Products with ELD "ERS170"

Below you will find a list of products with the ELD "" obtained from our database, including their available manuals, documentation, and images.

Click the corresponding vendor name to obtain additional information on the manufactorer, as well as contact information for further troubleshooting.


Product Image
Vendor Device Name Model Number Approved Version
Egreen ELDEGREEN ELDERS2.0 or higher
  • Data Transfer and Reporting Procedures

  • Malfunctions and Testing

    EGREEN ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Web Service as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button. In order to send the ELD records via Email, a driver must press “DOT Inspection” menu item, then press “Send Logs” button, select Email as the Data Transfer Type and press “SEND” button.
  • Certification Statement

    EGREEN ELD monitors its compliance with the technical requirements and detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies and keeps records of its malfunction and data diagnostic event detection. Following standard coding is implemented for required compliance malfunction and data diagnostic event detection: P - “Power compliance” malfunction, E - “Engine synchronization compliance” malfunction, T - “Timing compliance” malfunction, L - “Positioning compliance” malfunction, R - “Data recording compliance” malfunction, S - “Data transfer compliance” malfunction, O - “Other” ELD detected malfunction, 1 - “Power data diagnostic” event, 2 - “Engine synchronization data diagnostic” event, 3 - “Missing required data elements data diagnostic” event, 4 - “Data transfer data diagnostic” event, 5 - “Unidentified driving records data diagnostic” event, 6 - “Other” ELD identified diagnostic event. TheEGREEN ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records list all ELD malfunctions that have occurred on EGREEN ELD during the time period for which this file is generated. Active malfunctions are indicated to all drivers who may use that ELD.


Product Image
Vendor Device Name Model Number Approved Version
Egreen ELDEGREEN ELDERS2.24.01 or up
  • Data Transfer and Reporting Procedures

    > Telematic (Web Service, Email)
  • Malfunctions and Testing

    EGREEN ELD system allows drivers to transfer log data through telematics methods in compliance with the regulations outlined in Title 49, Part 395, Section 4.9.1, Appendix A, Subpart B of the CFR. Drivers can also produce a report on their mobile display or transfer log data through web services or email if requested by an officer.
  • Certification Statement

    As per the regulations outlined in Appendix A, section 4.6, the EGREEN ELD system continuously monitors itself for malfunctions. If a malfunction or diagnostic event occurs, such as issues with data recording, data transfer, or power, EGREEN ELD system will display a visual alert to the driver. This includes alerts for any issues with engine synchronization, timing, positioning, or unidentified driving.
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