User manual for "Rand McNally Vehicle Link"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Rand McNally Vehicle Link".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Rand McNally.

Application User Manual
Software Version 4.4.2

Table of Contents: How Do I?

How Do I
About DriverConnect ................................................. 5
Terminology ............................................................................ 6

Set Up DriverConnect ................................................ 7
Get Started with a New Account ................................................. 8
Connect a New Account to an ELD ............................................ 12
Get Started with an Existing Driver ID ....................................... 15
Connect to a New ELD............................................................. 18
Retrieve a Forgotten Password/Company ID ............................... 19
Update Device Firmware.......................................................... 20

Get Around the DriverConnect App .............................21
Use the Dashboard ................................................................. 21
Use the Main Menu ................................................................. 26
Change Views ........................................................................ 27
Download Buffered Data .......................................................... 28

Set My Status ..........................................................29
Go On Duty ........................................................................... 30
Log Driving Time .................................................................... 33
Log Sleeper Berth Time ........................................................... 34
Go Off Duty ........................................................................... 35
Complete a Yard Move ............................................................ 36
Use the Truck for Personal Conveyance ..................................... 38

Manage My Logbook .................................................39
View a Log ............................................................................ 40
Edit a Log ............................................................................. 41
DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Table of Contents: How Do I?

Certify a Log.......................................................................... 43
Accept or Reject an Edited Log ................................................. 44
Send a Log ............................................................................ 46
Drive with a Co-Driver ............................................................ 48
Log Unassigned Driving Records ............................................... 53

Complete a DVIR .....................................................54
DVIR Home ........................................................................... 55
Create a New DVIR ................................................................. 56
View a DVIR .......................................................................... 59
Certify Defects ....................................................................... 60

Use Inspection Mode ................................................61
Start an Inspection ................................................................. 62
Generate a Report .................................................................. 63

View Vehicle Gauges ................................................65
Manage Fuel Purchases.............................................66
Add a Fuel Purchase ............................................................... 67
View and Edit a Fuel Purchase .................................................. 68
Delete a Fuel Purchase ............................................................ 69

Send Messages, Forms, and Workflows .......................70
Send and Receive Messages ..................................................... 71
View Contacts ........................................................................ 72
Set Up and Use a Message Group ............................................. 73
Edit a Message Group ............................................................. 75
Use Forms............................................................................. 77
Use Workflows ....................................................................... 79

View Alerts..............................................................82
DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Table of Contents: How Do I?

View Driving Events ................................................................ 82
View Vehicle Faults ................................................................. 83
View ELD Information ............................................................. 84

Change My Settings .................................................85
Change My Rule Set and Exemptions ......................................... 86
Change My Trip Information..................................................... 91
View My Account Information ................................................... 92

Find Help ................................................................94
Troubleshoot Common Problems............................................... 94
Tell Rand .............................................................................. 96

Index .....................................................................97

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


About This Guide

About DriverConnect
DriverConnect is an integrated platform that
consists of the DriverConnect app installed on an
Android-based device (a tablet or a smartphone),
a cloud-based web portal, and a Rand McNally ELD.
The ELD automatically gathers data as you drive,
and sends the data to your Android device or tablet over Bluetooth.
DriverConnect uses an internet connection (cellular or Wi-Fi) from
your Android device to store that data in a cloud-based online
 Automatically calculates your Hours of Service (HOS).
 Displays work timers that tell you how much time you have left in
your driving session, driving shift, work day, and work cycle.
 Displays break timers that calculate time left in your break, and how
long until your work cycle restarts.
 Displays gauges with details about your engines performance.
 Creates driving logs for Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) inspections.
 Enables messaging services between drivers and fleet managers.
 Stores more than 6 months of driving logs in the DriverConnect
Cloud services.
 Provides certifiable Driver-Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIR).
 Automatically tracks your state-to-state driving for IFTA reporting.
 Allows you to take and store a picture of your fuel receipt.
 Provides forms-based workflows for completing common tasks.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


About This Guide

These terms are used throughout this guide:
 ELD is short for Electronic Logging Device. An ELD connects directly
to your truck and send information over Bluetooth to your
Android device or tablet. Your ELD refers to the specific Rand
McNally ELD installed in your vehicle, such as the ELD 50, DC 200,
or DC 200S.
 Your Android Device means the Android-based smartphone or
tablet on which you have installed and use the DriverConnect app.
 HOS means your Hours of Service. This is the amount of time spent
On Duty, Driving, in the Sleeper Berth, and Off Duty.
 A DVIR is a Driver-Vehicle Inspection Report. You need to complete
one before and after each driving session.
 IFTA is the International Fuel Tax Agreement. DriverConnect
automatically tracks your state-to-state driving for easier IFTA
 Your Fleet Manager is the individual at your organization who
typically interacts with drivers by managing logs and reports,
performing dispatch, etc.
 A Law Enforcement Officer (or LEO) may request to see your
Logbook on a traffic stop to ensure compliance. DriverConnect has a
special Inspection Mode for these situations.
 The DriverConnect Portal is the web-based component of
DriverConnect that allows you to access reports and driving history,
plus additional features not available in the app. You can access the
portal at:

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Set Up DriverConnect
To set up the DriverConnect app for the first time, you need to either
create a new account, or log in with an existing Driver ID.
You also need a Rand McNally Electronic Logging Device (ELD). This
user guide applies to all ELD hardware that is part of the
DriverConnect suite. Supported ELD devices include:
 ELD 50: Installs in seconds directly on a 9 pin or 6 pin JBUS
interface. The ELD 50 is available in both 6 pin and 9 pin
configurations. The ELD 50 has Bluetooth connectivity.

 DC 200: A telematics gateway allows electronic logging and fleet
management in a sleek, low-profile design. The DC 200 connects to
the Engine JBUS connector using a cable, and also has a built-in
cellular modem, WiFi, and Bluetooth connectivity.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

 DC 200S: A telematics gateway adds electronic logging to the TND
740 device and converts the TND 740 into a single-box, single-cable
solution. The DC 200S has a built-in cellular modem, WiFi, and
Bluetooth connectivity.

Get Started with a New Account
Use these instructions if you:
Have a Rand McNally ELD in your vehicle and powered on.
Do not have a Driver ID or a Company ID assigned to you by
your organization. (If you do, see page 15 to log in.)
Have Bluetooth enabled on your Android device (to link with
your ELD).

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Have an active internet connection on your Android device (to
register the ELD to your account). This can be either a cellular or
Wi-Fi connection.
Note: The following instructions, and most of the images in this user
guide, show DriverConnect screens in portrait mode. Your device may
display these steps in landscape mode. See the Change Views section
for differences between portrait and landscape mode.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Enter Your Company and Account Details

1. When you open DriverConnect for the first time, tap SIGN UP.
2. Read the setup information and tap CONTINUE.
3. Enter your Company DOT Number in the Company DOT# field and
tap NEXT.
If the Company DOT number is found in our system, it means that
your company has already set up a DriverConnect account. Please
contact the DOT administrator in your fleet, or a Rand McNally
customer service representative.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

4. Enter your companys information and tap NEXT.
5. Enter your personal information, and select the checkbox to agree
to the terms and conditions. Tap CREATE ACCOUNT.
The Welcome page displays, showing your Company Code and
Driver ID. You will need these to log in next time. These are also
sent to the email that you have entered. Youll also use this email
address and password to log into the DriverConnect portal.
Next, connect your account with your ELD.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Connect a New Account to an ELD
After creating your new account, you
need to complete three tasks to connect
it to your ELD:
 Pair Your Android device to the ELD.
 Confirm your 30-day free trial
 Complete Setup
You need to finish all of these steps in

Pair Your Android Device to
the ELD
1. On the First things first screen, tap
2. Tap SETUP DEVICE to connect your
Android device with your ELD.
If you do not have an ELD yet, tap
Setup Later, then Continue
without an ELD device.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

3. Tap the serial number of the ELD you are going to use.
If you dont see it listed, make sure it is powered on, and tap Scan
Again. If you still dont see it listed, view the Troubleshooting
section on page 94.
Your Android device will now connect to the ELD via BlueTooth,
connect to the DriverConnect cloud service, and register the ELD to
your company.
4. Once connected, your Android device will display Connected to:
followed by the ELD serial number. Tap Continue.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Confirm Free Trial
The ELD includes a complimentary 30-day
free trial of the Core plan. See page 92 for
information on the different plan types.
To purchase a subscription plan, visit the
DriverConnect portal at

Complete Setup
6. On the Configuration screen, select a
rule set and time zone, enter your tractor
and trailer number, and select a fuel type
to use for this tractor.
You can change this information later in
your Settings. See page 84.
7. (Optional) Enter your drivers license
information in the Drivers License Info
complete the setup and view your
Dashboard (page 21).

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Get Started with an Existing Driver ID
Use these instructions if you already have a Company Code, Driver ID,
and Password. You will also need your ELDs serial number.
To set up your account, your Android device needs to have:
Bluetooth enabled (to link with your ELD)
An active WiFi or cellular internet connection (to validate the
ELD is registered to your account) in the case of an ELD 50. Other
ELDs from Rand McNally have a built in cellular connection

Log In
1. When you open DriverConnect for the first time, tap LOGIN.
2. Enter the Company Code, Driver ID, and Password that your
organization assigned
to you, and tap
Select the
Remember Me
checkbox to have
remember your
Company Code and
Driver ID information
the next time you use
the app. You will
always need to enter
a password for
security reasons.
DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Connect Your Android Device to Your ELD
3. Tap SETUP DEVICE to connect your Android device with your
If you do not have an ELD yet, tap Setup Later, then Continue
without an ELD.
4. Tap the serial number of the ELD you are going to use.
Your Android device will now connect to the ELD via BlueTooth,
connect to the DriverConnect cloud service, and validate that the ELD
is registered to your company.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

5. Once connected, your Android device will display Connected to:
followed by the ELD serial number. Tap CONTINUE.

Complete Setup
6. On the Configuration screen, select a rule set and time zone, enter
your tractor and trailer number, and select a fuel type to use for this
7. (Optional) Enter your drivers license information in the Drivers
License Info section.
8. Tap DONE, LETS GET STARTED to complete the setup and view
your Dashboard.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Connect to a New ELD
Sometimes, you may need to connect your Android device with a
different ELD. This is common if you drive different trucks in the same
fleet, and switch from one to another.
1. Make sure that Bluetooth is enabled on your Android device, the
ELD is powered on, and you are in range.
2. Login first on your Android device, and then tap Connect to a
device (on the Dashboard).
4. Select the new ELD from the list.
5. The Connection Status section in the Dashboard displays the
connection to the new ELD.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Retrieve a Forgotten Password/Company ID
If you forget your password or your company code and you cannot log
in from the Login screen, follow these steps. You will need access to
the email address linked with your account.
1. Tap Forgot Password? Or Forgot Company ID? On the Login
2. Enter your email address, and tap SEND.
Once the confirmation page displays, follow the directions in the
email you receive.
3. Tap CONTINUE to close the confirmation page and log in.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Update Device Firmware
Sometimes, your ELD will need to be updated after you download a
new version of the DriverConnect app. This process happens
automatically when the app reconnects with the ELD.
disconnect power from
either the Android
device OR the ELD or
turn off Bluetooth
during this time.
Once the update is
complete, you can
continue using the app

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Get Around the DriverConnect App
Use the Dashboard
1. Main Menu
Tap to access the main functions of DriverConnect. See page 26.
2. Alerts
Tap to view driving alerts.
Page 82.
3. Connection Status
Shows connection status of
Android device and ELD.
4. Timers
Show the time left in your
work and break cycles.
5. Log / DVIR
Shows a log graph and
current DVIR summary, with
links for editing. Page 39.
6. Rule Sets
Show your current rule set
and exemptions. Page 86.
7. Status Buttons
Tap to change your duty
status. Page 29.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Dashboard Details
The Events icon in
the upper right corner
of the Dashboard displays a notification when you have an alert or a
driving event. Events include hard braking, speeding, and idle time.
See Page 82.
Connection Status

 The status on the left shows if your
Android device has a Bluetooth
connection to your ELD. If the ELD
is not connected to the Android
device, it will store driving data
and then transfer data when it is
connected to the Android device
 The status on the right shows if
your Android device is connected
to DriverConnect cloud services.
Tap to display connection details.
Tap either link to display connection
details in a popup screen. Tap Close to
return to the Dashboard.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

More Dashboard Details
 Tap the WORK TIMERS and BREAK TIMERS links, or swipe left
and right, to switch between views.
 Work Timers show how much drive time and work time you
have left for today, and for the rest of your drive cycle. The
graphs automatically update based on your rule set (page 86).
 Break Timers show how much time you have left on your break,
in your splits, and until your restarts.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

More Dashboard Details
Log / DVIR
 Tap the LOGBOOK and DVIR links, or swipe left and right, to
switch between tabs.
 The LOGBOOK tab displays a summary graph of your HOS.
 The DVIR tab shows a summary of your most recent DVIR.
 Tap the Details link on either tab to view details.
A red exclamation mark (!) next to one of these categories means
there is a logbook violation.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

More Dashboard Details
Rule Sets

 This section shows
your current rule
set and exemptions.
Tap to display a
detailed view.

 See page 86 for
details on changing
your rule set and

Status Buttons

 Tap to change your duty status. See Page 29, Set My Duty
 Your current status displays in color. Inactive statuses are
grayed out.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Use the Main Menu
Dashboard: Tap to return to
the Dashboard. See page 21.
Inspection Mode: Create
reports and send them to a LEO.
Page 61.
DVIR: Create and send DVIRs.
Page 54.
Logbook: View, edit, certify,
and send your logs. See page
Fuel Purchase: Log a fuel
purchase. Page 66.
Gauges: View real-time driving
gauges. Page 65.
Messaging: Send and receive
messages, forms, and
workflows. A red icon shows if you have new messages. Page 70.
Settings: Change your settings. Page 84.
LOGOUT: Tap to log out and return to the Login screen. Page 15.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Change Views
The DriverConnect app supports both portrait and landscape views.
The view changes automatically when you rotate your Android
You may need
to enable
Rotation in
your devices
settings first.
1. Dashboard
in Portrait
2. Dashboard
Note: Most
screens in this
guide are in
Portrait view.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Download Buffered Data
If your ELD becomes disconnected
from your Android device at any
time, the ELD will continue
collecting driving information.
When the ELD re-establishes a
connection with your Android
device, a Downloading Data
messages displays. During this,
the DriverConnect app is
downloading buffered data
recorded in the ELD while the
connection was lost.
After the download is complete,
DriverConnect syncs the data and
updates your driving logs

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Set My Status
DriverConnect tracks your status to the minute for accurate reporting
of four statuses:

 Off Duty (OFF)
 Sleeper Berth (SB)
 Driving (D)
 On Duty (ON)
Your current status displays in color.
When you start driving, you status automatically changes to Driving
(D) when you are connected to an ELD. If you use DriverConnect
without a connected ELD, then you must Tap D to manually enter
Driving status. See page 33 for more information.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Go On Duty
To go On Duty, you must choose a Rule Set, and list a tractor number,
at a minimum. You can also set a trailer number, a Bill of Lading
(BOL), and complete a DVIR. A green check (

) shows completed

1. From the Dashboard, tap the ON icon in the bottom duty status bar.
2. Verify your rule set. Tap Rule Set to make changes.
3. Select a new rule set, and any exemptions/exceptions that apply.
See page 86 for more information on rule sets and exemptions.
4. Tap CHANGE, then the Back arrow to return to the Change Status

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

5. Verify your Tractor number. Tap Trip Info to make changes.
6. Tap to enter a new Trip Name, Tractor Number, a Trailer
Number (optional), and one or more BOLs (optional).
You can enter up to 5 Bills of Lading per trip.
7. Tap SAVE, then the back arrow to return to the Change Status
8. Tap DVIR.
9. Complete the DVIR (see Page 54), and tap the back arrow.
10. Tap Change to go On Duty.
When you are On Duty, the ON icon turns blue on the Dashboard.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Notes on Trip Info
The Trip Info page allows you to manually enter a Trip name, Tractor
Number, and Trailer Number, as well as up to 5 Bills of Lading (BOLs).
Generally, the Tractor Number, Trailer Number, and BOL are assigned
by dispatch. You can define your own Trip Name
When you change your trip name,
DriverConnect makes a new trip
entry. All of your mileage and
status changes will be stored
under that trip name, until you
change it and go to On Duty using
a different trip name.
You can view details in the
DriverConnect portal for each
separate Trip Name, Tractor
Number, and Trailer Number you

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Log Driving Time
When you start driving, you
automatically enter Driving (D) status
when connected to an ELD.
Since DriverConnect uses minute-byminute data for the most accurate drive
time logs, your status switches between
Driving and On Duty automatically.

When the truck first reaches a set

threshold speed after going On Duty,
your status automatically changes to
Driving (D).

Once you stop for 3 seconds, you

can change your status from Driving to
any other status.

If you have been stopped for 5

minutes, and have not already switched
your status, the app automatically switches you to On Duty.
 When you reach the set threshold speed again, your status switches
back to Driving.
 If you stop the engine, the app automatically switches from Driving
to On Duty.
This automatic switching is designed to maximize your drive time while
maintaining compliance. By automatically switching back to On Duty
when you stop, you can gain valuable time back in your legal driving
limits. The threshold speed to transition in and out of driving can be
set by fleet manager on the DriverConnect portal.
DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Log Sleeper Berth Time
To log time in the Sleeper Berth, you must stop the truck and enter
Sleeper Berth (SB) status.

1. Tap the SB status icon in
the bottom duty status bar.
2. Enter a location and a note,
if necessary.
3. Tap Change.
Your available drive and work
time is automatically
calculated when you enter SB
status, based on the Rule Set
you are using.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Go Off Duty
When you are finished with your
day, or are taking a break, you can
manually change your duty status to
Off Duty. DriverConnect does not
automatically change to Off Duty
1. From the Dashboard, tap the OFF
icon in the bottom duty status bar.
2. Tap DVIR, and complete the post
trip report.
See Page 54 for instructions.
You cannot edit the Rule Set, Trip
Info, or DVIR information when you
change to Off Duty status.
3. Oil and Gas Exemptions: Select
the Waiting Time checkbox to
account for time spent waiting at an
oil well site. You must add a note to
account for this time.
4. Tap Change.
If you will be using the truck for personal conveyance after going
Off Duty, tap the Personal Conveyance slider to ON. See page 38.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Complete a Yard Move
Use Yard Move mode when you will
be driving the truck inside your
companys lot or a warehouse yard.
1. From the Dashboard, tap the ON
icon in the bottom duty status
2. On the Change Status screen,
tap the Yard Move slider to ON
(it switches from gray to blue).
3. Enter a location and a note, if
4. Tap Change.
When on a Yard move, your logbook
displays your On Duty time in a
dotted line with the letters YM (see

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

To stay On Duty and to exit Yard Move mode:
1. Tap ON again.
2. On the Change Status screen, de-select Yard Move.
3. Update notes.
4. Tap CHANGE.
Completing a yard move counts as On Duty time, but does not count
toward your driving time. Your fleet manager may set limits on using
yard moves.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Set My Duty Status

Use the Truck for Personal Conveyance
Use Personal Conveyance, or Line 5, mode when you will be driving
your truck off duty for personal
1. From the Dashboard, tap the
OFF icon in the bottom duty
status bar.

Complete a Post Trip DVIR if
you are going from On Duty to
Off Duty and will be driving the
truck immediately. See Page

3. On the Change Status screen,
tap the Personal Conveyance
slider to ON (it switches from
gray to blue).
4. Enter a location and write a
note, as needed.
5. Tap Change.
6. Your log displays a dotted line
with the letters PC during this
Driving in Personal Conveyance
mode does NOT count toward your on-duty time or your driving time.
Your fleet manager may set limits on how many miles you can drive in
Personal Conveyance mode. The default setting is 50 miles.
DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Manage My Logbook

Manage My Logbook
DriverConnect automatically maintains 14 days of logs for the hours
you are On Duty, Driving, in the Sleeper Berth, and Off Duty. Driving
time is logged automatically as you drive. Time for other statuses
must be entered manually. See page 29.
Your logs can be viewed,
edited, certified, and sent from
the Logbook.
To access the Logbook:
1. Tap the Main Menu.
2. Tap Logbook.
On the Logbook screen:
 Links display to certify your
logs (page 43) and send
your logs (page 46).
 The Day and Date display,
with a summary graph of
your HOS.

shows a violation.

shows the log has been

shows the log has not yet
been certified.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Manage My Logbook

View a Log
1. Scroll through the Logbook to
find the log you want to view.
2. Tap the date to show the log
3. Tap the graph to view the Log
Detail screen.

The Log Detail screen displays:
 The Day and Date at the top.
 A summary of your HOS,
displayed in both hours per
category and in a graph.
 A summary count, and list, of
any violations.
 Details of each status change,
including status, times,
location, and notes.
 A plus sign icon, used to add
your HOS (see page 41).

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Manage My Logbook

Edit a Log
You can edit a log that has not yet been certified from the Log Detail
screen. To access the Log Detail screen, see page 40.
Once you are in the Log Detail
screen, you can make your edits.
Logbook edits work by adding new
duty status entries for a time frame
you define. These new entries
overwrite and replace your existing
Only On Duty, Off Duty, and
Sleeper Berth time can be edited.
You cannot edit (add new or
overwrite existing) driving time.
To edit a log:
1. Tap a section in the graph on the
Log Detail screen that you want
to change.
The New Duty Status screen displays (next page).

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Manage My Logbook

2. Define a time frame for your
new entry. You can do this in
two ways:
 Tap and hold the sliders to
drag the beginning and
ending times to create a new
time frame; or
 Tap the Time fields, and edit
the entries directly in the
3. If you tap the time fields to
enter a time manually, then tap
SELECT TIME to confirm the
time frame and return to the
New Duty Status screen.
4. Tap a status icon for the new
time frame.
5. Enter a location and a note (at
least 5 characters are
6. Tap SAVE.

The Log Detail screen displays
with the new duty status entry.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Manage My Logbook

Certify a Log
1. From the Logbook, tap Certify Logs.
2. Check the log(s) you want to certify.
You have to start with the oldest log. As you select it, the nextoldest log becomes available, and so on, until the previous day.
4. Type your name to sign the log, and tap SUBMIT.
You must have an active internet connection to certify a log. Also,
once you certify a log, you cant edit it. Your fleet manager can edit it
on the portal.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Manage My Logbook

Accept or Reject an Edited Log
Your Fleet Manager has the ability to edit your logs from the
DriverConnect portal, if necessary, and then send the edited log back
for you to accept or reject. Only certified logs can be edited on the
portal. Only On Duty, Off Duty, and Sleeper Berth time can be edited.
Your Fleet Manager cannot overwrite existing driving time.
Note: Even though a manager can
update your logs, you (the driver) are
still responsible for making sure your
logs are accurate.
If you accept your Fleet Managers
changes, then the changes made will
overwrite the entries you made. If
you reject the changes, your original
entries will remain.
1. When one of your logs has been
edited, a Log edit(s) pending
notification displays in the
Logs with pending changes display
with an orange tab to the left of
the date and summary.
2. Tap an edited log to continue.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Manage My Logbook

3. On the Logbook Detail screen, the Edited tab shows the proposed
changes, and the Original tab shows your original entries.
HOS entries that were added or modified display with an orange tab
to the left of the entry.
4. Review the changes that were made to the log. Tap ACCEPT to
accept the changes, or REJECT to reject them.
5. On the Accept/Reject Log Edits screen, type a reason or a
comment for accepting/rejecting the logs edits, and tap Accept or
Reject. Tap Cancel to return the Logbook Detail screen.
After accepting or rejecting the changes, the colored tabs no longer
display on your log.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Manage My Logbook

Send a Log
You can send your logs to your
fleet manager as an email
attachment. See the example on
page 64.
For this function to work, your
Android device needs to have
an active internet connection.
1. From the Logbook, tap Send
2. Check the log(s) you want to
send in the Send Logs screen.
You have to start with the
oldest log. As you select it, the
next-oldest log becomes
available to select, and so on.
3. Tap SEND.
4. Type the email address of the
person who will be receiving
the logs, and tap SEND.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Manage My Logbook

See an Example of a Sent (Emailed) Log

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Manage Fuel Purchases

Drive with a Co-Driver
DriverConnect allows you and another driver to drive using the same
ELD and the same device. This is called co-driving. When co-driving,
the driving record is assigned to the driver that is connected to the
ELD. Co-driving allows a Driving time
to be assigned to the Co-driver

Set Up a Co-Driver
1. On the Main menu, tap Settings,
then Trip Info.

2. Tap the Enable Co-Driving slider.

3. Tap ADD.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Manage Fuel Purchases

4. Enter the Driver ID, first name, and
last name of your co-driver.
5. Tap ADD.

6. Tap UPDATE to change the codrivers information, if needed.

7. Tap SAVE on the Trip info page
to save the co-driving session.

Co-driving is now enabled. All
driving records will be assigned
to the driver whose
DriverConnect app is connected
to the ELD. The Co-driver would
be listed as part of the
Inspection logs.

8. To end a co-driving session, tap
End Session.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Manage Fuel Purchases

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Manage Fuel Purchases

Assign Records to a Co-Driver
Enabling a co-driver allows you to assign
driving records to that co-driver from your
logbook. The co-driver must then accept
the changes to the logbook.

1. From your logbook, select the day of the
co-driving session, and select the driving
record to assign.

2. Tap Select a Driver.

3. Tap the co-drivers Driver ID.

4. Enter a note, and verify that
all information is correct.

5. Tap SEND.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Manage Fuel Purchases

6. Tap a status to replace the Driving record you just assigned to your
This is the status that will display in your logbook after the co-driver
accepts the edited driving record.
7. Tap SUBMIT.
8. The record displays with the new status, and an orange bar plus a
co-driving indicator icon.
The status remains pending until the co-driver accepts the edited
log in his/her logbook.
Note: The process for accepting re-assigned co-driver logs is the same
as for accepting any other edit. See Page 44.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Manage Fuel Purchases

Log Unassigned Driving Records
It is possible to drive, with the ELD connected, without logging in to
DriverConnect. This is called unassigned driving.
The ELD still captures driving information. However, it does not
transfer to the app until you pair your Android device to the ELD again.
When you pair again, the Unassigned driving records found screen
You can either assign these records
to yourself, or reject these records if
they belong to another driver.
1. Tap the check mark next to a
driving record to assign that
record to your account.
2. Tap the X to reject that driving
You may need to scroll to see all
unassigned records.
3. Tap SAVE.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Complete a DVIR

Complete a DVIR
When going On Duty (see page 30)
or Off Duty (see page 35), you
should complete a Driver-Vehicle
Inspection Report, or DVIR. You
can complete a DVIR at any time,
A DVIR lets you log and track
defects in your tractor, trailer, or
both. You can also state if defects
are bad enough to make the
vehicle unsafe to drive.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Complete a DVIR

From the Main Menu, tap DVIR to
access the DVIR home screen. The
DVIR home screen shows a list of
previous DVIRs. Each list entry
 The date and time it was created
 The tractor and trailer number
for the DVIR
 Colored text to indicate the
status of the DVIR:
Red marks a vehicle as
unsafe to drive (see page 60)
Green marks a vehicle as
safe to drive, or as no defects
From this screen, you can:
1. Tap a tab to change views:
 Tractor displays all DVIRs for
the current tractor, regardless of driver
 Driver displays all of your DVIRs, regardless of tractor
2. Tap an entry to open the View DVIR screen (see page 59).
3. Tap the

button to create a new DVIR (see page 56).

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Complete a DVIR

Create a New DVIR
To create a new DVIR:
From the Main Menu, or when going On Duty or Off Duty, tap DVIR,
then tap the


The Create New DVIR screen displays.
To complete a DVIR:
1. Tap to enter the Tractor
Number and Trailer Number (if
applicable) of the vehicle you are

Enter Defects
2. If there are defects to report, tap
the Tractor Defects and/or
Trailer Defects down arrows to
select the checkboxes for any and
all defects. Tap the arrow again to
collapse the list.
The number of defects you select
displays in parentheses.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Complete a DVIR

3. If you record a defect, and the
vehicle can be operated safely,
check the Vehicle can be
operated safely checkbox.
If the vehicle CANNOT be
operated safely, do NOT check
this box

4. Tap YES to confirm that you
can use the vehicle safely.

If you do not check the Vehicle
can be operated safely
checkbox, then the DVIR will
display with a red warning on
the DVIR home screen. You
will need to certify the defect
has been repaired (page 60)
before continuing.


DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Complete a DVIR

Enter Comments and Pictures
5. Tap Enter your comments to type out an explanation of what you
are reporting, if needed.
6. Tap Upload to upload or take
up to 3 pictures to document
the defect.
 Select Take Picture to take
a new picture using your
Android devices camera
 Select Choose From
Gallery to select an existing
Tap the X on the picture to
discard it.
7. Tap Driver Name to enter
your name.
8. Tap SAVE.
Once you tap SAVE, you
cannot edit a DVIR. You can
upload pictures to this DVIR
from the portal.

Note: At any time before you
save it, you can tap the back
arrow to exit and discard the

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Complete a DVIR

View a DVIR
Tap in the row of a DVIR report on the DVIR home screen to view a
The View DVIR screen shows a read-only entry of a DVIR.
If the DVIR has defects that have not been certified as repaired yet,
the screen name changes to Certify Defects and the CERTIFY
DEFECTS button displays. See page 60.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Complete a DVIR

Certify Defects
DVIRs that mark a vehicle
as unsafe show a red
warning on the DVIR home
screen. These are DVIRs in
which the Vehicle can be
operated safely
checkbox was NOT
DVIRs that mark a vehicle
as unsafe must be certified
as fixed by your mechanic.
1. On the DVIR home
screen, tap the DVIR to
view it.
4. The mechanic must type
his/her name, and tap
The DVIR is then timestamped with the date
and time it was fixed.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Use Inspection Mode

Use Inspection Mode
When you need to show your logs to a Law Enforcement Officer (LEO)
during a roadside inspection, you can use Inspection Mode.
To enter Inspection Mode, select Inspection Mode from the Main
Menu. In Inspection Mode, you can show your logs to a LEO during
the inspection, and also email an ELD event output file.

1. Tap START INSPECTION to begin
an inspection.

2. Tap GENERATE REPORT to create
an emailed ELD output file.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Use Inspection Mode

Start an Inspection
1. In inspection Mode, tap START INSPECTION to begin.
2. Tap the day icons on the Log Report page to view each day.
3. Logs for the current day display in a section on the bottom of the
4. Tap the back button to exit Inspection Mode.
You need to enter your password to exit Inspection Mode.
5. On the Password Required page, enter your password and tap

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Use Inspection Mode

Generate a Report
1. Once you are in Inspection Mode, tap Generate Report to create
an ELD output file.
2. Type the email address that will receive the reports, add a note if
needed, and tap SEND.
The system will now to process and attach the report to an email.
Please allow up to a few minutes for this to complete.
After the email is sent, the Inspection Mode screen displays again.
The report contains 8 days of ELD events. You can see a sample report
on the next page.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Use Inspection Mode

See a Sample ELD Output File

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Manage Fuel Purchases

View Vehicle Gauges
DriverConnect provides several gauges that provide real-time
information about your vehicle. Gauges measure speed, fuel economy,
temperatures, pressure, and more. To view gauges:
1. In the Main Menu, tap Gauges.
2. Your remaining driving time displays by the steering wheel icon.
3. Swipe to the right or the left to alternate between the two available

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Manage Fuel Purchases

Manage Fuel Purchases
DriverConnect lets you
manage your fuel
purchases. You can add,
view, edit, and delete
purchases from the Fuel
Purchase screen.
To access the Fuel
Purchase screen, tap
Fuel Purchase from the
Main Menu.
On this screen, you can
select a Fuel Purchase by
tapping on a check box.
You can also check the
Select All checkbox to
select all purchases. This
checkbox changes to
Select None when
everything is selected.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Manage Fuel Purchases

Add a Fuel Purchase
1. Tap the

on the Fuel

Purchase screen to add a
new purchase.
2. Enter all of the information on
the form. Some information
may be pre-populated.
You need to scroll down to see
the entire page.
3. Tap Upload to add a picture
of the receipt.
4. Choose a picture from these
 Take Picture to take a new
picture of your receipt.
 Choose From Gallery to
select a picture you have
already taken.
5. Tap SAVE to save the
purchase record.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Manage Fuel Purchases

View and Edit a Fuel Purchase
To view a purchase:
From the Fuel Purchase page, tap an
existing fuel purchase.
The record of the purchase displays
on the Add Receipt page.

To edit a purchase:
1. Tap in any field to make changes.
2. To upload a new receipt image, tap
You need to scroll down to see the
entire page.
3. Tap SAVE to save your changes.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Manage Fuel Purchases

Delete a Fuel Purchase
1. Select the checkbox by one or
more purchases you want to
Tap Select All to select all fuel
2. Tap DELETE.
The selected record is removed
from your fuel purchases list.
Note that once you delete a fuel
purchase, you cannot recover it.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Send Messages, Forms, and Workflows

Send Messages, Forms, and
DriverConnect lets you communicate
with your fleet manager and fellow
drivers from the Messaging screen.
This feature works a lot like texting.
Messages in DriverConnect cant be
seen in another messaging app.
You can also send and receive forms
using the DriverConnect Messaging
function. Forms can be sent for you
to fill out. You can send completed
forms back to your fleet manager.
Your fleet manager can also send
you workflows, which are a series of
steps you need to complete. Forms
are often part of a workflow.
The Messaging screen has 3 tabs:
Chats, Contacts, and Workflow.
To send and receive messages, your
Android device needs to have an
active internet connection.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Send Messages, Forms, and Workflows

Send and Receive Messages
The Chats tab in the Messaging screen shows active conversations
you have with your team.
1. When someone in your organization sends you a message, a blue
notification displays by that contacts name in the Chats tab.
2. Tap the contacts name to open a chat window.
3. Tap the Write a message area to open the keyboard and type a
4. Tap the

icon to send the message.

5. Messages you sent display in blue. Messages you receive display in

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Send Messages, Forms, and Workflows

View Contacts
Your contacts list is a list of the available people in your organization
that you can send and receive messages from.
Contacts are managed by your fleet manager.

1. Tap the Contacts tab in the
Messaging screen to view your
2. Tap the name of a contact to open a
chat screen.
A blue dot by a contacts name shows
if the contact is online.

Note: If a new contact was added by
your fleet manager, but you dont see
the contact yet, you need to log out and
log back in to the DriverConnect app to refresh the Contacts list.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Send Messages, Forms, and Workflows

Set Up and Use a Message Group
Group messages work like individual messages, and allow you to
communicate with multiple people at one time.
To create a new group:
1. In the Chats tab of the Messaging screen, tap New Group.
2. Type a name for the new group, and tap Next.
3. Tap the

to add participants to the group.

Participants need to be selected from your Contacts list.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Send Messages, Forms, and Workflows

4. Check the box by a contact to add them to the group.
5. Tap DONE.
The Add Participants screen displays again, with everyone in the
group (so far) displayed on the screen.
You can repeat this process to add more contacts.
6. When your group list is complete, tap CREATE.
7. To send messages to your group, use the chat functions normally.
Messages you send will go to everyone in the group. Anyone in the
group can send a message that also goes to the whole group.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Send Messages, Forms, and Workflows

Edit a Message Group
You can edit a messaging group by adding or deleting group members,
changing the group name, or deleting the group entirely.

Add or Delete Group Members
1. Tap the group in the Chats screen, then tap the Group Settings icon


2. In the Group Settings screen, tap

to add participants to the

3. Tap Remove next to a group members name to delete that

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Send Messages, Forms, and Workflows

Change the Group Name
1. In the Group Settings screen, tap the
2. Edit the name, and tap

icon to edit the group.

to save it.

The new group name displays.

Delete a Group
3. In the Group Settings screen, tap the

icon to edit the group.

5. Tap YES to confirm the delete.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Send Messages, Forms, and Workflows

Use Forms
This feature is only available in the DriverConnect Core Plan.
Forms are structured means of communication between drivers, or
between a fleet manager and a driver. Forms allow for all of the
necessary information in certain situations to be communicated all at
once, instead of having to go back and forth over several messages.
1. When you receive a form, the message displays FORM above it.
2. Tap the arrow to view the form.
The Form screen opens, showing the form.
3. Fill out the form, and tap SEND to send it back.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Send Messages, Forms, and Workflows

To send a form:
4. Tap

when you type a message, and select Form.

5. Select a form from the Form Type dropdown.
6. Complete the form.
7. Tap SEND.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Send Messages, Forms, and Workflows

Use Workflows
This feature is only available in the DriverConnect Core Plan.
Your fleet manager has the ability
to send you workflows. Workflows
are a series of forms that can be
created by the fleet manager and
sent to a driver. This is a sequence
of steps that a driver needs to
follow. The status of each step is
Workflows appear in the
Workflow tab of the Messaging
1. When you receive a new
workflow from your fleet
manager, the Workflow tab
displays a red icon.
You can also see each step in
the workflow, with an estimated
time of completion from your
fleet manager.
2. Tap Accept to accept the
workflow. If you tap Reject, the
workflow will be rejected, and your fleet manager will be notified.
After accepting, the Start workflow button displays.
3. Tap Start workflow to begin.
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 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Send Messages, Forms, and Workflows

The first task to complete displays with a blue bar down the left
4. Tap anywhere in the first task.
5. Fill out the form, and tap SEND.
6. The first task displays Completed with a green bar and an Actual
time stamp.
If there is another task, it is now active and displays the blue bar.
Repeat these three steps for each form included in the workflow. If
the workflow has one form, you will only need to do this once.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Send Messages, Forms, and Workflows

7. Once all of the tasks are marked Completed, tap Finish
When you finish your workflow:
8. The status changes from Started to Finished. Also:
 Your fleet manager is notified once the workflow is completed.
 The finished workflow remains visible in the Workflow tab until
you receive another one.
 You can tap anywhere in each completed task to see a read-only
copy of that completed form.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


View Alerts
The Alerts screen shows a list of daily alerts that have been triggered.

View Driving Events
You Fleet Manager can set
thresholds to trigger alerts for the
following driving actions:
 Hard Braking: A decrease in
speed in a sudden deceleration
(measured in a decrease in
 Idling: The number of seconds
a vehicle is running (ignition
on) before moving.
 Speeding: Your speed (in miles
per hour).
Tap the Alerts icon in the upper
right corner of the Dashboard.
The Alerts page displays. Tap
EVENTS to see a listing of your
driving events for each day.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


View Vehicle Faults
If your ELD records any vehicle
faults, they display on the
These are also sent to the
DriverConnect portal.
Tap the Alerts icon in the upper
right corner of the Dashboard.
The Alerts page displays. Tap
VEHICLE FAULTS to see a listing
of your vehicles recorded faults.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


View ELD Information
To view current information about your ELD:
1. From the Dashboard, tap Connected to Device.
The Connected to a device screen displays.
2. Tap Data diagnostic or Compliance malfunction to view
information about these events.
3. View additional information about the ELD.
4. Use the slider to control the
volume of the ELD sounds.
5. Tap the back arrow to return to
the Dashboard.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Change My Settings
You can change your personal information and (in some cases) your
rule set and exemptions.
To access these sections, tap Settings from the Main Menu.
 My Account
Shows information about your
company, yourself, and your
subscription. See page 92.
 Trip Info
Allows you to enter information
about your trip. See page 91.
Displays a list of available
support channels. See page 94.
 Tell Rand
Allows you to send a message to
the Rand McNally DriverConnect
support team. See page 96.
Displays legal information
required by law, including safe driving practices.
 A Software version number displays at the bottom of the screen.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Change My Rule Set and Exemptions
In some cases, your rule set and exemptions are set by your fleet
manager and cannot be changed in DriverConnect. If you are able to
change it, you will see the Rule Set option available in the Change
Status screen when you go On
To make changes:
1. Tap Rule Set on the Change
Status screen.
2. Select a new rule set from the
dropdown menu.
3. If you will be using an
exemption, tap the Choose
Exemptions radio button.
4. Select an exemption from the
Exemptions dropdown menu.
5. Check the box by an exception
you want to use, if applicable.
6. Tap CHANGE.

Your new rule set goes into effect
the next time you go on duty.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Available Rule Sets and Exemptions
New rule sets and exemptions are added to DriverConnect frequently,
and will be listed in the dropdown menu when the DriverConnect app
is updated.
Rule Sets:
 USA 8/70 and 7/60
 Canada Cycle 1
 California (CA) Intrastate
 Florida 8/80 and 7/70 Intrastate
 New York
 Oregon 8/80 and 7/70 Intrastate
 Texas (TX) Intrastate
 Wisconsin 8/80 and 7/70 Intrastate

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.



Rule Set

Available Exemptions

USA 8/70

 Passenger carrying

USA 7/60

 Oilfield and gas operations
 Construction material & equipment
 Motion picture
 Non-Commercial operators
 Adverse driving condition
 100-air mile exception (Short Haul)

Alaska 8/80

 Passenger Carrying

Alaska 7/70



 Adverse conditions
 100-air mile exception (Short Haul)

California (CA) Intrastate

 Passenger carrying
 Oil and Gas
 Construction Material
 Agriculture (Farms)
 Utility service
 Motion pictures
 Adverse conditions
 100-air mile exception (Short Haul)

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Rule Set

Available Exemptions

Florida 8/80

 Passenger Carrying

Florida 7/70



 Adverse conditions
 150 Air Mile Radius

Illinois 7/70

 Passenger Carrying


 Agricultural Operations

New York

 Tow Truck Operations


 Utility Vehicle
 Agricultural Operations

Oregon 8/80

 Passenger Carrying

Oregon 7/70



 Adverse conditions
 Non-commercial operators

Texas (TX) Intrastate

 Passenger carrying
 Farm labor
 Construction Material & Equip.
 Adverse driving condition
 150 air-mile exception (Short Haul)

Washington 7/90

 Agricultural Operations

Washington 6/80

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Rule Set

Available Exemptions

Wisconsin 8/80

 Passenger Carrying

Wisconsin 7/70



DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.

 Adverse conditions


Change My Trip Information
Before you drive, you can set information about your vehicle and your
cargo. The Trip Info setting allows you to set your Tractor Number,
Trailer Number, and up to 5 Bills of Lading (BOL).
You can change this information at any time.

1. Tap Trip Info from
the Settings screen.

2. Enter information
into the fields, as

3. Tap SAVE.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


View My Account Information
In the Settings screen, tap My Account to view your information:
1. Information about your company displays on the Company Info
tab. Only fleet managers can edit this information.
2. Information about you displays on the Driver Info tab. You can edit
your profile in the DriverConnect Portal. Tap EDIT to change your
Drivers License information. See below.
3. Your most recent ELD serial number and type, as well as your
companys plan information, display in the Subscription Info tab.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Change Drivers License Information
On the Driver Info tab, you can edit your Drivers License
1. Tap EDIT in the Drivers License Info section.
2. Make changes on the Edit License Info page.
3. Tap SAVE.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Find Help
Troubleshoot Common Problems
DriverConnect App
I do not have an ELD yet. Can I still use the DriverConnect app?
Yes! In the setup process, you will need to tap Setup Later, and then
tap Continue without an ELD device. You can use still use some
features of the DriverConnect app.

ELD 50
My ELD 50 and the DriverConnect app on my Android device
do not pair using Bluetooth. How do I fix this?
Please power off and power on the ELD 50and Android device. If
youre still unable to pair, uninstall the Rand McNally DriverConnect
app from the application manager (available by tapping settings icon),
and then reinstall it. (Uninstalling the app will result in loss of data.)

DC 200
My DC 200 and the DriverConnect app on my Android device
do not pair using Bluetooth. How do I fix this?

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Please power off and power on the DC 200 and Android device. If
youre still unable to pair, uninstall the Rand McNally DriverConnect
app from the application manager (available by tapping settings icon),
and then reinstall it. (Uninstalling the app will result in loss of data.)
The DC 200 is unable to establish an internet connection during
The DC 200 establishes a cellular connection. Make sure that the DC
200 is not obstructed, and that you are within range of a cell tower.
Do I need to plug in more than one cable on a DC 200S?
No, the cable included in the DC 200 S box will plug into the trucks
diagnostic port and also into the DC 200 S, powering both the DC
200 S and the TND 740 when the DC 200 S is on the suction cup
mount. There is no need to use the vehicle cigarette lighter charger
to power the TND 740.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Tell Rand
Contact Rand McNally Support:
From the DriverConnect App:
 Tap the Main Menu button, and then tap Settings.
 Tap the Tell Rand link
 Type your message and tap SEND.
By email:
 Send a message to [email protected]
On the web:

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


Account Information, 91

Gauges, 64

Alerts, 81

Hour of Service, 24, 39

Driving Events, 81
Vehicle Faults, 82

Inspection Mode, 60
LEO, 60

Bill of Lading, 31, 90

Log In, 15

Buffered Data, 28

Log Out, 26

Co-Driver, 48

Logbook, 24, 39

Assign Records, 50
Set Up, 48

Dashboard, 22, 23, 24, 25
Driving, 33, 64
Driving Events, 81
Duty Status, 25, 29
Driving, 33
Line 5, 38
Off Duty, 35
On Duty, 30
Personal Conveyance, 38
Sleeper Berth, 34
Yard Move, 36

DVIR, 24, 53, 54
Certify Defects, 59
New, 55
Post-Trip, 35
Pre-Trip, 31
View Existing, 58

Accept/Reject Edits, 44
Certify a Log, 43
Edit a Log, 41
Email Example, 47
Log Detail, 40
Send Log, 46

Main Menu, 26
Messages, 69
Contacts, 71
Delete Group, 75
Groups, 72, 74
Send and Receive, 70

New Account, 9, 12
New ELD, 18
Portal, 5, 6, 14, 32, 33, 43, 44, 57, 82, 91
Rule Set, 25, 85
Available, 86
Exemptions, 86, 87

Firmware, 20

Settings, 84

Forgot Company ID, 19

Subscription Information, 91

Forgot Password, 19

Timers, 23

Forms, 76

Trip Information, 31, 32, 90

Receive, 76
Send, 77

Fuel Purchase, 65
Add, 66
Add Receipt, 66, 67
Delete, 68
Edit, 67

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.

Troubleshooting, 93
Unassigned Driving, 52
View, 9, 27
Waiting Time, 35
Workflows, 78
Finish, 80
Multiple Forms, 79


FCC Compliance Statement
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may
not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and may
cause harmful interference to radio communications if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:
 Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
 Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
 Connect the equipment into an outlet that is on a different circuit from the device.
 Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Notice: changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's
authority to operate the equipment.

IC Compliance Statement
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two
1. This device may not cause interference, and
2. This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
IC attestation de conformit
Le prsent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada Applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.
L'exploitation est autorise aux deux conditions suivantes :
(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage,
et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radiolectrique subi, mme si le brouillage est susceptible d'en
compromettre dispositif.
Cet appareil numrique de la classe B est conforme  la norme NMB-003 du Canada.

Warnings, End-User License Agreement, and Warranty
This equipment complies with FCC & ISED (IC) radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and
meets the 47 CFR 2.1091 & RSS-102 of the FCC & ISED (IC) radio frequency (RF) Exposure rules. This equipment should be
installed and operated keeping the radiator at least 20 cm or more away from persons body.

Safe Driving Practices
Always use your best judgment. Exercise caution and common sense when the vehicle is in motion. Do not become
distracted by the vehicle while driving. Minimize the amount of time spent looking at the device while driving.
Do not input destinations, change settings, or access any functions requiring prolonged use of the device controls while
driving. Pull over in a safe and legal manner before attempting such operations.

End-User License Agreement
Rand McNally hereby grants you (User) a single-user non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Rand McNally tire
pressure monitoring system (hereinafter referred to as the product (including software)) for Users own business or
personal use and not for resale or sublicensing.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


This product and the software incorporated in it and related documentation are furnished under license and may be used
only in accordance with this license agreement. Except as permitted by such license, the contents of this product and
software may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior
written permission of Rand McNally. This product and software contain proprietary and confidential information of Rand
McNally and its licensors. Rand McNally grants User a limited license for use of this product and the software incorporated in
the product for its normal operation. By using the product, User acknowledges that the product and software are the
property of Rand McNally and its licensors and are protected by U.S. copyright, trademark and patent laws and international

Copy, loan or otherwise transfer or sublicense the product, its software or content.
Modify, or adapt the product in any way, or decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or reduce to human readable form
the product and software incorporated therein.
Alter, remove or obscure any copyright notice, trademark notice, or proprietary legend from the product, its software or
This license will terminate automatically if User fails to comply with any of the terms of this license and User agrees to stop
using the product. Rand McNally may revise or update the product and is not obligated to furnish any revisions or updates
to User.
WARNING: This product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and/or other harm.

RM Acquisition, LLC d/b/a Rand McNally warrants that the product, and the component parts thereof, will be free of defects
in workmanship and materials for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase. This warranty may be enforced only
by the first consumer purchaser (Customer), provided that the product is utilized within the U.S.A. or Canada.
Rand McNally will, without charge, repair or replace (with a new or newly reconditioned unit), at its option, defective
products or component parts. For repair or replacement of defective products, Customer must contact Rand McNally for
return authorization and instructions. Customer will be required to provide proof of date of first Customer purchase, such as
a duplicate copy of the original sales receipt, for the warranty to be valid.
The Customer must pay any initial shipping charges required to ship the product for warranty service, but the return
charges will be at Rand McNallys expense, if the product is repaired or replaced under warranty.
Repairs or replacements have a 90-day warranty. If the product returned is still under its original warranty, then the new
warranty is 90 days from the date of repair or replacement or to the end of the original one (1) year warranty, whichever is
This warranty gives the Customer specific rights. Other rights may be available to Customer which vary from state to state.
Exclusions: This limited warranty does not apply: (1) to any product damaged by accident; (2) in the event of misuse or
abuse of the product or as a result of unauthorized alterations or repairs; (3) if the serial number has been altered, defaced
or removed; or (4) if the owner of the product resides outside of the U.S.A. or Canada.
Caution: Rand McNally disclaims any and all express, implied or statutory warranties, including any implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. It is the users responsibility to use this product prudently and in
accordance with the product documentation.
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts and/or do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations may not apply to some consumers.
The Bluetooth word mark is a registered trademark owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc., and any use of such mark is under

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.


DriverConnect and the DriverConnect Logo 2017 Rand McNally. All
rights reserved.
Rand McNally and the Rand McNally globe logo are registered
trademarks of RM Acquisition, LLC d/b/a Rand McNally.

DriverConnect User Guide
 2017, Rand McNally, Inc.



DriverConnect User Guide v0.1
 2016 Rand McNally, Inc.


© 2025

Use of this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are NO warranties, implied or otherwise, with regard to this information or its use. Any use of this information is at the user's risk. It is the responsibility of user to evaluate the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, opinion, advice or other content. EACH USER WILL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY consequences of his or her direct or indirect use of this web site. ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. This site will NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT or any other kind of loss.