Products with ELD "ELD002"

Below you will find a list of products with the ELD "" obtained from our database, including their available manuals, documentation, and images.

Click the corresponding vendor name to obtain additional information on the manufactorer, as well as contact information for further troubleshooting.

AssetWorks Ranger ELD

Product Image
Vendor Device Name Model Number Approved Version
AssetWorksAssetWorks Ranger ELDRanger43.24 or higher
  • Data Transfer and Reporting Procedures

  • Malfunctions and Testing

    Driver or Official will use the Driver Options button on the Other screen Driver or Official will use the Roadside Inspection button on the the next screen This button will navigate the user to a Logs Grid page The Logs Grid page will contain a button labeled "Data File Transfer” The Officer will tap on the button and be instructed to choose email or wireless webservices and enter the instructions or code to send the data file to the FMCSA
  • Certification Statement

    Power P Device lost power during driving events for a total of 30 min or more over a 24-hour period Engine synchronization E Device lost connection to the ECM (or other data source) for a total of more than 30 min during a 24-hour period Timing T Device is not able to synchronize to UTC Positioning L Device is not able to acquire a valid position measurement within 5 mi of vehicle movement for a total of more than 60 min over a 24 hour period. Data recording R Device is no longer able to record or retain required event data or retrieve locally-stored recorded logs Data transfer S Device continues to fail checks of the roadside transfer mechanism for three days following a Data Transfer Diagnostic Event Other ELD detected O The ELD application has stopped working or is not responding as expected

PosiTrace ELD System

Product Image
Vendor Device Name Model Number Approved Version
Global Fleet Management inc.PosiTrace ELD SystemMDTGX61.0.0 or higher
  • Data Transfer and Reporting Procedures

  • Malfunctions and Testing

    PosiTrace ELD System allows to make the initiation of the data transfer process to an authorized security officer upon request during a roadside survey in one step. Sending to Web Service FMCSA - Go to the main App screen and click on "Roadside Inspection". - Select the method of sending - "Web Service". - Enter a comment to the report file, in the dialog that appears, and click "DONE". - Wait until the data transfer to the FMCSA service is completed. Sending by Email - Go to the main App screen and click on "Roadside Inspection". - Select the method of sending - "Email". - Enter a comment to the report file, in the dialog that appears, and click "SEND". - Wait until the data transfer to the FMCSA service is completed. Sending to USB - Connect the USB device to the tablet. - Go to the main application screen and click on "Roadside Inspection". - Select the method of sending - "USB". - Enter a comment to the report file, in the dialog that appears, and click "DONE". - Enter the driver’s password, and click "Ok" - Select from the provided USB list the device of the authorized security officer. - Press "Save" - Wait for the message of record finishing. - Remove the USB device from the tablet. Sending by Bluetooth: - Open Android settings - Enable Bluetooth support (if it was OFF) - Select in the list of available devices the device of the FMCSA officer - Enter password, which should be provided by the FMCSA officer - You should get an internet connection to send the report using the Email or Web Service described above
  • Certification Statement

    PosiTrace ELD System is able to monitor diagnostic events and monitor the occurrence of malfunctions in accordance with the requirements described in the document ELD Test Plan and Procedures p. 4.6 Power Malfunction An ELD must set a power compliance malfunction if the power data diagnostics event indicates an aggregated in-motion driving time understatement of 30 minutes or more on the ELD over a 24-hour period across all driver profiles, including the unidentified driver profile. Engine Synchronization Malfunction An ELD must set an engine synchronization compliance malfunction if connectivity to any of the required data sources is lost for more than 30 minutes during a 24-hour period aggregated across all driver profiles, including the unidentified driver profile. Timing Malfunction The ELD must periodically cross-check its compliance with the requirement with respect to an accurate external UTC source and must record a timing compliance malfunction when it can no longer meet the underlying compliance requirement. Position Malfunction ELD records requiring location information must use the last valid position measurement and include the latitude/longitude coordinates and distance traveled, in miles, since the last valid position measurement. An ELD must monitor elapsed time during periods when the ELD fails to acquire a valid position measurement within 5 miles of the vehicle’s movement. When such elapsed time exceeds a cumulative 60 minutes over a 24 hour period, the ELD must set and record a positioning compliance malfunction. Data Recording Malfunction An ELD must monitor its storage capacity and integrity and must detect a data recording compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or retain required events or retrieve recorded logs that are not otherwise catalogued remotely by the motor carrier. Data Transfer Malfunction (a) An ELD must implement in-service monitoring functions to verify that the data transfer mechanism(s) are continuing to function properly. An ELD must verify this functionality at least once every 7 days.These monitoring functions may be automatic or may involve manual steps for a driver. (c) After an ELD records a data transfer data diagnostic event, the ELD must increase the frequency of the monitoring function to check at least once every 24-hour period. If the ELD stays in the unconfirmed data transfer mode following the next three 90 consecutive monitoring checks, the ELD must detect a data transfer compliance malfunction.
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