User manual for "TFM ELD"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "TFM ELD".
For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page
TFM ELD MANUAL Per FMCSA rules and regulations, this manual must be kept in the vehicle at all times. DOWNLOAD TFM ELD APPLICATION 1. Find TFM ELD on Google play store or Apple app store. 2. Click INSTALL to download the app to your mobile device. 3. Log into application using your credentials. If you dont have TFM ELD account, please contact your fleet operations department or safety department. 4. Select your vehicle from the list. If your vehicle number does not appear on the screen, please contact your fleet operations department or safety department. 5. Your mobile device will connect to the ELD system automatically. The status will be shown at the top of the main screen. 6. There are 3 status only: Scanning, Connecting, and Not Connected. Please note that when device is fully connected, the status line will not be shown at all. INSTALL TFM ELD DEVICE IN YOUR VEHICLE 1. Make sure your vehicle is turned off. 2. Locate the diagnostic port inside your vehicles cabin. Most common locations are: a. Under the left side of the dashboard b. Under the steering wheel c. Near the drivers seat d. Under or behind the drivers seat 3. Insert TFM ELD device into the diagnostic port of the vehicle. 4. Once plugged in, the device will start syncing with the engine control module. A) Blinking Green and Blue The opp is connected and the Adapter is receiving ECIV1 data . B) No Light Device is Not Plugged into the truck's diagnostic port. USING TFM ELD ON THE ROAD Once you have connected your mobile device to TFM ELD, your driving time will be automatically recorded once your vehicle is traveling at the speed of 5mph and above. At less than 5mph the vehicle is considered to be Idle. When Idle driver can change the duty status by tapping and selecting one of the alternative options: Sleeper, Off Duty, On Duty. If the vehicle remains Idle for 5 minutes, a pop-up window will appear asking if driver would like to change duty status. If no selection is made within 60 seconds, duty status will automatically change to On Duty. OFFICER INSPECTION 1. Tap Menu icon on the top left corner, or swipe from left side of your device to the right side and select Inspection Module. 2. Tap on desired option to produce and/or transfer logs. MALFUNCTIONS TFM ELD will monitor and report malfunction data based on section 4.6 ELDs SelfMonitoring of Required Functions table 4: P - Power compliance malfunction E - Engine synchronization compliance malfunction T - Timing compliance malfunction L - Positioning compliance malfunction R - Data recording compliance malfunction S - Data transfer compliance malfunction O - Other ELD detected malfunction MALFUNCTION DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS 1. Provide written notice to fleet management within 24 hours of malfunction discovery. 2. Keep paper logs for that day and until ELD is repaired or replaced. MALFUNCTION FLEET INSTRUCTIONS 1. A motor carrier must take action to correct the malfunction of the ELD within 8 days of discovery of the malfunction or a drivers notification to the motor carrier, whichever occurs first. 2. Upon notification by fleet manager, TFM will send a new device. 3. If a motor carrier needs a time extension, they must notify the FMCSA Division Administrator for the State of the motor carriers principal place of business within five days after a driver notifies the motor carrier according to the guidelines set forth in 395.34 (2).