User manual for "EGREEN ELD"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "EGREEN ELD".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Egreen ELD.




Mobile Driver App
Drivers Hours of Service
Intra-, Interstate, and Cross-Border HOS Regulations
Logs Certification
DOT Compliance and Roadside Inspection Mode
HOS Rules
Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports

Fleet Manager Portal
Compliance Dashboard
Drivers RODS
HOS Violations
GPS Fleet Tracking
IFTA Mileage Calculations


Set Up the Electronic
Logging System
The fleet manager must create login credentials for each driver through
the online portal.
The driver must connect the ELD device to the vehicles ECM port with a
6-pin, 9-pin, or OBDII cable and log into the logbook app. A list of vehicles
will be displayed. The driver must choose the vehicle they are using that
shift. The mobile device will synchronize with the ELD hardware via


Automatic Records
of Duty Status
Once the ELD system has been set up, driving time will be recorded
automatically. Following federal regulations, any movement at 5 mph or
faster will be considered driving. When not in motion, the driver can
choose a different duty status.
On-duty limits, available driving time, and required breaks and off-duty
periods will be calculated automatically and displayed for the driver on
the Status section and for the fleet manager through the online portal.
Fleet drivers can configure Yard Move and Personal Conveyance as
acceptable statuses for their drivers.


Log Certication
Drivers must sign their RODS once they have reviewed and confirmed
the information. They can do so from the Logs section by opening a log
and tapping on Certify. Draw the signature. If the result is
unsatisfactory, tap on Clear Signature and try again. Once the signature
is correct, tap on Agree.


Off-line Logs
Cellular signals might be weak, intermittent, or disconnected in certain
situations. During a loss of signal, the ELD device will continue to collect
log information.
The logs will be safely recorded and displayed for the fleet manager once
the cellular connection is restored.


Online Fleet Manager Portal
The online portal can be accessed
from any browser. Log in with your
credentials and enter the required
information about the company.
Monitor drivers status in real time.
View driver and vehicle information.
Download logs in PDF format.
Transfer logs to an FMCSA officer.
View historical logs.
Review HOS violations.
Access drivers vehicle inspection
Manage access levels.


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