User manual for "Budget ELD 1"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Budget ELD 1".
For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page
Budget ELD LLC.
BUDGET ELD USER MANUAL 1 New Driver Sign Up (1) - Once Your Fleet has registered you as a driver, you will receive an SMS notification with a link to download the Budget ELD Drivers Logbook App - Open the Budget ELD Drivers Logbook App on your mobile phone - Enter your registered mobile number and USDOT number and Tap Continue 2 New Driver Sign Up (2) - You will receive an SMS message with the your Budget ELD verification code - Enter the 4-Digit Verification PIN on the new screen, create and confirm your 5-Digit Login PIN - Tap Set PIN - Once the PIN Reset confirmation message occurs, tap Continue Budget ELD will synchronize and set up your data on your phone 3 Existing Driver Login (1) - As an existing Driver, open the Budget ELD Drivers Logbook App on your phone - Enter your registered mobile number, USDOT and tap Continue 4 Existing Driver Login (2) - Enter your 5-Digit PIN and Tap Login - Budget ELD will synchronize and setup your logbook data on your phone 5 Logbook Home Screen - Once signup is complete and data has been synched, your will see the Budget ELD Drivers Logbook Home Screen - At the top, it shows your name and ELD Connection Status - Below this, you can find your current Duty Status, a tile with your current HOS information - The section underneath shows todays Logbook graph - At the bottom, you can find the navigation menu 6 Connect to Vehicle ELD (1) - On the Logbook Home Screen, tap the Connection Status icon - Select the vehicle you are connecting to and any Co-Driver if applicable - The Budget ELD App will search for nearby ELD devices - If unable to locate the desired device, please try again - Select the correct Vehicle from the list of available Devices by tapping Connect - The Budget ELD App will Connect to the device - Once successfully connected, the connection section on your Logbook Home Screen will turn green and list the connected vehicle - If Connection fails, please try again 7 Connect to Vehicle ELD (3) - If the newly connected Vehicle VIN number differs from the Vehicle previously assigned to you, we will update the App and let you know - Please check to ensure you are connected to and driving the correct vehicle 8 Switching Duty Status - Start driving your Vehicle with ELD connected - Your Duty Status will automatically change to Driving when speed is more than 5 MPH; When the Vehicle is stopped for more than 3 minutes, the driving status will automatically switch back to On Duty - Tap on tile with your Duty Status A menu will open with your current Duty Status highlighted Tap on the available Duty Status you would like to switch to Add an optional comment or select a standard note and tap Update - Your Status tile will now be updated to the new status 9 Switch Duty Status - Tap on tile with your Duty Status - A menu will open with your current Duty Status highlighted - Tap on the available Duty Status you would like to switch to - Add an optional comment or select a standard note and tap Update - Your Status tile will now be updated to the new status 10 Disconnect When Done - On the Logbook Home Screen, tap on the tile with your ELD connection Status - Tap Disconnect - When successfully disconnected, your Status tile will switch to red and state Disconnected 11 ELD Connection Failure - If the Truck has been disconnected, the Vehicle Connection tile will be red and state Disconnected - To check, click on the tile: if not connected, the App will search for available Devices - Reconnect to the correct ELD device 12 ELD Malfunction & Diagnostics - Once an ELD Malfunction or Diagnostic Event is detected you will receive an event Push-Notification and the Red Event icon will be visible at the top of each screen - Clicking on the icon/notification will open a screen with a list of all active events - Click on the Notification to Complete Required resolution steps: Generally, notify your Fleet, review your logs and manually enter missing data ELD Diagnostic Event Detected 13 Unassigned Drive Time - If we detect an Unassign Drive Time event that is likely associated with your account, you will receive a notification - You can either Reject it with and explanation, or Accept it and your Logs will be updated 14 HOS Violations and Notifications - In case of an HOS violation, you will receive a push notification - On the Logbook Home Screen, you will see the Violation icon on the associated Log Graph where time under violation will be marked in red - Click on the Log graph and you will see further details about the violation 15 Complete Daily Logbook Information - Tap on Logbook on the bottom menu in order to open your Daily Log Page - Review your logbook entries - You can click on the edit icon to edit your logs in accordance with FMCSA rules - Navigate the tabs at the top of the page to access and edit your your Truck and Trip Docs, access the DVIR Workflow and Sign the Days Logs 16 Sign Driver Logbook Daily - In order to sign your daily logs, tap the Sign Button on the logbook graph of daily logs that are missing your signature - Alternatively, you can tap the Sign tab on the Logbook page - Using your finger, draw your signature in the entry field and tap Save - Once signed, the Sign button on the respective logbook graph will turn to Signed 17 Accept/Reject Log Edits - When your Fleet Manager makes any changes to your Logs in accordance with FMCSA Rules, you will receive a notification once exiting Driving Mode - Review the suggested change in detail - Accept: Tab Accept and your logs will be updated accordingly with an edit annotation - Reject: Tab Reject and provide a explanation of why the suggested change is incorrect. There will be no change to your Logs 18 Roadside Inspection - Tap on More in the bottom navigation bar - Then, tap on the first tile called DOT Inspection and follow the instructions - Tap Start to begin Inspection and hand your device over to the Inspection Officer 19 Show Inspection Report - The DOT Inspection officer can tap Inspect to begin - Select Next to review the Drivers Daily Log Report 20 FMCSA Transfer - Tap on DOT Inspection in the More Menu - Select FMCSA Transfer 21