User manual for "IVN DLB ELD"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "IVN DLB ELD".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Clever Devices Ltd..

Electronic Logging Device
User Guide
Revision 1.0

Copyright 20002023 Clever Devices Ltd. All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
Specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed without the express
written permission of Clever Devices Ltd.
Clever Devices Ltd.
300 Crossways Park Drive
Woodbury, NY, USA 11797
Phone  (516) 433-6100
Toll-Free: 1-800-872-6129 (U.S. and Canada)
Fax  (516) 433-5088
Electronic Logging Device
User Guide, Revision 1.0
Current Update: 2/27/23

Table of Contents
1: Introduction............................................................................................................. 1
2: Logging In................................................................................................................. 3

2.1: Odometer Value Entry ...................................................................................................... 3
2.2: New Duty Status Popup....................................................................................................4

3: Driver Logbook: Todays Log..................................................................................... 7

3.1: Accessing the Logbook from the Main Screen ................................................................... 7
3.2: Components of the Driver Logbook Screen .......................................................................8
3.3: Timesheet ...................................................................................................................... 10
3.3.1: Duty Status Changes............................................................................................... 11 Automatic Duty Status Changes ...................................................................... 11 Manual Duty Status Changes ........................................................................... 13
3.3.2: Editing the Timesheet............................................................................................. 14
3.3.3: Saving the Log......................................................................................................... 15
3.4: Stats View ...................................................................................................................... 16
3.4.1: Hours of Service Dials ............................................................................................. 16
3.4.2: Adverse Driving Conditions Button ........................................................................ 17
3.4.3: FMCSA-Compliant Line Graph ................................................................................ 19
3.4.4: Driver and Log Information .................................................................................... 19
3.4.5: ELD Information...................................................................................................... 21
3.4.6: Logbook Entries ...................................................................................................... 21 Editing the Log in the Stats View ..................................................................... 22
3.5: Mileage View.................................................................................................................. 25

4: Roadside Inspection View ...................................................................................... 27

4.1: Components of the Roadside Inspection View ................................................................ 27
4.2: Unidentified Driving Records .......................................................................................... 28
4.3: Online Transfer of ELD Data............................................................................................ 30
4.3.1: Printing a Hard Copy of Logbook Data ................................................................... 33

5: Driver Logbook History........................................................................................... 35

5.1: Viewing Previous Logs .................................................................................................... 36
5.2: Editing Previous Logs ...................................................................................................... 36
5.3: Claiming Unidentified Driving Records............................................................................ 39
5.4: Merging Duplicate Logs .................................................................................................. 41

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Electronic Logging Device User Guide

Page i

6: Data Diagnostic Events and Malfunctions............................................................... 43

6.1: TCH Indicators ................................................................................................................ 43
6.2: Data Diagnostic Event Codes .......................................................................................... 44
6.3: Malfunction Codes ......................................................................................................... 45

7: Logging Out............................................................................................................ 47
Appendix A: Button List ............................................................................................. 49
Appendix B: Revision History ..................................................................................... 51

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Electronic Logging Device User Guide


1 Introduction
Clever Devices Electronic Logging Device (ELD) solution logs vehicle operators hours of
duty in compliance with U.S. Department of Transportation requirements. It makes use of
the IVN Vehicle Logic Unit and Transit Control Head (TCH) already installed on your transit
agencys vehicles. Just like messaging, navigation, and other functions, the ELD is built into
the CleverWare application controlled through the TCH.
The ELD automatically detects and records duty status changes as the operator performs
everyday tasks on the vehicle, such as logging in to the TCH and driving. This saves the
operator the trouble of manually recording their hours of duty. However, the operator can
still make manual changes and edit past logs, if necessary. When the operator logs out of
the TCH, ELD data is uploaded to transit agency servers.
This user guide explains how to operate the ELD and is intended to be kept on all vehicles
that use it. The guide describes how to perform the following functions, among others:

Log duty status changes with all the required information

View todays log and the previous seven logs

Edit logs ad hoc

Certify logs

Present the last eight logs to a law enforcement officer during a roadside inspection

Send the last eight logs to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
servers or to an email address

Claim unidentified driving records

Respond to ELD diagnostic events and malfunctions

Keep track of remaining on-duty time

Note: This is intended to be a generic user guide that describes all of the functionality
offered by the ELD solution. Because every installation is customized for the
transit agency, some of the features described in this guide may not be available
in all installations, nor may the appearance of the user interface shown in this
guide exactly match that of all installations. Contact Clever Devices for information on functionality described here that is not in the current installation.

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Electronic Logging Device User Guide

Page 1


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Electronic Logging Device User Guide

Logging In - Odometer Value Entry

2 Logging In

Odometer Value Entry

When you log in to the TCH, the logging device records your starting odometer value. If
your vehicle is equipped with Clever Devices Automatic Vehicle Monitoring (AVM) solution,
the IVN will automatically register the current odometer value, and the popup window
shown in Figure 2.1 will not appear. Otherwise, you will be prompted to enter a Start
Odometer value on the TCH screen (Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1  Start Odometer Popup

In this case, tap the text field to display a numeric keypad (Figure 2.2). Enter the correct
odometer measurement and then press the green arrow button
on the keypad to confirm your input.

Figure 2.2  Odometer Entry Keypad

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Logging In - New Duty Status Popup

On the Start Odometer popup, press the green check mark button
eter value (Figure 2.3).

to save the odom-

Figure 2.3  Save Odometer Value


New Duty Status Popup

Any time you change your duty status, a popup window asks you to confirm the time at
which the change occurred, the start location, and the end location. Some configurations
also require you to specify a duty action. The popup allows you to add additional comments.
When you log in, your duty status is automatically changed from Off Duty to On Duty,
and the popup shown in Figure 2.4 is displayed.

Figure 2.4  On Duty Time Started Popup

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Electronic Logging Device User Guide

Logging In - New Duty Status Popup

The Start Time is automatically taken from the IVNs clock. If the GPS is working correctly, the Start Location field is also automatically filled in with a city and state determined by your latitude and longitude coordinates. The End Location matches the Start
Location until your duty status changes again, at which point it is automatically updated.
If necessary, you can edit any of these values by tapping its text field and typing a new
The Duty Action field is set to None by default. To select an action, tap the field and
choose from a list of options. Figure 2.5 shows one example of a list of duty actions.
The following bullet points explain the meaning of each duty action:

None - The default option. The operator is not performing an action that requires

Yard Moves - The operator is moving the vehicle around the yard. Some transit
agencies count this time as driving time, while others count it as on-duty time.

Authorized Personal Use - The operator has been authorized to drive the vehicle for personal use. This option is not applicable to public transit.

Figure 2.5  Sample Duty Action List

If any value in the New Duty Status popup is invalid, its text field is highlighted in red, as
shown in Figure 2.6. The start time is invalid if it occurs in the future. A location is invalid if
it contains fewer than five characters. You cannot change your duty status until all values
are valid.

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Logging In - New Duty Status Popup

Figure 2.6  Invalid Values in the New Duty Status Popup

When all fields contain the correct values, press the green check mark button
to confirm your On Duty status. The popup window closes, and the Driver Logbook screen is
automatically displayed (Figure 2.7). For details about this screen, see Section 3.2
(page 8) and Section 3.3 (page 10).
Alternatively, pressing the red X button
popup window.

cancels the duty status change and closes the

Figure 2.7  Driver Logbook Screen

Page 6

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Driver Logbook: Todays Log - Accessing the Logbook from the Main Screen

3 Driver Logbook: Todays Log

Accessing the Logbook from the Main Screen

To open the current days log from the Main screen, press the Forms button
lighted in Figure 3.1.

, high-

Figure 3.1  Forms Button on the Main Screen

On the Forms screen, press the Driver Logbook button

, highlighted in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2  Driver Logbook Button on the Forms Screen

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Driver Logbook: Todays Log - Components of the Driver Logbook Screen

The Driver Logbook screen opens, showing the current days log (Figure 3.4).

Figure 3.3  Driver Logbook Screen


Components of the Driver Logbook Screen

The Driver Logbook screen contains at least seven pieces of information, which are listed
below. Each item in the list corresponds to a number label in Figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4  Components of the Driver Logbook Screen

1. Start Date - The day that begins the current log, in MM/DD/YYYY format. Note that
each logging period does not necessarily begin at 12:00 AM.
2. End Date - The day that ends the current log.
3. Driver Name - The name of the operator who has logged in.
4. Driver ID - The ID of the operator who has logged in.

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Driver Logbook: Todays Log - Components of the Driver Logbook Screen

5. Home Terminal/Work Location - The location of the vehicle at the beginning
of your current work. This field is automatically filled, but you can change it manually by tapping it and selecting a location from the list that appears. Figure 3.5
shows one example of such a list. The Other option allows you to type a custom
location with an alphanumeric keypad.

Figure 3.5  Sample Home Terminal/Work Location List

6. Timesheet - A graphical representation of the current days log. By default, the
timesheet is hidden until you click the arrow button. For more details about the
timesheet, refer to Section 3.3.
7. Duty Status Timers - These timers show the amount of time the driver has
logged for each duty status. The times always add up to 24 hours even if the logging period has not ended. The four possible duty statuses are abbreviated in the
following ways:
 OFF - Off duty
 D - Driving
 ON - On duty
 SB - Sleeper berth (not used for public transit)

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Driver Logbook: Todays Log - Timesheet



The timesheet provides an easy way to visualize the current days log and allows you to
change your duty status and edit the log as needed. Press the arrow button highlighted in
Figure 3.6 to reveal the timesheet. (Press it again to hide the timesheet.)

Figure 3.6  Expand Timesheet Button

The timesheet consists of a colored bar that represents each duty status with a different
color (Figure 3.7). Marks above this bar correspond to the 24 hours of the logging period.
The bar always extends to the end of the period even if it has not ended. This is because
the device cannot predict duty status changes that have not yet occurred.

Figure 3.7  Expanded Timesheet

The four duty statuses are represented by the following colors:

Off duty - Blue

Driving - Green

On duty - Yellow

Sleeper Berth - Red

In Figure 3.7, the timesheet shows that the operator logged in at 11 A.M., remained on
duty until about 4:40 P.M., and then drove until about 9:40 P.M., at which time they logged

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Electronic Logging Device User Guide

Driver Logbook: Todays Log - Timesheet


Duty Status Changes

Duty status changes are usually made automatically, but the timesheet allows you to make
them manually, if necessary.

Automatic Duty Status Changes

The following events trigger automatic changes to your duty status:

Logging in to the TCH changes your status from Off Duty to On Duty. A popup
window asks you to confirm the change (Figure 3.8).

Figure 3.8  Confirm On Duty Status Popup

Starting to drive changes your status to Driving. A popup window prompts you
to confirm the change (Figure 3.9).

Figure 3.9  Confirm Driving Status Popup

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Driver Logbook: Todays Log - Timesheet

Stopping the vehicle for a configured amount of time changes your status from
Driving to On Duty. After a few minutes of no vehicle movement, a popup asks
you to indicate whether you are still driving or not (Figure 3.10).

Figure 3.10  Stationary Vehicle Popup

If you press the green check mark button
, your duty status will remain Driving,
and the popup will not reappear until you start and stop driving again. If you press
the blue X button
or wait a few minutes, your duty status is automatically
changed to On Duty, and a popup informs you of this change (Figure 3.11). Press
the green check mark button
to close the popup.

Figure 3.11  Status Changed to On Duty Popup

Logging out of the TCH changes your status to Off Duty.

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Driver Logbook: Todays Log - Timesheet

Manual Duty Status Changes

When you expand the timesheet, the duty status timers turn into buttons that you can
press to change your duty status. These buttons are shown highlighted in Figure 3.12. The
button that corresponds to the current duty status is displayed as if pushed inward and
cannot be pressed. In Figure 3.12, this is the Off Duty button.

Figure 3.12  Duty Status Change Buttons

When you press one of these buttons, the New Duty Status popup window appears. Figure 3.13 shows the popup that appears when you press the On Duty button. For details
about the New Duty Status popup window, see Section 2.2 on page 4.

Figure 3.13  On Duty Time Started Popup

After you confirm the duty status change by pressing the green check mark button
, the
section of the timesheet that stretches from the current time to the end of the logging
period takes on the color of your new duty status.

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Driver Logbook: Todays Log - Timesheet


Editing the Timesheet

There are two ways to edit the current days log. One way, described here, is to tap the
section of the timesheet that you want to edit. The other way is described in Section (page 22) and is accessed from the Stats view.
Note: Logbook edits that would decrease the amount of driving time are not permitted.
Follow these steps to edit the timesheet:
1. On the Driver Logbook screen, expand the timesheet.
2. Tap the timesheet near the section that you want to edit. A zoomed-in version of
the timesheet appears directly below it, as shown in Figure 3.14.

Figure 3.14  Timesheet Section Magnified

3. On the zoomed-in version of the timesheet, tap the section that you want to edit.
A popup window appears (Figure 3.15). It is similar to the New Duty Status
popup described in Section 2.2 on page 4, but it contains an added field for the
End Time.

Figure 3.15  Edit Duty Status Popup
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Driver Logbook: Todays Log - Timesheet

4. Edit any of the fields in the popup by tapping it to display a keypad on which you
can type a new value. For example, tapping the End Time field displays the keypad shown in Figure 3.16. To change the End Time from 10:22 AM to 01:30
PM, you would press the 0, 1, 3, and 0 keys in that order and then press the PM
button. Lastly, you would press the green arrow button

to submit the new


Figure 3.16  End Time Keypad

Note: Fields containing invalid values are highlighted in red. Remember that you cannot make any edits that decrease the amount of time you have logged as driving
time. You can change a start or end time so that it occurs after the current time,
but such a change will not be saved to the log until that time has elapsed. The
location fields must contain at least five characters.
5. When all fields contain the correct values, press the green check mark button
to save your changes. The timesheet updates itself accordingly.


Saving the Log

The log is automatically saved when you log out of the TCH, but you can save it manually
by scrolling below the timesheet and pressing the green arrow button, shown highlighted in
Figure 3.17. You are then prompted to certify your log.

Figure 3.17  Save Log Button
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Page 15

Driver Logbook: Todays Log - Stats View


Stats View

The Stats view allows you to keep track of your logged hours of service and provides more
detailed log information than is displayed on the Driver Logbook screen. It also offers
another way to edit the log.
To access the Stats view, press the Stats button
near the top right corner of the
Driver Logbook screen. This button is highlighted in Figure 3.18.

Figure 3.18  Stats Button on the Driver Logbook Screen

The same button appears on the Forms screen and the Mileage view.


Hours of Service Dials

At the top of the Stats view is a row of dials, most of which measure the number of hours
you have spent driving or on duty (Figure 3.19). The center of each dial contains a time in
HH:MM format that measures the value stated in the dials label. The colored part of each
dial corresponds to this value. When this value approaches the maximum legal time limit
for its dial, the color changes from blue to yellow, as a warning. When this value reaches or
exceeds the limit, the color changes to red, indicating that you must not continue driving or
being on duty. For example, Figure 3.19 shows that the operator has exceeded the maximum limit of on-duty time over the last seven days.

Figure 3.19  Four Hours of Service Dials
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Driver Logbook: Todays Log - Stats View

The device can be configured to display up to six different dials here:

Hours Driving Today - The whole dial represents 24 hours. The colored part
represents the amount of time that you have driven during the current logging

Hours On Duty Today - The whole dial represents 24 hours. The colored part
represents the amount of time that you have been driving or on duty during the
current logging period.

Hours On Duty Last 7 Days - The whole dial represents 60 hours, the maximum amount of time that you can be driving or on duty in a seven-day period.
The colored part represents the actual amount of time that you have been driving
or on duty during the past seven days, including the current day.

Hours On Duty Last 8 Days (70-hour limit) - The whole dial represents 70
hours, the maximum amount of time that you can be driving or on duty in an
eight-day period. The colored part represents the actual amount of time that you
have been driving or on duty during the past eight days, including the current

Hours On Duty Last 8 Days (80-hour limit) - The whole dial represents 80
hours, the maximum amount of time that you can be driving or on duty in an
eight-day period. The colored part represents the actual amount of time you have
been driving or on duty during the past eight days, including the current day.

Hours Available Tomorrow - The whole dial represents 24 hours. The colored
part represents the difference between 80 hours and the amount of time you
have been driving or on duty during the last seven days, including today. This
dial is always blue.


Adverse Driving Conditions Button

If it is configured, the Adverse driving conditions toggle button appears after the dials.
This button allows you to extend both the 10-hour daily driving time limit and the 15-hour
daily on-duty time limit by two hours when you encounter adverse driving conditions.

Figure 3.20  Adverse Driving Conditions Button, Toggled Off (Left) and On (Right)

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Driver Logbook: Todays Log - Stats View

When you press the Adverse driving conditions button to toggle it on, the buttons icon
changes from a plus sign
to a minus sign
, and the Hours Driving Today and
Hours On Duty Today dials adjust to add the two hours. A popup confirms the extension
(Figure 3.21). Press the green check mark button
to close the popup.

Figure 3.21  Adverse Driving Enabled Popup

When you press the Adverse driving conditions button again to toggle it off, these
effects are reversed, and a popup confirms this (Figure 3.22).

Figure 3.22  Adverse Driving Disabled Popup

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Driver Logbook: Todays Log - Stats View


FMCSA-Compliant Line Graph

Below the hours of service dials, a line graph represents the amount of time you have
spent in each duty status during the current logging period (Figure 3.23). Each row of the
graph corresponds to a different duty status. The line on the graph measures the amount
of time you have spent in each status. It extends only to the current time. The line is
dashed and yellow during times when you indicated that you were performing a special
duty action, such as Yard Moves or Authorized Personal Use. During all other times,
the line is solid and blue. The right side of the graph also displays the amount of time you
have spent in each status, in HH:MM format. Lastly, the time at the bottom right displays
the total amount of time logged so far during the current logging period.

Figure 3.23  Line Graph


Driver and Log Information

Below the line graph, various information about the driver and logging period is listed (Figure 3.24).

Figure 3.24  Driver Information
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Driver Logbook: Todays Log - Stats View

Date - The date(s) spanned by the current logging period.

24-hour Starting Time - The time at which the current logging period began.

Time Zone - The time zone determines the current time registered by the

Driver Name - The name of the operator currently logged in.

Driver ID - The operators ID, as determined by the transit agency.

Driver License # - The operators driver license number.

Driver License State - The state that issued the operators driver license.

Total Miles - The total number of miles registered by the odometer.

Total Engine Hours - The total number of hours during which the vehicles
engine has been running.

Vehicle ID - The vehicles ID, determined by the transit agency.

VIN # - The vehicles Vehicle Identification Number.

Exempt Driver Status - If the logged-in operator is not required to keep a
driver logbook, this field says Yes. If the operator is required to keep a logbook,
it says No.

Todays Date

Current Location - The current location registered by the GPS, stated as a number of miles away from the nearest city.

Unidentified Driving Records - If an operator drove the vehicle without logging in, the ELD saves an unidentified driving record that is associated with the
vehicle. If any such records exist for your vehicle, this field says Yes. If not, it
says No. (To view these records, refer to Section 5.3, starting on page 39.)

ELD Malfunction Indicators - If the ELD registers a malfunction, this field says
Yes. If not, it says No. (Refer to Chapter 6, starting on page 5, for information
about ELD malfunctions.)

Drivers Data Diagnostic Status - If the ELD registers a drivers data diagnostic status, this field says Yes. If not, it says No. (Refer to Chapter 6, starting on
page 43, for information about diagnostic statuses.)

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Driver Logbook: Todays Log - Stats View


ELD Information

The next panel in the Stats view provides four pieces of information about the ELD:

Figure 3.25  ELD Information

Carrier - The transit agency that uses the ELD.

US DOT # - The number assigned to the transit agency by the US Department of

ELD Provider - The company providing the ELD to the transit agency.

ELD ID - The ID assigned to the ELD by the FMCSA.


Logbook Entries

All the entries in the current log are listed at the bottom of the Stats view (Figure 3.26).
Every time your duty status changes, a new panel is added to the bottom of this list.

Figure 3.26  Logbook Entries in Stats View

Each entry in this list indicates the duty status, the duration of that status, the starting
location, and the total distance traveled during that time. As mentioned in Section 3.3
(page 10), the color of the panel corresponds to the duty status.

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Driver Logbook: Todays Log - Stats View

Editing the Log in the Stats View

Section 3.3.2 (page 14) describes how to use the timesheet to edit entries in the current
log. You can also edit the log in the Stats view by tapping the colored panel of the entry
that you want to edit. A popup window appears, as in Figure 3.27. In this popup, tap fields
and adjust their values as desired. For more details on changing these values, see steps 4
and 5 in Section 3.3.2, starting on page 15. You can edit multiple entries before you confirm your changes.
Note: Remember that you cannot decrease the amount of driving time that has been
logged. Fields containing invalid values are highlighted in red.

Figure 3.27  Edit Log Entry Popup

Press the green check mark button
to confirm your changes. After you edit your log,
the top row of buttons is replaced with a blue Back button
and a green Submit button
(Figure 3.28).

Figure 3.28  Back and Submit Buttons in the Stats View
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Driver Logbook: Todays Log - Stats View

Press the Submit button
to open the Logbook Certification popup window (Figure
3.29). Before you can press the green check mark button to certify your changes, you
must scroll all the way to the bottom of the popup. When you complete the certification,
the Driver Logbook screen opens.

Figure 3.29  Logbook Certification Popup

Otherwise, press the Back button
to discard your changes. The popup window shown
in Figure 3.30 asks you to confirm the deletion. Press the green check mark button
discard your changes, or press the blue X button
to close the popup and keep your

Figure 3.30  Discard Changes Confirmation Popup

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Driver Logbook: Todays Log - Stats View

Note: If your edits leave any gaps of time between two entries, the popup shown in
Figure 3.31 appears when you press the Submit button

. Press the green

check mark button
to close the popup. The two entries on either side of the
gap are highlighted in red, as shown in Figure 3.32. You can certify your edits
only when your log contains no gaps.

Figure 3.31  Logbook Gaps Error Message

Figure 3.32  Highlighted Entries Separated by a Gap of Time

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Driver Logbook: Todays Log - Mileage View


Mileage View

The Mileage view allows you to review the distance you have driven during the current
logging period. To access the Mileage view from the Driver Logbook screen, press the
top-row speedometer button
highlighted in Figure 3.33.

Figure 3.33  Mileage View Button on Driver Logbook Screen

For each vehicle that you drove during the current logging period, the Mileage view shows
the odometer readings from when you logged in (Start Odometer) and logged out (End
Odometer). Based on these values, it calculates and displays the mileage driven. It can
display these values for up to four different vehicles. The mileage you have driven across
all vehicles is summed and displayed in the bottom right corner as the Total Mileage. Figure 3.34 shows an example with four vehicles.

Figure 3.34  Mileage View Showing Values for Four Different Vehicles

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Driver Logbook: Todays Log - Mileage View

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Roadside Inspection View - Components of the Roadside Inspection View

4 Roadside Inspection View
If a law enforcement officer requests to review your electronic logbook, the Roadside
Inspection view provides all the information that they might need. It also allows you to
send the last eight days of logs to FMCSA servers or to an email address of your choice.
To access the Roadside Inspection view, tap the badge button
Driver Logbook screen (Figure 4.1).

on the top row of the

Figure 4.1  Badge Button on Driver Logbook Screen


Components of the Roadside Inspection View

The information provided in the Roadside Inspection view is mostly identical to that
given in the Stats view. The top of the screen, shown in Figure 4.2, lists the date(s) of the
logging period whose information is currently displayed. Below that is a panel with driver
and ELD information, described in Section 3.4.4 (page 19) and Section 3.4.5 (page 21).
Next, an FMCSA-compliant line graph displays the same information as the one in the
Stats view. For details about the line graph, see Section 3.4.3 (page 19).

Figure 4.2  Top of Roadside Inspection View
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Roadside Inspection View - Unidentified Driving Records

Unlike the Stats view, the Roadside Inspection view does not contain a list of editable
logbook entries at its bottom. Instead, it has a table of events recorded by the ELD (Figure
4.3). Events are recorded for all duty status changes, logbook edits, data diagnostic
events, and malfunctions. For each event, the time, location, odometer measurement, total
engine running time, event type, and origin (automatic or driver input) are listed. Above
the events, the date and vehicle ID are stated.

Figure 4.3  Example Table of Events

The Roadside Inspection view can display information about the current logging period
and any of the previous seven logging periods. Use the up and down arrow buttons
at the top of the screen to scroll through these eight pages of information. When you
reach either end of the page list, the appropriate button is grayed out.


Unidentified Driving Records

When an operator drives a vehicle without logging in to the TCH, the ELD saves an unidentified driving record. On the Roadside Inspection screen, pressing the Unidentified
Driving Records button
opens the Unidentified Driving Records screen. This button is highlighted in Figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4  Unidentified Driving Records Button on Roadside Inspection Screen
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Roadside Inspection View - Unidentified Driving Records

The Unidentified Driving Records screen is shown in Figure 4.5. Each record is listed
below its date in a green rectangle that provides information about the time and distance
over which the vehicle was driven.

Figure 4.5  Unidentified Driving Records Screen

Below the green rectangles, a table of events lists information about all instances of
unidentified driving in the last eight days. Each row of this table corresponds to one
unidentified record. The starting time, distance, location, odometer measurement, total
engine running time, event type (always Driving), and event origin (always Auto) of each
record is provided, as shown in Figure 4.6.

Figure 4.6  Table of Events

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Roadside Inspection View - Online Transfer of ELD Data


Online Transfer of ELD Data

You can send the last eight days of logs, including the current one, to FMCSA servers or to
an email address of your choice. To open the ELD Transfer screen, tap the File Transfer
in the top right corner of the Roadside Inspection view. This button is highlighted in Figure 4.7.

Figure 4.7  File Transfer Button in Roadside Inspection View

The ELD Transfer screen opens, as in Figure 4.8. Two methods of file transfer can be
selected: Web Service and Email.

Web Service uploads the log data directly to FMCSA servers.

Email allows to you specify an email address to which the data is sent. Leaving
the Email Address field blank causes the data to be sent to FMCSA servers via

By default, Web Service is selected. To change the method of file transfer, tap the field
that contains the text Web Service or Email. This field is shown highlighted in red in Figure 4.8.

Figure 4.8  ELD Transfer Screen, Web Service Selected
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Roadside Inspection View - Online Transfer of ELD Data

Tapping this field opens a popup menu (Figure 4.9). Tap the button of the method you
want to use. Tapping the red X button
closes the menu without making a change.

Figure 4.9  File Transfer Method Options

Both options provide a field for entering an Output File Comment. This comment helps to
identify the ELD data and associate it with the correct vehicle. The inspecting law enforcement officer may provide a code for you to put in this field. If so, tap the Output File
Comment field and use the alphanumeric keypad that pops up to enter the code (Figure
4.10). Press the green arrow button
when you have finished typing your comment.

Figure 4.10  Output File Comment Keypad

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Roadside Inspection View - Online Transfer of ELD Data

If you select Email as the method of file transfer, an Email Address field appears below
the Output File Comment field, as shown in Figure 4.11. To specify the recipient of the
data, tap this field and use the keypad to type an email address. If your input is invalid, the
field will be highlighted in red. If the field is left blank, the data will be sent by default to
the email address of FMCSA servers.

Figure 4.11  ELD Transfer Screen, Email Selected

When you are ready to transfer ELD data, press the green arrow button
indicates that the transfer request has been stored (Figure 4.12).

. A popup

Figure 4.12  ELD Data Transfer Request Stored

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Roadside Inspection View - Online Transfer of ELD Data

If the data transfer succeeds, the notification shown in Figure 4.13 pops up.

Figure 4.13  Data Transfer Request Submitted Popup


Printing a Hard Copy of Logbook Data

The following instructions describe one way to print your logbook data:
1. Send your ELD data to your email address.
2. Open the email and save the attached ELD data file.
3. Upload the file to the FMCSAs eRODS webpage:
eRODS. Click View ELD File.
4. Print the resulting webpage.

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Roadside Inspection View - Online Transfer of ELD Data

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Driver Logbook History -

5 Driver Logbook History
When you log in to the TCH, the IVN downloads your records from the current logging
period and, typically, the last seven logging periods. To view these records, tap the Forms
on the Main screen. This button is highlighted in Figure 5.1.

Figure 5.1  Forms Button on Main Screen

On the Forms screen, tap the Daily Driver Logbook History button, highlighted in Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2  Daily Driver Logbook History Button on Forms Screen

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Driver Logbook History - Viewing Previous Logs

The Daily Driver Logbook History screen opens (Figure 5.3).

Figure 5.3  Daily Driver Logbook History Screen


Viewing Previous Logs

For every logging record saved on the IVN, a green button that displays the start date of its
logging period appears on the Daily Driver Logbook History screen. Tap any of these
buttons to open the Stats view of the corresponding record. See Section 3.4 (page 16) for
details about the Stats view.


Editing Previous Logs

There are two ways to edit past logs:
1. Adding logbook entries ad hoc - Click the plus sign button
corner of the Daily Driver Logbook History screen.

in the top right

Figure 5.4  Plus Sign Button on Daily Driver Logbook History Screen
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Driver Logbook History - Editing Previous Logs

In the menu that pops up (Figure 5.5), indicate whether you are adding driving time
or on-duty time.

Figure 5.5  Ad Hoc Duty Status Popup

The Ad Hoc Edit form opens (Figure 5.6). You must fill all the fields on this form
before you submit it. Unlike the Comments field in the New Duty Status popup,
this Comments field is mandatory; you must provide a reason for the ad hoc edit.
Fields containing invalid values are highlighted in red.

Figure 5.6  Ad Hoc Edit Form

Once you have provided all the required information, press the green arrow button
. A popup asks you to certify the ad hoc entry (Figure 5.7). Press the green
check mark button
to confirm your entry and open the Daily Driver Logbook
History screen. Press the blue X button
to go back to the Ad Hoc Edit form.

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Driver Logbook History - Editing Previous Logs

Figure 5.7  Certification Popup

On the Daily Driver Logbook History screen, the button that corresponds to the
logging period with the ad hoc entry appears yellow, as in Figure 5.8. Ad hoc edits
overwrite existing logbook entries.

Figure 5.8  Logbook History Button Indicating Ad Hoc Entry

2. Editing past logbook entries - Open any of the past records in the Daily
Driver Logbook History screen, scroll down to the log entries (Figure 5.9), tap
the entry you want to edit, and follow the editing procedure described in Section (page 22). After you certify your changes, the Forms screen opens.

Figure 5.9  Example Log Entries

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Driver Logbook History - Claiming Unidentified Driving Records


Claiming Unidentified Driving Records

When an operator drives a vehicle without logging in to the TCH, the ELD saves an unidentified driving record for eight days afterward. If the operator returns to that vehicle and
logs in to the TCH, they can claim the unidentified record as their own, adding it to their
logbook as driving time.
Note: Unidentified driving records can be claimed only on the vehicle on which they
were generated.
To claim an unidentified driving record, go to the Daily Driving Logbook History screen
and press the button
shown highlighted in Figure 5.10.

Figure 5.10  Unidentified Driving Records Button on Daily Driving Logbook History Screen

The Unidentified Driving Records screen opens (Figure 5.11). Each record is listed
below its date and provides information about the time and distance over which the vehicle
was driven.

Figure 5.11  Unidentified Driving Records Screen
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Driver Logbook History - Claiming Unidentified Driving Records

Click the green check mark button
of the record that you want to claim. A popup asks
you to confirm your claim (Figure 5.12). Press the green check mark button
to confirm
the claim or press the blue X button
to cancel it.

Figure 5.12  Unidentified Driving Record Claim Confirmation Popup

When you claim an unidentified record, its check mark button disappears, and the top row
of the screen is replaced with the Back button
and the Submit button
5.13). You can claim multiple records before you certify your changes.

Figure 5.13  Back and Submit Buttons on Unidentified Driving Records Screen

When you are ready to certify your changes, press the Submit button
and then press
the green check mark button
on the certification popup(s) (Figure 5.14). The certified
records are added to your logbook. Alternatively, pressing the Back button
your changes.

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Driver Logbook History - Merging Duplicate Logs

Figure 5.14  Certification Popup


Merging Duplicate Logs

If the ELD is configured to detect multiple logs recorded in a single logging period, you are
prompted by a popup window to manage them the next time you log in (Figure 5.15).
Press the green check mark button
to open the log that has overlapping entries. You
can then remove the overlaps by deleting duplicate entries.

Figure 5.15  Manage Multiple Logbooks Popup

On the Daily Driver Logbook History screen, logs that are found to have duplicate
entries display a warning icon
, as shown in Figure 5.16. When you open the log, you
can correct it by scrolling down to the list of entries and deleting duplicates.

Figure 5.16  Duplicate Log Icon
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Driver Logbook History - Merging Duplicate Logs

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Data Diagnostic Events and Malfunctions - TCH Indicators

6 Data Diagnostic Events and Malfunctions
The ELD is designed to detect system malfunctions and alert the operator when such malfunctions occur. When the system registers a malfunction, the following actions must be

Within 24 hours, notify dispatch or your supervisor of the malfunction.

Make sure that you have an accurate record of duty status for the current day
and for the previous seven days. This record can either be saved to the ELD or be
written on FMCSA-compliant paper forms. If data is missing from the ELD, reconstruct it in writing.

If the ELD is unable to log your record of duty status, maintain the record on
paper until the malfunction is corrected.

The transit agency must correct the malfunction or replace the ELD within eight
days, unless the FMCSA grants an extension.

The table of events on the Roadside Inspection screen records diagnostic events and
malfunctions. This table is described in Section 4.1 on page 50.
In addition to malfunctions, the ELD detects data diagnostic events, which occur when the
ELD fails to receive expected data. These events can indicate potential ELD malfunctions,
so you should notify your supervisor of them when they occur. Neither data diagnostic
events nor malfunctions can be cleared manually; they are automatically cleared when the
ELD functions normally again.


TCH Indicators

Green icons on the bottom row of the TCH screen indicate that a data diagnostic event or
malfunction has occurred. This row of icons is highlighted in Figure 6.1. You may need to
press the blue arrow button
to view all the icons.

Figure 6.1  Bottom Row of Icons on TCH Screen
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Data Diagnostic Events and Malfunctions - Data Diagnostic Event Codes

The malfunction indicator looks like a vehicle with an exclamation mark in its top right corner (Figure 6.2, left). The data diagnostic event indicator looks like a person with an exclamation mark (Figure 6.2, right).

Figure 6.2  ELD Data Diagnostic Event Indicator


Data Diagnostic Event Codes
Table 7-1: ELD Data Diagnostic Events

Power Data


Condition for

CleverWare (the software that contains CleverWare starts up
the ELD) does not start up and become and functions corfully functional within five minutes.

Data Diagnostic

The AVM module is enabled but inactive
for five minutes. (While the AVM module is inactive, the ELD cannot receive
engine data from the vehicles CAN/
J1708 network.)

CleverWare is able to
the vehicles CAN/
J1708 network.

Required Data

The ELD does not receive location data
from the GPS, and the operator does
not manually enter location information
before driving the vehicle. This diagnostic status is also recorded when the
ELD does not receive other required
information, such as the date, time,
odometer mileage, and engine hours,
when needed.

The operator manually edits the logbook
to add the missing

Driving Records
Data Diagnostic

The ELD records more than 30 minutes Either the unidentiof unidentified driving time within a 24- fied driving records
hour period.
are claimed by operators or seven days
pass after the last
was saved.

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Data Diagnostic Events and Malfunctions - Malfunction Codes

Data Transfer
Data Diagnostic



Condition for

The ELD fails to transfer data to the The ELDs connection
driver logbook server.
to the server is

Malfunction Codes
Table 7-2: ELD Malfunctions



Condition for


CleverWare fails to run for 30 minutes CleverWare runs norafter power is turned on. (If this occurs, mally when power is
try rebooting the IVN.)
turned on.


The AVM module was enabled but inac- The
tive for over 30 minutes during a 24- engine data over the
hour period.
vehicles CAN/J1708


The IVN has no connection to the DCC;
its clock is out of sync by more than 10


The ELD is not receiving valid GPS coor- The ELD receives GPS

Data Recording
Data Transfer

The IVN is not reading or writing necessary ELD information in its database.

The IVNs connection

The IVN reads or
writes ELD information in its database

The IVN fails to send ELD data to The IVN is able to
FMCSA servers via the web service for send ELD data to the
three consecutive days.
The IVN crashes while an operator is
logged in.

The IVN is rebooted

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Data Diagnostic Events and Malfunctions - Malfunction Codes

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Logging Out

7 Logging Out
Log out of the TCH by pressing the red button
ure 7.1).

in the top right corner of the screen (Fig-

Figure 7.1  Logout Button Highlighted

If the AVM module is inactive for whatever reason, you must manually enter the odometer
mileage in a popup window (Figure 7.2). Tap the text field and use the keypad to type the
odometer value. Press the green check mark button
to submit the value.

Figure 7.2  End Odometer Popup

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Logging Out

Then, if you have already changed your duty status to Off Duty and certified your log, you
can continue logging out as usual. Otherwise, your duty status is automatically changed to
Off Duty, and you must certify your log in a popup window like the one shown in Figure
7.3. Scroll to the bottom of the text, making sure that the log data is correct, and press the
green check mark button
to certify your log.

Figure 7.3  Logout Certification Popup

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Button List

Appendix A  Button List
The following table shows and describes all of the ELD buttons that can be displayed in the
top row of the TCH screen.
Table A-1: TCH Buttons


Name and Description
Home - Opens the Main screen.

Forms - Opens the Forms screen, from which you can
access the logbook.
Back - Opens the previous screen. When you are editing
your log in the Stats view or claiming unidentified driving
records, pressing this button cancels your changes.
Submit - Confirms your changes when you are editing
your log in the Stats view or claiming unidentified driving
records. When you press this button, you are prompted
to certify your logbook updates.
Todays Logbook - Opens the Driver Logbook screen
for the current logging period. Refer to Section 3.2, starting on page 8, for information about this screen.
Mileage - Opens the Mileage view, described in Section
3.5, starting on page 25.
Roadside Inspection - Opens the Roadside Inspection screen, described in Chapter 4, starting on page 27.
Stats - Opens the Stats view, described in Section 3.4,
starting on page 16.

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Button List

Table A-1: TCH Buttons


Name and Description
Scroll Up and Down - These buttons allow you to view
different days logs on the Roadside Inspection screen.
Unidentified Driving Records - Pressing this button on
the Roadside Inspection screen provides a list of
unidentified driving records (see Section 4.2, page 28, for
more details). Pressing it on the Daily Driver Logbook
History screen allows you not only to view but also to
claim these records and add them to your log (Section
5.3, page 39).
ELD Data Transfer - Opens the ELD Transfer screen,
from which your logs can be sent to FMCSA servers or to
an email address. Refer to Section 4.3, starting on
page 30, for information about this screen.
Logbook History - Opens the Daily Driver Logbook
History screen. Refer to Chapter 5, starting on page 35,
for information about this screen.
Ad Hoc Edit - Allows you to add a Driving or On Duty
logbook entry to a previous log. Refer to Section 5.2,
starting on page 36, for information about ad hoc edits.

Note: The green icon in the top left corner of the screen indicates the current screen.
For example, this icon

shows that the Main screen is open.

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Revision History

Appendix B  Revision History








J. Crouse

First version of the document.

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