User manual for "InTouch ELD - iOS"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "InTouch ELD - iOS".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page InTouch.

InTouch ELD Quick
Reference Guide


Logging on

Enter username and password and select the Login option, your logs will then be pulled through to the device. Logging into
the app for the first time will display the Select Equipment dialog. It will continue to display until the user chooses a specified
vehicle to use.

If the Driver is an Exempt Driver or a driver that operates under the short-haul exemption (395.1 (e)), upon logging in a dialog
will display confirming whether the driver chooses to continue as an exempt driver. By selecting the OK button, the No Logs
for Non-CDL-Driver Short-Haul Drivers operating within 150 air-miles exception will be enabled.
Note: The Connection bar which appears below the application header, only displays when the vehicle is disconnected to the
device. Yet, it can be removed if the close button is tapped.
If the driver logged into the application without the Location Services turned on, a snackbar will display on the main dashboard
and to other screens except for the screens navigated through the Settings menu. However, when the Location Services of
the device is enabled then the snackbar will no longer display.

Check Availability


Before setting your initial status, you should first check that you have availability, select the Options button and then
select the Gain Time button.



To switch Vehicle or Trailer, select the Vehicle/Trailer option from within the Options screen, this will display the current
Vehicle and Trailer.
Switch Equipment by tapping the vehicle or trailer icon on the dashboard.
Vehicles and Trailers can also be filtered through text entry on the vehicle/trailer text fields. Text entry availability starts if
the total number of trailers/vehicles numbers 250 or more.
Switching or selecting a Vehicle with a preconfigured VBUS device enables the app to find and connect on the match
Note: On the VBUS Settings, VBUS Data and Automatic Configuration should be enabled

InTouch ELD Quick
Reference Guide

Change Status


Set your Initial status by selecting the Start option and then select the required status from the drop down list displayed. If the device is out
of GPS coverage, the Location field will be blank, you must manually input your current location. If the device is within GPS coverage, the
Location field will be automatically populated with your current location. Also, the current status of the app is disabled to prevent adding
the same status consecutively.
The Time Remaining will be calculated and the countdown will commence from 8 hours, the time remaining panel is color coded in the
following formats:
Green: Between 8hrs and 3hrs; Amber: Between 3hrs and 1hr; Red: Less than 1hr remaining

 Personal Use  if this is enabled, the status will be set to Off Duty
automatically and will disable the other checkboxes. Selection of this
option will be recorded within the events history.
 Yard Moves  if this is enabled, the status will be set to On Duty
automatically and will disable the other checkboxes. Selection of this
option will be recorded within the events history.

Note: all options are enabled in all events

Personal Use is mentioned in the FMCSAs Supplemental Proposal, which was published on March 28, 2014, that mandates ELDs
for most drivers of CMVs that currently log. The proposal says that ELDs may be set up to allow drivers to put themselves in a special
driving category called personal use. When a driver selects this option, the ELD will record the time as off duty until the driver deselects the option. Off Road, on the other hand, determines that the vehicle is running on rough terrain. Lastly, Yard Moves, has been
established under a mandate which allows a driver or another personnel to perform duties like moving trucks around the home yard by
establishing a single set of thresholds for all ELDs in an On Duty, not Driving status without triggering the device by reaching the



Select the Vehicle DVIR button from the Main Menu, select the appropriate DVIR form from the options available, confirm
all of the checks as passed, failed or not applicable, then select the Finish DVIR to submit.

Tap to automatically select all the items

When failing a DVIR item, an option for selecting a severity level will appear with its corresponding color: High 

, Medium  Yellow

, Low  Green

InTouch ELD Quick
Reference Guide


Log on Co-Driver
To log on further drivers, select
Options from the InTouch ELD
main screen, then select the Logon
Co-Driver option and enter the log
on details as before.
Following a successful logon, the
co-driver is still Off Duty, he/she
should check their availability prior
to changing their status.
To switch to another logged-in
driver, select Options from the
InTouch ELD main screen then
select the Switch Co-Driver
Select the Co-Drivers account, the
InTouch ELD app then asks the codriver to input the password to
authenticate the account.
When in Team Driving, The Co-Driver is allowed to review his/her information by having the Access Co-Driver Logs option on the lock
screen which allows them to access the Hours of Service dashboard and subsequently select the Logs option while the vehicle is still in

Once the Co-Driver successfully login, it will display the main dashboard with the co-drivers information with limited conditions
set in Review Mode.
When in Review Mode the Co-Driver cannot receive or

When in Review Mode the Co-Driver can receive or

Driving Notifications and alerts which relates
to the Primary Driver
Lock screen will not display even if the vehicle
is in motion
Cannot switch vehicle
Cannot change the current event in to Driving
Cannot update any preferences related to
background services



Data Diagnostics and Malfunctions pop-up
Pending Edit Request(s)
Allow modifications on previous events
Can edit current event to OnDuty ND, OffDuty
& Sleeper except changing it into Driving

A driver that is set as the Primary Driver is the one
currently using the application while the other one is
only in the monitoring state.
When a Co-Driver is on the Review Mode and that
the vehicle is not in motion, an option to make the
co-driver to become the Primary Driver is available
on the Drivers List

InTouch ELD Quick
Reference Guide


Add Exception
Before applying any exception
rule, you must be absolutely
certain that all prerequisites
have been met, you must also
follow any or all processes
currently in place with your
transportation office. Once the
appropriate rule has been
selected, select the OK option to

Note: Exceptions for the US and Canada Regions are different

The app also supports the
Canadian cycle for Alberta
Province. This cycle only has 2
exceptions. (1) Emergency
Conditions and (2) Adverse
Driving Conditions.


Add Document

Select Document to display
Document module and can add,
edit, delete documents (including
Fuel Receipts)


Add Remark

When Off Road is enabled it will
create a Remark with a note Off
Road. When uncheck it will create a
Remark with a note On Road

When Toll Road is enabled it will
create a Remark with a note Start
Toll Road. When uncheck it will
create a Remark with a note End
Toll Road

If driver stop driving while one of the checkbox is enabled the driver can still uncheck the Off
Road or the Toll Road through the Options screen > Remark

InTouch ELD Quick
Reference Guide


Manage Vehicles/Trailers
Equipment management
(add/edit/delete) can be made
through the portal and Hours of
Service app.
Hence, the 'Manage' button is only
available given a situation, that the
driver is an asset admin and that the
'Manage Equipment' option (found in
the Equipment Management Page)
is also enabled. Otherwise, the
button will not be available on the
Switch Equipment dialog.
Creating a vehicle requires a VIN, if
the VIN is optionally populated and
that the source is not the engine
ECM, it will auto be converted to
capital letters when saved.

For Vehicle type

For Trailer type

In the Equipment Management, a
Vehicle type equipment can be
preconfigured to associate to a
specific VBUS device. Once the
VBUS Configuration is turned on, it
automatically connects the app to
the device when the Vehicle is
selected. However, if no device was
selected during the creation of the
equipment, the default selected
device option is set to None and all
the other fields on the ELD
configuration section will be hidden.

NOTE: If user selects Digi WVA in connection type, then admin password field is required.


ELD/VBUS Connection Process

Image 10.2 shows the WiFi Direct Devices dialog (for Digi WVA device)

Note: The Connect button
Data Settings screen.

has the same functionality as the VBUS icon

, both displays the Vehicle

InTouch ELD Quick
Reference Guide

When attempting to connect to the VBUS Device, a Progress dialog will be
displayed along with a progress spinner over the connection icon to have a
visible indication of the connection progress.

The driver can also enabled to cancel an in-progress connection via the OK
and Stop Connection button found in the VBUS Progress dialog.

If the app attempts to connect to an unsupported device, the app then
displays a dialog which warns the user that the equipment has an invalid
VBUS device type set and that the default device type is being used. The
Device Not Supported dialog will be displayed stating: Device is no longer
supported. Please use manual connection." along with a Cancel and
Manual Connection buttons.

When a driver performs a manual connection, the app remembers the
VBUS device that he connected to and automatically connects to that
VBUS device in the future.

On the Bluetooth menu, when the driver is doing a manual connection, the
available Bluetooth devices are displayed and can be sorted either in
decreasing signal strength (RSSI) or name.

Enable the VBUS Data by tapping
on the Connect button which will
then display a dialog showing the list
of available devices.
Tap on the device name to display
the Connect dialog and established
a connection to the device.
After the connection is made the
ELD Login Dialogs will be displayed
For manual connection to VBUS
Device, after tapping Connect or
the connect VBUS icon, tap the
Manual Connection. A list of
supported VBUS devices will then
display. After selecting a VBUS
device, tap the available connection
then wait for a minute, then you will
be connected.

To configure VBUS Device, tap
Scan QR Code, then scan the QR
Code of the device.
o After scan, type the device
name. Select a pairing
o Tap Configure Device
o Wait for Wifi of the device
to be available
o Configuring wireless
connection dialog will then
o After wireless connection
dialog, the available device
will then appear
o Tap the device
o Connect dialog will then
appear. If you tap Yes
then you will be connecting
to the device and wait for a
minute to be connected to
the device
o If you tap No then you will
not be connecting to the
o Wait for the app to be
connected to VBUS device.

InTouch ELD Quick
Reference Guide


If the Device was left Connected
during the logout process then it
immediately reestablish connection
upon the login process.
The app retains the selected device
upon reestablishing the connection,
unless the driver chose another
To connect directly to VBUS device,
tap Connect button. Then a list of
supported device will then display.
Tap Skip and wait for a minute to
successfully connect to VBUS
If the driver chose to disconnect by
tapping on the VBUS icon then the
Disconnect dialog will be displayed
to confirm the request.
VBUS data error dialog will appear
when no VBUS data received within
the specified duration

View Logs

Previously created log entries and
violations are recorded here.
Tapping the
icon will certify
the driver's daily log.

When a certified log has been edited in the portal, it
prompts the driver to either accept or reject proposed
changes through the Edit Suggestions dialog. Once
the driver accepts an edit request, it will display a note
on the daily drivers log title stating Recertify.
The drivers log title will also show the full time range
when the Start Hour of Day is not zero (e.g. 5AM or
10PM) for the current day. Start Hour time & cycle can
be changed at Settings > HOS Preferences.

The driver's daily log along with
the multiple DVIR entries for the
vehicles/trailers used, can be
successfully certified and emailed
to the intended recipient(s).

InTouch ELD Quick
Reference Guide


Log Edits Requested from the portal by personnel user are shown in
the app to allow the driver to review the requested edits.

Tapping the icon displayed on the left-most side the header will
display the Pending Edit Request dialog which allows the driver to
either accept or reject the requested edits.

The icon on the right side of the Malfunction indicator changes to
show if the application is connected to a VBUS device.

If the Driver approves to the edit suggestions then the new status will
be displayed on the events history list and will replace the old status.

Also when a Driver has a co-driver and they log into the app, the other
drivers name will be displayed on the daily log just below the grid

Events such as Certify, Personal Use, Off Road, Yard Moves, Power
On/Off and Login/Logout are recorded and displayed within the
events history list.

In addition, not all of the event statuses are displayed on the grid
chart. Secondary events are hidden by default and may be viewed by
checking Show all events' button.

Personal Use and Yard Moves are also displayed on the grid chart
as an Amber color line to be visually different with the other event
statuses, a dashed line represents the Personal Use event and a
dotted line represents the Yard Moves event. The legends for
Personal Use and Yard Moves event will only display when the said
events occurred

At Each instance when an ELD malfunction or data diagnostic event
is detected or cleared by the ELD, the ELD records the event

The recorded malfunctions and data diagnostic events are
inconsistencies found while monitoring the app/ELD against FMCSA
compliance requirements.

If a driver crossed boundaries between states of Canada and US
(vice versa), a Remark event with a note stating the State or
Province will be automatically recorded in the drivers log

If Driver login to app, Authenticate note will be recorded to events
history list. If Driver will logout to the app, the note Unauthenticate
will be recorded on the events history list.

When the app is connected to the VBUS device an ELD Connection
note will be recorded to events history list. When disconnected to
VBUS device an ELD Disconnected note will be recorded to the list.

Driver will be able to add a note to the following events
o Intermediate log
o Login/logout
o CMV Engine power up/shut down
o Malfunctions and Data Diagnostic events

Data Transfer

InTouch ELD Quick
Reference Guide
The ELD provides a standardized
single-step compilation for the
drivers ELD records and initiation of
the data transfer to authorized safety
officials when requested during a
roadside inspection.
Once tapped, a selection of the
supported data transfer options by
the ELD will prompt to the user.
The ELD can also produce a data file
or a series of data files of ELD records
for a subset of its vehicles used by the
driver through the Switch Equipment
option. Tap on the menu to show the
list of vehicles.
Note: All Vehicles option will only
display on the list when the driver has
already driven multiple vehicles for the
After selecting a data transfer option, the ELD prompts for an output file comment which the driver may
enter (optional). The ELD accommodates the entry of an output file comment up to 60 characters long.

Log Off


Log Off
Select the
icon to log out of
the InTouch InTouch ELD app. If
you have not set your status to Off
Duty, it will automatically change
this for you.
If the driver did not certify all the
daily logs, the ELD prompts the
driver upon logging in and out to
the app when theres a past
recorded log that are not yet
However, If the Driver is an
Exempt Driver or a driver that
operates under the short-haul
exemption (395.1 (e)), upon
logging out a dialog will display
again confirming whether the
driver chooses to continue as an
exempt driver.

If the driver logs out from the InTouch ELD app and the vehicle is put into motion for more than 3 minutes,
Unidentified Driving Events are automatically created under the Unidentified Driver account. When an Authenticated
Driver logs into the InTouch ELD app, these events can then be accepted by the driver or be left in the Unidentified
Driver account.
Lastly, once the Logout button is tapped, the valid driver that logged into the InTouch ELD app will be logged out
and the InTouch ELD app will be close completely (with no InTouch service or VBUS service running in the

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