Products with ELD "TRAKIT"

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Trak iT ELD - Self Revoked as of 1717507813

Product Image
Vendor Device Name Model Number Approved Version
Trak iT Wireless IncTrak iT ELDTrak iT ELD2.1 or higher
  • Data Transfer and Reporting Procedures

  • Malfunctions and Testing

    Trak iT® Mobile supports transferring ELD data to FMCSA via Telematics, which includes Web Service and Email. Instructions for a driver - 1. In the top right-hand corner, from any tab in the App, select the three vertical dots. 2. Select Send log. 3. Select one of the two supported data transfer methods - Web Service or Email. 4. Enter the output file comment provided by the safety official into the Notes field. 5. Click Send.
  • Certification Statement

    If the Trak iT® Mobile app detects a diagnostic or malfunction event, the status is set in the notification tray immediately. Pulling down on your notifications on your phone/tablet, you will find more details about these events. Power Malfunction If the ELD detects a power loss, or is disconnected from the vehicle, a warning message is displayed in the app, and a malfunction event is logged. This malfunction can occur when the ELD is disconnected from main power, or the OBD/CAN connector is unplugged. Engine Synchronization Malfunction If the ELD detects a problem retrieving information from the vehicle’s ECU or detects a loss in ECU connectivity, a warning message is displayed in the app, and an engine data synchronization event is logged. This malfunction can occur when the OBD/CAN connector is unplugged, or with inconsistent power to the ELD. Timing Malfunction If the app is unable to get the current time from an outside source, a timing compliance malfunction is logged. This can occur when outside of cellular or WiFi coverage for extended periods of time. Positioning Malfunction If the app detects a problem acquiring a valid position measurement, a position malfunction is logged. This can occur when the phone/tablet has it’s view of the sky blocked for an extended period (like driving under a metal roof or parking structure), or when outside of cellular coverage for an extended period. The driver will be prompted to manually enter the location information for duty status changes. Data Recording Malfunction If a database or filesystem access error occurs, a warning is displayed, and a data recording malfunction event is logged. The app stores data locally on the phone/tablet, but also sends the data to our central servers for recovery and backup Data Transfer Malfunction If the server is unable to communicate with FMCSA service for a period of 10 days, a warning message is displayed, and a data transfer malfunction is logged. The app checks in every seven days, but if it is unable to connect and successfully communicate, it will register a data transfer diagnostic event and retry three times every 24 hours.  Only after all attempts have been made will the malfunction status be set. This can occur when outside of cellular or WiFi coverage for extended periods of time.
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