Gorilla Safety ELD Device Components Gorilla Safety Web Application - required to establish ELD settings for fleet and driver Gorilla Safety Mobile Application - configured to record and display Gorilla Safety ELD ERODs for driver Gorilla Safety Hardware Device - engine tied device with accompanying cable used to connect the ECM to Gorilla Safety Mobile Application Additional required documentation: Please keep a copy of this users manual with each driver at all times. Driver must maintain a supply of blank drivers records of duty status graph-grids sufficient to record the drivers duty status and other related information for a minimum of 8 days. An instruction sheet for the driver describing ELD malfunction reporting requirements and record keeping procedures required during ELD malfunctions. GORILL A SAFE TY Manual Get In Touch! Support Contact Information (844)636-1360 Online [email protected]