User manual for "TENOR ELD"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "TENOR ELD".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Tenor ELD LLC.


ELD User Manual
2. Introduction
3. Using the ELD App
4. Managing Your Duty Status and Logs
5. Roadside Inspections

Welcome to the User Manual for the Electronic Logging Device.

This manual is designed to provide you with a
comprehensive understanding of the device's functionality,
usage, and features. By following the instructions and
guidelines outlined in this manual, you will be able to
effectively utilize the ELD for managing your Hours of
Service (HOS) records in compliance with federal and
intrastate regulations.
The ELD App is a powerful tool that helps drivers record
and manage their HOS records electronically. It simplies
the process of tracking and updating duty statuses, editing
logs, and complying with regulations. The app provides
real-time visibility of your HOS compliance and offers
features such as roadside inspection mode, HOS rules,
synchronization with the ELD device and easy access to
HOS records.


Using the ELD App


To begin using the ELD App, you need to download it from the app distribution platform onto your
mobile device.

Signing Into the App
After downloading the app, locate the app's icon on your device
and tap it. The login screen will appear, prompting you to enter
your driver username and password created by the eet
manager. Once you have successfully signed in, you will gain
access to the main features of the ELD app.

Synchronization with ELD Device
The ELD App seamlessly syncs with the ELD device installed in
your vehicle. The app receives data from the device, including
vehicle speed, engine status, and odometer readings, to
accurately record your driving time and duty statuses. This
synchronization ensures that your HOS records are complete
and accurate.

HOS Compliance
The ELD App is designed to ensure compliance with Hours of
Service (HOS) regulations. It tracks your driving time, rest
breaks, and duty statuses, providing real-time visibility of your
compliance status. The app will alert you if you are
approaching your maximum allowable driving time or if you
need to take a mandatory rest break.

Duty Status and Logs


The ELD App provides a user-friendly interface for
managing your duty status. From the main screen, you can
easily update your status by tapping the Status Circle and
selecting the appropriate option. The app allows you to
switch between Off Duty, Driving, On Duty, Sleeper, Yard
Moves, and Personal Use statuses with a simple tap.
Driving time is recorded automatically.
In the Logs section of the app, you can access and edit
your electronic logs. While driving time automatically logs
and cannot be edited, you can modify other information to
ensure accuracy as per ELD regulations. Simply tap the
date of the log you you wish to edit, and use the pencil icon
to edit or the "+" sign to insert a past duty status.

Roadside Inspections


The ELD App includes a dedicated DOT Inspection mode, which simplies the process of
conducting roadside inspections. When encountering a roadside inspection, follow these steps
to utilize the DOT Inspection mode:

From the main menu of the app, locate and select the DOT
Inspection mode. This mode is specically designed to
facilitate inspections and provide easy access to your
electronic logs.
Upon entering the DOT Inspection mode, tap the "Start
Inspection" button to initiate the inspection process. The
app will prepare your logs and display them in a clear and
organized format.
Hand your mobile device to the inspecting ocer, who can
now navigate through your logs using the intuitive arrows
and interface provided by the app. This enables them to
review your HOS records eciently and accurately.
If the inspecting ocer requests a copy of your logs or
further documentation, you can conveniently send them via
email or web services directly from the app. This feature
streamlines the process and ensures quick and secure
sharing of the required information.

Wednesday, Aug 8th

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