Products with ELD "IVG001"
- Omnitracs-Intelligent-Vehicle-Gateway Version DA0966R or Later
- Omnitracs-Intelligent-Vehicle-Gateway Version DA1110R or later
- Omnitracs-Intelligent-Vehicle-Gateway Version DA1234R or later
- Omnitracs-Intelligent-Vehicle-Gateway Version DA1237R or later
- Omnitracs-Intelligent-Vehicle-Gateway Version DA1262R or later
- Omnitracs-Intelligent-Vehicle-Gateway Version DA1304R or later
- Omnitracs-Intelligent-Vehicle-Gateway Version DA1313R or later
Below you will find a list of products with the ELD "" obtained from our database, including their available manuals, documentation, and images.
Click the corresponding vendor name to obtain additional information on the manufactorer, as well as contact information for further troubleshooting.
Omnitracs Intelligent Vehicle Gateway

Vendor | Device Name | Model Number | Approved Version |
| Omnitracs Intelligent Vehicle Gateway | IVG | DA0966R or Later |
Data Transfer and Reporting Procedures
A Follow these steps to transmit HOS records via Web Services or Email. 1.Tap the Day Log tab. 2. If you are still in “Inspector mode” tap on the Driver button. 3. Tap the ERODS button 4. Select Web Services or Email on the left 5. Enter a comment if requested then tap Send 6. A confirmation screen will appear. 7. If the transfer is unsuccessful, the display is a considered a compliant secondary record of duty status Omnitracs provides the driver a visual image instruction card with the screens identified and letter codes that relate to the areas of the screen the driver needs to use. Was not able to attach.Malfunctions and Testing
Malfunctions and Diagnostics If you receive any of the following errors or malfunctions on your ELD you are required to keep paper logs until the malfunction has been corrected. * Power – An ELD must be powered and functional within one minute of the vehicle’s engine receiving power and remain powered for as long as the vehicle’s engine stays powered. * Engine Synchronization – An ELD is required to establish a link to the engine ECM and monitor its connectivity to the engine ECM and its ability to retrieve the vehicle parameters. * Timing – The ELD must cross-check its compliance with the external UTC source and must record any timing compliance malfunction. * Positioning – An ELD must monitor the availability of position measurements meeting the listed accuracy requirements and track the distance and time from the last valid measurement point. * Data Recording – An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events. * Data Transfer – An ELD must implement in-service monitoring functions to verify that the data transfer mechanism(s) are continuing to function properly * Other – Any other ELD detected malfunction such as Bluetooth, relay, etc You as a driver are required to notify your carrier or administrator the malfunction as been identified on your device with in 24 hours, Omnitracs will additionally identify the issues at the host system to the administrator. Omnitracs provides the driver a visual image instruction card with the screens identified and letter codes that relate to the areas of the screen the driver needs to use. Was not able to attach.Certification Statement
ELD Certifying Statement for: Omnitracs Intelligent Vehicle Gateway (IVG001) Omnitracs IVG001 FMCSA Certifying Statement on Product Testing for ELD Regulation Compliance Omnitracs has distributed and supported AOBRDs in the marketplace since 1989 and has developed testing processes that would assess all areas of the compliance requirements for 49CFR 395.8 and 49CFR 395.15. We have a quality assurance process that follows the creation of story cards for each section of the ELD Mandate specifications. This QA process has been standard operating procedure for Omnitracs and has increased with the ELD mandate requirements. We have used the ELD Testing document issued by FMCSA as a reference to ensure that our testing parallels or exceeds the requirements. Additionally, tests have been created that evaluate fringe cases that are not included in the FMCSA document. Omnitracs employs automated script testing processes for testing of individual elements to ensure consistent and repeatable testing as well the ability to add fringe case scenarios to ensure that in each section of the ELD Mandate, compliance is achieved. We have modified our product through variance changes in the vehicle ECM, changes by OEM and SAE standards, and maintained compliance to ensure that we are continually able to supply information from the ECM. This has ensured that we comply with all the data capture and motion detection requirements specified in the ELD Mandate for the engine ECM. Our testing process includes testing in actual CMV class 6- 8 vehicles as well as using vehicle ECM simulators in testing labs. We additionally use GPS simulators to validate recovery and diagnostics for various situations that can occur in vehicles or environments when GPS may be compromised. With this and other testing processes we are able to test each requirement for diagnostics and malfunctions as required by the ELD Mandate specifications. Additionally, we have provided to Volpe an eRODS test file requested by FMCSA and that file has been accepted. We understand that the actual eRODS transfer process has not been finalized and it will require additional testing and some modifications once all information is available from FMCSA. Omnitracs information security program is based on NIST 800-53 Revision 4. We have ensured that the specified additional security requirements referenced in the regulation for PKI, FIPS, and other NIST specifications have been achieved for compliance to support eRODS transfer.
Omnitracs Intelligent Vehicle Gateway

Vendor | Device Name | Model Number | Approved Version |
| Omnitracs Intelligent Vehicle Gateway | IVG | DA1110R or later |
Data Transfer and Reporting Procedures
A Follow these steps to transmit HOS records via Web Services or Email. 1.Tap the Day Log tab. 2. If you are still in “Inspector mode” tap on the Driver button. 3. Tap the ERODS button 4. Select Web Services or Email on the left 5. Enter a comment if requested then tap Send 6. A confirmation screen will appear. 7. If the transfer is unsuccessful, the display is a considered a compliant secondary record of duty status Omnitracs provides the driver a visual image instruction card with the screens identified and letter codes that relate to the areas of the screen the driver needs to use. Was not able to attach.Malfunctions and Testing
Malfunctions and Diagnostics If you receive any of the following errors or malfunctions on your ELD you are required to keep paper logs until the malfunction has been corrected. * Power – An ELD must be powered and functional within one minute of the vehicle’s engine receiving power and remain powered for as long as the vehicle’s engine stays powered. * Engine Synchronization – An ELD is required to establish a link to the engine ECM and monitor its connectivity to the engine ECM and its ability to retrieve the vehicle parameters. * Timing – The ELD must cross-check its compliance with the external UTC source and must record any timing compliance malfunction. * Positioning – An ELD must monitor the availability of position measurements meeting the listed accuracy requirements and track the distance and time from the last valid measurement point. * Data Recording – An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events. * Data Transfer – An ELD must implement in-service monitoring functions to verify that the data transfer mechanism(s) are continuing to function properly * Other – Any other ELD detected malfunction such as Bluetooth, relay, etc You as a driver are required to notify your carrier or administrator the malfunction as been identified on your device with in 24 hours, Omnitracs will additionally identify the issues at the host system to the administrator. Omnitracs provides the driver a visual image instruction card with the screens identified and letter codes that relate to the areas of the screen the driver needs to use. Was not able to attach.Certification Statement
ELD Certifying Statement for: Omnitracs Intelligent Vehicle Gateway (IVG001) Omnitracs IVG001 FMCSA Certifying Statement on Product Testing for ELD Regulation Compliance Omnitracs has distributed and supported AOBRDs in the marketplace since 1989 and has developed testing processes that would assess all areas of the compliance requirements for 49CFR 395.8 and 49CFR 395.15. We have a quality assurance process that follows the creation of story cards for each section of the ELD Mandate specifications. This QA process has been standard operating procedure for Omnitracs and has increased with the ELD mandate requirements. We have used the ELD Testing document issued by FMCSA as a reference to ensure that our testing parallels or exceeds the requirements. Additionally, tests have been created that evaluate fringe cases that are not included in the FMCSA document. Omnitracs employs automated script testing processes for testing of individual elements to ensure consistent and repeatable testing as well the ability to add fringe case scenarios to ensure that in each section of the ELD Mandate, compliance is achieved. We have modified our product through variance changes in the vehicle ECM, changes by OEM and SAE standards, and maintained compliance to ensure that we are continually able to supply information from the ECM. This has ensured that we comply with all the data capture and motion detection requirements specified in the ELD Mandate for the engine ECM. Our testing process includes testing in actual CMV class 6- 8 vehicles as well as using vehicle ECM simulators in testing labs. We additionally use GPS simulators to validate recovery and diagnostics for various situations that can occur in vehicles or environments when GPS may be compromised. With this and other testing processes we are able to test each requirement for diagnostics and malfunctions as required by the ELD Mandate specifications. Additionally, we have provided to Volpe an eRODS test file requested by FMCSA and that file has been accepted. We understand that the actual eRODS transfer process has not been finalized and it will require additional testing and some modifications once all information is available from FMCSA. Omnitracs information security program is based on NIST 800-53 Revision 4. We have ensured that the specified additional security requirements referenced in the regulation for PKI, FIPS, and other NIST specifications have been achieved for compliance to support eRODS transfer.
Omnitracs Intelligent Vehicle Gateway

Vendor | Device Name | Model Number | Approved Version |
| Omnitracs Intelligent Vehicle Gateway | IVG | DA1234R or later |
Data Transfer and Reporting Procedures
A Follow these steps to transmit HOS records via Web Services or Email. 1.Tap the Day Log tab. 2. If you are still in “Inspector mode” tap on the Driver button. 3. Tap the ERODS button 4. Select Web Services or Email on the left 5. Enter a comment if requested then tap Send 6. A confirmation screen will appear. 7. If the transfer is unsuccessful, the display is a considered a compliant secondary record of duty status Omnitracs provides the driver a visual image instruction card with the screens identified and letter codes that relate to the areas of the screen the driver needs to use. Was not able to attach.Malfunctions and Testing
Malfunctions and Diagnostics If you receive any of the following errors or malfunctions on your ELD you are required to keep paper logs until the malfunction has been corrected. * Power – An ELD must be powered and functional within one minute of the vehicle’s engine receiving power and remain powered for as long as the vehicle’s engine stays powered. * Engine Synchronization – An ELD is required to establish a link to the engine ECM and monitor its connectivity to the engine ECM and its ability to retrieve the vehicle parameters. * Timing – The ELD must cross-check its compliance with the external UTC source and must record any timing compliance malfunction. * Positioning – An ELD must monitor the availability of position measurements meeting the listed accuracy requirements and track the distance and time from the last valid measurement point. * Data Recording – An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events. * Data Transfer – An ELD must implement in-service monitoring functions to verify that the data transfer mechanism(s) are continuing to function properly * Other – Any other ELD detected malfunction such as Bluetooth, relay, etc You as a driver are required to notify your carrier or administrator the malfunction as been identified on your device with in 24 hours, Omnitracs will additionally identify the issues at the host system to the administrator. Omnitracs provides the driver a visual image instruction card with the screens identified and letter codes that relate to the areas of the screen the driver needs to use. Was not able to attach.Certification Statement
ELD Certifying Statement for: Omnitracs Intelligent Vehicle Gateway (IVG001) Omnitracs IVG001 FMCSA Certifying Statement on Product Testing for ELD Regulation Compliance Omnitracs has distributed and supported AOBRDs in the marketplace since 1989 and has developed testing processes that would assess all areas of the compliance requirements for 49CFR 395.8 and 49CFR 395.15. We have a quality assurance process that follows the creation of story cards for each section of the ELD Mandate specifications. This QA process has been standard operating procedure for Omnitracs and has increased with the ELD mandate requirements. We have used the ELD Testing document issued by FMCSA as a reference to ensure that our testing parallels or exceeds the requirements. Additionally, tests have been created that evaluate fringe cases that are not included in the FMCSA document. Omnitracs employs automated script testing processes for testing of individual elements to ensure consistent and repeatable testing as well the ability to add fringe case scenarios to ensure that in each section of the ELD Mandate, compliance is achieved. We have modified our product through variance changes in the vehicle ECM, changes by OEM and SAE standards, and maintained compliance to ensure that we are continually able to supply information from the ECM. This has ensured that we comply with all the data capture and motion detection requirements specified in the ELD Mandate for the engine ECM. Our testing process includes testing in actual CMV class 6- 8 vehicles as well as using vehicle ECM simulators in testing labs. We additionally use GPS simulators to validate recovery and diagnostics for various situations that can occur in vehicles or environments when GPS may be compromised. With this and other testing processes we are able to test each requirement for diagnostics and malfunctions as required by the ELD Mandate specifications. Additionally, we have provided to Volpe an eRODS test file requested by FMCSA and that file has been accepted. We understand that the actual eRODS transfer process has not been finalized and it will require additional testing and some modifications once all information is available from FMCSA. Omnitracs information security program is based on NIST 800-53 Revision 4. We have ensured that the specified additional security requirements referenced in the regulation for PKI, FIPS, and other NIST specifications have been achieved for compliance to support eRODS transfer.
Omnitracs Intelligent Vehicle Gateway

Vendor | Device Name | Model Number | Approved Version |
| Omnitracs Intelligent Vehicle Gateway | IVG | DA1237R or later |
Data Transfer and Reporting Procedures
> Telematic (Web Service)Malfunctions and Testing
A Follow these steps to transmit HOS records via Web Services or Email. 1.Tap the Day Log tab. 2. If you are still in “Inspector mode” tap on the Driver button. 3. Tap the ERODS button 4. Select Web Services or Email on the left 5. Enter a comment if requested then tap Send 6. A confirmation screen will appear. 7. If the transfer is unsuccessful, the display is a considered a compliant secondary record of duty status Omnitracs provides the driver a visual image instruction card with the screens identified and letter codes that relate to the areas of the screen the driver needs to use. Was not able to attach.Certification Statement
Malfunctions and Diagnostics If you receive any of the following errors or malfunctions on your ELD you are required to keep paper logs until the malfunction has been corrected. * Power – An ELD must be powered and functional within one minute of the vehicle’s engine receiving power and remain powered for as long as the vehicle’s engine stays powered. * Engine Synchronization – An ELD is required to establish a link to the engine ECM and monitor its connectivity to the engine ECM and its ability to retrieve the vehicle parameters. * Timing – The ELD must cross-check its compliance with the external UTC source and must record any timing compliance malfunction. * Positioning – An ELD must monitor the availability of position measurements meeting the listed accuracy requirements and track the distance and time from the last valid measurement point. * Data Recording – An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events. * Data Transfer – An ELD must implement in-service monitoring functions to verify that the data transfer mechanism(s) are continuing to function properly * Other – Any other ELD detected malfunction such as Bluetooth, relay, etc You as a driver are required to notify your carrier or administrator the malfunction as been identified on your device with in 24 hours, Omnitracs will additionally identify the issues at the host system to the administrator. Omnitracs provides the driver a visual image instruction card with the screens identified and letter codes that relate to the areas of the screen the driver needs to use. Was not able to attach.
Omnitracs Intelligent Vehicle Gateway

Vendor | Device Name | Model Number | Approved Version |
| Omnitracs Intelligent Vehicle Gateway | IVG | DA1262R or later |
Data Transfer and Reporting Procedures
> Telematic (Web Service)Malfunctions and Testing
A Follow these steps to transmit HOS records via Web Services or Email. 1.Tap the Day Log tab. 2. If you are still in “Inspector mode” tap on the Driver button. 3. Tap the ERODS button 4. Select Web Services or Email on the left 5. Enter a comment if requested then tap Send 6. A confirmation screen will appear. 7. If the transfer is unsuccessful, the display is a considered a compliant secondary record of duty status Omnitracs provides the driver a visual image instruction card with the screens identified and letter codes that relate to the areas of the screen the driver needs to use. Was not able to attach.Certification Statement
Malfunctions and Diagnostics If you receive any of the following errors or malfunctions on your ELD you are required to keep paper logs until the malfunction has been corrected. * Power – An ELD must be powered and functional within one minute of the vehicle’s engine receiving power and remain powered for as long as the vehicle’s engine stays powered. * Engine Synchronization – An ELD is required to establish a link to the engine ECM and monitor its connectivity to the engine ECM and its ability to retrieve the vehicle parameters. * Timing – The ELD must cross-check its compliance with the external UTC source and must record any timing compliance malfunction. * Positioning – An ELD must monitor the availability of position measurements meeting the listed accuracy requirements and track the distance and time from the last valid measurement point. * Data Recording – An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events. * Data Transfer – An ELD must implement in-service monitoring functions to verify that the data transfer mechanism(s) are continuing to function properly * Other – Any other ELD detected malfunction such as Bluetooth, relay, etc You as a driver are required to notify your carrier or administrator the malfunction as been identified on your device with in 24 hours, Omnitracs will additionally identify the issues at the host system to the administrator. Omnitracs provides the driver a visual image instruction card with the screens identified and letter codes that relate to the areas of the screen the driver needs to use. Was not able to attach.
Omnitracs Intelligent Vehicle Gateway

Vendor | Device Name | Model Number | Approved Version |
| Omnitracs Intelligent Vehicle Gateway | IVG | DA1304R or later |
Data Transfer and Reporting Procedures
> Telematic (Web Service)Malfunctions and Testing
A Follow these steps to transmit HOS records via Web Services or Email. 1.Tap the Day Log tab. 2. If you are still in “Inspector mode” tap on the Driver button. 3. Tap the ERODS button 4. Select Web Services or Email on the left 5. Enter a comment if requested then tap Send 6. A confirmation screen will appear. 7. If the transfer is unsuccessful, the display is a considered a compliant secondary record of duty status Omnitracs provides the driver a visual image instruction card with the screens identified and letter codes that relate to the areas of the screen the driver needs to use. Was not able to attach.Certification Statement
Malfunctions and Diagnostics If you receive any of the following errors or malfunctions on your ELD you are required to keep paper logs until the malfunction has been corrected. * Power – An ELD must be powered and functional within one minute of the vehicle’s engine receiving power and remain powered for as long as the vehicle’s engine stays powered. * Engine Synchronization – An ELD is required to establish a link to the engine ECM and monitor its connectivity to the engine ECM and its ability to retrieve the vehicle parameters. * Timing – The ELD must cross-check its compliance with the external UTC source and must record any timing compliance malfunction. * Positioning – An ELD must monitor the availability of position measurements meeting the listed accuracy requirements and track the distance and time from the last valid measurement point. * Data Recording – An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events. * Data Transfer – An ELD must implement in-service monitoring functions to verify that the data transfer mechanism(s) are continuing to function properly * Other – Any other ELD detected malfunction such as Bluetooth, relay, etc You as a driver are required to notify your carrier or administrator the malfunction as been identified on your device with in 24 hours, Omnitracs will additionally identify the issues at the host system to the administrator. Omnitracs provides the driver a visual image instruction card with the screens identified and letter codes that relate to the areas of the screen the driver needs to use. Was not able to attach.
Omnitracs Intelligent Vehicle Gateway

Vendor | Device Name | Model Number | Approved Version |
| Omnitracs Intelligent Vehicle Gateway | IVG | DA1313R or later |
Data Transfer and Reporting Procedures
> Telematic (Web Service)Malfunctions and Testing
A Follow these steps to transmit HOS records via Web Services or Email. 1.Tap the Day Log tab. 2. If you are still in “Inspector mode” tap on the Driver button. 3. Tap the ERODS button 4. Select Web Services or Email on the left 5. Enter a comment if requested then tap Send 6. A confirmation screen will appear. 7. If the transfer is unsuccessful, the display is a considered a compliant secondary record of duty status Omnitracs provides the driver a visual image instruction card with the screens identified and letter codes that relate to the areas of the screen the driver needs to use. Was not able to attach.Certification Statement
Malfunctions and Diagnostics If you receive any of the following errors or malfunctions on your ELD you are required to keep paper logs until the malfunction has been corrected. * Power – An ELD must be powered and functional within one minute of the vehicle’s engine receiving power and remain powered for as long as the vehicle’s engine stays powered. * Engine Synchronization – An ELD is required to establish a link to the engine ECM and monitor its connectivity to the engine ECM and its ability to retrieve the vehicle parameters. * Timing – The ELD must cross-check its compliance with the external UTC source and must record any timing compliance malfunction. * Positioning – An ELD must monitor the availability of position measurements meeting the listed accuracy requirements and track the distance and time from the last valid measurement point. * Data Recording – An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events. * Data Transfer – An ELD must implement in-service monitoring functions to verify that the data transfer mechanism(s) are continuing to function properly * Other – Any other ELD detected malfunction such as Bluetooth, relay, etc You as a driver are required to notify your carrier or administrator the malfunction as been identified on your device with in 24 hours, Omnitracs will additionally identify the issues at the host system to the administrator. Omnitracs provides the driver a visual image instruction card with the screens identified and letter codes that relate to the areas of the screen the driver needs to use. Was not able to attach.