User manual for "AssetWorks Ranger ELD"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "AssetWorks Ranger ELD".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page AssetWorks.

Copyright 2017 AssetWorks LLC. All Rights Reserved.

USER MANUAL| Page 1 of 40

Hardware User Guide ....................................................................................................................................................3
Vehicle Installation ........................................................................................................................................................5
Ranger Installation .....................................................................................................................................................5
Ranger Power Installation and Mounting ..............................................................................................................5
Ranger Installation for HDV ...................................................................................................................................9
Ranger Installation for LDV ..................................................................................................................................10
Software Setup ............................................................................................................................................................11
Provision Ranger for ELD .........................................................................................................................................11
Provisioning Ranger .............................................................................................................................................11
Re-Provisioning Ranger ........................................................................................................................................12
Software User Guide....................................................................................................................................................13
Ranger ELD User Guide ............................................................................................................................................13
LOGON .................................................................................................................................................................13
Driver Options......................................................................................................................................................16
Add or Remove Resources ...................................................................................................................................17
Add a Remark or Exception .................................................................................................................................19
Change Status ......................................................................................................................................................20
Co-Driver ..............................................................................................................................................................22
Switch Active Drivers ...........................................................................................................................................23
Sign off Co-driver .................................................................................................................................................24
Switch Jurisdictions..............................................................................................................................................24
View Log Details ...................................................................................................................................................25
Vehicle in Motion.................................................................................................................................................27
Daily Vehicle Inspection Reporting (DVIR) ...........................................................................................................27
LOGOFF ................................................................................................................................................................30
Symbols & Warnings ............................................................................................................................................30
Malfunction & Data Diagnostic Event Indicators.........................................................................................................31
Definitions ...............................................................................................................................................................36
Instructions for Law Enforcement Officials .................................................................................................................37
Grid ......................................................................................................................................................................37
Events (Log Details) .............................................................................................................................................38
Details ..................................................................................................................................................................38
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2175 29th Street NE, Suite 10, Calgary, Alberta T1Y7H8 | Tel: 403-77-3760 x 2 / Fax: 403-777-3760

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Unidentified Driver Events...................................................................................................................................39
Version History ............................................................................................................................................................40

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2175 29th Street NE, Suite 10, Calgary, Alberta T1Y7H8 | Tel: 403-77-3760 x 2 / Fax: 403-777-3760

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Hardware User Guide


Connection Points for ECU

Wired to ECU via Cable

Light Duty Vehicle

OBDII Streamer

OBDII ECU Connection Cable

Heavy Duty Vehicle

6 or 9 Pin connector cable1

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Ranger Main Harness (Ranger Octopus Cable)

Ranger to HDV Connector Cable

Installation Cables

Ranger Coil Cable

Ranger Power Cable / Fuses

Mounting Hardware

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Vehicle Installation
Ranger Installation
Ranger Power Installation and Mounting

Drill four holes in the front plate of the dash (3/16 drill bit size)
Attach the ball mount to the dash, with the Coil Cable mount in between the dash and ball mount.
Drill 1  hole next to the dash mount for wiring
Run the Ranger Octopus Cable through the hole
Mount the standard length arm on the 2.5 base ball

Run the power cable for the Ranger from the battery to the dash
o Power Lead (Red) to +12V
o Ground Lead (Black) to GND
o Connect in-line 3A fuse on the power lead (Red)
Connect the 4-pin Molex of the Ranger power cable to the Ranger Octopus Cable
Connect the green wire of the Ranger Power cable to the ignition switch (Green)
o NOTE: Do not connect to the accessory mode of the ignition switch
o Connect in-line 2A fuse on the ignition lead (Green)
Connect the Ranger Octopus Cable to the back of the Coil Cable

3-pin Connector

Octopus Cable

For HDV (Heavy Duty Vehicle) connect the 3-pin connector of the Ranger to HDV Connector Cable to the
3-pin connection on the back of the Coil Cable. Connect the 3-pin connector from the coil cable to the
back left side of the Ranger
Place the cable cover on the Ranger

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Back view of the Ranger

Cable Cover of the Ranger device

To install the Ranger Cable Cover:

Use 2mm screws as shown in the following graphic to fasten the Power Cable Cover Plate. This requires a
2mm Hex bit. Apply torque to the main cable cover screws to 80 - 90 oz-inches (55 - 65 N-cm)

Align the Cable Cover with the Ranger unit

If there are external cables connected to the Ranger unit, thread the cables through the holes in the Cable
Cover. The cables must be threaded in such a way that they are not pinched by the Cable Cover when
fastened to the Ranger.

Secure the Cable Cover to the Ranger unit with the screws provided. This requires 6mm and 2mm hex
head screws (2 of each). Apply torque to the mounting ball and RF cable cover screws to 80  90 oz-inches
(55 - 65 N-cm)

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If an HSPA or LTE modem is selected, a SIM card must be installed into the unit as shown in the following

The card should click into place when installed correctly. It can be ejected by pushing it inwards until a
click is heard and then released. The SIM can then be removed.

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Ranger Installation for HDV

Connect the Ranger 9-pin / 6-pin Deutsch plug to the Vehicle ECU
The Y-cable shall have a 9-pin / 6-pin Deutsch Receptacle that can be replaced on the Vehicle ECU Port
under the dash
Tuck the Ranger cable behind the vehicle dash out of the way of the driver

3-pin Connector To the
back of the Coil Cable

Connect the DB15 Male of the 9-pin ECU Connector Cable to the DB15 Female of the Ranger to 9/6 Pin
Deutsch Connector Cable
Connect the 3-pin Connector from the Ranger to 9/6 Pin Deutsch Connector Cable to the back of the Coil

Connect the 1708 Data Pin (if necessary) to the J-1708 1x3 Molex plug of the Ranger Octopus cable
o Only required on vehicles that do not provide J-1939 data

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Ranger Installation for LDV

Connect the OBDII ECU Connection Cable to the Vehicle ECU
The Y-cable has a OBDII Receptacle that can replace access to the Vehicle ECU Port under the dash
Tuck the Ranger cable behind the vehicle dash out of the way of the driver

Connect the DB15 Male connector of the OBDII ECU Connection Cable to the OBDII Streamer

Connect the DB9 Male Connector (labelled COM1) of the Ranger Main Harness to the OBDII Streamer

Turn the vehicle ON, Both lights (status and power) on the OBDII streamer should go solid
Once the OBDII Streamer connection is confirmed (check System Status in Ranger Start Menu), tuck the
streamer behind the dash out of the way of the driver

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Software Setup
Provision Ranger for ELD
Provisioning Ranger
Provisioning the Ranger activates the Ranger as an hours of service (HOS) vehicle. This means drivers who use
hours of service logs can access their driver logs through this device.
When the Ranger is powered on for the first time, an Enter Hours of Service Vehicle ID screen is displayed where
you will enter the vehicle ID. Click OK when you are finished entering the vehicle ID. Confirm the entry and click
the YES button to finish the provisioning process.

The Device ID, Organization ID and Provisioning Key are hard coded into the Mobile application installed on the
Ranger. Once you confirm the Vehicle ID, the following screen will display while the Ranger completes the
provisioning process.

When provisioning is completed the Ranger will display the LOGON screen

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Re-Provisioning Ranger
It may be necessary to change the vehicle ID because it was entered incorrectly, or the ranger changed vehicles.
To re-provision the ranger, click OTHER, then Driver Options, then Driver Overview.

Click on Resources, then Vehicle.

Click on the textbox to change the vehicle ID. Click Done when you are finished entering the new ID. Click OK to
complete the process.

To return to the Mobile Application click Driver Overview then Back.

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Software User Guide
Ranger ELD User Guide
Enter the Driver ID and Password by clicking the LOGON button, or within the white text box beside User Name.
Once your username and password have been entered, click the LOGON button to initiate the logon process.

Logs are up to date
When the logs are up to date the Ranger is connected to the server and previous logs are available on the Ranger.
Driver: Ensure driver name is correct
Last Status: Ensure the last status is correct as it will affect Gain Time and Driving time left.
Gain Time: The Ranger will indicate the date and time when there will be a gain in drive time if available.
Driving time left: The number of hours you have available to drive within the set duty cycle.

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Click NEXT and select ON Driver  this will set your duty status to ON DUTY. You can then enter shipments on
the next screen. Click NEXT when finished to complete the log in process.

Driving Time Left: N/A  This is normal if the Driver is new to the system and logging on for the first time. The
information here will update once there is enough information about the work cycle to calculate the values.
Driving Time Left: XX:00  The driver has their XX Drive Time available.

No Driving Time Left and Gain Time In: N/A  The driver should sync the Ranger with the server to obtain proper
logs. See Request Logs. The driver must also be in an Off Duty status to see gain time.
No Driving Time Left and Gain Time In: 10 hours  Gain time will only show when the driver is OFF DUTY. The driver
will need to stay in an Off Duty status until their gain time has reached 00:00 to get their full drive time back.

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Drive Time Warning: Only 4 hours of Drive Time left.

Drive Time Second Warning: Only 1 hour of Drive Time left.

Location Data Entry
The logging device uses GPS to determine the vehicles location at the time of each duty status change. If valid
coordinates cannot be obtained from GPS, the driver will be prompted to enter the location.
Type: Choose from City/State, Intersecting Highways, Highway/Mile post or Highway/Service Plaza.
Name: (optional) Enter the customer name or landmark where the status change or inspection took place. This name
will appear in the Events view of the driver logs to provide additional context for your activities. See View Log Details
on page 23.
City: Enter the name of the city. If outside city limits, enter the name of the nearest city, town or other population
State/Province: Select the state, province, or territory.

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Driver Options
Request Logs
If the driver had a conflict, or for some other reason the logs needed to be updated on the server, the drivers logs
can be downloaded immediately to the Ranger. It is important to have the most current information available on
the Ranger. To request logs:

Click OTHER from the main FSS Mobile Log screen.
Click Driver Options
Select Request Logs
Click YES to confirm the request
Once the logs are downloaded the Ranger will display a message box indicating the logs are up to date.

To return to the Mobile Application click Driver Overview then Back.

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Add or Remove Resources
You can add Trailers and Shipments through the TRAILERS and SHIPMENT buttons located on the left-hand side
of the Log screen.

Adding a Trailer: Click the TRAILERS button then ADD. Click OK when you are finished entering the trailer name.

Removing a Trailer: Click the TRAILERS button and highlight an existing Trailer in the list. Select REMOVE.

Added Trailers will appear on the Log View Summary Page

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Adding a Shipment: Click the SHIPMENT button then ADD. Click OK when you are finished entering the

Removing a Shipment: Click the SHIPMENT button and highlight an existing Shipment in the list. Select REMOVE.

An added Shipment will appear on the Log View Summary Page

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Add a Remark or Exception
To add a remark: From the Log screen, click the Add Remark button on the bottom right. Type Driver Remarks as
needed. Click OK to complete the remark.

To add an Exception: Click OTHER then Driver Options. Tap the arrow pointing to the right, then click Take
Exception. Choose an Exception from the drop down and enter the details below. Click OK when done.

To return to the Mobile Application click Driver Overview then Back.

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Change Status
From the Log Screen a driver can change statuses between the following:

Off Duty: Choose this when you are relieved of duty before signing out of the logging device. This will record your
activity as OFF.
On Duty (Driver): Choose this when you are on duty and taking control of the vehicle. The logging device will detect
when the vehicle is moving and automatically record your activity as D (driving) when the vehicle is moving, and ON
when the vehicle is stopped. No other driver may take control of the vehicle until you choose a different status, start
a Rest Break, or sign out.
Off Personal (OFF PRSNL): Choose this if you are relieved from all responsibility for performing work and taking
control of the vehicle for your own personal use. This will record your activity as Authorized Personal Use of CMV.
From the OTHER button on the log screen, a driver can change statuses between the following (if enabled by the

Off Duty Stand By: If applicable: Choose this while you are waiting at an oil or natural gas well site and are
performing no work during this time. This will record your activity as waiting/standby time.
Sleeper: Choose this when you are beginning a period of rest in the vehicles sleeper berth. This will record your
activity as SB
Drivers can select additional status options by clicking on Driver Options, then Driver Overview.

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By clicking Change Status, an On Duty driver can change statuses between the following:

On Yard Move (ON YM): Choose this if you are moving your vehicle inside your carriers yard. This will record your
activity as Yard Moves (YM) (ON). (If enabled by the carrier).
On Duty (ON Not Driver): Choose this if you are on duty but not in control of the vehicle. This will record your activity
as ON. If no one has taken control of the vehicle, the automatic motion detection system will continue to track
vehicle movements and report them to your carrier as Unknown Driver events.
ON Driver, SB, OFF Sign out, and OFF PC can also be selected from this screen, which are explained above.

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In some situations, the driver is a Co-driver (team driver) who has been, or is about to be, the driver:
Signing in a Co-Driver
To add a Co-driver, click ADD DRIVER, enter the username and click OK, then enter the password and click OK.

The Logs are up to date screen will appear. Click Next to download logs onto the Ranger.

The added driver can then select either an ON Not Driver or SB status. They may also add shipments.

Up to 5 drivers may be added.

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To select a specific driver, click NEXT DRIVER until the desired drivers name appears at the bottom of the screen.

Change Status as a co-driver
To change the co-driver status, click NEXT DRIVER until the desired co-drivers name appears at the bottom of the
screen, then click OTHER. As an On-Duty co-driver you may choose to switch your jurisdiction, switch the active
driver, go on Sleeper status, or sign off.

Switch Active Drivers
To change the active driver, click NEXT DRIVER until the desired co-drivers name who will become the active
driver appears at the bottom of the screen, then click OTHER. Click Switch Active Driver. You will then have to
select either an Off Duty, On Duty, or Sleeper status for the driver being switched off Active Driver.

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Sign off Co-driver
Select the Co-driver using the NEXT DRIVER button until their name appears at the bottom of the screen. Then
click OFF DUTY. To sign out, click OTHER, then Sign Off. The Co-driver will be given a chance to then review
their logs on the Ranger.

Switch Jurisdictions
Some drivers may travel between the USA, Canada and/or Mexico, and will have the option to switch jurisdictions
if applicable.
Click the OTHER button from the Driver Log tab then Switch Jurisdiction.

Double-click on the Driving time left -  bar to view the Driving Time Details -  screen. Click
on Switch to  to enable a different jurisdiction.

To return to the Mobile Application click Driver Overview then Back.

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View Log Details
To view the Grid and previous days data, click the LOG DETAILS button from the mobile application. This will take
you to the hours of service application.

For Log Details and Events
Click Details to View additional information including Distance Driven, cycle type, co-drivers, trailers and shipments.

Click Events to see duty status changes and locations, remarks and annotations, exceptions claimed, log edits,
unidentified driver events, and malfunction and data diagnostic events.

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You can view previous days data by tapping on the back arrow in the top left-hand corner. You can certify each
days log by clicking Certify, entering your password, then clicking Agree.

To return to the Mobile Application click Home then Back.

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Vehicle in Motion
When the vehicle is in motion the Ranger will show one of the following blocker screens; Clock, Blank, Map, or



Daily Vehicle Inspection Reporting (DVIR)
Major Defects: Specific alerts can be generated for major defects. This is the most critical item as your vehicle is
not considered roadworthy.
Minor Defects: Specifc alerts can be generated for minor defects. These are less critical items and you may want
these alerts to go to a different person/group for consolidation.
The NEW DVIR button allows the driver to complete a new DVIR.
From the STATUS tab, click on NEW DVIR and it will take you to the CONFIRMATION screen. You will be given a
chance to confirm that the vehicle/trailer information is correct here. If the previous DVIR had no deficiencies, the
device will take you to the CONFIRMATION screen.

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If there were defects in the previous DVIR, those defects must be certified by the driver in order to be corrected.
The driver can either certify repairs for the defects or certify that the vehicle is still safe to operate with those

You can perform the new DVIR after certifying previous defects to be corrected and accepting that the
vehicle/trailer information is correct. The list will default all items to be OK. If a deficiency is found, you can use
the selection tree to confirm the defect(s) before indicating DONE.
A red X denotes a major defect where the vehicle is not considered roadworthy. A yield sign indicator denotes
a minor defect, where the vehicle can continue to operate. You are given an opportunity to review and certify that
the information is correct before submitting the DVIR.

Previous DVIR
The PREV DVIR button allows the driver to see the last DVIR performed for the vehicle.

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If NO defects were noted then the following message will appear. Click SUBMIT to finish the DVIR.

If a major defect is noted, then the DVIR Contains Failures driver alert will pop up. System alerts can be sent out
in real time to a configurable email list to notify your carrier of these defects.

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When logging off of the Ranger select the Off Duty Status from the Log tab, then select LOGOFF from the Status
tab. If not, the Ranger will prompt you at logoff to change your duty status to off duty.

Symbols & Warnings
The logging device is currently connected to the wireless data provider and can send data.

The logging device cannot connect to the wireless data provider. Reasons may include a low signal strength, faulty
SIM card or network service interruption.

There are no Trailers or Shipments associated with the current Driver.

The logging device cannot read data from the Engines ECU

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Malfunction & Data Diagnostic Event Indicators
See the following tables for ELD malfunction and data diagnostic event definitions. General troubleshooting steps
can be found in the Troubleshooting section.
Data Diagnostic Event





Device was not powered on within 1 min of the engine receiving power, or lost
power at any point while the engine was powered on

Engine synchronization


Device was not able to receive data from the ECM (or other data source) within 5
seconds of requesting the data

Missing required data


Device is missing required information for reporting on driver logs

Data transfer


Device is unable to confirm the proper operation of the certified primary roadside
transfer mechanism

Unidentified driving


More than 30 min of driving in a 24-hour period is recorded under the unidentified
driver profile

Compliance Malfunction





Device lost power during driving events for a total of 30 min or more over a 24-hour

Engine synchronization


Device lost connection to the ECM (or other data source) for a total of more than 30
min during a 24-hour period



Device is not able to synchronize to UTC



Device is not able to acquire a valid position measurement within 5 mi of vehicle
movement for a total of more than 60 min over a 24-hour period.

Data recording


Device is no longer able to record or retain required event data or retrieve locally
stored recorded logs

Data transfer


Device continues to fail checks of the roadside transfer mechanism for three days
following a Data Transfer Diagnostic Event

Other ELD detected


The eFleetSuite application has stopped working or is not responding as expected

Data diagnostics appear on your device when a driver is signed
into the application. If your device enters a data diagnostic
state, you will see a red triangle icon in the action bar at the top
of the screen. Navigate to your log events to determine the exact type
of diagnostic event that has occurred and see Troubleshooting for
common causes and resolutions.

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An ELD compliance message appears on the Ranger at the bottom of the screen on the log tab, the log tab will also
be highlighted orange if you are on any other tab. The message will include the malfunction description. The
example shown is an Engine Synchronization Compliance Malfunction.

You must document the occurrence of a compliance malfunction and notify your carrier in writing within 24 hours
and reconstruct your record of duty status for the current 24-hour period on a paper log. If the malfunction
prevents you from accessing your logs on the device, you must reconstruct your previous 7 consecutive days of
logs on paper as well.
A compliance malfunction cannot be dismissed, it must be corrected before you continue using the device as an
ELD. Refer to the Troubleshooting section for common causes and resolutions. If you are not able to immediately
resolve the malfunction, you must continue keeping paper logs until the device is once again compliant.

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See the following tables for common troubleshooting steps.


Possible Cause

Corrective Action

Top of screen shows
Connection to Dispatch
Center Broken

SIM card not
seated correctly or
not active

Check with the carrier if the SIM card is active, reseat the SIM
card, reset the Ranger

The comms indicator on
the eFleetSuite screen is
grey instead of green

Cellular coverage

Move outside or away from buildings or other objects that
may obstruct the signal. Contact the cellular provider of your
device and request a coverage check for your area.


Possible Cause

Corrective Action

System Check screen
shows Failed for GPS.

Sim card not seated Check with the carrier if the SIM card is active, reseat the SIM
correctly or not
card, reset the Ranger

Driver logs or DVIR
cannot be downloaded at

Missing locations
appearing on driver logs.
Physical location /
coverage issue

Move outside or away from buildings or other objects that may
obstruct satellite view.


Possible Cause

Corrective Action

Device is recording engine
synchronization data
diagnostics and/or
compliance malfunctions.

Ignition wire
incorrectly installed

Verify ignition wire is not receiving power with the engine off
and is receiving power with the engine running.

Device not
receiving engine
data from ECM

Contact your provider for further assistance.

Record State Line
Crossings message on
Device is recording
positioning compliance

Device is not recording
driving time.

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2175 29th Street NE, Suite 10, Calgary, Alberta T1Y7H8 | Tel: 403-77-3760 x 2 / Fax: 403-777-3760

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Possible Cause

Corrective Action

Screen stops responding
to touches.

Application not

Reboot the device by performing a 3-finger reset. Hold the
power button, F2, and F5 at the same time until all the lights
on the buttons turn green. The Ranger will then reboot.
Disconnect the J1939 connection from the ranger and perform
a 3-finger reset.

Defective or

Have your carrier administrator submit an RMA request to
have the screen repaired.

Screen does not power on No power
with engine crank or when
the circular hardware
Defective or
button is pressed.

Verify that the device is receiving power through the 9-pin
If the hardware buttons light up but the screen will not turn on
when the circular hardware button is pressed, have your
carrier administrator submit an RMA request to have the
screen repaired.

Error Message

Possible Cause

Corrective Action

Logon Denied

An incorrect ID or
password was

Contact your administrator to verify your ID and to have your
password reset.

The vehicle is not
set up correctly on

Contact your administrator to verify that the correct ranger is
setup in the vehicle on the FSS website

Unable to retrieve logs.

No cellular
See COMMUNICATIONS section above.
connection and no
credentials stored
locally on the device

Error Message

Possible Cause

Corrective Action

Device is displaying
Other compliance

Application has
Reboot and/or reprovision the device. Contact your provider
stopped responding for further assistance.

AssetWorks Proprietary Information | 15 November 2019
2175 29th Street NE, Suite 10, Calgary, Alberta T1Y7H8 | Tel: 403-77-3760 x 2 / Fax: 403-777-3760

USER MANUAL| Page 35 of 40


Possible Cause

Corrective Action

System Check screen
shows Failed for

9-pin connection
not properly

Verify the 9-pin connector and any adapters used for
installation are connected tightly and snapped into place.

Missing or decreasing
odometer conflicts are
appearing on driver logs.

Device not
receiving engine
data from ECM

Contact your provider for further assistance.

Device is recording
engine synchronization
data diagnostic events
and/or compliance

Installation did not
use correct cables

Verify that the correct J1708 or J1939 wires were used to
connect to the vehicle wiring. Verify that the connection
point on the vehicle was not bypassed by some other
connection. Verify that the data lines used to connect are live
and sending data from the databus.

Possible Cause

Corrective Action

Power Failure remarks
appear in driver logs.

Incorrectly installed
power wire or no
power to the 9-pin
Device is shutting down or connector power
rebooting unexpectedly.

Verify that the power and ground wire are receiving a constant
12 or 24 volts of power with the engine off. Verify that the 9pin connector and any adapters used for installation are
connected tightly and snapped into place.

Inconsistent voltage
Screen does not power on
to the device
with engine crank or when
Device is wired
the circular hardware
through a master kill
button is pressed.

Test the vehicles battery and alternator. Check for faulty
wiring; exposed or corroded wiring or loose connections.
Re-wire the device straight to a constant 12- or 24-volt source.
See Installation Guide for details.

Device is recording power
data diagnostic events
and/or compliance

AssetWorks Proprietary Information | 15 November 2019
2175 29th Street NE, Suite 10, Calgary, Alberta T1Y7H8 | Tel: 403-77-3760 x 2 / Fax: 403-777-3760

USER MANUAL| Page 36 of 40

The following abbreviations and terms are used in records generated by this logging device. Use the extra space
provided to list any additional codes used by your motor carrier.

Field Service Solutions
Cellular communications

ELD Login
ELD Logout
Inactive - Changed
Inactive - Rejected

Electronic logging device
When an authorized user logs in to an ELD
When an authorized user logs out of an ELD
A log event that was edited and is no longer the active event
A requested edit that was rejected and was not applied to your log
A log edit that has been requested by a non-driver host user but has not yet been
applied to your log
Off duty
On duty, not driving
Personal conveyance
Sleeper berth
Yard moves

Inactive - Requested

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2175 29th Street NE, Suite 10, Calgary, Alberta T1Y7H8 | Tel: 403-77-3760 x 2 / Fax: 403-777-3760

USER MANUAL| Page 37 of 40

Instructions for Law Enforcement Officials
To remove the ranger from the vehicle, pinch the tabs on both sides of the 25-pin connector and pull, then loosen
the mounting hardware.

To review the drivers electronic record of duty status (daily log) for each day required to be in their possession,
tap on OTHER, then Driver Options, then Roadside Inspection.

This will show you the log grid starting with the current day. Tap the Events/Grid button to toggle between the
grid view and a line-by-line detail view. Use the arrows on either side of the date to navigate through the log
history. The Details button displays general carrier, driver, and ELD information. Use the Data File Transfer
button to send the logs via email or web service.


Graph of all duty statuses for each 24-hour period starting at midnight
Total hours
The grid is color coded as follows:
Personal Conveyance (OFF)
Yard Moves (ON)
All other statuses

AssetWorks Proprietary Information | 15 November 2019
2175 29th Street NE, Suite 10, Calgary, Alberta T1Y7H8 | Tel: 403-77-3760 x 2 / Fax: 403-777-3760

USER MANUAL| Page 38 of 40

Events (Log Details)

Duty status changes and locations
Remarks and annotations
Exceptions claimed by the driver
Edits and requested changes
o See Definitions for details
Malfunction and data diagnostic events
o See Malfunction & Data Diagnostic Event Indicators for more information


See US 49 CFR 395.15(b)(4) and CA SOR-2005-313 84


Log date, time, and time zone
[Canada format only] The cycle being followed
Name of motor carrier
USDOT number of motor carrier
Main office address
Drivers home terminal name
Home terminal address
Driver name, ID, license number and state
ELD Provider, Registration ID, and Identifier
Vehicles (trucks or tractors), trailers, and shipments
Distance driven1
Total duty hours for the 7- or 8- consecutive day period [US format] or 7- or 14- day cycle [Canada format]
ending today2
Current odometer and engine hours
Current location
Malfunction and diagnostic indicators


Excluding any distance travelled while operating a CMV as a personal conveyance
only when viewing a log for the current date


To transmit an ELD Data File for the current 24-hour period and the previous 7 consecutive days to
the FMCSA, ensure the Ranger is currently connected to the wireless data provider and can send
data. See Symbols & Warnings.
Tap the Data File Transfer button. Tap to select either Web Service or Email,
enter a comment, and tap Done to complete the request and send the file. To
allow the eRODS system to transmit the file directly to you, the inspecting
officer, enter only your code (such as US1234 or IA12345) in the comments
field. Do not include the word code or any other text. Per ELD regulations,
the email address is hard coded to the FMCSA and cannot be changed. To
transmit logs in addition to the 8 days available on the device, contact the
carrier to have them submit a transfer from the host website.

AssetWorks Proprietary Information | 15 November 2019
2175 29th Street NE, Suite 10, Calgary, Alberta T1Y7H8 | Tel: 403-77-3760 x 2 / Fax: 403-777-3760

USER MANUAL| Page 39 of 40

Unidentified Driver Events
To view all unassigned unidentified driver events recorded by the device, tap the drop-down arrow beside the
drivers name (above the grid) and select Unidentified Driver. Use the arrows on either side of the date to
navigate through the log history.

Ensure the 25-pin connector clicks back into place once the roadside inspection is over.

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2175 29th Street NE, Suite 10, Calgary, Alberta T1Y7H8 | Tel: 403-77-3760 x 2 / Fax: 403-777-3760

USER MANUAL| Page 40 of 40

Version History




Rachel Haan

Aug 12,2019


- Created the document


Sept 16, 2019


- Changed screenshots to be current, updated document to
reflect all WO 3.24 changes.


Nov 5, 2019


- Added Malfunctions and Data Diagnostics section


Nov 15, 2019

- Added instructions for Law Enforcement Officials section

- Added coil cable photos, installation instructions, and law
enforcement instructions for coil cable

AssetWorks Proprietary Information | 15 November 2019
2175 29th Street NE, Suite 10, Calgary, Alberta T1Y7H8 | Tel: 403-77-3760 x 2 / Fax: 403-777-3760

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