User manual for "InTouch ELD - iOS"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "InTouch ELD - iOS".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page InTouch.

Installation of Pacific Track Device for Use with
InTouch ELD

Equipment Overview

Pacific Track                                                Diagnostic Connector Cable (9pin)

9 Pin to OBD-II a dapter

Step 1 - Connect the Pacific Track device into the vehicle
1. Insert the device into the vehicle diagnostic port, BEFORE turning on the vehicle and
BEFORE running the InTouch ELD app.  If the vehicle does not have a 9-pin diagnostic
port, then you will need to use the OBD-II or 6-pin adapter for it to fit.
2. You should see a slow flashing green LED, indicating that the device is powered. You
should also see a flashing red LED,  indicating that the internal GPS is in acquisition mode.
A solid red LED indicates that the signal is locked, but you can proceed to the next step
without waiting for GPS lock.
3. Turn on the vehicle engine.
4. You should see a fast flashing green LED, indicating that vehicle bus activity has been
5. After the green LED becomes solid, the device is registered on the vehicle bus and you can
run the InTouch ELD app. The device will retain the information it needs, such as VIN, to
communicate with the app via Bluetooth LE. Note that for power management reasons,
sometimes the LEDs will not stay on.

Step 2  E
 nable Bluetooth functionality o n your phone or tablet.
1. From the main screen, Go to Settings.
2. Tap B
 luetooth (under connections).
3. Tap t he switch for OFF to ON position to turn on Bluetooth and put your phone 
or tablet into pairing mode

4. ***IMPORTANT, do not pair the Bluetooth at this point, just turn it on.

Step 3  Connect InTouch ELD to your vehicles Pacific Track Device.
1. Download the InTouch ELD app from the Play Store if it is not already on your

2. Open InTouch ELD and sign-in using the Driver email and password that you admin
3. Select the piece of equipment that you are driving and your device is plugged into.
4. Tap on the VBUS icon (or Tap the Connect button on the Connection bar)

At this point, 2 options were present in order to establish a connection to the VBUS device:
Manual Connection and Auto Connection.
A. Manual Connection
Tap on the Manual Connection button

Select VBUS Device - Pacific Track

Tap on the Next button
If the Bluetooth of the device is disabled, the Bluetooth Permission Request dialog will be
Tap on the Yes button to enable the Bluetooth of the device

Choose the correct Bluetooth device from the list

  It will then display the VBUS Progress dialog upon establishing a connection to the selected
VBUS device along with a Stop Connection and Ok buttons:
A.Tap Stop Connection button to stop establishing VBUS connection.
B. Tap OK button to hide the VBUS Progress dialog while establishing VBUS connection.

If the VBUS connection results to an error (given the following situations below), an error dialog
will display.

VBUS Data Error
Interrupted Internet Connection
VBUS Power Failure

Note: The app will automatically disconnect from the device after attempting to connect for 1
minute and 30 seconds without receiving any data from the VBUS device.
Upon establishing a connection to the VBUS device you should hear a tone letting you know that
device is now connected.
When the app is successfully connected to the VBUS device, the Update Firmware dialog will
then be displayed to check if there are any firmware updates

After checking VBUS update, if theres an update available, a dialog will then be displayed
asking if you want to Update Pacific Track Firmware? along with Stop Update and OK

Once OK button is tapped, a dialog for updating the VBUS firmware will then be displayed.

Upgrading of the latest Pacific Track Firmware will then start and can be seen the progress in the
Android Notification bar.

When the update is completed, a confirmation dialog will be displayed stating: Pacific Track
firmware update complete.

To check if you are connected, navigate to the Main Dashboard and the VBUS status indicator
should be displayed as Connected 

    which is located on the app header.

You can also check on the Android Notification Bar and you should see the VBUS Service status
as Connected.

The device and the application are now connected.

B.Auto Connection
Tap on the Connect button

The VBUS Progress dialog will then display
Upon establishing a connection to the VBUS device, You should hear a tone letting you know
that device is now connected.
Prerequisites to successfully perform Auto Connection
Create a Pre-configured device in the Portals Equipment Management Page or in the Apps
Manage Vehicles/Trailers screen
Set the ELD Configurations
Note: Only users allowed to Manage Equipment can create equipment in the app.

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