Products with ELD "AWA869"

Below you will find a list of products with the ELD "" obtained from our database, including their available manuals, documentation, and images.

Click the corresponding vendor name to obtain additional information on the manufactorer, as well as contact information for further troubleshooting.


Product Image
Vendor Device Name Model Number Approved Version
AWA247 ELDAWA ELDA23A2.98 and up
  • Data Transfer and Reporting Procedures

    > Telematic (Web Service, Email)
  • Malfunctions and Testing

    When conducting roadside inspections, the AWA ELD proves to be an invaluable asset for drivers as it offers a thorough summary of their records. Retrieving this data is a breeze within the application, and the ELD streamlines the transmission of telematics data through email or web services. Commencing the transfer procedure is simple for drivers, who can easily navigate to the DOT Mode menu and select the "Send" option. Furthermore, a designated DOT Mode button guarantees that drivers can effortlessly display the log report on their mobile device when presenting it to a DOT officer.
  • Certification Statement

    The AWA ELD Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records document all malfunctions that occurred during the relevant time period and notify all ELD users about active malfunctions. In order to ensure compliance, detect malfunctions and data inconsistencies, and document such occurrences, the AWA ELD system utilizes specific codes to classify compliance malfunctions and diagnostic events. These codes include: "P" for "Power compliance" malfunction, "E" for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction, "T" for "Timing compliance" malfunction, "L" for "Positioning compliance" malfunction, "R" for "Data recording compliance" malfunction, "S" for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction, "O" for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions, "1" for "Power data diagnostic" event, "2" for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event, "3" for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event, "4" for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event, "5" for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event, "6" for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events.
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