User manual for "RELIABLE ELD"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "RELIABLE ELD".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Reliable ELD Inc.



[email protected]

System Overview

FMCSA-approved and programed to
support all applicable HOS
legislation. The software is designed
with drivers in mind to ensure proper
use without the need for training.
Our electronic logbook helps
truckers achieve compliance easily
and it streamlines operations to
reduce workload.

To automatically capture HOS
records, the system relies on the
ELD device that connects into the
vehicles ECM.

Once the device is connected, it
synchronizes with the mobile
logbook app via Bluetooth to
displays HOS data to a driver or
safety officer.

Fleet managers can access drivers
HOS data in real-time through the
online portal and can even transfer it
to the officer in case of a roadside

Download the App

Go to Google Play or to the
Apple App Store.

Search Reliable ELD, tap
Get, and wait for the app to
download to your tablet or

Once the app is downloaded,
you can nd it on your home
screen or open App-launcher
to nd Reliable App and run it.

Log In

The eet manager must create
credentials (username and
password) for each driver.

To log into the app, type in your
username and password and,
tap the LOG IN button.

In order to log in automatically,
check the mark on the
corresponding eld.

Log Out

After your shift, you can log out
of the app by nding the
Logout button on the main
menu and tapping it.

Change Your Duty Status

The drivers duty status will
automatically be set to Driving
every time the vehicle moves
and maintains a speed of
5mph no driver action
required. When the vehicle is
stopped, the driver can change
the status:
 Tap the status circle.
 Choose a status from the
 Tap Update button.

HOS Records

HOS records and violations are
available to the driver and eet
manager in real-time.

The app displays RODS on a
traditional paper-like graph grid

Tap on any log to view it or edit
and annotate if needed.

Tap on TODAYs log to view
and manage your HOS records
for the ongoing shift.

The last 14 logs are available
on the app.

Roadside Inspections

In case of a roadside inspection:
Inspect logs for 24-hour period and the
previous days for one HOS cycle

Send Logs for the 24-hour period and
the previous days for one HOS cycle

and hand your device over to
the officer.

If requested, transfer your HOS
report to the officer by selecting
 Type the provided email
address and tap SEND.

Note: If for any reason you cannot
send your logs, you can ask your eet
manager to send them from the
online portal.

HOS Compliance

Your duty status is always
displayed on the Status page
inside the status circle along
with available hours.

The system keeps track of your
remaining driving hours and
on-duty time, as well as
required breaks and off-duty

If you are approaching HOS
limits, you will receive a
notications and hear a sound
warning to help you avoid the

The app supports interstate
and intrastate HOS rules for
passenger- and
property-carrying vehicles.


[email protected]

© 2025

Use of this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are NO warranties, implied or otherwise, with regard to this information or its use. Any use of this information is at the user's risk. It is the responsibility of user to evaluate the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, opinion, advice or other content. EACH USER WILL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY consequences of his or her direct or indirect use of this web site. ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. This site will NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT or any other kind of loss.