User manual for "Omnitracs Mobile Computing Platform"
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Omnitracs Mobile Computing Platform 50 (MCP50) User Manual 80-JE030-1 Rev. A January 2018 717 N. Harwood Street Suite 1300 Dallas, TX 75201 2017 Omnitracs, LLC. All rights reserved. Omnitracs is a trademark of Omnitracs, LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Omnitracs endeavors to ensure that the information in this document is correct and fairly stated, but Omnitracs is not liable for any errors or omissions. Published information may not be up to date, and it is important to confirm current status with Omnitracs. This technical data may be subject to U.S. and international export, re-export or transfer (export) laws. Diversion contrary to U.S. and international law is strictly prohibited. 80-JE030-1 Rev. A January 2018 Table of Contents Logging In and Out 4 Hours of Service: Overview 14 Hours of Service: Change Duty Status 18 Hours of Service: Certify Logs 28 Hours of Service: Edit Logs 35 Hours of Service: Add/Edit Load Info 47 Hours of Service: Unassigned Vehicle Activity 52 Hours of Service: Tab Descriptions, Summary 59 Hours of Service: Send eRODS 66 3 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Logging In and Out Some applications require that you log in to use them. If you are unable to log in, you may accumulate unassigned vehicle activities that must be resolved by the back office. When two drivers are in the cab, the one driving is considered the "active" driver, and the other is the "inactive" driver. To log in, tap Login on the Home screen. 4 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Logging In and Out To type in a data entry field, tap the keyboard in the upper left corner. Type your Driver ID and Password, identify if you are the Active or Inactive driver; then close the keyboard now by tapping the keyboard in the lower right corner. 5 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Logging In and Out If you encounter issues while logging in, contact your fleet administrator for login and password information. 6 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Logging In and Out Select your current duty status and tap OK. 7 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Logging In and Out Your driver ID displays until the unit synchronizes with the server over-the-air. When synchronization is complete, your full name displays. 8 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Logging In and Out To add a second driver, tap the Driver Login button on the home screen; then tap Add. 9 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Logging In and Out The second driver taps the keyboard in the upper left corner, types a Driver ID and Password, identifies as the Active or Inactive driver, then closes the keyboard by tapping the keyboard in the lower right corner. 10 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Logging In and Out The second driver selects a duty status and taps OK. 11 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Logging In and Out The second driver's ID remains until the unit synchronizes over-the-air with the server. To log off a driver, tap to select the driver; then tap Logout. 12 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Logging In and Out If you didn't enter load information, view the HOS topic on load infomation; then enter your load information before logging out. When done, select a final duty status and tap Logout. This concludes the Logging In and Out topic. Tap the rewind button at the top to review, or tap the menu button below to go back to the menu of training topics. 13 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Overview Hours of Service (HOS) records and allows you to manage fully compliant electronic driver logs. Log accuracy is your responsibility; review and approve your driver logs daily. If you have Vehicle Inspection Report (VIR), you can switch between these applications by tapping the button in the upper right. 14 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Diagnostic and Malfunction Alerts If a sensor or hardware error occurs, you may see a pop-up from the Alert Manager notifying you that there's a problem. To see more information about the error, tap the warning icon in the upper right of the screen. 15 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Diagnostic and Malfunction Alerts From the Alert Manager you can see all errors that were reported as well as a notification when the error state clears. When all the errors are resolved, you can tap Clear All to remove all errors and notifications from the Alert Manager list. 16 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service The first time you use Hours of Service, you may need to contact dispatch. Tap a topic to review, or tap Menu to return to the training topics. Change duty status Unassnd Veh Act Certify logs Tab descriptions Edit logs Send eRODS Add/Edit load info 17 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Change Duty Status When you open HOS you see the Status tab showing the active driver on the upper left. You can select another driver if one is logged in. Indicates the active driver Indicates the inactive driver Next to the driver's name is the current DOT (MOT in Canada) date and remaining hours until the driver goes into violation. 18 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Change Duty Status Before you can review, update, or certify logs, the unit must synchronize your logs over-the-air with the server. The state of that update displays as: 1. Log update in progress (not current logs) 2. Review and approve your logs You'll see the second message when your logs are synchronized. 19 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Change Duty Status The Status tab shows you how many hours you will gain over the next two days. Use this information to determine whether you need to take a 34 hour reset. The duty status tab (7- or 8-Days for US rules, Cycle 1 or 2 for Canadian rules) gives you additional hour information for the week. 20 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Change Duty Status The Status tab also displays current duty status and information about that status. To edit remarks on your current status, you tap Remarks. To change status, Tap Change now. >>> 21 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Change Duty Status Here you manually select a duty status. Drive time is selected automatically when the wheels move. The available duty statuses are based on if you are the active or inactive driver and enabled features. Select or type one or two pre-defined remarks from the drop-down list to describe what occurred during the status. Tap the text box to select a remark. Tap X to close; then tap OK. 22 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Change Duty Status, Personal Conveyance When you tap Off Duty, you may also select Personal Conveyance (PC), if allowed by your company. Your company can set a time limit for how much PC you're allowed to accumulate, and when that time is exceeded, you're notified through the Alert Manager. 23 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Change Duty Status, Yard Move Because all drive time must be accounted for, an Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Mandate exempt employee (like a mechanic), must log in to the unit if the vehicle is test driven or moved in a yard. If Yard Move is enabled by your company, that ELD-exempt driver would select the Yard Move special condition under the On Duty status. 24 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Change Duty Status, Clock In/Clock Out If enabled by your company, Clock In and Clock Out let you account for on duty time away from the truck: l l Clock In: Before you began driving, such as attending an early driver meeting. Clock Out: At the end of your shift, such as completing paperwork in the office. 25 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Change Duty Status, Clock In/Clock Out When you clock in, enter the time your shift began. Tap the arrows to the right of the clock in time to adjust your start time. Select one or two remarks, or, if available, type a remark to describe what happened during the status. Then tap OK. The Clock Out function works the same way. 26 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Change Duty Status Contact your manager or safety manager for more information about your company's HOS policies for duty status changes. Tap another topic or the Next button to continue. Change duty status Unassnd Veh Act Certify logs Tab descriptions Edit logs Send eRODS Add/Edit load info 27 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Certify Logs Every 24 hours you must review and approve logs before you drive. Wait for the " and approve your logs..." message to appear. When you open HOS, youll be prompted to certify any outstanding logs. 28 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Certify Logs If your carrier edited your logs, maybe to identify unassigned vehicle activity as your drive time, you'll see a pop-up alerting you to review the changes. You would tap the Review Carrier Edits button to approve or reject them. 29 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Certify Logs On the Day Log tab, tap the arrows at the top right to scroll to specific dates. is a certified record. ! means there was a system or sensor failure when the log was recorded. If a record needs correction, tap the Certify tab. You can't edit driving time or certified logs. 30 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Certify Logs Do a final review of this day's logs, and if they're accurate, tap Certify. Be aware that you cannot edit certified logs. Tap Certify now. 31 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Certify Logs Here you certify a single 24 hour period. Tap Agree now. 32 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Certify Logs Your logs for this day are now certified and show a green check mark next to each duty status. 33 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Certify Logs After you certify, you'll see earlier uncertified logs to review and certify or youll see the Graph tab if no other logs need to be certified. Tap another topic or the Next button to continue. Change duty status Unassnd Veh Act Certify logs Tab descriptions Edit logs Send eRODS Add/Edit load info 34 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Edit Logs From the Certify tab you can review your logs and edit or certify them to remain in compliance. You certify your logs in 24-hour increments, not multiple days at a time. If a record is incorrect, tap the record to select it; then tap the Edit button. To edit the selected record,Tap Edit now. >>> 35 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Edit Logs If you are changing the original duty status to another, select the new duty status and a per-defined remark, or if available, type a remark to describe what happened during the status. When finished, tap the Next button. If you had two or more duty statuses during that time, you'll split the entry. Tap Split now. >>> 36 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Edit Logs When you tap Split, the duty status is split in half and both segments have the same status. Select a status, time, and location for the new (lower) duty status. Add remarks to explain what you were doing during that duty status. When you're finished, tap Next. >>> 37 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Edit Logs Type the reason you're editing the status. When you're finished, tap Save. >>> 38 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Edit Logs If you're not ready to certify your logs, tap Not Ready. Otherwise, tap Certify. Tap Not Ready now. >>> 39 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Edit Logs, Carrier Edits If your carrier made edits to your logs, you'd see this pop-up alerting you to review and approve or reject the edits to your logs. Be aware that you cannot edit approved logs. Tap Review Carrier Edits now. >>> 40 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Edit Logs, Carrier Edits If the carrier made these updates in error, you would reject them. Tap Reject now. >>> 41 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Edit Logs, Carrier Edits When you reject carrier edits, you must provide a reason for rejecting the edits. We pre-filled a reason for you. Tap Save now. >>> 42 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Edit Logs, Carrier Edits After you provide a reason for rejecting the edits, you're prompted to certify your logs. Tap Agree now. >>> 43 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Edit Logs, Carrier Edits If you agree with the carrier edits, you tap Confirm. Tap Confirm now. >>> 44 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Edit Logs, Carrier Edits Verify that these log updates are correct and tap Agree. Tap Agree now. >>> 45 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Edit Logs This day's logs are certified and shows a check mark.Tap Change duty status Unassnd Veh Act Certify logs Tab descriptions Edit logs Send eRODS another topic or the Next button to continue. Add/Edit load info 46 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Add/Edit Load Info Load information is required for each trip. If you haul loads for different carriers within your company, you can select them from the Carriers tab. When you select another carrier, a message displays while the carrier change is processing. You can continue working. 47 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Add/Edit Load Info Here you can view load history and edit load information as necessary. When you enter load information, you enter the start and end dates of the trip. This associates log records with the load. 48 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Add/Edit Load Info Here you enter load information. If you are pulling more than one trailer, be sure to enter each trailer ID. Tap in each field, tap the keyboard in the upper left, enter the information, then tap the keyboard in the lower right. When done, tap OK. 49 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Add/Edit Load Info You can also: l l Edit this load (Edit button). View the history of your loads (History button). On the History screen, you can select a load and edit its details, or delete it. 50 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Add/Edit Load Info Contact your manager or safety manager for more on load information. Tap another topic or the Next button to continue. Change duty status Unassnd Veh Act Certify logs Tab descriptions Edit logs Send eRODS Add/Edit load info 51 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Unassigned Vehicle Activity If your vehicle is driven without a driver being logged in to the unit, unassigned vehicle activity (unassigned drive time) accumulates. The next time someone logs in to the unit, they'll be prompted to accept that drive time. To accept or reject the drive time, tap Next now. >>> 52 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Unassigned Vehicle Activity If you want to reject the drive time, tap Reject now. >>> 53 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Unassigned Vehicle Activity You must enter a reason for rejecting the log update. We entered a reason for you. Tap Save now. >>> 54 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Unassigned Vehicle Activity Your logs are unchanged, and no further action is needed. 55 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Unassigned Vehicle Activity If you want to accept the drive time, tap Confirm now. >>> 56 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Unassigned Vehicle Activity After you accept the changes, you must certify your logs. Tap Agree now. >>> 57 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Unassigned Vehicle Activity Your logs are updated and you can see the new segment on the Graph tab. Tap Change duty status Unassnd Veh Act Certify logs Tab descriptions Edit logs Send eRODS another topic or the Next button to continue. Add/Edit load info 58 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Tab Descriptions, Summary The Summary tab shows remaining time for each clock based on rulesets and reported hours. Available drive time is the time remaining on the 11-hr clock/13-hr for Canada Main (or less if another clock has less time). The clock with the least remaining time determines your available On-Duty time. 59 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Tab Descriptions, Summary For Canadian Rules, Off Duty Today shows total qualifying off-duty time taken today. In parentheses, the amount of off duty time taken outside of a reset also displays (not for Canada North). 60 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Tab Descriptions, Graph View Here, logs display as a graph. Tap a bar to display that segment's details above the graph. With a bar selected, the Remarks button may be active if there is a remark associated with the log. The Info button shows your carrier information. Tap Previous and Next to select different segments, and tap the back and forward arrows to change days. 61 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Tab Descriptions, Duty Cycle The duty cycle tab displays driving and on duty time as well as hours used for your duty cycle. The number of days depends on what rule set you're running: 7-Days or 8-Days in the US, Cycle 1 or Cycle 2 in Canada. For some states, the state code displays instead of DOT or MOT clock, for example "TX 8:00" instead of "DOT 8:00." 62 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Tab Descriptions, Duty Cycle If your logs are inaccurate, you can request them from the sever by tapping Log Request button on the duty cycle tab. You receive an alert message when the logs are received. 63 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Tab Descriptions, Day Log From the Day Log tab you can send eRODS or display the Inspector information and Header. You can go back as many days as are in the current duty cycle. 64 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Tab Descriptions Contact your manager or safety manager for more information on logs. Tap Change duty status Unassnd Veh Act Certify logs Tab descriptions Edit logs Send eRODS another topic or the Next button to continue. Add/Edit load info 65 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Send eRODS When an officer asks to see your logs, navigate to the Graph tab and hand this device to the officer through your window. Be sure to have your ELD guide available for the officer. If the officer prefers an electronic copy, tap Day Log. You can send your logs by fax or email. Tap ERODS now. >>> 66 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Send eRODS When an inspector asks for copies of your logs and hours of service, determine if the inspector wants your eRODS through Web Services or Email, type the inspector's email address or comments, then tap Send. 67 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Send eRODS, Inspector Mode The inspector may also want to see Inspector mode, which shows more information than the default Driver mode. Tap Inspector now. >>> 68 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Send eRODS, Inspector Mode The inspector can scroll through the Inspector screen to see all information about your logs and company as required by the Electronic Logging Device Mandate. Additionally, the inspector will want to see the eRODS header.Tap Header to view that information. >>> 69 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Send eRODS, Header Tap Done when the inspector has reviewed the header information. 70 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service: Conclusion This concludes the Hours of Service lesson. Tap an HOS topic to review it, or tap the Menu button to return to the list of training topics. Change duty status Unassnd Veh Act Certify logs Tab descriptions Edit logs Send eRODS Add/Edit load info 71 80-JE030-1 Rev. A MAY CONTAIN U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL EXPORT CONTROLLED INFORMATION Hours of Service DOT Quick Reference Card for use with the MCP50 Omnitracs Mobile Computing Platform 50 1. From the main screen, tap the Hours of Service icon. A 2. Tap the Day Log tab (A). 3. Tap the Inspector button (B). B The device will now be in inspector mode where the DOT officer can see more details in the Day Log tab for the selected period. C E D Scroll through the available days by using the arrows in the top right (C). Use the scrollbar (D) to reveal more records for that particular day. If asked, tap the Header button (E) to show that information to the officer. 4. When prompted, tap the Graph tab (F) to show your day log. Scroll through the available days by using the arrows in the top right (C). Tap the Next and Previous buttons (G) to cycle through the status events. F C H G Tapping the Info button (H) will show you the carrier information for the driver for the selected day. Follow the instructions on the back of this card to send your ERODS records to the DOT officer. More help information and step by step instructions can be found on the MCP50 by tapping on the help icon in the bottom left area of the screen. You can also watch training videos on the web at 2017 Omnitracs, LLC 717 N. Harwood Street, Suite 1300 Dallas, TX 75201 U.S.A. All rights reserved. DCN: 80-JE022-1 Rev A Hours of Service DOT Quick Reference Card for use with the Omnitracs Mobile Computing Platform 50 Malfunctions and Diagnostics If you receive any of the following errors or malfunctions on your ELD you are required to keep paper logs until the malfunction has been corrected. * Power An ELD must be powered and functional within * Data Recording An ELD must monitor its storage one minute of the vehicles engine receiving power and capacity and integrity and must detect a data recording remain powered for as long as the vehicles engine stays compliance malfunction if it can no longer record or powered. retain required events. * Engine Synchronization An ELD is required to establish a * Data Transfer An ELD must implement in-service link to the engine ECM and monitor its connectivity to monitoring functions to verify that the data transfer the engine ECM and its ability to retrieve the vehicle mechanism(s) are continuing to function properly parameters. * Other Any other ELD detected malfunction such as * Timing The ELD must cross-check its compliance with Bluetooth, relay, etc. the external UTC source and must record any timing compliance malfunction. * Positioning An ELD must monitor the availability of position measurements meeting the listed accuracy requirements and track the distance and time from the last valid measurement point. Follow these steps to transmit HOS records via A B Web Services or Email. 1. Tap the Day Log tab. (A) C 2. If you are still in Inspector mode tap on the Driver button (B). 3. Tap the ERODS button (C). D 4. Select Web Services or Email on the left (D). E 5. Enter a comment if requested then tap Send (E). 6. A confirmation screen will appear. 7. If the transfer is unsuccessful, the display is considered a compliant secondary record of duty status Omnitracs, LLC 717 N. Harwood Street, Suite 1300 Dallas, TX 75201 U.S.A FMCSA Registration ID: xxxxxx January 2018 ELD ID: MCP050 Copyright 2017 Omnitracs, LLC. All rights reserved. Omnitracs is a trademark of Omnitracs, LLC. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Omnitracs endeavors to ensure that the information in this document is correct and fairly stated, but Omnitracs is not liable for any errors or omissions. Published information may not be up to date, and it is important to confirm current status with Omnitracs. This technical data may be subject to U.S. and international export, re-export or transfer (export) laws. Diversion contrary to U.S. and international law is strictly prohibited. 2017 Omnitracs, LLC 717 N. Harwood Street, Suite 1300 Dallas, TX 75201 U.S.A. All rights reserved. DCN: 80-JE022-1 Rev A