User manual for "TrackOn ELD Powered by Gorilla Safety"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "TrackOn ELD Powered by Gorilla Safety".
For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page
Gorilla Fleet Safety, LLC.
DOT Quick Reference Card For use on iOS and Android Phones & Tablets 1. Inspect Logs on Mobile When a law enforcement ocer requests to view your logs, open the Trackon HOS App. In the leA slide menu on top of your screen, tap DOT InspecHons 2. Then, tap the BEGIN NEW INSPECTION buLon. 3. DRIVER: Select Record ViolaQons to recap DOT ocer violaQons found 4. Next, conQnue inspecQon by taping Create InspecQon Report. 5. Use the Following Tools: Record conversaQon or Take photo. Choose photo that youve taken and tap Finish InspecQon. HOW TO TRANSFER ERODS 6. Type in ODOMETER number. ALach a photo to the specied defect are. Proceed further. Click to view Click to view logs/docs logs/docs Click icon to view the log/doc you need 7. Assess vehicle condiQon, Sign up and Save the Report. Click icon to send ERODS Enter rouHng code provided by the authorized safety ocial Turn over to learn more about how to read the drivers log View Logs and InspecHon Reports In InspecQon Mode, you will have access to the logs and vehicle inspecQon reports for the most recent 30 days. For each day, you will nd a log chart that visually depicts the duraQon of the drivers acQvity over the 24 hour period and any vehicle inspecQon reports the driver created for that day Day Log form details required by DOT and FMSCA Each number below the log chart corresponds to the rst number of every row of the table. InspecQon Reports non-defect related details. All defects reported by the driver categorized by tractor and trailer. The Mechanics signature cerQfying that the defects were corrected or need not be corrected (If applicable). Total miles driving today. The table shows you the details of each duty status period, including LocaQon and Notes.