User manual for "Spectre ELD"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Spectre ELD".
For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page
Spectre ELD.
Driver Manual info +1 5 13 888 1919 50 00 P ro vident Dr, Ste 1 01, West C hester To wnshi p, OH 45 246 Copyright 2024 Spectre ELD LLC 01. Instructions to Connect Device to A Truck: 01. Turn off the engine and ensure the key is in the "Off" position. 02. Locate the diagnostic port inside the vehicle. It's usually in one of the following spots: Connect the ELD device securely to the diagnostic port. Make sure to screw it in 03. properly until it is locked in place. Confirm the device is working by checking for a blinking green LED light. This 04. indicates that the GPS and cellular connection has been established. Power on the fleet-provided tablet. The tablet will automatically start syncing with 05. the ELD device and the vehicles engine control module (ECM). Copyright 2024 Spectre ELD LLC 02. Spectre ELD Application Guide 01. Download the App For Android devices, download the Spectre ELD App from the Google Play Store. For iPhones and iPads, download the Spectre ELD App from the App Store. 02. Open the App and Log in Launch the Spectre ELD App on your device. Enter your username and password to log in. If you don't have an account or forgot your password, contact your carrier. 03. Scan and Select Your ELD Turn on Bluetooth on your smartphone. The app will automatically scan for ELD devices. Select your device from the list when scanning is complete. A green light on the device means its ready. 04. Confirm Connection and Choose Your Vehicle Check the blue icon in the top left of the dashboard for a successful connection. Select your vehicle from the list and accept the Terms and Conditions. Copyright 2024 Spectre ELD LLC 03. Using The Spectre ELD On The Road Once your mobile device is connected to the ELD, your driving time will be recorded automatically. When your vehicle reaches a speed of 5 mph or more, your duty status changes to "Driving." If the speed drops below 5 mph, the status switches to "On Duty." change the status, Tap on 01. To the Status Box You can manually select your duty 02. status based on your current situation. Once your vehicle is in motion, the 03. screen will change to the following: Copyright 2024 Spectre ELD LLC 04. Creating a DVIR (Pre-Trip or Post-Trip) 01. Open the HOS Section In the bottom menu of the ELD app, select the HOS section. 02. Access the DVIR Tab Under the DVIR tab, click Create DVIR. 03. Choose Pre-Trip or Post-Trip Select whether you're completing a Pre-Trip or Post-Trip inspection. 04. Report Any Defects If there are any defects on the truck or trailer, go to the Defects tab and include the details. 05. Finalize the Report Click Create DVIR to submit your report. Copyright 2024 Spectre ELD LLC 05. Certifying Logs, Dark Mode and adding Co-Driver On the bottom menu of the ELD app, tap the HOS button and use the date navigation to view your logs from previous days or the current day. selecting all the uncertified logs 01. By dates, you can certify in bulk To change the app into Dark Mode, 02. select the Night Mode button Once Co-Driver button tapped, Co- 03. Driver will need to log in Copyright 2024 Spectre ELD LLC 06. Roadside Inspection During a roadside inspection, you can allow the officer to view your logs directly from the app, send the logs via email, or submit them to the DOT. the bottom menu, select 01. From DOT Report. To show the officer your logs on your phone, select Begin Inspection. Use the top 02. navigation bar to view logs from any of the past 7 days and current days logs. Copyright 2024 Spectre ELD LLC 07. Data Transfer To The DOT 01. To send the report directly to the DOT portal, choose Transfer Logs the pop-up screen, select Web Service or Email method, and enter the Output 02. On File Comment provided by a DOT officer in the text box. Then, click Transfer Logs Copyright 2024 Spectre ELD LLC 08. Malfunction Events MOTOR CARRIER RESPONSIBILITIES (SECTION 395.22) According to Section 395.22, motor carriers must ensure that drivers are equipped with an ELD information packet containing instructions for handling ELD malfunctions, including the proper reporting requirements and recordkeeping procedures. THE SPECTRE ELD SYSTEM CONTINUOUSLY MONITORS FOR MALFUNCTIONS TO ENSURE FMCSA COMPLIANCE. BELOW IS A SUMMARY OF POTENTIAL MALFUNCTIONS, THEIR CAUSES, AND HOW TO ADDRESS THEM. THESE CODES WILL APPEAR IN THE VIOLATIONS TAB OF THE SPECTRE ELD APP IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN SECTION 395.34: P. POWER COMPLIANCE MALFUNCTION: Triggered by power loss, leading to over 30 minutes of unrecorded driving time. SYNCHRONIZATION E. ENGINE COMPLIANCE MALFUNCTION: COMPLIANCE T. TIMING MALFUNCTION: L. Occurs when the ELD can't sync with the vehicle's engine for 30+ minutes, preventing data collection. Reported when the ELDs clock deviates by more than 10 minutes from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Happens if the ELD fails to capture location data within 5 miles of movement for over 60 minutes in 24 hours. RECORDING R. DATA COMPLIANCE MALFUNCTION: TRANSFER COMPLIANCE S. DATA MALFUNCTION: O. OTHER MALFUNCTIONS: Indicates the ELD cant record or retrieve logs, often due to insufficient storage. Ensure 100 MB of free space, and manually clear once resolved. Indicates the ELD cant record or retrieve logs, often due to insufficient storage. Ensure 100 MB of free space, and manually clear once resolved. Covers any additional malfunctions not specified under other codes. POSITIONING COMPLIANCE MALFUNCTION: Copyright 2024 Spectre ELD LLC 09. Malfunction Events ADDRESSING MALFUNCTIONS When a malfunction is detected, take the following steps to ensure compliance: 01. IMMEDIATE NOTIFICATION: Notify your fleet manager and technical support team as soon as possible to address the issue promptly and minimize disruptions. 02. SWITCH TO PAPER LOGS: If the malfunction persists, switch to paper logs that comply with FMCSA regulations and reconstruct your record of duty status for the current 24 hours and required previous days. 03. RESOLVE THE MALFUNCTION: Collaborate with your fleet manager and technical support to resolve the malfunction. Once fixed, all malfunctions except for data recording compliance will automatically clear from the system. BY FOLLOWING THESE PROCEDURES, YOU CAN ENSURE THAT THE SPECTRE ELD REMAINS COMPLIANT, HELPING YOU MAINTAIN ACCURATE AND RELIABLE LOGS. Copyright 2024 Spectre ELD LLC