User manual for "ADA ELD (iOS)"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "ADA ELD (iOS)".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page ADA ELD.


Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 2
LOG IN/LOGIN OUT .............................................................................................................................. 2
TEAM DRIVING .................................................................................................................................... 3
HOME SCREEN ..................................................................................................................................... 4
CONNECTING TO TRUCK ....................................................................................................................... 5
MALFUNCTIONS AND DATA INCONSISTENCIES ..................................................................................... 6
ADDITIONAL MENU ............................................................................................................................. 8
RULES .................................................................................................................................................. 8
FUEL RECEIPTS & IFTA ......................................................................................................................... 9
SETTINGS ........................................................................................................................................... 10
STATUS SWITCH ................................................................................................................................ 11
PERSONAL USE................................................................................................................................... 12
YARD MOVE ....................................................................................................................................... 13
LOGBOOK .......................................................................................................................................... 14
DOT INSPECTION & DATA TRANSFER .................................................................................................. 15
DRIVER VEHICLE INSPECTION REPORT ................................................................................................ 16


To adhere to FMCSA regula2ons, all drivers of commercial vehicles must maintain a
record of their work ac2vi2es using Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs).
Responding to customer demands, our team has developed the ADA ELD app, a
versa2le mobile electronic log intended to elevate your work eciency. Compa2ble
with the PT30 ELD, the app showcases engine diagnos2cs, driver status changes,
oers GPS tracking, and more to foster a safer and more ecient work
environment. Addi2onally, it assists drivers in logging their Hours of Service (HOS),
comple2ng DVIR reports, clearing DOT checks, and transmiQng data to safety
ocers for convenient and cost-eec2ve FMCSA compliance.
Count on the ADA ELD app to enhance the eec2veness of your work!

Log in/Login out
In the Google Play Store for Android devices or the
Apple App Store for iOS devices, you need to search
for ADA ELD Applica2on. ATer you nd the app, you
need to click the Install buXon and wait un2l the
soTware is downloaded to your device. Open the
app and accept the permissions that are asked.
To set up the ADA ELD app for the rst 2me, you
need to register a new account or log in with your
personal User Login and User Password. You can
also use Face ID/Touch ID to enter the app.
It's essen2al to note that each User Login and User
Password is unique and generated during
registra2on on our website. If you're unsure or have
forgoXen your login creden2als, please reach out to
your eet manager or motor carrier for assistance.


Before logging out of the ADA ELD Applica2on, ensure that the Upload Queue in
the SeQngs menu is empty. If it's not empty, verify your internet connec2on and
allow all data to transfer before proceeding to log out.
Addi2onally, if you intend to use the app on another device, it's crucial to log out of
the app on your current device. Being logged into two dierent devices
simultaneously could result in data loss that cannot be avoided.

Team Driving
When opera2ng as team drivers, you can
u2lize the ADA ELD app to record your working
hours and duty statuses. In this scenario, all
drivers sharing the same vehicle must be
logged into the same app installed on a single
device simultaneously.
It's important to emphasize that using mul2ple
devices simultaneously is prohibited for both
single and team drivers, as it can result in
inevitable data loss.
To get started, the First driver should log in to
the app with their personal User Login and
User Password as it was described in a previous
paragraph. The Second driver should click on
the "Menu" buXon and click on the "Co-Driver"
eld and enter their User Login and User
Password in the Co-driver Login eld.
ATer that, both drivers will be able to use the
app by switching the viewing perspec2ve with
the help of the Co-drivers icon.


Home Screen
Upon logging into the ADA ELD app, you'll encounter the main Hours of Service screen,
which includes the following components:

1. Malfunc:ons and data diagnos:cs icon shows if there are any issues with a unit or ELD.
2. Truck icon shows track to PT30 connec:on.
3. Flag icon shows the rules of which country you are following at the moment.
4. No:ca:ons.
5. Available driving :me.
6. Current status.
7. HOS counter.
8. Log menu buSon.
9. DOT inspec:on menu buSon.
10. Co-driver icon allows to switch a driver.
11. Name icon shows the name of the driver whose working hours are coun:ng at the moment.
12. Track speed.
13. Addi:onal Menu buSon.
14. DVIR menu buSon.
15. Rules menu buSon.
16. Status menu buSon.

Connec*ng to Truck
To link your ADA ELD Applica2on with your truck,
ensure that the ELD device is properly inserted into
your truck according to the instruc2ons outlined in
the User Hardware Manual.
Once the ELD Device is correctly connected, ac2vate
Bluetooth on your smartphone or tablet, launch the
app, and tap the "Truck" icon located at the top of
the Home Screen. The app will scan for nearby
trucks to detect the presence of the ELD device and
display them in a list. From the list, select your truck
and the ELD by its serial number, then establish a
connec2on with a single click.
A green truck icon displayed at the top of the app
screen indicates that the truck is successfully
connected, and the system is in ELD mode.
Conversely, a red truck icon indicates that the
connec2on has been lost and needs to be


Malfunc*ons and Data Inconsistencies
As per FMCSA regula2ons, every ELD device must con2nuously monitor its
adherence to the ELD technical standards and iden2fy any malfunc2ons or
discrepancies in data. The ELD output will specify these events, categorizing them
as either "detected" or "cleared."
If the ELD detects any malfunc2ons or data discrepancies, the color of the M/D icon
at the top of the app screen will change from green to red. A red M leXer will signify
a malfunc2on, while a red D leXer will indicate a data inconsistency.
According to FMCSA requirements (49 CFR  395.34 ELD malfunc2ons and data
diagnos2c events), in the case of an ELD malfunc2on, a driver must do the
1. Note the malfunc2on of the ELD and provide wriXen no2ce of the malfunc2on
to the motor carrier within 24 hours.
2. Reconstruct the record of duty status for the current 24-hour period and the
previous 7 consecu2ve days, and record the records of duty status on graph-grid
paper logs that comply with 395.8, unless the driver already possesses the records
or the records are retrievable from the ELD.
3. Con2nue to manually prepare a record of duty status in accordance with  395.8
un2l the ELD is serviced and brought back into compliance with this subpart.
Note: If you are facing any issues during the DOT inspec2on, please be ready to
provide the manually kept and lled RODS (records of duty status) to the roadside


Engine Synchroniza)on  no connec:on to the Engine Control Module (ECM). Contact the motor
carrier and arrange for the ECM link to be restored. Check and correct the logs if needed, and
restart the engine a[er that.
Posi)oning Compliance  no valid GPS signal. Can be xed automa:cally by restoring the GPS
Data Recording Compliance  device's storage is full. Delete some unnecessary les from your
smartphone or tablet to provide at least 5 MB of free space.
Unregistered Odometer Change  odometer readings changed when a vehicle was not moving.
Recheck the odometer data in the app or contact the motor carrier.
Timing compliance  ELD provides an incorrect :meframe for the events. Contact the motor
carrier or the ADA ELD Support Team.
Power compliance  occur when an ELD is not powered for an aggregated in-mo:on driving :me
of 30 minutes or more over a 24-hour period across all driver proles. Can be xed automa:cally
when aggregated in-mo:on driving :me will be less than 30 minutes in 24-hour period
Data diagnos)c events:
Engine synchroniza)on  ECM to ELD connec:on is lost. Contact the motor carrier and arrange
for the ECM link to be restored.
Missing data elements  a temporary or permanent loss of the GPS/Internet connec:on or the
ECM disconnec:on. Reconnect and reload the ELD device.
Uniden)ed driving records  uniden:ed driving lasts more than 30 minutes. Manage
uniden:ed events un:l their dura:on drops to 15 minutes or less during a 24-hour period.
Data transfer  driving data cannot be transferred to the FMCSA server. Contact the motor
carrier or the ADA ELD Support Team.
Power data diagnos)c  The Engine was started while the device was o, and the ELD took more
than 60 seconds to power up a[er turning the engine on. Can be xed automa:cally once ELD is
turned on or contact the motor carrier.
If you s:ll have any ques:ons regarding ELD malfunc:ons or data inconsistencies, please
contact the ADA ELD Support Team via: phone:
+1 262-381-3911 or email: [email protected]

Addi*onal Menu
To open the Addi2onal Menu click Addi2onal Menu
icon in the right boXom corner of the Home Screen.
Here you will nd some extra op2ons, including:
1. Hours of Service. Available driving, on-duty,
o-duty, and res2ng 2me.
2. DVIR. Driver Vehicle Inspec2on Report.
Allows to complete the report.
3. IFTA. Allows managing your fuel purchases.
4. SeQng. Contains general Applica2on
5. Truck seQngs. Shows truck odometer data.
6. Messages. Keeps you in contact with other
users from you Motor Carrier.
7. Log Out.

Open the Rules menu if you want to check or
change your current country's rules (from the USA
to Canada or vice versa).
Here you can also see the HOS 2ming according to
the ruleset you choose.


Fuel Receipts & IFTA
ADA ELD customers are able to add Fuel Receipts for their fuel purchases using the
IFTA menu. This op2on allows drivers and eet managers of Motor Carriers to
track the fuel purchases for their eet, maintaining vehicle records acceptable for
IFTA and IRP audi2ng. Fuel receipts are accessible from the Addi2onal Menu >


The "Seengs" page grants access to the applica:on's congura:ons. Navigate to the Current
Driver or Co-driver (if opera:ng as a team) sec:on to review, modify, or amend the drivers'
personal informa:on.
Within the Seengs, you can tailor your ADA ELD app by selec:ng a Preferred Distance Unit,
adjus:ng the Graph Clock Display, and toggling addi:onal features such as Regain Hours at
Midnight, among others.
Addi:onally, this sec:on allows for tasks like upda:ng signatures, uploading logs, altering the
app's theme, checking the current version, conguring Face ID or Touch ID, logging out of the
applica:on, and more. Access the Seengs menu through the "Addi:onal Menu" > "Seengs"


Status Switch
The Status Switch interface allows drivers to change their statuses during a shiT.
The list of drivers statuses includes Driving, On Duty, O Duty, Sleeping Berth,
Border Crossing, Yard Move (Available only when the Current Status is On Duty,
Personal Use (Available only when the Current Status is O Duty.
The "Driving" status is automa2cally recorded
within 10-15 seconds aTer the vehicle begins
moving. When driving concludes, it's important
to stop and wait for up to 20 seconds un2l the
ELD device acknowledges the end of the Driving
event. Only then should you proceed to turn o
the engine.
Avoid turning o the engine before the ELD
device recognizes the conclusion of the "Driving"
event to prevent geQng stuck in the "Driving"
status and risking corrup2on of your log
recordings. If this occurs, restart the engine, wait
for the recogni2on of the end of the "Driving"
event, and then switch to the desired status.
The ADA ELD Applica2on provides drivers with
the op2on to manually add events like Personal
Use and Yard Move. For all events, drivers can
include comments, aXach shipping documents,
and specify trailers. Addi2onally, manually added
events should be accompanied by odometer


Personal Use
To switch to the Personal Use status, open the Status Switch interface and
choose the O Duty status. ATer that, you will see a eld for a comment where
you can specify that you are in the Personal Use status now.
To change the status you should click the Clear buXon, add a corresponding
comment, and click Save.


Yard Move
To switch to the Yard Move status, open the Status Switch interface and choose
the On Duty status. ATer that, you will see a eld for a comment where you can
specify that you are in the Yard Move status now.
To change the status you should click the Clear buXon, add a corresponding
comment, and click Save.


To view the Log Form containing comprehensive details about a driver, vehicle, and
carrier, access the Log menu by clicking [appropriate buXon]. The Log Graphs oer
a visual depic2on of the driver's status changes and hours of service throughout a
shiT. U2lize the <> buXon to switch between dates seamlessly.
To include a missing event in your logs, u2lize the Add Event buXon. For modifying
exis2ng events, use the Pencil buXon. Both adding and edi2ng func2onali2es
comply with FMCSA regula2ons. However, they should be employed sparingly,
primarily in cases where data was inpuXed incorrectly or mistakenly.


DOT Inspec*on & Data Transfer
The DOT InspecCon menu oers comprehensive summaries of all collected data
pertaining to a driver, truck, and trip. This menu serves mulCple purposes, including
transferring data to the FMCSA during DOT inspecCons, cerCfying logs, and reviewing
unidenCed records.
To begin the inspecCon process, click the "Start InspecCon" buMon to ensure that your
logs are prepared for transfer to safety ocials. If everything checks out, proceed to click
the "Transfer Data to Roadside Inspector" buMon and select your preferred method of
sending logs:
 Send it to the personal email provided by the inspector.
 Send it to the FMCSA email.
 Send it to the Web Services (FMCSA).
If you choose "personal email," you'll need to input the recipient's address and include a
comment. For "Web Services (FMCSA)" or "Email to FMCSA," a comment is also required.
Keep in mind that the reporCng period may vary depending on the regulaCons of the
country in which you operate.


Driver Vehicle Inspec*on Report
In adherence to FMCSA regulaCons, each driver under a Motor Carrier's purview must
fulll the "Driver Vehicle InspecCon Report" (DVIR) daily.
To complete this report, access the "DVIR" Menu and select "Add a Report." Here, you can
also access previously generated reports.
For a new DVIR report, you'll need to input your locaCon (automaCcally downloaded),
designate your truck or trailer, enter the truck and odometer numbers, and specify any
defects present in both the truck and trailer. AddiConally, provide a comment and indicate
whether the vehicle you're currently operaCng is deemed safe for driving or not.


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