Products with ELD "IVNDLB"

Below you will find a list of products with the ELD "" obtained from our database, including their available manuals, documentation, and images.

Click the corresponding vendor name to obtain additional information on the manufactorer, as well as contact information for further troubleshooting.


Product Image
Vendor Device Name Model Number Approved Version
Clever Devices Ltd.IVN DLB ELDIVN8.3.0+
  • Data Transfer and Reporting Procedures

    > Telematic (Web Service, Email)
  • Malfunctions and Testing

    Our ELD solution supports the "Telematics" methods for data transfer. This includes both Web Service and Email methods. When requested, a driver would be able to navigate to the ELD Transfer menu, select the method of transfer requested by the authorized safety official, and submit the request to send an ELD file. For detailed step by step instructions with screenshots, please refer to the attached User Manual, page 30. During the Data Transfer process, the driver will be prompted to enter an optional output file comment. If transferring via "email" is selected, the driver will be prompted to enter an email address. The email is encrypted to ensure safe delivery of driver logbook information. If transferring via "web service," the system will upload the log data directly to the specified FMCSA servers.
  • Certification Statement

    When the device is powered on and in use, the ELD will constantly monitor the status of the ELD solution and trigger data diagnostic notifications or malfunction notifications automatically. The ELD solution is in compliance with all data diagnostic and malfunction codes identified as part of the FMCSA requirements. The ELD solution supports: Power Compliance Malfunction Engine Synchronization Compliance Malfunction Timing Compliance Malfunction Positioning Compliance Malfunction Data Recording Compliance Malfunction Data Transfer Compliance Malfunction Other (i.e. device crash) When malfunctions are identified, an indicator will show up on the screen for the driver to view. More information on the malfunction codes and data diagnostics codes can be found in the attached manual (page 44-45). The driver has access to the "events" screen, which shows a full list of events in the logbook. In this "events" screen, the driver can view the list of malfunctions/diagnostics that are currently active.
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