User manual for "Command Alkon TFleet TFVG850"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Command Alkon TFleet TFVG850".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Command Alkon Inc..

TFleet ELD

This document to remain in the vehicle at all times!

To review the drivers electronic record of duty status (daily log) for each day required
to be in their possession (1), tap on Options and then tap Roadside Inspection.


This will show you the log grid starting with the current day. Tap the Events/Grid
button to toggle between the grid view and the line-by-line detail view. Use the arrows
on either side of the date or swipe the screen side to side to navigate through the log
history. The Details button displays general carrier, driver, and ELD information. The
DVIR button will display the most recent approved DVIR and the open DVIR (if
applicable). Use the Transmit ELD Data File button to send logs via email or
 Graph of all duty statuses for each 24-hour period starting at midnight.
 Total hours
 The grid is color coded as follows:

Events (Log Details)

Duty status changes and locations
Remarks and annotations
Exceptions claimed by the driver
Edits and requested changes
o See definitions for details
 Malfunction and data diagnostic
o See Malfunction & Data
Diagnostic Event Indicators for
more information
(1) See US 49 CFR SS395.15(b)(4) and CA SOR-2005-313 SS84


 Log date, time, and time zone
 [Canada format only] The cycle being
 Name of motor carrier
 USDOT number of motor carrier
 Main office address
 Drivers home terminal name
 Home terminal address
 Driver name, ID license number and
 ELD provider, registration ID, and identifier
 Vehicle (trucks or tractors), trailers, and shipments
 Distance driven (1)
 Total duty hours for the 7 or 8 consecutive day period [US format] or 7 or 14 day
cycle [Canada format] ending today (2)
 Current odometer and engine hours
 Current location
 Malfunction and diagnostic indicators
(1) Excluding any distance travelled while operating a CMV as a personal conveyance
(2) Visible only when viewing a log for the current date

Unidentified Driver Events
To view all unassigned driver events recorded by the
device, tap the drivers name (above the grid) and select
Unidentified Driver. Use the arrows on either side of the
date or swipe the screen side to side to navigate through
the log history.


Inspection Is Complete
Upon completion of the roadside inspection, tap Home to return to the Driver

- General use of ELD starts on page 5 -


TFleet & ELD Startup Procedures
Logging In
Enter your Driver ID and Password.
Press Log In.

To switch between alpha & numeric keyboards,
press the keyboard icon.
If you have any issues logging in, please see your
supervisor for assistance.

Selecting Your Status
Press Status, and then press ON Driver.

At no time will you press the SB status, this stands for
Sleeper Berth, and SB is not pertinent to the Bulk
Hauler / Aggregate industry.
ON Not Driver status is for when you have a co-driver.

Verify Your Vehicle ID
To Verify the Vehicle ID press OK.

If the truck you are currently driving is not displayed
here, please inform your supervisor.


Manage Your Shipment
To add a Shipment, press Enter Shipment
To remove prior Shipments, check the
associated box, and press Remove, and
then press Next.

Entering your Pre-Trip Time

add On Duty, not driving time prior to the actual time
you signed in, press Options, and next press Pre-Shift.
Select the Activity Start time for the new On Duty
event, by scrolling to the intended Month, Date, Year,
Hour, Minute to match your intended entry, press OK
when completed.

You will be prompted to confirm the Pre-Shift
duration of time, add an Annotation, and press
OK to have this entry become part of your log.


Entering your Post-Trip Time
To add additional On Duty Not Driving time, to the prior
shift's end time stamp, press Options, and Pre-Shift.
Select the Activity Start time for the new On Duty
event, by scrolling to the intended Month, Date, Year,
Hour, Minute to match your intended entry, Press OK
when completed.

You will be prompted to confirm the Post-Shift
duration of time, add an Annotation, and press OK
to have this entry become part of your log.

Adding a Trailer
To add a Trailer from the Manage
Trailers Screen, press the Enter
Trailer ID field.

Enter the trailers label/ID#, and then
press Home.

To remove trailers added prior, check
the associated box, press Remove,
and then press Next.

Existing Trailer
If you've already added a trailer on a
prior delivery, you will be prompted to
confirm or revise the current trailer that's

Certifying Your Logs
Drivers are required to Certify their logs
for each day of their log. Certification is
required even for the days the driver
was in the status of Off Duty.
From the ELD home screen, press
Logs, then press Certify.

You will be required to enter your
password for each certification entry.


Touch on Enter Password for the
keyboard to display, enter the same
password you enter when you log into
your TFleet on your tablet.
Press Agree once your password is

Accepting/Rejecting Proposed Changes
When your Options button has an Orange
triangle in the upper left-hand corner, that is
your indicator that you have a proposed
change to your logs that youll need to either
Accept or Reject.
To address this pending revision to your log,
press Options in the lower left-hand corner.

Press Review Logs.


Pending revisions will be highlighted in red.
To select it, press to highlight this entry.

You will have the options to Annotate any
comments for this interval of time, as well as
Accept or Reject the proposed change to
your logs.

You may need to scroll up/down to read all
the data on this screen. If you Accept it, you
will need to re-certify for that day. If you
Reject it, your ELD console admin will receive
a notification informing them it was rejected.

Logging Out
To Login successfully on your next shift and
have available driving hours, you'll need to
ensure you Log Out successfully.
From TFleet, press the Log Out button and
you will simultaneously sign out of both TFleet
and the ELD applications.


Or you Can sign out from the ELD
application directly. From the ELD
application, Press the OFF Sign Out button
and you will simultaneously sign out of both
TFleet and the ELD applications.

Driver Overview
This is the main screen of the application,
showing the drivers name, current duty
status, and hours: minutes of driving time
Tap the circled arrow below Gain Time At
to display the Driving Time Details (the time
remaining under each applicable hours of
service rule).

You may need to swipe up/down if all the
data doesnt fit on your screen.
Available Drive Time

More than 3 hours left:

Between 1 - 3 hours left:

Less than 1 hours left:

Vehicle In Motion
The Vehicle in Motion banner will display at
the bottom of the ELD home screen when
your truck is in motion.

Trailer Icon
When a Trailer hasn't been added to the log,
you will see a red trailer icon in the
notification bar.

To add a trailer, Press Trailers from the ELD
home screen.


Shipment Icon
When a Shipment hasn't been added to
the log, you will see a red shipment icon
in the notification bar.

To add a shipment, Press Shipments from
the ELD home screen.

Popups Regarding Current Logs
This one means you have no pending
actions to take, your logs are up to date.

This one means that there are 1 or more
days in your log that are pending your

This one means that everything on your
mobile device is current, but you have 1
or more days that are earlier than the first
date of your current log.


To address the proposed log changes or
to certify logs for an outdated log, please
log into your driver portal to address.

You may have a combination of the
above messages such as this one...

ELD Driver Portal
The portal can be accessed from a PC or from within the ELD in-cab tablet.

Driver Portal from within the in-cab tablet

Press the blue ELD Banner at the bottom of
your tablet to launch the ELD Menu.

Once the ELD Menu is displayed, press
Launch ELD Web Portal.


Organization ID: Enter your companies Organization ID, if you don't know what this is,
please contact your supervisor.
User ID: Enter YOUR Driver ID
Password: Enter the Password YOU use on the
mobile display when logging in. Is the same as your
Driver ID and Certification of your Logs.
From the Drivers Portal the driver can review their logs,
certify their logs, revise non-driving events in their logs or print
their logs.

Unidentified Driver Events
This option allows you to add driving events to your log that were recorded while no
driver was signed in to the device. Unidentified driver events are recorded anytime the
vehicle is moved without a driver being signed in, or if a driver is signed in but is not in
On Driver, or the optional YM status. To avoice these events, always make sure to
properly sign in to the device before moving the vehicle.
Tapping this option will take you to the log date with the
unidentified driver event(s). Once you have reviewed the event
details, tap the event and then tap Accept or Reject to either add
the event to your log or discard it. Rejecting the event will remote
it from your view on the device. Other drivers and non-driver host
users will still have the ability to view and accept or assign the
Missing Data
Missing Data can display when location or odometer information
is missing from the logs. For missing location data, this could be
due to the antenna connections were not solid, if the vehicle was
not accessible to the carrier due to the vehicle being parked inside

a building such as a mechanics shop, or when the vehicle is operating outside of good
cellular coverage.
Missing Data can also display when there is missing odometer information in the logs
due to a disconnection from the vehicles ECM.
To address missing data from your logs, press Missing Data, and follow the prompts
to enter the location and/or odometer information for that specific time duration on your

Audible Alerts
ALARM Sound  The tablet will make an alerting sound when the driver is out of
available hours but the vehicle is still in motion.
HONK Sound  The tablet will make a honking sound if the vehicle is moved without a
driver signed in, or with multiple drivers signed in but none identified as the primary
The tablet will also make a honking sound if the ELD loses connection while a driver is
signed in. You will hear a bing sound when the black box has reconnected.
Malfunction & Diagnostic Events





Frequently Asked Questions



The ELD system is powered by


© 2025

Use of this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are NO warranties, implied or otherwise, with regard to this information or its use. Any use of this information is at the user's risk. It is the responsibility of user to evaluate the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, opinion, advice or other content. EACH USER WILL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY consequences of his or her direct or indirect use of this web site. ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. This site will NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT or any other kind of loss.