User manual for "AWA ELD"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "AWA ELD".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page AWA247 ELD.


ELD Guide for Truckers

Access the system:

Open the application on your

Enter your user name and password
provided by your administrator or
manager in the corresponding field.

Tap "LOG IN NOW" to proceed with
the login process.

Insert status:

Navigate to the Logs page.
Locate the date and tap on it to initiate the
log creation process.

Tap + in the top right corner of the
screen. Provide the necessary log details,
ensuring accuracy and completeness.

Once you have entered all the required
information, tap Save at the bottom of
the screen to finalize the log creation.

Edit duty status:

To modify your logs, excluding driving time
automatically logged by the ELD:

Navigate to the Logs page.

Locate and tap on the date corresponding to the
log you wish to edit.

Identify the log entry you intend to modify and tap
on the pencil icon associated with it. This will open
the editing interface, allowing you to make
changes to the log as needed.

Once you have finished editing, review and sign
the log entry to confirm the modifications.After
signing the log, ensure that the modified log entry
is saved and updated within the ELD system.

© 2025

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