User manual for "Blue Tree ELD"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Blue Tree ELD".
For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page
Blue Tree Systems Contents Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 4 Logging In .................................................................................................................................... 5 Navigating the Hours of Service Application .............................................................................. 7 The HOS widget....................................................................................................................... 7 Home screen ........................................................................................................................... 8 Home screen action menu .................................................................................................... 11 Notifications .......................................................................................................................... 12 Navigation Menu................................................................................................................... 14 Common Operations ................................................................................................................. 16 Changing Duty Status ............................................................................................................ 16 Understanding the HOS Advisor ........................................................................................... 18 Logging in Co-driver/Team Driver ......................................................................................... 20 Switching Drivers .................................................................................................................. 20 Switching Between Views ..................................................................................................... 21 Managing Load Details.......................................................................................................... 22 Viewing your Profile .............................................................................................................. 24 Logging Out ........................................................................................................................... 25 Managing your Logs .................................................................................................................. 26 Reviewing Logs ...................................................................................................................... 26 Editing Existing Records ........................................................................................................ 27 Adding a missing duty status ................................................................................................ 29 Entering Previous Days Summary ......................................................................................... 30 Certifying Logs ....................................................................................................................... 32 Managing Motor Carrier Edits .............................................................................................. 33 2 Blue Tree Systems Claiming Unidentified Driving ............................................................................................... 35 DOT Roadside Inspection .......................................................................................................... 36 Inspecting Logs ...................................................................................................................... 37 Transferring Logs................................................................................................................... 42 Managing Issues ........................................................................................................................ 44 Reviewing Data Diagnostics .................................................................................................. 44 Data Diagnostics Summary - Causes & Resolutions ............................................................. 45 Managing Malfunctions ........................................................................................................ 47 Malfunctions Summary - Causes & Resolutions ................................................................... 49 Appendix A .......................................................................................................................................................... 51 ELD malfunctions and data diagnostic events (395.34) ......................................................... 51 Appendix B .......................................................................................................................................................... 53 ELD Events ................................................................................................................................. 53 Appendix C .......................................................................................................................................................... 55 Glossary of Terms...................................................................................................................... 55 3 Blue Tree Systems Overview This user document provides an overview of Blue Tree Systems Electronic Logging Device (ELD) as well as detailing the common operations performed by drivers. Blue Tree Systems ELD system comprises of an in-cab device and a back-office web application, Drivers can review their Hours of Service (HOS), change their duty status, and manage their logs from the incab device. The back office can review and suggest edits to drivers' logs through Blue Tree Systems ELD solution complies with and is tested against the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) specifications as found in 49 CFR Part 395 for Electronic Logging Devices, Subpart B. 4 Blue Tree Systems Logging In Before using your ELD you must log in with the credentials provided by your motor carrier. To log in; Tap the 'Enter User ID' field and enter your user ID Tap the 'Enter Password' field and enter your password Tap the 'LOGIN' button. You are notified if your login attempt is unsuccessful Once successfully logged in to the ELD you have two options to open the Hours of Service (HOS) application. 5 Blue Tree Systems Tap the HOS widget from the Blue Tree Systems launcher Navigate to the HOS app in your android devices app drawer. For example, on a Blue Tree Systems managed device you can do the following a. Tap the app drawer button b. Tap the Hours of Service app icon from the list of available apps. 6 Blue Tree Systems You are notified on log in; If your profile has been updated by your motor carrier If any days in your logs require certification If your account has been configured as ELD Exempt Navigating the Hours of Service Application The HOS widget The HOS widget allows you to open the HOS app from the Blue Tree Systems launcher. 7 Blue Tree Systems On the widget, you can see, The HOS app icon, which displays a bell when you have new HOS notifications The remaining driving time until your next break Home screen The Home screen summarizes all relevant information required to stay legal and optimize your driving time. 8 Blue Tree Systems The Home screen displays by default when you open the HOS application. Here you can find, The indicator for the navigation menu (see page 14) Your depot's time and time zone A 'Data Diagnostic' indicator, which illuminates if a data diagnostic is present Tapping the indicator opens the Diagnostics' screen (see page 44) A 'Malfunction' indicator, which illuminates if a malfunction is present Tapping the indicator opens the 'Diagnostics' screen (See page 47) A 'Notification' indicator, which illuminates with the number of new notifications Tapping the indicator displays your new notifications (see page 12) The Home screen action menu, where you can access additional HOS actions (see page 10) Your name and if logged in, your co-driver's name , The main driver's name is highlighted in blue and prefixed with a steering wheel icon 9 Blue Tree Systems Several HOS timers including , Time to Next break, which shows how much time is remaining before you must take a break. This is always counting down to zero and goes amber when there are less than 60 minutes remaining, and red when the clock is zero. The HOS regulation you are currently following is shown at the bottom right of this tile Driving, which shows how much driving time you have accumulated today. This timer always counts upwards. Shift, which shows how much time you have accumulated Driving, ON-duty and OFF-duty Cycle, which shows how much time has been accumulated ON-duty and Driving A Duty Status tile, which shows your current duty status Tapping the tile opens the 'Duty Select' screen (see page 16) An Advisor tile, which shows HOS advice Tapping the tile opens the 'Advisor' screen (see page 18) Regulations, which shows the current regulations you are following . 10 Blue Tree Systems Home screen action menu On the Home screen, tap the action menu on the top right of the screen. A menu displays with, Refresh although your data updates automatically, this option allows you to force an immediate update of edits made by the back office Switch Regulation allows you to switch views of your working hours if you follow a dual profile. For example, you may follow both US and Canadian hours. (see page 21) Only available if your motor carrier has configured your profile with multiple regulations Sign in Co-Driver allows a co-driver to log in to the HOS app Previous Days Summary manual entry of your logs for the current cycle (see page 30) Only available if the ELD does not have full logs for your current cycle Log Out logs out the active driver. 11 Blue Tree Systems When the vehicle is moving, the action menu is not accessible Notifications If any HOS notifications require your attention, a red symbol appears on the notification icon with a number inside indicating the number of new notifications. Tap on the 'Notification' icon to list notifications that require your attention. Some notifications require you to act and tapping the notification navigates you to the relevant screen to resolve that item. 12 Blue Tree Systems Notifications that appear here include, Pre-trip inspection required displays if you have not completed a pre-trip inspection. Tapping this notification opens the DVIR app Post-trip inspection required displays if you have not completed a post-trip inspection. Tapping this notification opens the DVIR app HOS Profile Changed displays if your motor carrier makes a change to your profile such as enabling a special driving category for use i.e. Personal Conveyance or Yard Moves. Tapping this notification opens the 'Profile Details' screen ELD Exemption enabled displays if your motor carrier configures your account as ELD Exempt. Tapping this notification opens the 'Profile Details' screen Unidentified Driving displays if the ELD detects times when the vehicle was driven while no driver was logged in. Tapping this notification opens the 'Unidentified Driving' screen Logs require certification displays if you have daily logs that are not certified. Tapping this notification opens the 'Daily Summary' screen 13 Blue Tree Systems Pending Edits displays if your motor carrier has suggested edits to your logs. Tapping this notification opens the Motor Carrier Edits screen. If supported, notifications also appear on the notification tray of your device When the vehicle is moving, the notification list is not accessible Navigation Menu On the HOS screen, tap the three lines on the top left of the screen or swipe in from the left side of the screen to open the navigation menu. The navigation menu displays the following options, Hours of Service Home brings you back to the 'Home' screen Duty Logs - Graph opens the screen displaying your duty logs in graph form 14 Blue Tree Systems Duty Logs - Table opens the screen displaying your duty logs in table form. You can edit your logs here Motor Carrier Edits opens the screen to review suggested edits to your logs from your motor carrier Daily Summary opens the screen that shows a summary of your work for your duty cycle. You can sign your drivers logs here Unidentified Driving opens the screen that shows any driving done while no driver was logged in to the ELD. You can claim driving events here Load Details opens the screen that allows you to view and manage your Load Details including the vehicle name, trailers pulled and any shipping details DOT Inspection Mode opens the screen for the roadside inspector to inspect and transfer your logs Profile Details opens the screen to view your profile configurations as set by your motor carrier. When the vehicle is moving, the navigation menu is not accessible 15 Blue Tree Systems Common Operations Changing Duty Status You can switch to any non-drive status from the Home screen. Tapping the Duty Status tile opens the Duty Select screen allowing you to choose from any of the default status i.e. OFF, Sleeper Berth or ON. There is no option to manually switch to Drive as this happens automatically when the vehicle begins moving. There are many sub options for both ON and OFF duty including Personal Conveyance and Yard Move but they are at the discretion of your carrier. To change your duty status, tap the 'Duty Status' tile on the Home screen. Tap one option from OFF Duty', 'Sleeper Berth' or 'ON Duty' Tap 'OK'. Your duty status updates on the Home screen. 16 Blue Tree Systems You can select a sub-ON duty status by tapping 'ON Duty' and then tapping 'NEXT'. The following ON duty sub-types are examples of what may be configured for selection, ON PRE (Pre-Trip) POST (Post-Trip) FUEL (Fuel Fill) SAFE HZMT YARD (Yard Moves). Selecting PRE or POST duty opens a pre-trip or post-trip inspection screen When selecting YARD you must enter a comment You can select a sub-OFF duty status by tapping OFF Duty' and then tapping 'NEXT'. The following OFF duty sub-types are examples of what may be configured for selection, OFF PC (Personal Conveyance). When selecting PC you must enter a comment When the vehicle is moving, the Duty select screen is not accessible If no GPS signal is available when changing duty, you are promoted to enter a location 17 Blue Tree Systems Understanding the HOS Advisor The Advisor tile on the Home screen gives live advice on how best to optimize your available driving hours. At any given time, it is calculating the maximum driving time available and indicates the duration of the break which must be taken at that time. If you are currently on a break it counts down all relevant break time counters, letting you know when youve met your break provision. For detailed information, you can tap on the tile to get to the advisor screen. This screen gives more information including regulation exemptions and pre-calculates complex scenarios such as split sleeper. 18 Blue Tree Systems On the HOS screen, tap the 'Advisor' tile This opens an Advisor screen that provides HOS advice on some or all the following; Driving Time Remaining SB Provision Daily Reset Cycle Reset Pick up hours. When the vehicle is moving, the Advisor screen is not accessible 19 Blue Tree Systems Logging in Co-driver/Team Driver Once you are logged in, it is possible to log in a co-driver using one of the following methods, Tap the Sign In button beside the main drivers name on the Home screen, or Tap the 'Sign in Co-driver option in the menu on the top right of the Home screen. When a co-driver is logged in, the co-drivers name displays beside your name on the Home screen. The steering wheel beside your name denotes you are the main driver. You can view your co-drivers details by selecting their name on the Home screen. When a co-driver is logged in, the Home screen does not lock down while the vehicle is moving. All menus remain accessible, except the ability to change the main drivers duty status. Switching Drivers When two drivers are logged in to the ELD, all driving time is assigned to the main driver. The steering wheel icon denotes the main driver, it displays next to their name on the Home screen. When the vehicle is stationary and the main driver no longer has a duty status of driving, either driver can select to switch driving roles by tapping the Switch Driver option in the action menu on the Home Screen. This swaps the drivers roles and any further driving time is assigned to the new main driver, previously the co-driver. The Home Screen updates to reflect the role change, and the newly assigned main driver now to the left with the steering wheel icon beside their name. 20 Blue Tree Systems Switching Between Views If you follow a dual regulation HOS profile you can switch the view of your working hours within the app. For example, if you regularly cross the US Canadian border you can switch your view of working hours by first tapping the action button and then tapping Switch to Canadian 21 Blue Tree Systems Managing Load Details The Load Details screen displays your motor carrier information and allows you manage truck, trailer, and shipping document details. Carrier details cannot be edited. Managing Truck name The truck name auto populates with the identifier set by your motor carrier. To update the truck name, Long press on the Truck field Enter the truck identifier in to the field Tap the Save button to commit your changes. Managing Trailers You should update the trailer information each time you connect a trailer to your truck. To add or update a trailer, Tap the 'Trailer' field 22 Blue Tree Systems Enter the trailer identifier in to the field Tap the 'Save' button to commit your changes. Managing Shipping Documents You can add shipping document information, such as shipping manifests, invoices etc. for your work. To add or update a shipping document, Tap the 'Shipping Doc' field Enter the document identifier Tap the 'Save' button to commit your changes. 23 Blue Tree Systems Viewing your Profile The Profile Details screen displays your profile configuration as set by your motor carrier. Here you can see your, Profile name as provided by your motor carrier ELD Exempt status whether your account is ELD exempt Motor carrier name Motor carrier's DOT number Special Driving Conditions whether you can use Personal Conveyance or Yard Moves Regulations the HOS regulations you are following e.g. 7-day 60-hour cycle FMCSA Exemptions any exemptions configured by your motor carrier e.g. 30-minute break. You are notified on log in if there are changes to your profile 24 Blue Tree Systems Logging Out You should log out of the ELD at the end of your day. You can log out using one of the following methods, Tap the Log Out option Tap the Power icon in the Home screen action menu (see page 25) on the Launcher screen. 25 Blue Tree Systems You are notified on log out to, Review and certify your logs, if there are any days requiring certification Change your duty status to OFF duty, if you have not already done so You are prompted to do a post-trip inspection when switching to OFF duty and a post-trip inspection has not been completed Managing your Logs Reviewing Logs The duty log graph screen provides an interactive view of your RODS. From here you can tap any duty and have its details populate beneath the graph. You may also zoom in on any point in the graph by using a pinch to zoom gesture. 26 Blue Tree Systems Navigate to previous days graph Duty status indicators The total time in each duty status for the given day The selected duty as indicated by the white dot The bottom details bar displaying Status Start date & time of duty Duration of duty Location when the duty started. In the previous image weve tapped on a drive duty and can see that it started on Monday 28 th at 10:26 am. It was a 13-minute driving duty that started 1.6 miles from Dallas. You can use the arrows at the top of the graph to move between days. Finally, from the action menu on the top right of the screen you can view any load details, such as carrier, trailers, shipping docs, etc. for the selected day. Editing Existing Records The Blue Tree Systems ELD provides the ability to edit any day of your current cycle using the Duty Logs Table. All fields with blue text can be edited while white text such as driving duties are read only. 27 Blue Tree Systems To edit your logs Tap 'Duty Logs - Table' in the navigation menu Tap the Start time to edit the dutys start time / duration. This opens a date and time picker. You must enter a remark to proceed Tap the Duty to change a duty status. This opens a duty picker with a list of duties to choose from. You must enter a remark to proceed Tap the 'Save' icon at the top of the screen to commit your changes. Although it is possible to edit your logs, you should be aware of the following limitations, Editing of drive duties are restricted as these are automatically recorded by the ELD You cannot modify the start time of the duty following a Driving Duty. 28 Blue Tree Systems Adding a missing duty status To add a missing duty status Tap the 'Duty Logs - Table' from the navigation menu Tap the + icon at the top of the screen. The Add Duty wizard displays Follow the on-screen wizard to create the new duty including a mandatory remark New record(s) added to the table and highlighted in green. Replaced duties are highlighted in red The Save icon highlights in green to indicate there are unsaved changes Tap the 'Save' icon to commit your changes The Save icon returns to grey indicating your duties are up to date. You cannot add a duty status that impacts the duration of a driving duty 29 Blue Tree Systems Entering Previous Days Summary When your ELD opens it checks if you have any duties within the current cycle. If no duties are present (for example, if you have recently moved carrier) you are given the option to enter them manually. If you decide to enter them manually you are presented with the following screen. As with other edit screens in the HOS app, blue text indicates it can be edited. To rebuild your logs and ensure your live counters are up to date you should add in a start time and ON duration for each of the last seven days. The OFF time and total cycle time is calculated automatically. 30 Blue Tree Systems Once complete select save. Your HOS counters on the Home screen are now up to date. Entries cannot be made for the current day 31 Blue Tree Systems Certifying Logs You should certify your logs at the end of each day. To certify your logs, tap the 'Daily Summary' option in the navigation menu. This screen displays your time spent Driving, ON duty, Sleeper Berth, and OFF duty as well as the distance travelled for each day. An indicator displays whether the log has been certified for each day in your logs. A green tick denotes that day's logs are certified, and a red exclamation denotes they are uncertified. Tap a red exclamation indicator to certify your logs for that day. You are notified on both log in and log out if any days in your logs require certification If a previously certified log is edited, it must be recertified 32 Blue Tree Systems Managing Motor Carrier Edits Your motor carrier can suggest edits to your logs. To review these, Tap the Motor Carrier Edits' option in the navigation menu. Any pending edits from your motor carrier are listed. Tap a row to review details of your motor carriers edit. The affected records are highlighted, green denotes the motor carrier edit, and red the original record that the motor carrier edit will replace The preceding and subsequent duties from your logs are also listed for context 33 Blue Tree Systems Tap the Accept button to approve your motor carriers edit. Alternatively tap the Reject button. Accepting your motor carriers edit updates your logs, and removes it from the list on the Motor Carrier Edits screen. You may have to recertify your logs. Rejecting your motor carriers edit removes it from the list on the Motor Carrier Edits screen. Your logs remain unchanged. You are notified of any motor carrier edit suggestions in the notifications list 34 Blue Tree Systems Claiming Unidentified Driving The ELD automatically records times when the vehicle was in motion and no driver was logged in. You can review and claim unidentified driving time. To claim unidentified driving time, Tap the Unidentified Driving' option in the navigation menu. This screen shows records of unidentified driving time that must be claimed Tap the menu of an unidentified driving time you wish to claim Tap the Accept option to add the driving time to your logs. Alternatively tap the Reject option. Accepting unidentified driving time updates your logs, and removes it from the list on the Unidentified Driving screen. You may have to recertify your logs. Rejecting unidentified driving time removes it from the list on the Unidentified Driving screen. Your logs remain unchanged. You are notified on log in if the ELD has unidentified driving events 35 Blue Tree Systems DOT Roadside Inspection This section describes the functionality available for the roadside inspector. This includes viewing a summary of your RODS, both in graph and table form, and unidentified events, along with transferring a copy of your RODS to the DOT. Follow the steps below when a roadside inspector requests to view your logs, Open the navigation menu Scroll down on the menu and select the 'DOT Inspection Mode' option Hand the device to the roadside inspector The roadside inspector can select the following options Inspect Logs, or Transfer Logs. 36 Blue Tree Systems Inspecting Logs DOT Summary When the roadside inspector taps 'Inspect Logs' they are provided with screens to show a daily summary of your activities events , a graph of your RODS , your ELD Events and unidentified for this ELD. By default, the 'Summary' tab is the first screen to display. The inspector can move between days in your logs using the arrows provided . A total of seven days logs plus the current day is available for inspection. On the 'Summary' tab the roadside inspector can see, Driver details Name and ID 37 Blue Tree Systems License number and state ELD Exempt status Driver profile Duty Period Start (Time) Time Zone, of your depot Carrier Name DOT Number, of your motor carrier Co-Driver details Name and ID Current Location Vehicle details Truck Tractor ID VIN Start & End Odometer Start & End Engine Hours Trailer details Shipping details Data Diagnostic indicators Malfunction indicators Unidentified Driving records indicator ELD details ELD ID ELD Provider Depending on the device you may have to scroll down to see all details 38 Blue Tree Systems RODS Graph When a roadside inspector taps the 'Graph' tab, your RODS display in graphical format for the selected day. This is an interactive graph and provides the ability to zoom in to gain more details. Green shading here indicates either yard movement or personal conveyance. More details on the duty graph and how it operates can be found in the Reviewing Logs section on page 26. 39 Blue Tree Systems Events Log When the roadside inspector taps the 'Events' tab, it lists all the events recorded by the ELD for the selected day. The ELD tracks and records multiple types of events for audit purposes. Your DOT inspection officer may want to view these events to ensure there has been no tampering of the ELD. For a full list of events refer to Appendix B (see page 53). 40 Blue Tree Systems Unidentified Events When the roadside inspector taps the 'Unidentified' tab, it lists all events that are not associated with any driver for the selected day. These events are recorded when the vehicle has been in use without a driver logged in. 41 Blue Tree Systems Transferring Logs The Blue Tree Systems ELD allows transferring of your RODS to the DOT via email or web services. Email Transfer Tap the 'Email Logs' button. The email screen displays the destination email address as specified by the FMCSA. The roadside officer can enter a different email address If provided, enter the roadside inspector's comment Tap the 'Send' button to send your logs via email. 42 Blue Tree Systems Web Services Transfer Tap the 'Upload Logs' button If provided, enter the roadside inspector's comment Tap the 'Upload Logs' button to send your logs via webservices. 43 Blue Tree Systems Managing Issues Reviewing Data Diagnostics The data diagnostic indicator illuminates when the ELD detects a data inconsistency. It indicates there is required information missing from your logs. When you see the data diagnostic indicator illuminated, you should view the data diagnostic details by tapping the indicator. This opens the 'Diagnostics' screen that lists data diagnostic events recorded on the ELD. You can view details of a data diagnostic and clear it from the menu on an event. 44 Blue Tree Systems Data Diagnostics Summary - Causes & Resolutions Code 1 Data Diagnostic Power data diagnostic Cause Resolution The ELD is not fully You should review your logs and verify functional within one they are correct. If satisfied you can clear minute of the engine the data diagnostic event. turning on. Please contact your motor carrier if this data diagnostic persists. 45 Blue Tree Systems Code 2 Data Diagnostic Cause Resolution Engine synchronization The ELD has a temporary You should review your logs and verify diagnostic loss of connectivity to the they are correct. If satisfied you can clear vehicle ECM. the data diagnostic event. Please contact your motor carrier if this data diagnostic persists. 3 Missing required data The ELD has temporarily You can occasionally resolve this issue by elements data lost GPS connectivity. manually adding missing data to your diagnostic logs. The ELD has a temporary 4 loss of connectivity to the Please contact your motor carrier if this vehicle ECM. data diagnostic persists. Data transfer data The ELD has failed to Verify the ELD has network connectivity. diagnostic communicate with Blue You may be operating in a location with Tree Systems data transfer poor cellular coverage. service for 7 continuous days. 5 Please contact your motor carrier if this data diagnostic persists. Unidentified driving The ELD has accumulated You can resolve this issue by reviewing records data diagnostic more than 30 minutes the unidentified driving records on the combined vehicle use ELD and accepting any periods of driving without a logged-in driver. that occurred while you were not logged in. Please contact your motor carrier if this data diagnostic persists. 46 Blue Tree Systems Managing Malfunctions The malfunction indicator illuminates when the ELD detects a technical compliance issue. The presence of a malfunction can affect the accuracy or completeness of you logs. When you see the malfunction indicator illuminated, you should immediately view the malfunction details by tapping the indicator. This opens the 'Diagnostics' screen that lists details of malfunction events recorded on the ELD. You can view details of a malfunction and clear it from the menu on an event. 47 Blue Tree Systems In accordance with 395.34(a), you must, Notify your motor carrier of the malfunction within 24 hours Reconstruct your records of duty status for the current 24 hours and the last seven days on graph-grid paper logs that comply with 395.8, and Continue to keep paper logs until the ELD is serviced and brought back into compliance. 48 Blue Tree Systems Malfunctions Summary - Causes & Resolutions Code Malfunction Cause Resolution The ELD has accumulated more than 30 P Power Compliance minutes of driving time lost in a 24-hour Please contact your motor carrier. period. There may be a fault in the ECM link or an You should revert to paper logs. issue with the ELD installation. The ELD has accumulated more than 30 E Engine Synchronization minutes without ECM engine Please contact your motor carrier. synchronization over a 24-hour period. There may be a fault in the ECM link or an You should revert to paper logs. issue with the ELD installation. The ELD's internal clock in the vehicle has not yet synchronized with the server that T Timing Compliance resulted in a time deviation of 10+ This should auto-resolve once the internal clock has synchronized with the Blue Tree server. minutes. This can occur when the vehicle the ELD is in has not been in service for a period of time? If this malfunction does not autoresolve or persists, please contact your motor carrier. The ELD has accumulated more than 60 L Positioning Compliance minutes without a GPS lock within a 24- This should auto-resolve once the hour period. ELD gets a valid GPS lock. This can occur when the vehicle is in any If this malfunction does not auto- area without GPS / the GPS is resolve or persists, please contact disconnected or not properly fitted to the your motor carrier. ELD. 49 Blue Tree Systems Code R Malfunction Data Recording Cause Resolution The ELD does not have sufficient storage Please contact your motor carrier. capacity to record ELD events. You should revert to paper logs. Verify the ELD has network The ELD has failed to transfer the driver's logs to the DOT as requested during a S Data Transfer roadside inspection. Occurs if a Data Compliance Transfer Data Diagnostic event has not auto-resolved after 3 days from the when it was detected. connectivity. You may be operating in a location with poor cellular coverage. If this malfunction does not autoresolve within a 24-hour period, please contact your motor carrier. 50 Blue Tree Systems Appendix A ELD malfunctions and data diagnostic events (395.34) (a) Recordkeeping during ELD malfunctions. In case of an ELD malfunction, a driver must do the following: (1) Note the malfunction of the ELD and provide written notice of the malfunction to the motor carrier within 24 hours; (2) Reconstruct the record of duty status for the current 24-hour period and the previous 7 consecutive days, and record the records of duty status on graph-grid paper logs that comply with 395.8, unless the driver already possesses the records or the records are retrievable from the ELD; and (3) Continue to manually prepare a record of duty status in accordance with 395.8 until the ELD is serviced and brought back into compliance with this subpart. (b) Inspections during malfunctions. When a driver is inspected for hours of service compliance during an ELD malfunction, the driver must provide the authorized safety official the driver's records of duty status manually kept as specified under paragraphs (a)(2) and (3) of this section. (c) Driver requirements during ELD data diagnostic events. If an ELD indicates that there is a data inconsistency that generates a data diagnostic event, the driver must follow the motor carriers and ELD provider's recommendations in resolving the data inconsistency. (d) Motor carrier requirements for repair, replacement, or service. (1) If a motor carrier receives or discovers information concerning the malfunction of an ELD, the motor carrier must take actions to correct the malfunction of the ELD within 8 days of discovery of the condition or a driver's notification to the motor carrier, whichever occurs first. 51 Blue Tree Systems (2) A motor carrier seeking to extend the period of time permitted for repair, replacement, or service of one or more ELDs shall notify the FMCSA Division Administrator for the State of the motor carrier's principal place of business within 5 days after a driver notifies the motor carrier under paragraph (a)(1) of this section. Each request for an extension under this section must be signed by the motor carrier and must contain: (i) The name, address, and telephone number of the motor carrier representative who files the request; (ii) The make, model, and serial number of each ELD; (iii) The date and location of each ELD malfunction as reported by the driver to the carrier; and (iv) A concise statement describing actions taken by the motor carrier to make a good faith effort to repair, replace, or service the ELD units, including why the carrier needs additional time beyond the 8 days provided by this section. (3) If FMCSA determines that the motor carrier is continuing to make a good faith effort to ensure repair, replacement, or service to address the malfunction of each ELD, FMCSA may allow an additional period. (4) FMCSA will provide written notice to the motor carrier of its determination. The determination may include any conditions that FMCSA considers necessary to ensure hours-ofservice compliance. The determination shall constitute a final agency action. (5) A motor carrier providing a request for extension that meets the requirements of paragraph (d)(2) of this section is deemed in compliance with 395.8(a)(1)(i) and (a)(2) until FMCSA makes an extension determination under this section, provided the motor carrier and driver continue to comply with the other requirements of this section 52 Blue Tree Systems Appendix B ELD Events Event Type Event Description Cert You certified a daily record Data Diagnostic A data diagnostic was cleared cleared Data Diagnostic The ELD recorded a data diagnostic Logged Driving Your duty status changed to Driving Int CLP Intermediate log recorded with conventional location precision Int RLP Intermediate log recorded with reduced location precision Login You logged in to the ELD Login Co Driver A co-driver logged in to the ELD Logout You logged out of to the ELD Logout Co Driver A co-driver logged out to the ELD Malfunction Cleared A malfunction was cleared Malfunction Logged The ELD recorded a malfunction 53 Blue Tree Systems Event Type Event Description OFF duty Your duty status changed to OFF duty ON duty Your duty status changed to ON duty PC You selected to use PC PC/YM Cleared Your use of PC or YM ended Power Off CLP CMV engine shut-down recorded with conventional location precision Power Off RLP CMV engine shut-down recorded with reduced location precision Power On CLP CMV engine power-up recorded with conventional location precision Power On RLP CMV engine power-up recorded with reduced location precision SB Your duty status changed to Sleeper Berth YM You selected to use YM 54 Blue Tree Systems Appendix C Glossary of Terms Term Definition DOT Department of Transport ECM Engine Control Module ELD Electronic Logging Device GPS Global Positioning System HOS Hours of Service Launcher The blue tree systems device home screen / dashboard displaying multiple widgets. RODS Records of Duty Status VIN Vehicle Identification Number DOT Department of Transport 55 Blue Tree Systems 2017 BLUE TREE SYSTEMS ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TELEPHONE: WEBSITE: ADDRESS: 1800 477 7052 Blue Tree Systems Inc. 101 CentrePort Drive, Suite 140 Greensboro NC 27409 EMAIL: [email protected] 56