User manual for "UNI ELD"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "UNI ELD".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page UNI ELD.


Table of Contents

Introduction ....................................................................................................................................1
ELD Hardware installation ...............................................................................................................2
UNI ELD Application ........................................................................................................................3
HOS Logging ....................................................................................................................................4
Inspection ............................................................................................................5
Troubleshooting ...........................................................................................................6
FAQ .................................................................................................................................................7

Welcome to our ELD software manual. This manual is designed to help you understand and use UNI ELD
software to comply with the ELD mandate and regulations. This manual will cover how to use the
software to log your hours, manage driver and vehicle information, generate reports, and troubleshoot
common issues.

Getting Started:

Install the ELD software on your device.


Connect the device to the vehicles diagnostic port.


Turn on the engine of the vehicle


Download UNI GO mobile application from google play store or apple app store


Log in to the application to start recording your HOS data.

Main Features:
HOS Recording: The software automatically records the status of the driver and vehicle based on
the engine and GPS data. The recorded data includes driving time, on-duty time, and off-duty time.
HOS Management: The software provides a user-friendly interface to manage and review your
HOS data. You can view a summary of your daily HOS data and a detailed log of your activities.
Compliance Monitoring: The software constantly monitors your HOS data and alerts you when
you reach the maximum driving time limit. It also provides a report of your HOS data to help you comply
with the FMCSA regulations.
Data Transfer: The software allows you to transfer your HOS data to authorized safety officials
upon request using telematic data transfer method.


ELD Hardware installation

1. Identify your vehicles ECM Port. Location of your vehicles ECM port may be different depending
on vehicles manufacturer but most commonly ECM Port is located under the steering wheel of
your vehicle. UNI ELD supports 9 pin, OBDII and 6 Pin connections
2. Connect your ELD Hardware. UNI ELD hardware by default comes as 9 pin connector. If your
vehicle has OBDII or 6pin connector adapter cable is required which can be purchased
separately from UNI ELD
3. Make sure ELD hardware is operational. After successfully installing ELD hardware. Turn on your
vehicles ignition. If ELD Hardware is installed correctly red LED will light up and after
approximately 10 second red LED will change to blinking green indicating hardware is properly
installed and is ready to be used.
4. Download Application. UNI ELD Supports both ios and android operating systems. Depending on
your mobile device search for UNI ELD either at apple app store or at google play store. Make
sure application you are downloading is provided by UNI ELD, Inc.)


UNI ELD Application

1. Login to application. Driver login credentials shall be provided to driver by back-office personnel
2. Choose your vehicles unit number from the list (List is managed by back-office personnel)
3. Main Screen. After successfully logging in to application user will be taken to the main screen
that displays main options as follows Current Status, Time remining before next break, HOS,
DVIR, Inspection, Settings
4. Current Status. This screen displays your current status. You may click on your current status to
change it. Please note that Driving status will start automatically as soon as your vehicle speed is
over 5MPH.
5. HOS. This screen displays your electronic logbook and allows you to view, edit, and certify your
6. DVIR. This screen allows you to generate and view DVIRs
7. Inspection. This screen allows you to send inspection reports to authorized safety officials by
webservice or email.
8. Settings. This screen displays application and driver settings.


HOS Logging

To log your hours using UNI ELD software, follow these steps:


Begin your shift by selecting the "On Duty" status on the dashboard.
Change your status as needed throughout the day, such as from "On Duty" to "Off Duty."
Driving time will be recorded automatically as vehicles speed reaches 5 MPH
After stopping vehicle, the application will ask you if you wish to change status from driving to
either On duty, Off Duty or SB
5. Edit your logs as needed by clicking pencil icon next to status box, edits such as adding
annotations or correcting errors are allowed and shall be completed as required by FMCSA
regulations. (Driving time editing is not allowed by software)
6. Certify your logs at the end of each day or at the end of your duty cycle.



In the event of the roadside inspection navigate to Inspection page on the main application main
UNI ELD Supports Telematic Data transfer method including Webservice and email. UNI ELD Makes it
easy to transfer ELD data to authorized safety officials. To transfer the ELD Data from mobile device
including phones, tablets etc. driver or authorized safety official have to follow these steps:
1. On main application screen navigate to Inspection section
On the following screen choose a desired transfer method either Webservice or Email
After choosing webservice option following screen will appear where driver or safety official will be able
to input transfer code
After choosing Email option following screen will appear where driver or safety official will be able to
input desired email address
After information is filled click Submit and ELD file will be transferred
Depending on location and mobile data coverage at the area it may take up to 60 seconds for file to be



If you experience issues with our ELD software, follow these troubleshooting tips:


Check your ELD device to make sure it is connected and functioning properly.
Ensure that your device and software are up to date.
Restart your device or software if necessary.
Contact our support team if you need further assistance.



Q: How often do I need to certify my logs?
A: You must certify your logs at the end of each day or at the end of your duty cycle.

Q: Can I edit my logs after I have certified them?
A: Yes, but any edits must be annotated and explained.

Q: How long do I need to keep my ELD records?
A: You must keep your ELD records for six months.

We hope this ELD software manual has been helpful in understanding and using our software. If you
have any further questions or issues, please don't hesitate contact us by email [email protected] or
phone 708-968-3333


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