User manual for "LEVEL ELD"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "LEVEL ELD".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page LEVEL ELD LLC.

Driver App User Guide

[email protected]

Downloading the App

Please ensure you have connected a ELD to your Vehicle Gateway
before continuing. 

Android phones/tablets) or the App Store (for iPhones and iPads).

Download the LEVEL ELD app from the Google lay Store (for

2 Driver App User Guide

[email protected]

Logging into the App
Before you begin driving, you must sign in to the LEVEL ELD app!

If you do not have LEVEL ELD account, please contact your fleet manager.

Open the LEVEL ELD app

Enter your username, password and tap Log in

3 Driver App User Guide

[email protected]

ELD connection
Click on the Red button in the top left corner

Wait until the device is detected and select it

When the device is connected, the button will turn green

4 Driver App User Guide

[email protected]

Start your shift

When your vehicle is moving 5 mph or more, LEVEL ELD will automatically update your
current duty status to DRIVING and switch the app window to Driving mode.

5 Driver App User Guide

[email protected]

Status change
When the vehicle has stopped moving for 5 minutes, 

your duty status will automatically be set to On Duty (ON) (not driving).

Choose the note(s) on the status

Click "Continue" to change your
duty to the status

6 Driver App User Guide

[email protected]

Showing Logs to Officers
Tap the Inspection in navigation ba
Show your 8 day summary logs to the officers

7 Driver App User Guide

[email protected]

Send ELD output file to DOT
Tap the Inspection in navigation ba
Write your comment and tap Send

9 Driver App User Guide

[email protected]

Managing Malfunctions of App
Tap the More  in navigation ba
Select Send Feedback
Describe your issue and tap Send

10 Driver App User Guide

11 Driver App User Guide

[email protected]

[email protected]

ELD malfunction codes and causes
P - Power Compliance (The Vehicle Gateway was unable to read the engines power status)
E - Engine synchronization (The Vehicle Gateway was unable to read engine data such as the odometer or engine

T - Timing Compliance (The ELD's internal clock in the vehicle has not yet synchronized with the server that resulted in
a time deviation of 10+ minutes

L - Positioning Compliance (The ELD has accumulated more than 60 minutes without a GPS lock within a 24- hour

R - Data Recording (The ELD does not have sufficient storage capacity to record ELD events
S - Data Transfer Compliance (The ELD has failed to transfer the driver's logs to the DOT as requested during a
roadside inspection

O - Other detected malfunction

12 Driver App User Guide

[email protected]

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