User manual for "IntelliShift Logbook"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "IntelliShift Logbook".
For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page
MUST REMAIN IN VEHICLE AT ALL TIMES Operators Guide If you have any questions, please contact your system administrator. IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide 1 Logbook Screens Logging in to the In the Field App 1 Once you have downloaded the IntelliShift In the Field mobile app: 1. Launch the In the Field app by clicking the In the Field icon on your home screen. 2. If it is your first time signing in, you will be prompted to enter your Company PIN in order to log in. If you do not know the Company PIN, contact your administrator. 3. Enter the Operators pin. If a PIN has not been provided, or the Operator is unsure what their pin is, please contact your IntelliShift Account Administrator. 4. IN THE FIELD 2 3 4 Click Login. Navigating to Logbook Once you are logged into the app you will be presented with a welcome screen. 1. Tapping on Inspect will open Inspect and you will be brought to a screen to navigate the Inspect product. 2. Tapping on Logbook will open Logbook and you will be brought to the Status Screen. 3. Tapping on Logout will log you out of the app. 1 2 3 2 IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide Logbook Screens Adding a Drivers License 1. For some Logbook users, the Operator will need to enter their drivers license information. 2. Once the drivers license information is entered, select Continue to save the information. 1 2 Selecting a Motor Carrier 1. If you are assigned to more than one Motor Carrier then you will need to select the Motor Carrier you are driving for. Once you tap the Motor Carrier button, you will automatically be brought to the next screen. If there is only one Motor Carrier, the app will automatically select it for you. 1 IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide 3 Logbook Starting Workflow Screens Selecting an Asset Via Bluetooth, IntelliShift will automatically search for nearby assets and a list will appear. 1. Tap on the necessary Asset to connect to. 2. If no Asset is needed, tap the Continue Without Connecting button. An Asset can always be added through the Add Asset menu. (See page 5 & 6) . 1 Note: if your Administrator requires Pre & Post Asset trip inspections the app will automatically prompt you to complete the inspections. See Page 24 for more information. 2 Selecting a Trailer Once logged into the app, the Operator will be presented with a welcome screen. 1. To select a trailer, tap on the Trailer drop down box and select the trailer from the list or manually enter the trailer number. 2. If no Trailer is needed, tap the Continue Without Trailer button. A Trailer can always add through the Add Trailer menu. (See page 5 & 6) . 1 2 Note: if your Administrator requires Pre & Post trip trailer inspections the app will automatically prompt you to complete the inspections. See Page 24 for more information. 4 IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide Status Screen 1. Main Header In the top Main Header, the Home icon will return the Operator to the Welcome screen. The Ellipsis will open a menu to add/change an Asset or Trailer, add/remove a Co-Operator, add Shipping Documents or enter Inspection mode. 1a. (For Ellipsis menu see page 6) . 2. Hours of Service Violations 1 At the top of the page, an expandable banner displays a list of any violations for this current cycle. If there are no violations, the banner will not be displayed. 2 3. Header Information 3 1a Displays the Operator name, Current Duty Status and how long the Operator has been in the current Duty Status, the Asset Name and connection status along with the selected Trailer. 4. Currently Remaining Hours On the four dials in the center of the Status screen, an Operator can identify how many hours are left before needing to make a Duty Status change. Depending on their current Duty Status, their hours will count down minute by minute, and the dial will decrease. 4 Based on the current status, an operator may also see a Rest Remaining bar that will count down how long they need rest before returning to the Driving status. 5. Duty Status Buttons An Operator will see four Duty Status buttons. These are the duty statuses that they will be able to transition between. To identify the current Duty Status, the status will be highlighted in blue. There is also a Claim Exception button where the Operator can claim the following exceptions: Personal Conveyance, Yard Move, Adverse Driving Conditions, 16-Hour Short Haul and Oversized Load. (For Claimed Exceptions see pages 12). 5 6 6. Main Navigation bar An Operator can use the main navigation bar to navigate between the Duty Status screen, Logs screen, Approvals screen, and More Info screen. IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide 5 Ellipsis Menu The ellipsis will open a menu to add/change an Asset or Trailer, add/remove a Co-Operator, Enter Inspection Mode or add Shipping Documents 1. Closes the Ellipsis menu. 2. Add/Change Asset (See page 4). 3. Add/Change Trailer (See page 4). 4. Inspection Mode (See pages 7 & 8). 5. Add/Remove Co-Driver (See page 9). 6. Add Shipping Documents (See page 10). 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide Inspection Mode Inspection Mode Details/ Logs 3 1 After tapping the Inspection Mode button from the Ellipsis screen, the app will enter Inspection Mode. 1. Shows the information details of the operator log, including the log graph and log entries. 2. At the bottom is a menu allowing the Operator to submit logs to the FMCSA. 3. At the top right, select Inspections to view recent Inspections on the Asset. 2 Submitting Logs to the FMCSA 1. Selecting the buttons at the bottom of the screen will begin a log submission. 2. In the comments section, be sure to include the Officers Provided Inspection Number so the logs can be identified. 3. Select Submit to submit the logs. 3 1 2 IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide 7 Inspection Mode View Asset Inspections 1. Tapping Inspections will navigate to a view where Asset Inspections are shown. 1 2 Exiting Inspection Mode 1. Tapping on the Back button from the main Inspection Mode screen. 2. The Operator will be brought to a screen that requires the them to enter their PIN to exit Inspection Mode. 1 1 2 8 IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide Co-Driver Add/Remove a Co-Driver 1. Tapping the X will close the Ellipsis menu. 2. Tap Add Co-Driver button to add a co-driver. If there is already a Co-Driver added, this selection will change to Remove Co-Driver. 3. The Co-Driver should enter their PIN. 4. Tap the Add Co-Driver button. 5. Tapping the Back button will bring the Operator back to the Ellipsis menu with no co-driver added. 1 5 3 2 4 2 Co-Driver Status Screen 1. 2. Once a co-driver has been added, the Operator will be returned to the Status screen and there will be a green banner showing a co-driver was added. This banner will disappear after 5 seconds. 1 3 When a co-driver is added, a new bottom navigation selection called Co-Driver will appear. Tapping on the Co-Driver button will bring up the Co-Driver Status screen. 3. Displays the Co-Driver status information. 4. Allows the Co-Driver to select their Duty Status. 5. By tapping the Switch Seats with Driver button, the current Operator and Co-Driver will switch positions. 6. Displays the Co-Drivers log events. 4 5 6 2 IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide 9 Shipping Documents Adding Shipping Documents 1. Tapping the X button will close the Ellipsis menu. 2. Tapping the Shipping Documents button item will bring up the Shipping Documents screen. 3. Tapping the Back button from the Shipping Documents screen will return the operator to the Ellipsis menu. 4. 1 3 4 2 Tapping the + icon will open the screen to add shipping documents. Adding/Deleting Shipping Documents 1. 10 1 Once on the Add Shipping Document screen, clicking the Back button will return the Operator to the Shipping Documents screen. 2. Enter the Shipping Document information. 3. Tap Confirm to save the Shipping Document. Once a shipping document has been added, it will be visible on the main Shipping Document screen. 4. Swiping left on a Shipping Document presents the option to Delete a document. 3 2 2 IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide 1 4 Claim Exceptions Claiming an Exception 1. When tapped will open the Claimed Exception menu. 2. Tapping the Back button will bring the Operator back to the Status screen. 3. Personal Conveyance & Yard Move (See Page 12). 4. Adverse Driving Conditions, 16-Hour Short Haul & Oversized Load (See Page 12) . 2 4 3 1 IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide 11 Claimed Exceptions Personal Conveyance & Yard Move 1. Select either Personal Conveyance or Yard Move. 2. Enter required comment on why the exception is being claimed. 3. Confirm to save comment. 4. Once confirmed, the Status screen will appear and all Duty Status buttons will be removed. Operator must tap the End Personal Conveyance or Yard Move to end the exception. 3 1 2 2 4 Adverse Driving Conditions, 16-Hour Short Haul & Oversized Load 12 1. When selecting Adverse Driving Conditions, 16-Hour Short Haul, or Oversize Load, the following screens will appear. 2. Enter comment on why the exception is being claimed. 3. Confirm to save comment and confirm the Operator is claiming the exception. 4. Any Claimed Exception will show up with a flag and what exception was claimed under the current Duty Status. If multiple exceptions were claimed, the Operator will see a + with a number that represents the number of additional exceptions that were claimed besides the exception listed. 5. Any Claimed Exception will also be indicated with a flag inside the Remaining Hours dial that when tapped will display the claimed exception details. 3 4 1 2 2 IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide 5 Log Screen 1 1. Home - Tapping will navigate to the Main home page. 2. Pencil Icon - When selected opens the Operators Log in Edit mode and allows the Operator to make log edits. 3. Current Cycle Dates - Allows the Operator to scroll to all dates in their current cycle and summary of their current cycle. When a date is selected the graph and log details will be displayed below. 4. 5. 2 3 4 Log Graph - Graph of Duty Status based on the date selected in #3. A horizontal blue line represents a historical duty status. A horizontal blue line with diagonal lines represents a Claimed Exception. A horizontal white line represents current duty status. A vertical blue line represents a Duty Status change. A vertical red line represents a violation. 5 Log Details - List of all Log Entries based on the date selected in #3. IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide 13 Log Edits 2 1 Edit Log Screen 1. Back button - Returns the Operator back to the main Log screen without saving any pending edits. 2. Save button - Will show active when there are edits made to the original log and the Operator wants to save and apply the changes to the log. 3. Add Event button - Allows the Operator to add an event to their log. 4. Log Graph - List of all Log Entries based on the date selected. 4 3 Adding an Event 14 1. From the Edit Log screen tap the Add Event button and the Add Event screen will appear. 2. Tapping Cancel will return the Operator to the Edit Log screen. 3. Enter the Duty Status. 4. Enter the Time, City, and State and comment as to why this event is being added. 5. Once finished entering all the required information, tap the Submit button to save the event. 2 1 5 3 4 IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide Log Edits Editing an Event 1. Swipe left and tap the Edit icon and the Edit Event screen will open. Some events, such as automatically recorded driving events, cannot be edited. 2. On the Edit Event screen, the Operator can tap Cancel to be returned to the Edit Log screen. 3. On the Edit Event screen, there are Duty Status buttons to make Duty Status updates. 4. Updates can be made to Time, City, and State, and a comment must be added as to why a change is being made. 5. Once all changes are made, tap Submit to save all changes. 2 5 3 1 4 Deleting an Event 1. Swipe left and tap the Delete Event button. 2. A confirmation box will pop up asking to enter a comment about why the event is being deleted. Once a comment is added, tap Delete and that will remove the event or cancel it, returning the Operator to the previous screen with no deletion. 2 1 2 IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide 15 Log Edits Saving an Edit 1. All events added or edited will be highlighted in green. 2. Tapping the Save button will save all edits. 3. After saving edits, the Operator will automatically be brought to the Log screen. 2 1 16 2 IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide 3 Approvals 1. Home Icon - Tapping will navigate the Operator to the Main home page. 2. Uncertified Logs - Red badge shows the number of Logs that are not Certified. Tapping will show the Operator a list of Logs that need to be Certified. (See Page 18). 3. Edit Requests - Red badge shows the number of Pending Edit Requests. Tapping will show the Operator a list of Pending Edit Requests, Approved Edit Requests, and Rejected Edit Request. Also presents the option to Claim or Reject the Operators updated Log. (See Page 19) . 4. Drive Time Assignments - Red badge shows the drive time the Operator has been assigned. Tapping will show the Operator a list of the drive time the operator has been assigned. Allows the Operator to Claim or Reject the Operators updated Log. (See Page 21). 5. Unassigned Drive Time - Red badge shows the number of Unassigned Drive Time for the last seven days, for the current Asset the Operator is connected to. Tapping will show the Operator a list of Unassigned Drive Time for the last 7 days, for the Assets the Operator is connected to. The Operator can then edit, remove and claim that drive time. (See page 20). 6. Status Badge - Shows the number of items that need to be reviewed and action taken by the Operator. 7. Approvals badge - Shows the number of total items that need to be reviewed and action taken by the Operator. 1 6 2 3 4 5 IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide 7 17 Certify Logs 1. Back button - Will take the Operator back to the main Approvals page . 2. Log Graph - Shows a graph of the Operators Duty Status events: A horizontal blue line represents a historical Duty Status. A horizontal blue line with diagonal lines represents a Claimed Exception. A horizontal white line represents current Duty Status. A vertical blue line represents a Duty Status change. A vertical red line represents a violation. 3. Log Details - List of all Log entries and Duty Status at the time of the Log entry. 4. Certify Log button - When selected this will certify the Log for the log the Operator is viewing. 5. Certify Log - Validation message received by the Operator when they select the Certify Log button. 1 2 2 3 5 4 18 IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide Edit Requests 1. Back button - Will take the Operator back to the main Approvals page. 2. Original button - Will show the Operator their original Log with no edits. When selected, the button will change to Preview. Selecting Preview will show the Operator the potential log with Edit Requests. 3. 4. 5. 2 1 3 Log Graph - Graph of the Operators Duty Status events: A horizontal blue line represents a historical Duty Status. A horizontal blue line with diagonal lines represents a Claimed Exception. A horizontal white line represents current Duty Status. A horizontal faded red line represents the pending change to the Operators Log. A vertical blue line represents a Duty Status change. A vertical red line represents a violation. Log Details - List of all Log Entries: A green highlighted row represents an additional event will be added to the Operators Log. A red highlighted row represents an event will be removed from the Operators Log. 4 5 Claim/Reject Log buttons - Allows the Operator to Claim or Reject the Edit Requests. IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide 19 Unassigned Drivetime 20 1. Back button - Will take the Operator back to the main Approvals page. 2. Log Graph - Shows a graph of the Operators Duty Status events: A horizontal blue line represents a historical Duty Status. A horizontal blue line with diagonal lines represents a Claimed Exception. A horizontal white line represents current Duty Status. A vertical blue line represents a Duty Status change. A vertical red line represents a violation. 3. Log Details - List of all Log entries and Duty Status at the time of the Log entry. 4. Certify Log button - When selected, this will certify the Log for the log the Operator is viewing. 5. Certify Log - Validation message received by the Operator when they select the Certify Log button. 1 3 4 5 IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide 2 Drive Time Assignments 1. Back button - Will take the Operator back to the main Approvals page. 2. Original button - Selecting Original will show the Operator their original log. When selected, the button will change to Preview. 3. Log Graph - Graph of the Operators Duty Status events: 4. A horizontal blue line represents a historical Duty Status. A horizontal blue line with diagonal lines represents a Claimed Exception. A horizontal white line represents current Duty Status. A horizontal faded red line represents the pending change to the Operators Log. A vertical blue line represents a Duty Status change. A vertical red line represents a violation. 2 3 4 Log Details - List of all Log entries: 5. 1 All highlighted in green, because if claimed would add that event to the to the Operators Log. 5 Claim Log button - When selected, it will assign the drivetime events listed to the Driver Log. IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide 21 More Info 1. Home Icon - Tapping will navigate to the Main home page. 2. Carrier Info- Tapping will show the current Motor Carrier selected. 3. About - Tapping will show the following (See Page 23): 4. Name Email Address Provider ELD Identifier Version Send Logs button 1 2 User Guide (See page 23). 3 4 22 IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide About and User Guide 1 About 2 1. Back button - Will take the Operator back to the main Approvals page. 2. Header - Displays the username and email address. 3 3. Provider - Displays the current ELD provider. 4 4. Displays the ELD Identifier - This is the IntelliShift ID received from the FMCSA. 5. Version - Displays the version of the IntelliShift In the Field mobile app. 6. Send Logs button - Allows the Operator to submit In the Field mobile usage logs to the IntelliShift team for trouble shooting purposes. Electronic User Guide 1. Back button - Will take the Operator back to the main More Info page. 2. User Guide - Displays an electronic version of the IntelliShift ELD mobile app user guide. 5 6 1 2 IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide 23 Inspections If the company administrator has set up required Pre/Post trip on both the Asset and Trailer, the Operator will be automatically prompted to complete the inspection when they connect to the Asset or Trailer. 1. Start Pre-Trip Inspection - will take the Operator directly to the Inspection screen. The app will automatically select the correct Inspection form so the Operator is compliant with their fleets requirements. 2. Cancel - will keep the Operator on the Status screen. If the inspection is not completed within the fleets time window, the Operator will be considered missing inspection. 3. Once the Inspection is completed and signed, select the Complete button to send it to Intellishift and return to the Status screen. 1 2 3 24 IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide Troubleshooting Guide 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Unable to Select an Asset: during Asset selection, In the Field will use Bluetooth connection to scan for Assets in the area. If it is unable to detect an Asset via Bluetooth, it will say No Assets Found: To repeat the Bluetooth scan, select Try Again. The Bluetooth scan will repeat. To manually select an Asset without Bluetooth connection, select Continue without Connecting. See Page 4. Violation showing on Status Page: If the Operator has violations, a red banner will be shown at the top of the Status page: Selecting the banner will show details of the violations. Items in red are violations. Items in yellow are recommendations to avoid an upcoming violation. Selecting Collapse All will return the Operator to the Status screen and hide the violation details. Resolving Violations: Go to the Logs tab and verify that the HOS Logs are correct. If they are incorrect, refer to page 14 of this guide to edit logs. Unable to log in: if an Operator is receiving an error message when trying to sign in to In the Field: Verify that the Motor Carrier is selected correctly. Verify that the login PIN being used is correct. For further assistance, contact the companys Motor Carrier or Admin. Malfunction with ELD device: If there are any malfunctions with the ELD Device, take the following steps for resolution: Verify that the device is connected and powered on. Reboot the mobile device and try connecting again. If the problem persists, inform the companys Motor Carrier immediately and revert to paper logs. IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide 25 Want to learn more? Contact our client success experts at (800) 671-5222 26 IntelliShift Logbook Operators Guide