Products with ELD "NRD631"
Below you will find a list of products with the ELD "" obtained from our database, including their available manuals, documentation, and images.
Click the corresponding vendor name to obtain additional information on the manufactorer, as well as contact information for further troubleshooting.

Vendor | Device Name | Model Number | Approved Version |
| NOOR ELD | N-R700 | 2.88 or up |
Data Transfer and Reporting Procedures
> Telematic (Web Service, Email)Malfunctions and Testing
During roadside inspections, drivers find the NOOR ELD to be an indispensable tool, providing a comprehensive overview of their records. Accessing this information is effortless within the application, and the ELD simplifies the transmission of telematics data via email or web services. Initiating the transfer process is straightforward for drivers, who can navigate to the DOT Mode menu and choose the "Send" option. Moreover, a specific DOT Mode button ensures drivers can easily showcase the log report on their mobile device when presenting it to a DOT officer.Certification Statement
Compliance with technical requirements is closely monitored by the NOOR ELD, which actively detects malfunctions and data inconsistencies, maintaining a record of such events. Standard coding is employed to identify compliance malfunctions and data diagnostic events, assigning codes like P for "Power compliance" malfunction, E for "Engine synchronization compliance" malfunction, T for "Timing compliance" malfunction, L for "Positioning compliance" malfunction, R for "Data recording compliance" malfunction, S for "Data transfer compliance" malfunction, O for "Other" ELD-detected malfunctions, 1 for "Power data diagnostic" event, 2 for "Engine synchronization data diagnostic" event, 3 for "Missing required data elements data diagnostic" event, 4 for "Data transfer data diagnostic" event, 5 for "Unidentified driving records data diagnostic" event, and 6 for "Other" ELD-identified diagnostic events. The Malfunction and Diagnostic Event Records detail all ELD malfunctions occurring during the specified time period, ensuring that active malfunctions are promptly communicated to all ELD users.