User manual for "Stellar ELD"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Stellar ELD".
For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page
Stellar ELD.
ELD Installation and Connection Table of Contents Before the Road Install the Stellar ELD device in your vehicle 3 Install the Stellar ELD App 4 Log in to the Stellar ELD App and select a vehicle Connect your mobile device to the Stellar ELD device 4-5 6 On the Road Complete Pre-Trip DVIR 7 Populate Log Form Data 8 Record Hours of Service 9 Inspect Logs 10 Install the Stellar ELD device in your vehicle 1 Turn off the engine and nd the diagnostic port within the vehicle. Search for circular ports with 9 or 6 pins in heavy duty vehicles, and locate the OBDII port in light to medium duty vehicles. 2 Attach the other side of the cable to the Stellar ELD. 3 After installing the device, verify its functionality by checking for a blinking green LED light. The green light will begin to blink once a GPS and Cellular connection has been established. 4 Ensure that you install the device at a distance from other electrical components to avoid interference. IMPORTANT: Please follow the above-mentioned instructions. Otherwise, you risk ELD device interference and GPS disruption, creating problems with the signal. Do not put an ELD device under the dashboard under any circumstances. Before the Road 3 Install the Stellar ELD App 1 For android phones and tablets download the Stellar ELD App from Google Play Store. For iPhones and iPads download the Stellar ELD App from the App Store. 2 Open the Stellar ELD App. Login to the Stellar ELD App and select a vehicle Enter your login details and tap LOG IN, you will be prompt with Terms and Conditions. Read the Terms and Conditions and tap AGREE. Select your vehicle from the list, or search for one. Tap ACCEPT, you will be prompt with a Settings page where you can review and edit settings details. Tap SAVE. Before the Road 4 Dashboard View Once you have logged in and selected your vehicle, you will be directed to the Dashboard page. To establish a connection with your vehicle, utilize the Tap to Connect button. Before the Road 5 Connect your mobile device to the Stellar ELD device Enable Bluetooth Before connecting to the Stellar ELD device, make sure that Bluetooth is enabled on your device. In the main Dashboard view there is Tap to Connect button - just below the vehicle number 1 To establish a connection with your vehicle, utilize the Tap to Connect bar. The device will then attempt to connect to the selected vehicles ELD via Bluetooth. Youll notice that the ELD bar changes from red to orange, indicating that its in pairing mode. 2 An icon will appear in connection bar upon successful connection. Ready to Drive After nishing all the preparatory tasks listed in this section, you are prepared to begin driving. As soon as your vehicle reaches a speed of 5 MPH or more, your duty status will change to Driving automatically, as required by the ELD mandate. Before the Road 6 Complete Pre-Trip DVIR 1 Start a new pre-trip inspection report by tapping the DVIR button from the Dashboard. 2 Tap Add/Remove under Vehicle Defects and review each item from the list against your vehicle. Tap Sign and Save the Report. On the Road 7 Populate Log Form Data Select Trailer/Docs button from your Dashboard to add the Trailer/Shipping Docs number. On the Road 8 Record Hours of Service 1 When your vehicle reaches 5 MPH or greater, Stellar ELD is indicating that vehicle is In Motion and your duty status will automatically change to On Duty. 2 When the vehicle stops (0 MPH) it's considered Stationary. 3 You can change your duty status by tapping the Driving and selecting some other duty status. 4 If your vehicle remains Stationary for ve minutes you will be prompted with a question if you would like to change your duty status. If you ignore this question your duty status will be changed to On Duty. On the Road 9 Inspect Logs To begin the DOT inspection tap the menu icon on the top right and select the DOT Inspection 1 To let an officer inspect your logs tap Begin Inspection. Logs for current and last seven days will appear on the screen. 2 If the officer asks for the output le tap Transfer Data Tap the Transfer Data to send the le via web service or email. On the Road 10