User manual for "CTE-LOG ELD"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "CTE-LOG ELD".
For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page
CTE-LOG ELD Inspection Mode Tap DOT Inspection in the menu & press Start Inspection. Let an ofcer to view your logs directly from your mobile device. Show this instruction card if requested. An inspector may press arrows to view previous or next days logs. An inspector may view the log form, the log graph and the log events with notes. Exit the inspection mode by pressing back arrow in the left top corner of the app. Send Logs CTE-LOG ELD is capable of producing and transferring the ELD records via telematics transfer methods: Wireless Web services and Email. In order to send the ELD records via Web services a driver must press DOT Inspection menu item and then press Send Logs button. In order to send the ELD records via Email a driver must press DOT Inspection menu item, press Email Logs, enter an email provided by an authorized safety ofcial and press Send button. Contact the support team at [email protected] CTE-LOG ELD Malfunction Manual In accordance with the guidelines set forth in 395.34 Malfunction indication Immediately contact the support if LED light on the device is off when the device is plugged into the diagnostic port or if the malfunction reported by the app. Note the malfunction Note the malfunction and provide a written notice to your eet within 24 hours. Switch to paper logs Keep a paper log for that day and until the device is repaired or replaced. In the event of an inspection, display the previous 7 days from the app. 8 days rule In the event of an ELD malfunction, the motor carrier must take actions to correct the malfunction within 8 days of discovery. Contact the support team at [email protected]