User manual for "Hyper ELD"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Hyper ELD".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Hyper ELD LLC.


FMCSA Self Certied and Compliant.
Our Electronic Logging Device - ELD system fully complies with the FMCSA's Electronic Logging Device (ELD)
Rule 49 CFR .

ELD Components
Logging Device

Driver App &

Connection guide

1. Locate the connection port
The diagnostic port is usually located under the main dashboard on
the drivers side. You will need an appropriate cable to establish the
connection (6pin, 9pin, obd2).

2. Setup the Logging Device
Install the Logging device by connecting it to the previously located
ECM Diagnostic port.

3. Login into the Driver application
Download and Login into the Driver application on your device.

4. Connect the Driver application to the logging
Press the connect button located on the top right of the status page
and enter the mac of your logging device, after you receive the
conrmation message the connect button should switch to a green
color and you are ready to go!

Take the time each day to submit the form for the day properly updating your truck and trailer information.

Before performing duty tasks make sure to do
a proper inspection of your vehicle and to
enter the DVIR into the application.

Before performing duty tasks make sure to do
a proper inspection of your vehicle and to
enter the DVIR into the application.

DOT Inspection

DOT Inspections made simple

Roadside Inspection:

Open the Driver Application
Select "Inspection" from the sidebar
Press "Start Inspection" on the rst card
Conrm you're performing an inspection
Present the device to the Ofcer

Sending Logs:

Open the Driver Application
Select "Inspection" from the sidebar
Press "Send Logs" button
Enter the comment provided by the ofcer
Select "Send" and conrm details
Wait for transmission conrmation

Malfunctions and diagnostic indicators are
located on the status page, this is the main
page of the Driver Application that opens
when you log in.
These indications are useful tools that help
you diagnose potential issues and help you
stay compliant with the ELD rule.

When encountered Drivers Should

Notify carrier immediately
Start tracking the paper logs for the last 7 days

When encountered Carriers Should

Resolve technical issues promptly
If unresolved in 8 days, request FMCSA extension
Ensure driver maintains paper logs until ELD is

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