User manual for "EasyELD"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "EasyELD".
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MiX Telematics.
Version 3.0 EASYELD Driver Guide INSTALLATION AND SETUP If your administrator set you up in MiX Fleet Manager as an HOS-enabled driver and enabled centralized authentication so that you can log into MiX Fleet Manager with either your email address or mobile phone number, you will get an email invitation to create your MiX Fleet Manager account. Look for an email from [email protected] email address with the subject MyMiX Account creation. Click the CREATE MY ACCOUNT button. If you are having trouble with the button, copy and paste the link provided below the button into your web browser. You can now choose your own password by entering the password field and re-entering the field below to make sure it is spelled correctly. Please note the password must be between 12 and 64 characters. The password must have a letter, a digit, and a symbol. Enter a display name and surname below. Click Create. You will receive a confirmation message that your account has been created successfully. Download MyMiX app You can now download the MyMiX app from Google Play or the App Store. Open the EasyELD app. Enter the username and password that you entered when you created your account. Tap SIGN IN. LIGHT MODE / DARK MODE The EasyELD app supports both light and dark mode and automatically adjusts according to the setting on your mobile device. SIGN IN Open the EasyELD app and click Sign in. Enter the username and password that you entered when you created your account. You can view the terms of use by tapping the relevant text below the SIGN IN button. View the version number of your app on the login screen. Tap SIGN IN. You can see who the currently signed-in user is, by looking at the bottom of the home screen: Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide Forgot your password / Reset your password Go to the Sign in page by tapping the EasyELD icon on your device. Tap Forgot your password above the SIGN IN button. You can now enter your email address or mobile number you need to enter the option you used to sign in. The app will warn you if you enter a contact method that is not valid. Click SEND VERIFICATION CODE. Open the text messages or email on your phone and look for the verification code. This will be from a noreply email address in your email inbox. Enter this code in the verification code text box on your app. Tap VERIFY CODE. You can now enter a new password. Please remember to retype your password to verify the spelling. Your password must be between 12 and 64 characters and contain a letter, a digit, and a symbol. Tap CONTINUE. We cant seem to find your account If you have entered your login credentials or tapped Forgot your password and get an error message stating that the system cannot find your account, it means that your login name does not exist in MiX Fleet Manager. You can ask your administrator for your provided login name (it can be your email address, mobile phone number or a custom name). If you do not have an active account, they must enable you to use the EasyELD app in MiX Fleet Manager. DATE AND TIME ON APP The Hours of Service landing page is the first page you see when you are signed into the app. This will show your current duty status, your available hours, and your active rule set. Please note that the date and time on the landing page below the ELD banner show the drivers time zone as set up in MiX Fleet Manager and not the date and time as on the display device. CONNECT TO YOUR ASSET TIP: An administrator needs to enable the ELD Bluetooth display peripheral on the HOS line on the mobile device template and send the configuration to the onboard computer. This will make the asset with the relevant onboard computer visible over Bluetooth and you can simply select it from your EasyELD device. Please note that Bluetooth must be enabled on your mobile device to remain ELD-compliant. Please note that Bluetooth must be enabled on your mobile device to remain ELD-compliant. On the Hours of Service landing page, tap CONNECT. This will scan for assets in the signed-in drivers organization. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide A list will display all assets within range and will be ordered on proximity. Tap the asset in the list that you would like to connect to. If you cannot find the asset in the list, make sure the ignition is on and that you are within Bluetooth range of the asset. Tap TRY AGAIN to rescan. If another driver is already connected to this asset, the app will warn you that there is a driver currently logged into this vehicle, you can tap YES to become the new active driver, or NO to be added as the co-driver. The other driver will automatically be changed to the co-driver if you set yourself as the active driver. Confirm your duty status to On duty not driving (or Yard moves if you are already on duty) by tapping YES. Or remain in your current duty status by tapping NO. You will now see the description of the connected asset in the Identified as a driver of vehicle section. You need to allow the EasyELD app to search for and find nearby devices. You can either tap allow when prompted on the first download of the app or go to the settings on your mobile device and enable Bluetooth connection. Refer to the Bluetooth section. NOTE: You will need to perform certain mandatory tasks to use the asset. Tasks marked with a red asterisk are mandatory and must be performed before you can continue using the EasyELD app. Tap on the arrow next to the task to claim or reject unidentified driving, claim or reject pending edits, certify logs, add trailers, add documents, perform a pre-trip inspection. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide Tap Here BLUETOOTH TIP: You must enable Bluetooth on your mobile device to be ELD-compliant. A Bluetooth connection is required for the app to search for and identify nearby assets. You also need to keep the Bluetooth connection enabled to successfully connect to your assets. The app will prompt you to allow the Bluetooth connection. Tap Settings and toggle Bluetooth to allow connections to EasyELD. If Bluetooth connection has been enabled but not turned on, the app will warn you that your Bluetooth is turned off: SWITCH BETWEEN ACTIVE DRIVER AND CO-DRIVER After you have established a connection to an asset, you will be required to indicate if you are the active or co-driver. If you are the first driver connecting to a specific asset, you will automatically be made the active driver. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide You can switch between being the active driver and co-driver on the HOS home screen if there is more than one driver connected to an asset. Note that the co-driver button will not be available if there is only one driver connected to an asset. Tap Co-driver. Tap Switch. TIP: If you changed from active to co-driver and you were in a special driving condition, the app will automatically end the personal use of CMV or yard moves. INITIATE HOS SYNCHRONIZATION You can initiate an app refresh from within the app to trigger an HOS sync, which will subsequently update data like pending edits from MiX Fleet Manager. On the HOS home screen, pull down the landing page. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide VIEW AVAILABLE HOURS TIP: The available hours dials are displayed dynamically based on your duty status and rule set. See your remaining driving and duty time. When you have more than 30 minutes available, the dial is green and shows the type of time icons (e.g. cycle, driving, or break) When you have less than 30 minutes but more than 0, you will see an amber dial with a warning message. When you are out of hours, the dial is red and displays that you are in violation. RULE SET Your current active rule set is displayed on the home screen below the available hours dials. DRIVING Please note that you will not be able to interact with the screen whilst driving. If no motion has been detected for 5 minutes, the app will ask you to confirm whether you want to stay in a driving state or if you select no, automatically change to On Duty Not Driving. You can dismiss the driving screen when you have stopped driving by tapping the X at the top left corner: Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide DUTY STATUS Your current duty status is displayed on the Hours of Service landing Change duty status TIP: When you change your duty status it will be recorded as an event shown in your driver log. Please note that you will not be able to interact with the screen whilst driving. If no motion has been detected for 5 minutes, the app will ask you to confirm whether you want to stay in a driving state or if you select no, automatically change to On Duty Not Driving. You can dismiss the driving screen when you have stopped driving by tapping the X at the top left corner: On the Hours of Service landing page, tap your current duty status. Tap the desired duty status from the list to change. (Tap BACK to cancel and remain in your currently selected duty status.) When you are not connected to an asset you can only change your duty status to: o On duty not driving (shown in orange) o Off duty (shown in grey) o Off duty at a well site only if you are making use of an oil field rule set. Enter an optional annotation (remark). Tap YES. Your new duty status will be displayed in the bar at the top. When you are in a special driving condition, you will need to end this before making changes to your duty status. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide DRIVER LOG Your driver log (RODS) shows all your automatic and manual duty status changes, as well as special driving conditions (PC mode, yard moves) and any pending edits and unidentified driving that you accepted. Review RODS Tap the Log details icon at the top of the screen: (this is only available when you are on duty or once connected to an asset when in any other work state). You will see a depiction of your log graph with a detailed list of duty status below. You can tap the arrows next to the date to view consecutive days. Use the date picker to select a specific day. Tap the legend button to view a description of the color-coded logs. The list below will show each work state with a timestamp of the state and the location. The location is the proximity lookup of the latitude/ longitude. A text bubble will indicate an annotation or remark on the duty status. Tap the text bubble to view the annotation. Tap BACK to exit: You can tap the dropdown arrow to view an odometer/engine hours reading, the origin, and the duration of the duty status if relevant. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide Email RODS Tap the Log details icon at the top of the screen: (this is only available when you are on duty or once connected to an asset when in any other work state) You will see a depiction of your log graph with a detailed list of duty status below. You can tap the arrows next to the date to view consecutive days. Use the date picker to select a specific day. Tap EMAIL at the bottom of the screen. Edit RODS Tap the Log details icon at the top of the screen: (this is only available when you are on duty or once connected to an asset when in any other work state) You will see a depiction of your log graph with a detailed list of duty status below. You can tap the arrows next to the date to view consecutive days. Use the date picker to select a specific day. (You cannot navigate through logs once in edit mode). Tap EDIT at the bottom of the screen. If the day contains any pending edits, you will have to accept or reject the edits before you can make any changes to your logs. Tap the green edit icon next to a duty status. (You cannot edit a log certification event, intermediate logs, malfunction, and diagnostic events, driver log-in and log-out events, and power-up and power-down events.) Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide TIP: Events that were recorded over multiple days will have the delete and edit button on the original timestamp, e.g., if an event started on June 4, 5:00 am and ended on June 5, there will be a midnight event at 0:00 on June 5 but this event will not have the edit or delete icons. Scroll to the start of the event on the previous day to change this event. You cannot delete driving recorded by the onboard computer. Tap the arrow next to the current duty status to select another. Defaults to existing date. If the event is the first of the day, the date can be changed to the previous day. Select the date by tapping the calendar icon. Select the starting time by tapping the clock icon. The time range will be restricted to 1 minute after the start of the previous event and 1 minute before the start of the next event. You cannot shorten automatically recorded driving events. The location will default to your event location and cannot be edited. Enter a compulsory annotation - minimum 4 characters. Tap Save. Tap DONE when you have finished editing the logs. Edited and inserted events will be displayed with a red asterisk* indicator in the driver logs. You will need to certify the logs again after editing. Insert duty status Tap the Log details icon at the top of the screen: (this is only available when you are on duty or once connected to an asset when in any other work state) You will see a depiction of your log graph with a detailed list of duty status below. You can tap the arrows next to the date to view consecutive days. Use the date picker to select a specific day. (You cannot navigate through logs once in edit mode) Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide Tap EDIT at the bottom of the screen. If the day contains any pending edits, you will have to accept or reject the edits before you can make any changes to your logs. Tap INSERT at the bottom of the screen. Defaults to existing date. If the event is the first of the day, the date can be changed to the previous day. Select the date by tapping the calendar icon. Select the starting time by tapping the clock icon. The time range will be restricted to 1 minute after the start of the previous event and 1 minute before the start of the next event. Tap the location icon to manually enter a compulsory location. Select a state and city/town from the dropdown lists. Enter a distance. Select a direction from the dropdown list by tapping the downwards arrow. Tap SAVE. Enter a compulsory annotation - minimum 4 characters. Tap Save. Tap DONE when you have finished editing the logs. TIP: When you insert a PC mode, the app will ensure that the previous event was an off duty event and insert the PC mode start at the time and the end at the time of the next event in the logs. If not, the app will automatically add an off duty event to your logs. If you insert a yard moves duty status, the app will similarly ensure that the previous event was on duty not driving, and add the yard moves start at the start time and end time at the time of the next event in the log. If not, an on duty not driving event will be inserted in your logs preceding the yards moves start. Edited and inserted events will be displayed with a red asterisk* indicator in the driver logs. Delete duty status TIP: If you remove an off duty status preceding a PC mode, the PC mode event will also be removed. If you remove a on duty not driving status preceding a yard move, the yard moves event will also be Tap the Log details icon at the top of the screen: (this is only available when you are on duty or once connected to an asset when in any other work state) Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide You will see a depiction of your log graph with a detailed list of duty status below. You can tap the arrows next to the date to view consecutive days. Use the date picker to select a specific day. (You cannot navigate through logs once in edit mode) Tap EDIT at the bottom of the screen. If the day contains any pending edits, you will have to accept or reject the edits before you can make any changes to your logs. Tap the red delete icon next to the relevant duty status to be removed. You cannot delete driving recorded by the onboard computer. TIP: Events that were recorded over multiple days will have the delete and edit button on the original timestamp, e.g., if an event started on June 4, 5:00 am and ended on June 5, there will be a midnight event at 0:00 on June 5 but this event will not have the edit or delete icons. Scroll to the start of the event on the previous day to change this event. SPECIAL DRIVING CONDITIONS TIP: If you changed from active to co-driver and you were in a special driving condition, the app will automatically end the personal use of CMV or yard moves. Add Authorized personal use of CMV and Yard moves Indicate a special driving condition from the home page. Scroll down on the HOS home page. Tap the arrow next to Special driving condition. Here you can select either Authorized Personal Use of CMV or Yard Moves. Enter a mandatory annotation. Tap YES to confirm. NOTE: If you are not in an off duty status when you are selecting Personal Use, the app will automatically insert an off duty status before the Personal Conveyance. If you select yard moves and you are not already in a On Duty Not Driving status, the app will automatically create an ODND event in your logs before adding the yard moves. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide You will now see your new special driving condition indicated in the duty status bar at the top: You will not be able to select another duty status while you are in a special driving condition. End Authorized personal use of CMV and Yard moves You can either tap the arrow next to the special driving condition name in the top duty status bar or scroll down to the special driving condition section at the bottom of the HOS home screen. Select None / End. Enter a mandatory annotation. Tap YES to confirm that you want to end your special driving condition. The app will ask you to end your special driving condition when you want to change your duty status or when you exit the vehicle. UNIDENTIFIED DRIVING TIP: According to the ELD mandate, "Unidentied Driver" refers to the driving of a CMV without an authenticated driver in the ELD. The EasyELD app automatically records driving time and attributes these records to the unique Unidentied Driver account, until the motor carrier and the driver review the records and they are assigned to the true and correct owner. Claim unidentified driving You will see all unidentified driving in the list of tasks that must be performed after connecting to an asset. A count of unidentified trips is displayed next to the heading. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide Tap the arrow next to the Unidentified driving menu. Tap Here You can also access this by tapping the Log details icon at the top of the screen: (this is only available when you are on duty or once connected to an asset when in any other work state.) Scroll to the right and tap the Unidentified driving tab at the top: Tap to view annotation A list of unidentified driving will be displayed. Tap SELECT ALL or choose only some of the items by tapping next to the relevant items. Tap the text bubble to view the annotation. Tap BACK to exit. Tap Accept. Please remember to review the automatically assigned non-driving periods associated with these driving period in your log. Tap OK to view the log preview. Review the log with the added driving. This will be indicated in a red block. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide You can tap the SHIFT and CYCLE tabs to view detailed descriptions. Tap the legend button to view a description of the color-coded logs. Tap Accept. Enter a mandatory annotation. Tap OK. Reject unidentified driving You will see all unidentified driving in the list of tasks that must be performed after connecting to an asset. A count of unidentified trips is displayed next to the heading. Tap the arrow next to the Unidentified driving menu. Tap Here Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide You can also access this by tapping the Log details icon at the top of the screen: (this is only available when you are on duty or once connected to an asset when in any other work state.) Scroll to the right and tap the Unidentified driving tab at the top: A list of unidentified driving will display. Tap SELECT ALL or choose only some of the items by tapping next to the relevant items. Tap the text bubble to view the annotation. Tap BACK to exit. Tap Reject. Enter a mandatory annotation. Tap OK. You will now see the rejected unidentified driving in a list called Unidentified driving rejected. Access this by tapping the Log details button. Unassign unidentified driving TIP: The driving to be unassigned needs to be on the same asset that you are currently connected to. Review your logs and unassign a UID record that was previously claimed. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide Access this by tapping the Log details icon at the top of the screen: (this is only available when you are on duty or once connected to an asset when in any other work state.) Look for the added unidentified driving in your Driver log. Select the Edit button. Tap Unassign. Enter an annotation. Tap OK to confirm. Assign unidentified driving to co-driver TIP: The driving to be reassigned needs to be on the same asset that you are currently connected to. Review your logs and look for the unidentified driving that you want to assign to the co-driver. Access this by tapping the Log details icon at the top of the screen: (this is only available when you are on duty or once connected to an asset when in any other work state.) Look for the added unidentified driving in your Driver log. Select the Edit button. Tap Assign to co-driver. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide Enter an annotation. Tap Unassign. Tap OK to confirm. PENDING EDITS Claim pending edits You will see all pending edits in the list of tasks that must be performed after connecting to an asset. A count of pending edits is displayed next to the heading. Tap the arrow next to the Pending edits menu. Tap Here You can also access this by tapping the Log details icon at the top of the screen: (this is only available when you are on duty or once connected to an asset when in any other work state.) Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide Scroll to the right and tap the Pending edits tab at the top. Each days pending edits will be displayed with a time stamp. Tap on the arrow next to the pending edit to view it. This will open the log preview. Tap the legend button to view a description of the color-coded logs. The list below will show each pending edit with a timestamp and the location. A text bubble will indicate an annotation or remark on the duty status. Tap the text bubble to view the annotation. Tap BACK to exit: Tap Accept to claim the pending edit. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide Reject pending edits You will see all pending edits in the list of tasks that must be performed after connecting to an asset. A count of pending edits is displayed next to the heading. Tap the arrow next to the Pending edits menu. Tap Here You can also access this by tapping the Log details icon at the top of the screen: (this is only available when you are on duty or once connected to an asset when in any other work state.) Scroll to the right and tap the Pending edits tab at the top. Each days pending edits will be displayed with a time stamp. Tap on the arrow next to the pending edit to view it. This will open the log preview. Tap the legend button to view a description of the color-coded logs. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide The list below will show each pending edit with a timestamp and the location. A text bubble will indicate an annotation or remark on the duty status. Tap the text bubble to view the annotation. Tap BACK to exit: Tap Reject. Enter a mandatory annotation. Tap OK to confirm. Your logs will now be updated, and the pending edit will be removed and send back to the server. CERTIFY LOGS TIP: You are required to certify each days log as true and correct whether you have been on duty or off duty. You must also re-certify a previous record if it has been edited. Certification of logs is displayed as an event on your driver log. You will see all uncertified logs in the tasks that must be performed after connecting to an asset. A count of uncertified logs is displayed next to the heading. Tap the arrow next to the Uncertified logs menu. You can also access this by tapping the Log details icon at the top of the screen: (this is only available when you are on duty or once connected to an asset when in any other work state) Tap the Uncertified tab at the top. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide Your logs will be displayed from the most recent at the top. Tap on the arrow next to any of the uncertified logs to open that specific day. You will see a preview of the log to review. Tap the legend button to view a description of the color-coded logs. Tap EDIT to make changes. Read edit driver logs for help on editing. Tap CERTIFY at the bottom of the screen to confirm. Tap SKIP to go to a previous day without certifying the current day. The number of logs that have been certified will be indicated on the button: When you went through all the logs you will see a summary with the option to agree or cancel (not ready). Tap AGREE. Tapping Agree is an implicit electronic signature that means you are accepting your log entries. TIP: You cannot certify a log that contains a pending edit. The EasyELD app will prompt you to please review your pending edits before certifying this log. Tap OK. Scroll to the Pending edits tab at the top. Tap Pending edits. Perform the steps as described in claiming a pending edit. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide TRAILERS You will only see the documents tab once you have connected to a vehicle. You can tap the arrow next to the Documents item to open the feature from the home screen. Tap Here You can also access this by tapping scrolling down on the HOS home screen and tapping next to Trailers: Tap next to Add trailer or No trailer if you do not want to add trailer details. Tap the green plus icon to add a trailer. Enter the trailer description and/or number. Tap SAVE. Enter the Green plus icon to add more trailers. Tap next to DROP to remove a trailer. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide REMOVE ADD DOCUMENTS Adding shipping documents, invoices, etc. will be recorded as an HOS event and shown in the output files. You will only see the documents tab once you have connected to a vehicle. Tap the arrow next to the Documents item to open the feature from the tasks screen. Tap Here You can also access this by scrolling down on the HOS home screen and tapping the arrow next to Documents: Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide A popup will show a list of previously captured document numbers (if any). Tap the green plus icon + to add more. The icon is grey if you dont have any documents in the list. If no documents have been added, start by entering a document number by tapping the line under Current Document and enter a number. You have to type a minimum of 2 characters for the SAVE button to be enabled. The current document is the one that you will add when you start a new trip, this is also the document that will be displayed in roadside inspection. The list of previous documents will show in your driver log. Tap SAVE. Tap the delete icon to remove the entry before saving. TAP TO ENTER SAVE TO ADD If you want to add additional documents, tap the green plus icon, + Tap the empty line under Current Document and start entering the additional document number. Tap SAVE as described above. TIP: You can add a maximum of 5 documents. Only the current document number will be shown in the output files. Edit shipping document number You can view the trailer hook, trailer dop and shipping document numbers on the Input data tab. Tap Log details. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide Scroll to the right until you find Input data. You can navigate to another day by tapping the arrow next to the date at the top. Tap on the downwards arrow to view more detail, like the odometer, engine hours, origin and location. Tap the Edit icon (pencil) to change the number. Tap Save. Remove shipping document number You can view the trailer hook, trailer dop and shipping document numbers on the Input data tab. Tap Log details. Scroll to the right until you find Input data. You can navigate to another day by tapping the arrow next to the date at the top. Tap on the downwards arrow to view more detail, like the odometer, engine hours, origin and location. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide Tap the delete icon (recycle bin) to delete the number. Enter a mandatory annotation by tapping on Enter remark. Tap Yes. EXEMPT DRIVER If the administrator configured your account as an exempt driver in MiX Fleet Manager you will see an indication when you log in and out of the EasyELD app that you are an exempt driver. You will still be able to access some of the features relevant to an exempt driver on the app. Restricted functionality will be indicated. You can change your duty status. You can connect to a vehicle and exit a vehicle. You can switch between active driver and co-driver. You can initiate a roadside inspection and send a report. View driver details, like licenses and endorsements. Initiate an HOS synchronization. Sign out of the app. MAIN MENU - MORE INFORMATION View driver details like start of day You can view your driver profile information by tapping the main menu icon. You will see your name as captured in MiX Fleet Manager, your MiX Fleet Manager driver ID, the start of day as set by the administrator. Please note that you cannot edit any of this information. You can request the administrator to edit this in MiX Fleet Manager. View license information and expiry dates You can view your driver profile containing the license and certification (endorsement) information by tapping the main menu icon. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide Scroll to Licenses and view all the captured license information. You can view the expiry dates, if any licenses have already expired and the duration of the license. You can also see the state where it was issued. Click on the downwards arrow to view more. Scroll to Endorsements to view all your certifications or endorsements, e.g., for driving Hazardous Materials, etc. EXCEPTIONS ADVERSE AND EMERGENCY DRIVING View and enable exceptions by tapping the main menu icon. Scroll to the Exceptions tab at the top and tap on it. Enable adverse driving Tap next to adverse driving to enable it. Enter a mandatory annotation. (Tap the arrow next to What is adverse driving? to see if you are eligible for the exemption. Tap YES to confirm. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide Please note: you cannot end or turn off adverse driving. This will reset automatically at the end of your shift. What are adverse driving conditions? Adverse driving conditions are unexpected events such as snow, sleet, fog, or other challenging weather conditions that were unknown to the dispatcher or driver at the time the driving began. When you indicate adverse driving conditions, you are allowed to add up to two hours to your shift and driving time to enable you to complete your shift to reach a place of safety. Enable emergency driving Tap next to emergency to enable it. Enter a mandatory annotation. (Tap the arrow next to What is Emergency driving? to see if you are eligible for the exemption. Tap YES to confirm. When can I use emergency driving exemptions? Emergency driving means any hurricane, tornado, storm, tsunami, earthquake, or other occurrence, natural or man-made, which interrupts the delivery of essential services/supplies or otherwise immediately threatens human life or public welfare. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide Provided there has been a declaration of an emergency by the President of the United States, the Governor of a State, or their authorized representatives having authority to declare emergencies; by FMCSA; or by other Federal, State, or local government officials having authority to declare emergencies. Extending driving or on duty time for emergencies applies only if further driving is necessary to reach a destination that provides safety or security for the vehicle's occupants and commercial load. ROADSIDE INSPECTION Access the Roadside inspection module from the HOS landing page. Here you will be able to show the authorized official your driver info, Log graph and Log viewer. If you have any uncertified logs, the EasyELD app will warn you and give you the option to either certify your logs (Tap REVIEW) or continue to the roadside inspection screen (Tap LATER). You will now see a screen with your Driver info. Tap the tabs at the top to show your Log graph or Log viewer. SWITCH TO UNIDENTIFIED DRIVER PROFILE Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide Tap next to the active driver name to switch to the unidentified driver profile. Switch to another day by tapping the arrows next to the current date: Tap the legend button to view a description of the color-coded logs. The drivers event records are displayed in the Log viewer and are categorized per ELD requirements: o Change of duty status, Intermediate logs and special driving conditions (Personal Conveyance and Yard Moves). o Login / Logout, Certification of RODS, Data Diagnostics and Malfunctions. o Comments, Remarks and Annotations. o Engine Power Up and Shut Down. Send Roadside inspection report Access the Roadside inspection module from the HOS landing page. Tap Send Report. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide SWITCH TO UNIDENTIFIED DRIVER PROFILE Choose whether you want to send the roadside inspection report via email or a web service. Enter the relevant details. Tap to enter an annotation (you can select from a list of pre-defined remarks or enter your own by selecting Other Tap SEND. ACCESS THE DRIVER MANUAL / HELP GUIDE Tap the main menu icon. Scroll to Driver manual and tap on the heading. Tap the menu item at the top to search for the relevant topic that you want to learn more about. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide MALFUNCTIONS AND DIAGNOSTICS Malfunctions are indicated with a red exclamation mark and diagnostics will show as a yellow info button. Tap the Malfunctions or Diagnostics icon when they appear to view more information. Dismiss the information box by clicking the X in the top right corner. CLOSE / DISMISS INFORMATION Malfunctions P - Power compliance malfunction More than 30 cumulative minutes of vehicle use detected in the last 24 hours while ELD was not powered on. Please inform your supervisor within 24 hours. E - Engine synchronization compliance malfunction More than 30 cumulative minutes of vehicle use detected while connection was lost between the ELD and the vehicle engine. Please inform your supervisor within 24 hours. T - Timing compliance malfunction ELD time is no longer accurate and has deviated from UTC by more than 10 minutes. Please inform your supervisor within 24 hours. L - Positioning compliance malfunction More than 60 cumulative minutes of vehicle use detected in the last 24 hours while ELD was unable to retrieve valid location data within 5miles of driving. You will be required to enter location manually until this malfunction is cleared. R - Data recording compliance malfunction ELD can no longer retain or retrieve required data elements for recorded logs. Some data elements will be omitted from the driver logs. Please inform your supervisor within 24 hours. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide S - Data transfer compliance malfunction More than 24 cumulative hours of ELD use detected while unable to conrm proper data transfer operations. Please inform your supervisor within 24 hours. O - "Other" ELD detected malfunction Diagnostics 1 - Power data diagnostic event Vehicle use detected while ELD was not powered on. Please ensure your ELD is powered on and operational before continuing. 2 - Engine synchronization data diagnostic event Vehicle use detected while connection was lost between the ELD and the vehicle engine. Please ensure your ELD is powered on and operational before continuing. 3 - Missing required data elements data diagnostic event The ELD can no longer retrieve required data elements for recorded logs. You may be required to enter data such as location information manually. 4 - Data transfer data diagnostic event The ELD is unable to confirm proper data transfer operations. Please inform your supervisor within 24 hours. 5 - Unidentified driving records data diagnostic event More than 30 minutes of Unidentified driving detected within a 24-hour period. To clear, please review and claim any driving that belongs to you. 6 - "Other" ELD identified diagnostic event EXIT VEHICLE TIP: You can exit the vehicle and remain on duty. You cannot exit the vehicle when you are in a special driving condition. The app will ask you to end your personal use of CMV or yard moves before exiting the vehicle. Tap Exit vehicle at the top or next to the connected asset on the HOS home screen. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide You can now confirm your current duty status (the default option in the dropdown list) or change by tapping the arrow and selecting a new status. Enter an optional annotation. Tap YES to confirm. You will see a list of all the required tasks, you need to perform, e.g. certify logs, etc. You can drop the trailers by tapping DROP next to connected trailers. If you are no longer connected to Bluetooth, the app will automatically log you out remotely. You will not see the required tasks screen as shown above but a logout event will be created in your logs once the remote command has been received. SIGN OUT Click the menu at the bottom of the screen. Click the SIGN OUT button right below your username. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide CHANGE CONTROL DATE CHANGES MADE February/March 2023 1. Added section under Sign in We cant seem to find your account. 2. Connect to your asset section updated text in section. 3. Added Bluetooth section pg. 6 4. Moved up heading Switch to co-driver and renamed it to Switch between active driver and co-driver right below Bluetooth section. Also changed the text in intro paragraphs here to accommodate latest functionality. Also added text after screenshot. 5. Moved View available hours and Rule set up to ensure Duty Status heading is right before Driver log heading. 6. Special driving conditions updated and edited entire both subsections, Adding and removing PC mode and yard moves as well as added a TIP right below the section header. 7. Entire Exit vehicle added a tip, edited text and added new screens to accommodate new functionality, also added last bullet to explain remote logout. 8. Change intro text for Malfunctions and Diagnostics, add new screens. 9. Unidentified driving, added TIP as intro and added last two bullets, Enter a mandatory annotation, Tap OK. Claim Unidentified driving - Made screen smaller and added bullet for new functionality. Added a new screen for bullet You can tap the SHIFT and CYCLE tabs to view detailed descriptions. 10. Reject Unidentified driving Smaller screen, added bullets for new functionality towards the end and added rejected screen at the end. 11. Unassign Unidentified driving update entire section with new functionality. 12. Add section Assign unidentified driving to co-driver. 13. Move Initiate HOS Synchronization up. 14. Edit adverse driving text and add new screenshot. 15. Edit Emergency driving text and add new screenshot. 16. Duty status - change duty status - added a last bullet on special driving conditions with new screen to the bottom. Moved the NOTE: you will need to perform certain mandatory tasks to use the asset with its Connected vehicle and tasks screen to the Connect to your asset section. 17. Rule set section - Add screenshot to show where to find ruleset section View. 18. Change Settings to Main menu more information 19. In View driver details like start of day, change settings to main menu. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide BY Marisa Potgieter DATE CHANGES MADE February/March 2023 20. In View license information and expiry dates, change settings to main menu; remove this sentence You can view your driver profile information by tapping the settings icon. 21. At section Date and time on app remove last sentence: You can also connect to an asset on this page. Makes sense on the Word doc but not on the app screen. 22. Removed View Exemptions from the Settings section. Made it a first heading section so that it displays on the main screen as a section/chapter. Renamed it to Exceptions adverse and emergency driving so its clear what it entails. Remove reference to settings menu and make it main menu. Also changed the first bullet to View and enable exceptions instead of exemptions. 23. Remove highlighted text from heading - Enable adverse driving e.g. events such as snow, sleet, fog, etc. 24. Added When can I use emergency driving exceptions? Subsection. 25. View available hours change the text of bullet 2 and bullet 4. 26. Review RODS change screen shot for last bullet from dark mode to light mode and correct info; change annotation screen. 27. Insert Duty Status Under TIP: Remove yellow high lighted text: When you insert a PC mode duty status (only available on oil field rule sets... Roadside inspection remove highlighted text under bullet Tap next to the active driver name to switch to the unidentified driver profile. (Co-driver?) 28. Send Roadside inspection report remove highlighted text Choose whether you want to send the roadside inspection report via Bluetooth, email or a web service 29. Access the driver manual Change Settings to Main menu and indicate new menu items in bullets. 30. Claim pending edits change annotation screen. 31. Reject pending edits change annotation screen. 32. Edit duty status added a please note and driving screen shot, under TIP at the top. 33. Driving section added under Rule set with screen. Version 3.0 - EasyELD Driver Guide BY Marisa Potgieter