User manual for "Geowiz ELD"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Geowiz ELD".
For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page
GeoSpace Labs.
DRIVER INSTRUCTION GUIDE ABOUT GEOWIZBIZ, INC. Address: 2627 Redwing Rd #350 Phone: 877.4.GEOWIZ Web: eMail: [email protected] ELD Solution and A Lot More Geowiz offers ELD compliant hardware and software built to work together to provide seamless functionality alongside unsurpassed support and service. All for one of the lowest costs in the market at $169 per ECU device and NO MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION. Our hardware is a single small device, so no cables or different vendors pointing fingers at each other. The modem connects to 6 pin or 9 pin ECUs and can talk j1939 and j1708, so you can support your entire fleet using the same great functionality. The Geowiz software runs on any modern Android or Apple mobile device, so BYOD or buy new, whichever fits your current operating model. GEOWIZ ARCHITECTURE The Geowiz LTE ELD hardware is specially form factored to be low profile and unobtrusive, so it looks great in your cab with minimal visual impact The plugin talks to your smart phone or tablet where you can see and interact with your logs You dont need to have 3/4G internet, but if you do your logs are backed up as needed to our cloud database so you never lose data. If you only have WiFi your logs are backed up when you are on a network. DRIVER LOGIN Geowiz ELD LTE To login to the Geowiz software you will use the email address and password registered on the Geowiz website when you purchased the system ECU MODEM CONNECTION Connect the low profile ECU modem to the modem port inside your cab. INITIAL SETUP From within Settings review the different options to configure Geowiz to your specific needs Clock IN/OUT notifications will track your time for payroll entry in addition to ELD Hours of Service Requirements Enable Engine Connection will tell Geowiz to search for a Geowiz vehicle modem to pair with If enabled the option to select the type of engine connection to use is displayed. OBDII vehicles use the rectangular connection and j1939 vehicles use the round 9-pin connection. If you are unsure please contact us. The rules options are available for selection, select the cycle that you are working under. NOTE: This can be changed as necessary to configure compliance with current jurisdiction. ONGOING ENTERING & EXITING VEHICLES Upon entering the vehicle Geowiz will automatically populate the Tractor ID and record the starting odometer for you Upon exiting the vehicle Geowiz will automatically populate the ending odometer and calculate the total miles As you enter end exit the cab during a daily cycle Geowiz will correctly adjust this information for you If you have a trailer attached you can identify it here also If you have a co-driver select them here and Geowiz will automatically link you as their co-driver on their log and keep both logs in sync CHANGE OF STATUS Changing status throughout the day with Geowiz could not be easier! Tap the current status button in the middle of the ELD screen and select your current status. Geowiz will correctly record all duty status changes automatically with the exception of going off duty.You must tell the system when you are taking breaks or going off duty. CHANGE OF STATUS To make entering correct log information easy, Geowiz will automatically populate the log for you when you are on-duty and fill in your on duty versus driving log times When Geowiz is tracking you the Tracking button in the top left corner turns green. Geowiz will provide predictive notifications of upcoming compliance requirements in the space below the duty button VIOLATIONS Based upon the cycle definitions you select, Geowiz will notify you of any recorded violations You can tap on a violation to record notes concerning the circumstances of the violation Violations are not shown to inspectors in inspection mode, it is their job to find them SPECIAL STATUS CASES Co-driving and idling are handled via the previously discussed features. Yard moves and personal conveyance are selectable options from the Auto button on the top button bar. These two options will not calculate into cycle drive hours and will be displayed as a dotted line on the HOS bar graph CHECKING AVAILABLE HOURS As you progress throughout your cycle Geowiz will track your driving, shift, and cycle hour for you and will display remaining hours above the current duty button REVIEWING THE LOG Geowiz logs can be reviewed by selecting the large triangle arrow on the left or right of the log screen Once a log has been reviewed selecting the sign log button allows you to sign the log and certify it into record EDITING THE LOG Tap the Tools button and Add Duty and adjust the data including the location data. Note that any manually entered data is flagged as such in the log database Driving time from the engine can not be edited DRIVER VEHICLE INSPECTION REPORTS You can select the DVIR from any log entry Choose the asset type and the asset name will be populated automatically Identify pre or post trip inspection and select any items requiring notes Enter required notes if necessary and identify the vehicle status LOG INSPECTION MODE When necessary to turn the log over to an inspecting person, set the log in inspection mode from the tools menu Inspection mode is a FMCSA compliant read only summary of log information INSPECTION MODE 123456789 DGT4566 CO No dth6755Y H5443 NA 1008544 - 1008640 96 In inspection mode, logs for the past days are summarized per FMCSA requirements If necessary, select the send log option and enter an email address to send the log to ERROR CODES Error Codes are displayed here The primary default code is the inability of the mobile device to connect to the engine modem. This is indicated by the red bar along the top of the device. Check that the light is on in the modem Inspect the physical model for its error state. There are 2 primary states A rapidly blinking light indicates that the modem was unable to pair with the mobile device A steady dull light means the modem was entered an error state and is not attempting to pair with any device In either scenario select the diagnostic option from within the APP settings screen for detailed diagnostic information ADDITIONAL ERROR CODES FMCSA Error Codes Malfunction/Diagnostic Code P E T Geowiz Equivalent Codes Malfunction Description Power compliance malfunction Engine synchronization compliance malfunction Timing compliance malfunction Code Description Shown on Mobile Device P The plug in device is not powered on. E The plug in device is not able to synchronize T The plug in timing is not working correctly L Positioning compliance malfunction L System is not able to determine positioning R Data recording compliance malfunction R System is not able to record data S System is not able to transfer data O An unidentified error has occurred S O Data transfer compliance malfunction Other ELD detected malfunction ADDITIONAL ERROR CODES FMCSA Error Codes Malfunction/Diagnostic Code 1 Geowiz Equivalent Codes Data Diagnostic Event Power data diagnostic event Code Process Run, Description 1 Geowiz will attempt to reset the plug in 2 Engine synchronization data diagnostic event 2 Geowiz will attempt to reset the plug in 3 Missing required data elements data diagnostic event 3 You are missing data xxx from the ELD logs 4 Attempting to reconnect.. 5 Unidentified driving records found 6 A general system diagnostic is in process.. 4 5 6 Data transfer data diagnostic event Unidentified driving records data diagnostic event Other ELD identified diagnostic event TABLET SIZE SCREEN SHOTS ADDITIONAL SCREEN SHOTS Geowiz ELD LTE will also email you your IFTA miles summaries to the email address you registered with at the end of each month and quarter to greatly simplify your IFTA reporting!