User manual for "Geotab Drive for International Trucks"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Geotab Drive for International Trucks".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Geotab Inc..

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Drivers Guide to the Geotab Drive for
International Trucks App
Table of Contents


Hours of Service Compliance


System Requirements






Android Setup


iOS Setup


In-Vehicle Setup


Logging In


Attach a Vehicle


Attach a Trailer


Attach a Shipment


Verify Duty Status Logs


Claiming Unassigned Logs


Inspect the Vehicle


Navigating the Dashboard


Connection Status


Vehicle Disconnected


Drive Disconnected


GPS Disconnected


Power Disconnected


Attaching Assets


Adding Co-Drivers


Drive App Hours of Service (HOS)


Status Tab


Motion Detection When Driving


Driving in Violation



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Logs Tab


Using the Graph


Location Information


Adding Manual Logs


Changing Rulesets


Applying Exemptions


Viewing Diagnostic and Malfunction Events


Verifying Logs


Options Tab


Creating a Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR)


Certifying Previous Inspections


Performing New Inspections


Repairing Defects


Viewing Messages


Performing Roadside Inspections


Compliance Print


Changing Drive App Settings


Updating the App


Enabling Night Mode


Logging Out


Complete a DVIR


Verify Logs


Set a New Duty Status


Clock In/Clock Out (Feature Preview)


Vehicle Proximity


Installing Add-Ins


Reporting Bugs



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The Geotab Drive for International Trucks App (Drive App) is a mobile application for maintaining Hours of
Service compliance. The App is available for Android and iOS devices. As part of the greater Cloud ELD solution,
the Drive App (running on a compatible mobile device), is used together with a Telematics Device  a type of
Electronic Logging Device (ELD)  and the Fleet Management Application (2017-11 release or higher), to
provide end-to-end compliance with federal regulations for motor carriers.
The Drive App has four main features:

Hours of Service (HOS)
Driver Vehicle Inspection Reporting (DVIR)
Software Add-Ins

The Drive App is available with the Geotab Pro for International Trucks (Pro), and Geotab ProPlus for
International Trucks (ProPlus) rate plans.

Hours of Service Compliance
The Drive App is a self-certifying tool for meeting the requirements of FMCSA  395.20 of 49 CFR Part 395
(ELDs). Before using the Drive App, you must:

Make sure you have an in-cab copy of the D
 rivers Guide to the Drive App, the Drivers Guide to Data
Transfer at Roadside Inspection, and the Drivers Guide to Data Diagnostics & Malfunction Events; and
Make sure you have reviewed the Driver's Guide to Hours of Service (HOS) and Driver's Guide to DVIR.

 rivers Guide to the Drive App, Drivers Guide to Data Transfer at Roadside Inspection
and the Drivers Guide to Data Diagnostics & Malfunction Events must be kept in the CMV at all times. These
documents must be made available during a roadside inspection in accordance with FMCSA 49 CFR 395.22
(h). In addition, drivers must have a supply of blank Records of Duty Status (RODS) paper logs sufficient to
record the drivers duty status and other related information for the duration of the current trip. Maintain a
second backup copy of the electronic hours-of-service files, by month, at a different physical location from
where the original data is stored  FMCSA 49 CFR  395.22(i).
The Drive App:

Operates on a fixed 24-hour period starting at 12:00 AM.
Supports three co-drivers logged in to the same device.
Supports all time zones.
Supports the following rulesets:

FMCSA 7-day/8-day
California intrastate
Florida Intrastate
Texas intrastate
Canadian Duty 1 & 2


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Supports the following exemptions:

Short Haul
Non-CDL Short Haul
Adverse Driving Conditions
Personal Conveyance
30-minute rest exemptions on federal rulesets.

24-hour Restart (for oil transport drivers)
Oil well Wait Time and 24-hour Restart
(available to off duty co-drivers)
Off-duty deferral (Canadian, currently in Beta)
Yard Move

 ll Record of Duty Status (RODS) fields can be edited in the Fleet Management Application. Edited
RODS will be permanently identified as having been modified.

System Requirements


Android 4.4 or higher
4.7-inch+ screen (recommended)
Capacitive touch screen preferred
Built-in cellular modem (3G or LTE) with data
connection (Avg monthly data usage: 350MB)
250MB data storage
Built-in GPS
Certified by Google, with access to the Google
Play Store preferred

iOS 6.0 or higher
4.7-inch+ screen (recommended)
Capacitive touch screen preferred
Built-in cellular modem (3G or LTE) with data
connection (Avg Monthly Data Usage 350MB)
250MB data storage
Built-in GPS
Certified by Apple, with access to the App Store

Android Setup

Make sure you have access to the Google Play Store.
Enable W
 i-Fi and disable Flight mode.
Under Mobile networks, enable Data access over mobile network.
Enable all location services, and H
 igh accuracy mode if available.
Set Date & time to automatic.
In the Google Play Store settings, enable A
 uto-update apps at any time.
Go to the Google Play Store and install the Drive App.

iOS Setup
Make sure you have access to the Apple App Store.
Enable W
 i-Fi and disable Airplane mode.
Under iOS settings > P
 rivacy, enable L
 ocation Services.
Under Drive App, select Always, and enable Use Cellular Data, then set Notifications to A
5. Under iOS settings > i Tunes & App Store > Automatic Downloads, enable U
 pdates and Use Cellular
6. Ensure that the D
 ate & time are set to automatic.
7. Go to the App Store and install the Drive App.


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In-Vehicle Setup
Equip your vehicle with a Telematics Device, a compatible Android or iOS mobile device, and an IOX-USB
accessory (optional). Contact your System Administrator for more information.

Logging In
When you log in to the Drive App, you are prompted to complete a set of actions to synchronize your assets,
ensure the vehicle is safe to operate, and verify any outstanding logs.
If you start driving the vehicle without logging in, the
Drive App detects the motion, and warns you to stop
the vehicle and log in.
If you do not log in, the App is unable to associate
your duty status or other driving events with your

Before you can start driving, you are prompted to:

Attach a vehicle;
Attach a trailer;
Attach a shipment;
Verify duty status logs;
Inspect the vehicle (DVIR); and
Inspect the trailer (DVIR).
The first time you log in to the Drive App, you are
prompted to A
 ccept the End User Agreement. After
accepting the agreement, enter your U
 sername and
press N
 ext t o display the Password field.
Enter your password ( minimum 8 characters in
length), and press L
 og in.
Note: Tap the eye symbol to show/hide your


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After authenticating your credentials, the App
synchronizes your data (i.e. driver profile, shipment
information, HOS logs, and DVIR records) for a brief
time before loading the main interface.
Note: You remain associated with your drivers logs
even when you switch vehicles.

Attach a Vehicle
You must attach a vehicle to your account before the duty status and other types of electronic records can be
assigned to you.


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If there is no vehicle assigned to your account at
the time of login, select N
 o Vehicle to continue into
the App. Without a vehicle, you can only set the
status to O
 N and OFF duty.

Based on the geolocation of your device, the App
automatically locates the closest vehicles within a
1km/0.6mi radius. You can C
 ontinue w
 ith the
closest vehicle, o
 r Select another vehicle.
When you log in, the exemptions notification
informs you if P
 C ( Personal Conveyance) o
 r YM
(Yard Move) i s enabled. The notification also
displays your ELD-exempt status.


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In some cases, your current vehicle may have been
claimed by another driver and dissociated from
your account. If this occurs, you are asked if you
would like to reassign the vehicle to yourself. By
choosing N
 o, you are automatically assigned to N
Vehicle, and prompted to select another vehicle.
If you are logged in with a co-driver, they receive the
same message.


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Attach a Trailer
After attaching vehicles, you are prompted to attach
a trailer. You can attach up to four trailers; however,
each trailer must be assigned a unique name. If you
do not have a trailer to attach, press C

If you attach a trailer, you are prompted to perform
a DVIR on the trailer. If you detach a trailer, you are
also asked to perform a DVIR. In both cases, you
can choose to C
 ertify and inspect o
 r Skip.


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Attach a Shipment
Next, you are prompted to attach shipments to your
vehicle. Press N
 ew shipment to attach a shipment,
or C
 ontinue with no shipment.
When attaching a shipment, enter the shipper name,
commodity, and shipment document number. Press
Add to assign the shipment to your vehicle.

Verify Duty Status Logs
If you have unverified logs from earlier driving activity, you are asked to review and verify them.
Use the V
 erify button for any 24-hour period to
verify by day, or use the V
 erify all days button to
verify all visible logs. You can also skip this step
with the S
 kip button.
Note: If you choose to Skip t his step, an audit log is
created indicating the time and date the button was

Claiming Unassigned Logs
The Drive App creates duty status logs even when your vehicle is driven without a user logged in. If this occurs,

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you are asked to review and claim the unassigned logs.
You can claim logs by selecting all relevant logs
and pressing the A
 ssign to me button.
You can also skip this step with the S
 kip button.
The D
  and O
 N Duty Status Logs are paired when
claiming them in the Drive App.

 laiming unassigned logs belonging to other drivers causes your Record of Duty Status to be

Inspect the Vehicle
To complete the login process, you are prompted to perform a new DVIR of the vehicle and its attached trailers.
The app will indicate that a previous inspection was
completed and certified. Press C
 ertify and inspect
to begin a new inspection.
If you do not have clearance to perform a DVIR,
press S
 kip t o go to the D
 ashboard. You can find
more information on performing a DVIR here.


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Navigating the Dashboard
After completing all login tasks, you are taken to the Dashboard. The Dashboard is the main interface used for
navigating the Drive App. Shortcuts to features including App settings and Add-Ins that you have installed are
available at the bottom on all the screens.
Note: Your dashboard may look different based on your user clearances and the Add-Ins that you have installed.


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Connection Status
You can check your connectivity status by
pressing the wireless icon in the top-right
corner of the screen.
A red exclamation mark indicates a
disconnection. When pressed, the
disconnected item displays in red, which
can be selected for additional context.

Vehicle Disconnected
This message displays in red when the Telematics Device is not communicating with the server. This can be
due to wireless network issues or a loss of power from the device.

Drive Disconnected
This message displays in red when your mobile device has no connection to the server. This will happen if the
data connection on the mobile device is not reliable or the mobile device is in airplane mode.
 ogging out is disabled when Drive is in this state. This is done in order to preserve the drivers logs
until a connection to the server is re-established. Similarly, the driver will not be able to log in while out of

GPS Disconnected
This message displays in red when there is a disruption with the GPS communication of the mobile device. This
can be caused by location, environment, or airplane mode. Drive uses GPS as a fallback for the lock screen.

Power Disconnected
The driver is at risk for losing device power if their mobile device is not being charged. The lock screen may not
be as responsive if power is not connected.

Attaching Assets
After logging in, you can change or attach new vehicles and trailers at any time by pressing the vehicle name
from the D
 ashboard, or by pressing M
 ore, t hen A
 ssets from the Shortcuts m


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Press the C
 hange button to change the vehicle
associated with the Drive App. You are prompted to
perform a DVIR each time you change vehicles.
Press the A
 ttach button to attach a new trailer, and
press the N
 ew button to add a new shipment.

To add shipment information to your log, press the
New button. Enter your shipment information and
press A


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Your shipment information now displays on the
Assets p
Shipment information also displays on the
Compliance Print made in the Fleet Management

Adding Co-Drivers
You can add co-drivers to the Drive App by pressing your name in the top-right corner of the screen, then
pressing the Add driver button. The co-driver is prompted to enter their login credentials. You can add up to
three drivers per vehicle. When the vehicle is in motion, the app does not allow a co-driver to switch the Drivers
seat with the driver.
After logging in, the names of all drivers display in
the user list. When multiple drivers are logged in,
the steering wheel icon indicates the active
Use the D
 rivers seat button to switch the active
driver. The duty status changes automatically to D

for the active driver. The co-driver must change
their status manually through the App.
The D
 rivers Seat button is disabled for the active
driver while in the D
If the active driver logs out, the co-driver becomes
the new active driver.

Co-drivers can share the Drive App interface to adjust their individual duty statuses. To become an active user of
the interface, press your name from the driver list. Once you are the active user, your name displays at the top of
the driver list. At this point, you can adjust your duty status without affecting the duty status of your co-drivers.


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Drive App Hours of Service (HOS)
The H
 OS feature provides all the tools necessary for tracking and recording your
duty status. It also provides the ability to verify logs, apply exemptions, and
provide information for roadside inspections.
The H
 OS screen is divided into S
 tatus, Logs, a
 nd Options tabs.

Status Tab
The Status tab allows you to view and set your duty status, as well as view and apply exemptions.

Duty status is displayed by one of the
four buttons on the screen:
 Sleeper Berth (SB)
 Drive (D)
The S
 tatus tab displays ruleset
information, the remaining duration of
your applicable driving limits, cycle
summary, and exemptions that can
be applied as driving conditions
To change your ruleset, click
the pencil symbol.

 hen outside of cell coverage, you are notified to manually set your status.


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 hen changing your status to O
 N duty, you are notified of potential violations, and prompted to
add an annotation.

 hen changing your status to O
 FF duty, you are asked if you want to take a break or log out. If
you select Log out, the App will guide you through your e
 nd-of-day tasks, but will not close when you are

The red bar at the top of the screen indicates that you have no driving time remaining and must take a break.

The blue bar at the top of the screen indicates the time remaining before you must take a break.

Once you begin to drive, your status automatically switches to D
  when the vehicle reaches a speed of five mph
(eight km/h). Once you stop driving, after three seconds, your status remains as D
  for an additional five minutes.
When five minutes have passed, you are prompted to change your status to O
 N duty. I f you do not respond
within a minute, your status switches to O
 N duty.
 TIP: You can manually switch your duty status at any time by pressing HOS o
 n the dashboard.

The R
 est in timer is the time remaining before you
must take a break.
When the R
 est in timer reaches 0:00, a Rest
duration timer replaces it when you go off duty.
The R
 est duration timer is the time that has passed
during the break period.


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For a summary of your cycle, press V
 iew cycle

View cycle recap displays:
 Available cycle time tomorrow;
 Hours used within each day in the cycle; and
 Total hours used within the cycle.
Depending on your ruleset, cycle recap provides a
quick and compact view of how much time you
have used, and how much time is remaining for the
following day.

To apply exemptions, press V
 iew Exemptions and
use the corresponding buttons to activate them.

View exemptions allows you to do the following:
 Apply exemptions.
 Start/stop Yard Move.
 Start/stop Personal Conveyance.
By default, the only exception that is always
available to you is the A
 dverse Driving Conditions


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If you select the A
 dverse Driving Conditions
exemption, you must confirm your selection before
applying the exemption. Additionally, you can add
an annotation to provide further details.

If you enable the A
 dverse Driving Conditions exemption when driving south of latitude 60N (along the southern
border of Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut in Canada), the following changes are made to your daily
requirements and HOS availability:

Daily rest requirement decreases by two hours
Daily off requirement decreases by two hours
Daily driving available increases by two hours
Daily duty available increases by two hours
Workday driving available increases by two hours
Workday duty available increases by two hours

You can stop a Y
 ard Move event by turning the ignition off and on during a power cycle. You can stop a
Personal Conveyance event by confirming the event ended when the ELD prompt displays, also during a power
If a confirmation is not made and the vehicle is in motion, the ELD defaults to none. Other exemptions must be
configured by your Fleet Management Application Administrator.
A full list of all available exceptions can be found in the Hours of Service Ruleset Matrix.
 he Yard Move exemption is disabled when the speeding rule is exceeded, or when the vehicle
leaves the specified zone type.


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Motion Detection When Driving
When you are logged into the Drive App and the vehicle begins moving, the Drive App screen locks to minimize
driver distraction. All other information is hidden and you only see the remaining driving time available. When the
vehicle is in motion, the app does not allow a co-driver to switch seats with the driver.
If the vehicle has stopped for five minutes, a prompt displays on the screen. Confirm if you have stopped driving,
or if the vehicle is still in motion. If a response is not submitted to confirm or deny the prompt within one minute
of receiving the prompt, the ELD automatically creates an ON duty status log.
If you continue to drive past your available hours, the screen notifies you that you are in violation of your ruleset.
The app broadcasts an audible warning in addition to the Hours of Service limit message, whether the app is in
the background or the foreground. The audible warning does not occur if you are in the O
 FF or S
 leeper Berth
(SB) status.

Driving in Violation
The Drive App notifies you when you are nearing a
duty violation two hours before the violation, one
hour before the violation, 30 minutes before the
violation, and right before the violation.


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If you switch your duty status to D
 rive after your
remaining driving time has expired, you are warned
that doing so puts you in violation of your selected
If you drive after being warned, a violation registers
in your log.

Logs Tab
The Logs tab displays a list of all Records of Duty Status (RODS) for the past 14 or 16 days, depending on the
ruleset, and any violations incurred. Logs are displayed below the graph, one day at a time, and can be navigated
using the arrows at the top of the screen, or by pressing the date picker to display the calendar.

Using the Graph
Duty status is plotted along the graph for a 24-hour period for each day. The total time spent in a particular duty
status is displayed to the right of the graph. The bars on the graph are color-coded in the following way:

Gray: Unverified logs
Green: Verified logs
Yellow: Edited logs
Red: Driving in violation of HOS ruleset
Striped: Personal Conveyance and/or Yard Moves
Blue: Qualifying Break identifies logs that meet the break requirements for Canadian rulesets only.


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Select a log from the graph to display
additional information including the
logs duration and date of creation.
You can also edit certain elements of
the log. If a log requires attention
(e.g. verification, requested edits,
missing location, etc.), a notification
banner displays at the top of the
Press the banner to go to the log and
make the necessary updates.

Starting odometer and Ending
odometer display at the bottom of the
Logs t ab for quick reference


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When you select a log, the Log page
shows additional information about the
log, including when and where the log was
You can also view and add annotations to
the log. Select the arrow in the top left
corner of the screen to return to the L

Location Information
The Telematics Device installed in your vehicle captures location information. If the GPS signal on the device is
unavailable, there will be no address associated with the log created during this period. In this case, you must
enter the location manually by pressing the W
 here was this? button.


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Enter the address where the log
occurred, or to add location information
if an exemption is applied.

Adding Manual Logs
Manual logs allow you to correct your Records of Duty Status when existing logs are discovered to be incorrect
or incomplete. For example, add a manual OFF-Duty log for the previous day if the App remained ON-Duty after
you completed your work day. Also use manual logs when the status does not automatically change (e.g. a bug
in the software), or if you are driving in an area without network coverage.
Other examples include creating a manual ON-Duty log for a day that you started at the office, or when the App
does not detect driving, and places you ON-Duty after an inspection. Manual logs allow you to update any status
for a specific date and time, and assign yourself the vehicle you were driving. If you need to add a manual log for
any reason, follow the steps below and select the appropriate options.
You can add manual logs for the last
14 days. For Canadian rulesets, you
can add manual logs for the past 28
To manually create Records of Duty
Status, press the + Add Log b

On the screen that follows, press
Select f or each of the applicable
elements of the log.


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Choose the S
 tatus, Date and Time t o
start the log.

If you have a vehicle assigned to you
when you create the manual log, that
vehicle will be automatically selected.
If you do not have the correct vehicle
currently assigned to you, and if you
were driving (D) or ON duty at the time
of the manual Record of Duty Status,
select the vehicle.

You can also add an annotation to
provide context for the manual log.
Press A
 dd to create the log.


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The L
 ogs screen will display again after
you have created the manual log. To
view details, select the log.

If you made a mistake while creating a
manual log, press the pencil icon to edit
the log status or date. You can also add
new annotations.
Press S
 ave w
 hen you have finished
making changes.

 nly manually created logs can be edited in the application. Automatically created logs cannot be
modified or changed to another status. If you attempt to change the status of an automatic log, you will be
asked if you would like to create a new log with the desired duty status.

Changing Rulesets
When you change your ruleset, the preceding log is annotated to reflect this change.

Applying Exemptions
When the 16-hour e
 xemption, Adverse driving conditions, or O
 il well wait time exemption is applied, the

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preceding log is also annotated to reflect this change.

Viewing Diagnostic and Malfunction Events
If the Drive App detects a diagnostic event, a yellow bar indicates a diagnostic is present, and a red bar indicates
a malfunction is present. You can press the yellow or red bar to view more details about the events.
Consult the one-page document titled Drivers Guide to Data Diagnostics & Malfunction Events, which provides
instructions on what to do when these events occur. When a diagnostic event occurs, the yellow or red bar
disappears after the issue is resolved.


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When a malfunction event occurs,
it must be addressed by the driver
or an Administrator.
Press the M
 alfunctions button at
the top of the screen on the L

The malfunction or diagnostic
displays, along with the date the
event occurred. When a
malfunction event has been
resolved, press the C
 lear button.
For more information, review the
Drivers Guide to Data Diagnostics &
Malfunction Events, or select the
question mark beside each

Verifying Logs
The Verify button allows the driver to confirm that the logs recorded by the Drive App are accurate and valid.
The button displays in the summary header of every daily group of logs. Press the V
 erify button to display the
following screen:


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After you press the A
 gree button, every log for the selected date is verified. Verified logs have a check mark
beside them, and the V
 erify button is replaced with text reading Verified.

 he driver will be notified of unverified logs when logging out. Logs that are left unverified for over
14 days disappear from the list and can no longer be verified electronically.

Options Tab
 he Options t ab will be removed in an upcoming release. To view Information such as driver and
company details, navigate to S
 ettings f rom the shortcut menu at the bottom of the screen. To view and
rulesets, n
 avigate to the Status tab.


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Creating a Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR)
Driver Vehicle Inspection Reports (DVIR) help you track the health of vehicles
and trailers. You can access the DVIR from the Drive App D
 ashboard b
selecting the D
 VIR tab.
Once in the DVIR, press the C
 ertify and Inspect b
 utton to begin inspecting a
vehicle and/or trailer. The Drive App guides you through all steps in the
inspection. You can also find information on DVIRs in the D
 river's Guide to
! IMPORTANT: You must have the Perform DVIR inspections clearance
to perform a DVIR. To learn more, please contact your Administrator.
If you are performing a P
 re-trip inspection
after logging in and have not manually set a
duty status, your duty status automatically
switches to O
 n Duty.
The new O
 n Duty status is automatically
annotated to reflect that a pre-trip inspection
has occurred.
If you do not have clearance to perform a
DVIR, press S
 kip t o go to the Dashboard.
Otherwise, proceed with the inspection.

Before performing a new inspection, you must first sign off on the P
 revious Inspection to indicate that you are
aware of the vehicles defects history. If there were prior defects, you must review the repairs made and then
certify whether the vehicle is safe to operate.
 he DVIR images shown below are unique to Canadian rulesets.

Certifying Previous Inspections
To certify a previous inspection, you must have the Mark DVIR as certified clearance. To learn more, please
contact your Administrator.


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If a previous inspection included defects,
you must certify the inspection to verify that
the defects have been repaired
If the defects are marked as repaired and
you are certain about the status of the
vehicle, certify the vehicle as safe to
If the defects have not been repaired, the
app displays an U
 nresolved defects
indicator beside the corresponding asset.

Before you can drive the vehicle, or perform
a new inspection, you must repair all
unresolved defects.
Note: For Canadian rulesets, critical defects
are shown as M
 ajor. For all other rulesets,
critical defects are shown as alerts.

When the defects have been repaired, and
the vehicle is Certified as safe, you can
perform a new inspection.
When prompted, press Y
 es t o S
 ign DVIR and
verify that the vehicle was inspected in
compliance with regional and/or federal
The DVIR screen displays P
 revious report
certified beside the corresponding asset.

For more on repairing defects, including how
to handle repairs that are not necessary,
press h


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A previous inspection with no defects still
requires certification. However, the vehicle
does not need to be certified as safe or unsafe.
Review the inspection, then press C
previous inspection.
When prompted, press Y
 es t o S
 ign DVIR. and
verify that the vehicle was inspected in
compliance with regional and/or federal


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Performing New Inspections
To perform new inspections, you must have the Perform DVIR inspections clearance. To learn more, please
contact your Administrator.
After certifying a previous inspection, you must
perform a new inspection.
Press E
 xpand previous inspection t o review
the most recent inspection on the vehicle.

Press C
 ollapse previous inspection, o
 r scroll
down to continue with the new inspection.


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Walk around the vehicle and record any defects
you find. You can add remarks to each defect if
If a defect is minor, proceed with your day; if a
defect is critical, you must alert your Manager
before operating the vehicle.
You can select defects from the default list, or
from a custom list(s) created by your
Administrator. If there are multiple custom lists,
select the list by name from the D
 efect List
If a critical defect is recorded in the DVIR, the
Drive App displays a warning on the lock screen
to notify the driver of the defect.
If you do not find any defects, press the N
defects b
 utton to complete the inspection.
Note: For Canadian rulesets, the green button
displays N
 o Major or Minor defects found.

When prompted, press Y
 es t o verify that the
vehicle was inspected in compliance with
regional and/or federal regulations..

If the inspection included defects, press the
Done button to complete the inspection, then
proceed to R
 epairing Defects.


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Repairing Defects
To mark defects as repaired or not necessary, you must have the M
 ark DVIR as repaired clearance. To learn
more, please contact your Administrator.
You can begin logging a repair by pressing the red R
 epair button.
If the previous inspection included defects,
they must be resolved before performing a
new inspection.
Under U
 nresolved defects, expand each
defect to view information and read remarks
left by the driver.
When all defects have been repaired, add a
new remark with resolution details, then select
Repaired f or each defect. Press Save.
If a repair is not necessary, add a remark to
explain why, and select N
 ot Necessary. Press
When all defects have been resolved, the app
displays a R
 esolved defects indicator beside
the corresponding asset.

You can review previous DVIRs from the
Inspection Mode page.
On the D
 ashboard, scroll to the bottom of the
page and press I nspection. Under the D
tab, press R
 eview to view previous DVIRs.


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Viewing Messages
Your fleet manager can send messages and routes to your Drive App account.
Press the M
 essages icon to check the Messages page for new notifications.
When a text message is received while a vehicle is in motion, the Drive App reads
the message out loud.
Route messages are grouped together in Drive App. For more information about
each route, select the message from the list.

Performing Roadside Inspections
The I nspection button is located at the bottom of the Dashboard next to the
Settings button. Press the I nspection b
 utton to enter Inspection Mode, which
provides information necessary for the completion of a roadside inspection.

If you are invited to a roadside inspection by law enforcement, you may be asked to provide up to eight (8) days
of HOS logs (depending on your ruleset) for inspection. Before entering Inspection Mode, you can set a one-time
4-digit PIN to be used when entering and exiting Inspection Mode. A new PIN must be set each time you enter
Inspection Mode.
If the App is closed during the inspection, opening it will return you to Inspection Mode, where you will have to
re-enter the one-time PIN in order to exit. If the vehicle is driven while in Inspection Mode, the PIN is cleared and
the lock screen activated. You can still exit Inspection Mode, but a PIN is no longer required.
Enter a PIN and press C
 ontinue. Enter the PIN again when prompted and press Confirm PIN. If you choose not
to set a PIN, press No PIN.


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For quick access to the DVIR,
select the DVIR icon at the top of
the I nspection Mode screen, and
select R

Scroll down and select V
 iew to see the list of defects used in the

After the inspection is over, press the X in the top-right corner to exit Inspection Mode. The App will prompt you
to enter the 4-digit PIN that you set. If you have forgotten your PIN, you can log out or begin driving to exit
Inspection Mode.


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Compliance Print
In addition to transferring logs, you may be asked to display a Compliance Print on your mobile device during a
roadside inspection.
On the D
 ashboard, scroll to the
bottom of the page and select
Select C
 ompliance Print t o display
the Compliance Report on your
mobile device.
Use the arrow buttons to display up to
eight (8) days of logs (for US rulesets)
and up to fifteen (15) days of logs (for
Canadian rulesets). You can also
press the date to select the desired
date from a list.
If you have your Drive App language
settings set to a non-English
language, a button allows you to
toggle the Compliance report into

When a driver enters Inspection Mode
but is not assigned to a vehicle, the
Drive App uses information from the
previously assigned vehicle to
populate the odometer, engine hours,
and other vehicle-related data.


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Scroll down to the Graph to display your duty status and logs over a 24-hour period for a given day. When you
apply the Personal Conveyance exemption and drive the vehicle, the Compliance report does not count the
odometer or engine hours for that duration.

Keep scrolling to display any unassigned logs or malfunctions.


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Changing Drive App Settings
The S
 ettings page has basic information about your system, as well as options
to change your password, enable Night Mode, and report any bugs.
You can access the Settings page by pressing the gear icon from the

Updating the App
The Drive App is constantly updated with features and fixes. Generally, the Drive App should stay up to date on
its own; however, in case it doesnt, you can force a manual update using the Check for updates button.

Enabling Night Mode
The Drive App can be optimized for viewing in low-light environments by enabling Night Mode. To enable Night
Mode, select More from the navigation menu then toggle Dark mode on or off.

 TIP: I f you are unable to view the option for night mode within your system settings, please contact your
Administrator to enable Feature Preview for your account.


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Logging Out
Logging out of the Drive App disassociates you from your vehicle. Any trips made in a vehicle while logged out
of the Drive App are not associated with the driver.
You can log out of the Drive App by
pressing your name and selecting
Log out from the dropdown menu.

Before logging you out, the Drive App prompts you to do the following end-of-day tasks:

Complete a DVIR
Detach trailers and shipments
Verify your logs
Set your HOS duty status

Complete a DVIR
Before you log out, you are prompted to complete another DVIR if you have driven your vehicle since completing
the last inspection. This workflow is similar to the DVIR workflow upon logging in. If you choose to Skip t he
DVIR, the event is recorded in the A
 udit Log. If you are performing a Post-trip i nspection, your duty status
automatically switches to O
 n Duty. The new On Duty status is automatically annotated to reflect that a post-trip
inspection has occurred.
Remember, you must have the Perform DVIR inspections clearance to create a DVIR. To learn more, please
contact your Administrator.
 lthough you have the option to skip the DVIR step when logging out, a
 ccording to the FMCSA
396.11, a driver must prepare a DVIR at the completion of each days work, and shall submit those reports to
the motor carrier upon their return to the home terminal. This does not relieve the motor carrier from the
responsibility of repairing and certifying any defects listed on the DVIR, prepared at the end of each days work,
that are likely to affect the safe operation of the motor vehicle.


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Verify Logs
The Drive App displays 14 days of duty status logs  excluding logs that have already been reviewed  for
verification. It is recommended that you verify your logs routinely, particularly at the end of a shift. However, you
can skip log verification using the S
 kip button.

Set a New Duty Status
Finally, you will be reminded to set your duty status to an appropriate non-driving status.

Clock In/Clock Out (Feature Preview)
If you have completed your end-of-day tasks but still want to remain associated with your vehicle, you can
choose to Stay Logged in to the Drive App. By remaining in the App, you can still view HOS logs, DVIRs and
messages if a vehicle is still attached. This feature does not require you to access the server to log out, so is
helpful if out of wireless range, or the Drive App server is offline.
If you have not set your status to O
 ff Duty,
you are prompted to do so.
To remain in the Drive App, press S
Logged In. To resume driving, press the
Tap here to clock in banner at the top of
the screen.

 TIP: I f you use this option, the login process is streamlined. When you return to ON-duty, simply press L


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! CAUTION: This feature is currently in Feature Preview and not enabled by default. Features in preview are
considered Beta, and as such, may change, break or disappear at any time. We do not recommend using these
features in a production setting. To enable Feature Preview, please contact your Reseller.

Vehicle Proximity
When a driver is out of proximity to the assigned vehicle, the driver is prompted to choose whether to remain
assigned to the vehicle, and change the duty status. The range is determined using the GPS on the vehicle and
the GPS on the mobile device that runs the Drive App.

Installing Add-Ins
Add-Ins expand the capabilities of the Drive App by integrating third-party software with your system. For more
information about Add-Ins, contact your Administrator.

Reporting Bugs
If you experience any issues while using the Drive App, use the Report a bug button on the Settings page to file a
bug report. Your bug reports help us identify and resolve issues with the App.


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Revision History




Approved by


Jan 22, 2019

Product Editing Team

1804 updates,
ongoing document

Product Editor


Mar 7, 2019

Product Editing Team

1901 updates

Product Editor


June 4, 2019

Product Editing Team

New template and
typography standards,
1902 updates.

Product Editor


July 22, 2019

Product Editing Team

Administrator and
Driver sections into
separate guides, 1903

Product Editor


December 20, 2019

Product Editing Team

1904 updates

Product Editor


March 9, 2020

Product Editing Team

2001 updates,
template refresh

Product Editor


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