User manual for "ELD MANDATE PLUS"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "ELD MANDATE PLUS".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page ELD Mandate.


At the start of the duty day:

Begin by ensuring the PT30/iOSIX device is securely connected to the truck's interface.

Next, establish a connection between the PT30/iOSIX device and the Mobile application.

Once the connections are established, proceed to start the engine of the truck.

Prior to commencing any activities, it's important to initiate the process of changing the duty status as required.
During driving:

While driving, it's recommended to run the application in screensaver mode to ensure minimal distraction and optimal focus on
the road.

Throughout the journey, maintain a continuous connection between the Mobile application and the PT30/IOSIX device to
facilitate automatic hourly logging of relevant data.
At the end of the duty day:

Upon reaching the end of the day's duties, begin by switching off the engine of the truck.

Subsequently, update the duty status to OFF Duty.

Disconnect the PT30/iOSIX device from the Mobile application to conclude the data exchange process.

Following this, log out from the application to ensure the security of the user account.

It is imperative to log out of the application at the end of each duty day to maintain security and privacy.

Periodically check for and install updates to ensure that the application is running on the latest version, thereby benefiting from
any improvements or enhancements.


Login Instructions
Home Page
Menu Page
Driver Duty Limitation
Violation Status
Self-Inspect Menu
Self-Certified Menu
Report Section
Trip/Load Sheet Menu
Fuel Purchase
Logout Page
Log Report
Unidentified Logs
About ELD Page
User Manual
HOS Rules Comparison
Screen Saver Mode
Missing Power-Up events alert
Proactive alert notification
Quick How-Tos

1.1 - Enter Login Credentials

Ensure that mobile data is turned on.
Input your Driver ID (This is the username generated by
the back office dashboard when your driver profile was
Enter your password (Note: Passwords will not be
displayed for security reasons).
To have the password automatically displayed during
subsequent logins, check the "Remember Me" checkbox.
Click the "Sign In" button to access the system.

1.2 - Forgot Password

Click on the "Forgot Password?" link to initiate the
password reset process.
Password reset can be completed by providing the
following information: Driver ID, License Number, and
License Expiration Date.
A set new password alert will be visible.
Once the password is successfully reset, proceed to log in
to your account.
A "Password Successful" pop-up will be displayed upon
successful login.


Upon successful login, navigate to the app home page.
In the upper right corner, click on "Connect to Device."
The app will synchronize with the Electronic Logging
Device (ELD), and the home page will be displayed as
follows: The VIN number will be presented in green text
above the date, and the ELD name will be shown below
the VIN.

2.1 - App Dashboard

On the left-hand side, the driver's name, business name,
trip number, and start location/trip origin are prominently
On the right-hand side, the VIN number, date, and ELD
number are presented in green.
The balance of driving hours for the day is showcased on
the left, while the balance of Duty hours for the week is
displayed on the right.

2.2 - Hours Of service
The key components of the Hours of Service that are displayed on the dashboard include:
Driving Time:

This is the total time a driver spends operating a commercial motor vehicle. It is subject to specific daily and weekly
limits as per regulatory requirements.
On-Duty Time:

On-duty time includes all the time a driver is performing work-related activities, both driving and non-driving. This
encompasses activities such as loading and unloading, vehicle inspections, and paperwork.
Off-Duty Time:

Off-duty time is the period when a driver is free from work-related duties and can engage in personal activities or rest.
Adequate off-duty time is crucial for preventing driver fatigue and maintaining safety.

HOS regulations include mandatory break periods, such as a 30-minute break after a certain amount of driving time. The
dashboard will display the time remaining until the next required break.
Daily and Weekly Limits:

The dashboard provides real-time information on the driver's remaining available driving hours for the day and week,
ensuring compliance with regulatory limits.

2.3 - Mode Of Driving

In the ELD PLUS Dashboard screen, choose "Default" to access all duty statuses (Off Duty, Sleeper Berth, Driving, On Duty,
Waiting Time).
Once the Driving Mode is selected manually, choose the specific duty of driving; a Comments dialog box will appear.
Enter your comments and click the "Submit" button to record your comments.
View the Event Comments popup for Personal Use.
View the Event Comments popup for Yard Moves.
The selected Driver mode is prominently displayed on the ELD Dashboard.

2.4 - Yard Moves & Personal Conveyance

Yard Moves:

When to Use: Switch to Yard Moves when you are operating within a non-public facility, such as a terminal,
warehouse, or shipping yard.

Why: This mode allows you to make short-distance movements for tasks like maintenance or repositioning
without affecting your available driving hours or on-duty time.
Personal Conveyance:

When to Use: Activate Personal Conveyance when using the commercial motor vehicle for personal reasons
unrelated to work, such as finding a nearby restaurant or hotel for meals and rest.

Why: Personal Conveyance provides flexibility for your personal needs without impacting your driving hours,
enabling you to manage your time more effectively.

2.5 - How to select Duty of Status

Click on the appropriate Duty of Status.
The selected Duty of Status is prominently displayed on the Dashboard.
View the Event Comments popup for On Duty Not Driving duty status.

2.6 - Vehicle Status

When both the mobile device and truck are connected to the ELD, if your duty
status is set to driving and the vehicle remains idle for over 5 minutes, a
pop-up message will prompt you to consider updating your driving status

2.7 Truck/Trailer Selection
Truck and Trailer Selection Process:

Navigate to the "Truck/Trailer" section.
Choose a Truck by clicking on it, then click "Done."
Select a Trailer, and again, click "Done."
View the chosen Truck and Trailer on the dashboard.

Purpose: This feature enables users to efficiently select and pair a truck with a trailer,
providing a streamlined process for managing and displaying the selected
combination on the dashboard. It enhances user convenience in monitoring and
organizing truck-trailer configurations.

2.8 Co-Driver Selection and Removal Process

To Add a Co-Driver:

Navigate to the "Co-Driver" section.

Select the desired Co-Driver by clicking on their profile, then click "Done."

The selected Co-Driver will be promptly reflected on the dashboard screen.
To Remove a Co-Driver:

Access the "Co-Driver" section.

Locate and click on the "Remove" text positioned at the top-right corner.

A confirmation popup will appear; click "Yes" to proceed with the removal.

This feature allows users to seamlessly add a co-driver to their profile and monitor co-driver
assignments on the dashboard. The removal process ensures a straightforward method for
updating co-driver information as needed.
2.9 Co-Driver Auto-Removal Setting

Access the "Co-Driver" section.
Toggle the "Auto remove after 34-hour reset" option by clicking on it.
Click "Done" to save the setting.
With this feature enabled, the selected co-driver will be automatically removed from the
system after 34 hours from the last reset.


The Menu page encompasses all app features, including
Notifications, Load Sheet, DVIR, Fuel Purchase, Log Report,
Exception, Settings, ELD Debug, About section and the User
To navigate between features, such as moving from Load Sheet to
DVIR, click the Menu icon located at the top left corner.

There are currently 12 types of driving limitations available.

US 7 Day 60 Hours: The rule indicates driving for 60 hours a week, selected from the ELD Mandate website.
US 8 Day 70 Hours: This rule indicates driving for 70 hours a week, selected from the ELD Mandate website.
100 Air Miles: Indicates that the driver is driving within a 100 air mile radius of their yard or main office.
150 Air Miles: Indicates that the driver is driving within a 150 air mile radius of their yard or main office.
Construction Material 7 Days 60 Hours: This rule indicates driving for 60 hours a week for vehicles used in construction
Construction Material 8 Days 70 Hours: This rule indicates driving for 70 hours a week for vehicles used in construction
Ground Water 7 Days 60 Hours
Ground Water 8 Days 60 Hours
Passenger 8 Days 60 Hours
Passenger 7 Days 60 Hours

Note - To adjust the duty cycle, navigate to the settings menu and select the desired duty cycle.

5.1 Continuous Hours

The rule of Continuous Hours depends on the duty of driving selected for the driver during
the creation of the driver ID from the ELD Mandate website
Hours Spent: Summary of total continuous hours driven per day.
Max Hours: As per the HOS rules of continuous driving allowed based on the duty of
Violated Hours: Shows the number of hours driven beyond the allowed rules.

5.2 Driving Hours

The rule of Driving Hours depends on the duty of driving selected for the driver during the
creation of the driver ID from the ELD Mandate website.
Hours Spent: Summary of total driving hours per day.
Max Hours: As per the rule of driving hours allowed based on the duty of limitation
Violated Hours: Shows the number of hours driven beyond the rule.

5.3 Duty Hours

The rule of Duty Hours depends on the duty of driving and on-duty hours selected
for the driver during the creation of the driver ID from the ELD Mandate website.
Hours Spent: Summary of total driving and on-duty hours per day.
Max Hours: As per the rule of duty hours allowed based on the duty of
limitation selected.
Violated Hours: Shows the number of hours driven beyond the rule.

5.4 Weekly Hours

The rule of Weekly Hours depends on the duty of driving selected for the driver
during the creation of the driver ID from the ELD Mandate website.
Hours Spent: Summary of total driving and on-duty hours for the week.
Max Hours: As per the rule of weekly hours allowed based on the duty of
limitation selected.
Violated Hours: Indicates the number of hours driven beyond the rule.

5.5 Violation Icon Behavior

Green Icon: Represents your current Continuous Hours, Driving Hours, Duty Hours, and Weekly Hours under non-violation
Orange Icon: Represents your current Continuous Hours, Driving Hours, Duty Hours, and Weekly Hours about to be in violation
status. The icon color will change to orange 30 minutes before a violation may occur.
Red Icon: Represents your current Continuous Hours, Driving Hours, Duty Hours, and Weekly Hours that have exceeded the
hour limitations, indicating a violation has occurred.

Dashboard of Self Inspection Page:

Contains Driver name, Truck VIN details, Date,
ELD details, Company name, Trip number, origin,
and destination.

6.1 Status Logs

STATUS LOG: Selecting the status log button
displays Duty status logs of the driver on the
present day.

6.2 Edit Status Logs

If you click an event, you get an option to edit the
logs. Click the Edit button to view the Duty Status
button, enabling you to change the status of
driving, such as Off Duty, Sleeper Berth, Driving,
and On Duty Not Driving. Select the option you
want to change or edit accordingly.

Dashboard of Certify Page:

Contains Driver name, Truck VIN details, Date, ELD details, Company name, Trip
number, origin, and destination.
Certify primarily contains PENDING and CERTIFIED details.


Selecting the pending button displays a message indicating the self-certified items not
completed for a specified date.
For instance, if you did not self-certify for a particular date, click on that date shown by the
app and certify it by entering comments. The certified information will then reflect in the
certified menu.
After entering comments for a particular Pending self-certified record, view it under the
Certified button.


By selecting the "Certified" button, it displays dates for which you have already


The dashboard of Report Page contains Driver name, Truck VIN details,
Date, ELD details, Company name, Trip number, origin, and destination.
There are two ways to submit logs to FMCSA: via WEB and EMAIL.

WEB Submission:

Select the WEB option.

Fill in the Location description and comments.

Click the "Send" button.

EMAIL Submission:

Select the EMAIL option.

Fill in the Location description and comments.

Click the "Send" button.


You can create your load sheet using either the ELD Mandate website or the
ELD Mandate App.

9.1 Load Sheet List

Load Sheet List contains list of load sheets available
You can "Add New Load Sheet" by clicking on + New Button
You can Edit the old Load Sheet by clicking on the load sheet info card

9.2 Mark As Done

You can complete and remove the load sheet by clicking on Mark As Done
Once Load sheet is made as Mark As Done it will be removed from the load
sheet list.

9.3 Add Load Sheet
a. To add a new Load Sheet, you must fill in the B/L or Manifest No. fields. If only
these mandatory details are entered, the start and end dates will automatically be
set to today's date.
b. After entering all the information, just click "Save" to create the new Load Sheet.
c. If you want to cancel making a new load sheet, simply click "Cancel".


Fuel Type:

Gallons / Litres:

Enter the quantity of Gallons or Litres purchased.


Select your fuel type from the dropdown menu.

Enter the total amount spent on the Gallons or Litres.

Capture Bill:

You have the option to take a picture of your Fuel Receipt, and our app will save it
for reference.

Driver Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR) primarily contains
"Pre/Post" and "Get List".
11.1 Pre-Trip

Pre-trip is a mandatory report that needs to be checked and
signed before starting a trip.

Clicking the Pre/Post button prompts the submission
of a pre-trip report, displaying carrier name, address,
date, time, Truck number, VIN, Plate No, Location
Comments, and odometer reading (automatically
reflecting the current reading).

Manually enter the trailer number.

The accessories list contains 22 mandatory individual
items to check during pre-trip. Additional accessories
can be added using the ELD Mandate website.

In the Defect status, select one of the three radio
buttons and add comments (mandatory) under the
Remarks field. Finally, the driver signs and saves.

Once the required pre-trip details are saved, the data
is reflected in the DVIR dashboard/page, and the
driver can view it on the same page.

11.2 Post-Trip

Post-trip is a mandatory report checked and signed after reaching the destination.

Clicking the Pre/Post button prompts the submission of a post-trip report,
displaying carrier name, address, date, time, Truck number, VIN, Plate Number,
and odometer reading (automatically reflecting the current reading).

Manually enter the trailer number.

The accessories list contains 22 mandatory individual items to check during
post-trip. Additional accessories can be added using the ELD Mandate website.

In the Defect Status, select one of the three radio buttons and add comments
(mandatory) under the Remarks Field. Finally, the driver signs and saves.

Once the required post-trip details are saved, the data is reflected in the DVIR
dashboard/page, and the driver can view it on the same page.


Get List reflects the total number of trucks registered under a single driver name.

The DVIR report of each individual Truck number can be viewed inside the Get List
by selecting the required truck number.

By clicking the Delete button, you can delete the record.

Clicking the View Button allows you to view the Company Details, Form Details,
Truck details, Trailer details, and Driver details associated with that particular

12. LOG OUT

Before logging out, ensure
you are either in 'Off Duty'
or 'SB' status.
Access the logout option by
clicking the top left menu
icon on the dashboard.
Upon selecting 'Logout,' a
confirmation popup will
appear. Clicking the
'Logout' button will prompt a
duty status check,
permitting logout only if in
'Off Duty' or 'SB' status.

Important: If a user stay off-duty for over 10 hours and subsequently reopen the app, drivers must log out and log back in to synchronize their logs.

In Log Report, you can view 3 Tabs: Header, Chart, and Events.
a. Header:

View the Current Location, Driver, Co-Driver, Vehicle, ELD, and Carrier

b. Chart:

Displays the Hours Of Service of drivers in a chart view (graphical

c. Event Logs:

Displays the details of each event, including Event start time, Location,
Odometer, Engine Hours, Origin, Event Type/Status, and Event
It will display violation-related information if the driver exceeds the duty
You can share the Log report by entering the desired email and clicking on


The driver can select the following exceptions. Once chosen and saved, the
exception will automatically reset after 10 hours of consecutive break. If any
exception is enabled, the driver can't choose another exception.

Unidentified logs are instances captured by the Electronic Logging
Device (ELD) under specific scenarios. These include situations
where the application is not connected or when the application is
connected, but the driver has logged out. Unidentified logs are saved
under the Unidentified profile and are later assigned to a driver.
Identifying Unidentified Logs:
Find Unidentified logs section in the settings page
Assigning Unidentified Logs:

Upon entering the "Unidentified Logs" section, you will
be redirected to a screen listing logs by date.
The logs will be categorized, including Duty logs like
Driving and On-Duty, Not Driving (ODND).
Review the logs on the screen and select those you
want to assign to yourself.
Utilize the chart for a visual understanding if needed.

15.1 Steps to Assign Unidentified Logs:

From the left menu, choose "Unidentified Logs."
The screen will display unidentified logs categorized by date, with an orange text color
indicating the presence of such logs.
Select the specific logs you wish to assign to yourself.
Refer to the chart for a comprehensive view if necessary.

It is essential for the driver to assign unidentified logs to maintain accurate and compliant
records. This ensures that all driving activities are properly attributed to the respective driver.

Data Synchronization:

Enables synchronization of data for seamless user experience.

Ensures that the latest information is available across devices.
Clear or Refresh Data:

Allows users to reset or refresh data.

Useful for resolving issues or starting with a clean slate.
Duty Cycle:

Manages and displays the duty cycle settings.

Users can configure duty cycle preferences according to their needs.
Log Display:

Controls the display of logs for easy access and readability.

Customize log display options for a personalized experience.
ELD Connection:

Facilitates the connection between the device and the Electronic Logging
Device (ELD).

Provides options to configure and manage ELD connections.

Allows users to personalize the visual appearance of the application.

Choose from different themes to enhance the user interface experience.


By clicking the top left menu on "About," you can access a brief
description of the ELD Product, its functions, Application version,
and the Latest Firmware version installed.

Objective of the User Manual:

Provide comprehensive guidance on using the
ELD Mandate PLUS App effectively.
Offer clear instructions for navigating the app's
features and functionalities.
Ensure users understand how to maintain
compliance with ELD regulations.
Serve as a reference point for troubleshooting
common issues and queries.
Enhance user experience by providing detailed
information on app usage and best practices.

Note: Users are presented with the user manual
upon first login. They must read the manual and
check the box indicating 'I have read the user
manual' before proceeding.


This page offers a fundamental analysis
highlighting the distinctions in hours of
service (HOS) regulations, showcasing
the varying parameters and guidelines
across different sets of rules governing
permissible working hours.


Screensaver Mode: Effortlessly monitor duty status,
track duty hours, and check vehicle speed while
conserving data and device battery.
Automatic Activation: App switches to Screensaver
mode after 30 seconds of inactivity upon opening.
Customization: Easily toggle Screensaver mode
on/off in settings (see screenshot).
Exiting Screensaver: Simply click the back button to
exit Screensaver mode; confirm exit by clicking 'Yes'.

Receive engine activation alerts to avoid missing power-up events. This pop-up appears
when the ELD is connected, and the engine is off, reducing the chance of missing the
power-up event. Close the pop-up by clicking 'okay' or by turning on the engine.

Note: This alert displays only when the ELD is connected, the engine is off, and during
every app launch.


Shift Violation Warning:

Pop-up notifications appear at intervals: 120 mins, 60 mins, 30 mins, and 5 mins
before hitting the 14-hour shift limit.
Driving Violation Warning:

Pop-up notifications occur at intervals: 120 mins, 60 mins, 30 mins, and 5 mins
before reaching the 11-hour driving limit.
Cycle Violation Warning:

Pop-up notifications show at intervals: 120 mins, 60 mins, 30 mins, and 5 mins
before nearing the 60/70-hours cycle limit.
Continuous Driving Violation Warning:

A 30 mins break is required after 8 hours of consecutive driving.

Pop-up notifications appear at intervals: 120 mins, 60 mins, 30 mins, and 5 mins
before reaching the break violation.

Q: What are my responsibilities as a driver ?

At the start of the duty day:

Begin by ensuring the PT30/iOSIX device is securely connected to the truck's interface.

Next, establish a connection between the PT30/iOSIX device and the Mobile application.

Once the connections are established, proceed to start the engine of the truck.

Prior to commencing any activities, it's important to initiate the process of changing the duty status as required.
During driving:

While driving, it's recommended to run the application in screensaver mode to ensure minimal distraction and optimal
focus on the road.

Throughout the journey, maintain a continuous connection between the Mobile application and the PT30/IOSIX device to
facilitate automatic hourly logging of relevant data.
At the end of the duty day:

Upon reaching the end of the day's duties, begin by switching off the engine of the truck.

Subsequently, update the duty status to OFF Duty.

Disconnect the PT30/iOSIX device from the Mobile application to conclude the data exchange process.

Following this, log out from the application to ensure the security of the user account.

It is imperative to log out of the application at the end of each duty day to maintain security and privacy.

Periodically check for and install updates to ensure that the application is running on the latest version, thereby
benefiting from any improvements or enhancements.

Q. How do I ensure I am connected to the device?

After adding drivers on the ELD Mandate website, plug the ELD into your ECM or comport. Download the ELD Mandate Plus app on your
smartphone or tablet and log in with your Driver ID and password. When the engine is switched on, observe the ELD hardware turning on
with a blue light, which will change to stable green after a few minutes. The app will display details like VIN number, date, name, and ELD

Q. How long can my engine be idle before the ELD moves me into On Duty Not Driving status?

After being idle for five minutes, the app will prompt you to switch to On Duty Not Driving status or stay in Driving status. Respond manually
within one minute; otherwise, the app will automatically switch to On Duty Not Driving status. The ELD must be connected to the mobile app
for this.

Q: Why is there a sound notification every hour?

When a driver is in driving mode and disconnects the ELD from the mobile app, a sound notification is sent to remind them to reconnect the
ELD. This is crucial for maintaining proper log reports.

Q: What are power-up/shutdown events and when are they logged?

Power-up/shutdown events refer to the instances when the engine is turned on and off and this is identified when an electronic logging
device (ELD), such as PT30/iOSIX, is connected to the truck. These events are logged when the ELD Mandate Plus app is connected to

Q: What is the process an ELD Mandate Plus user must follow to ensure these events are logged properly?

To log power-up/shutdown events properly, an ELD Mandate Plus user should follow these steps: Connect PT30/iOSIX to the truck. Open
the ELD Mandate Plus mobile application. Connect PT30/iOSIX to the mobile application. Turn on the engine. Update their duty status.

Q: What is the process an ELD Mandate Plus user must follow while driving?

While driving, an ELD Mandate Plus user should adhere to the following process: For changing duty status at the start of the
day: Connect PT30/iOSIX to the truck. Connect PT30/iOSIX to the mobile application. Start the engine and change the duty
status. Stay connected to PT30/iOSIX in the mobile application with the screen saver on.

Q: What is an intermediate log, and what process must an ELD Mandate Plus user follow while driving to ensure these are
logged properly?

An intermediate log is a record created by the ELD when the vehicle is in motion, typically logged every hour during driving. To
ensure proper logging of intermediate logs, an ELD Mandate Plus user should follow these steps:


For changing duty status at the start of the day:

Connect PT30/iOSIX to the truck.

Connect PT30/iOSIX to the mobile application.

Start the engine and change the duty status.
Stay connected to PT30/iOSIX in the mobile application with the screen saver on.
The ELD detects the vehicle in motion, entering an intermediate log every hour and will log intermediate logs hourly.
Once driving is completed, disconnect the ELD, move the status to OFF Duty.


Empower your journey with the ELD Mandate Plus App!
This user manual guide is designed to be your companion
on the road, providing clarity and efficiency. For continuous
support or feedback, please connect with our dedicated
support team.

© 2025

Use of this information constitutes acceptance for use in an AS IS condition. There are NO warranties, implied or otherwise, with regard to this information or its use. Any use of this information is at the user's risk. It is the responsibility of user to evaluate the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, opinion, advice or other content. EACH USER WILL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY consequences of his or her direct or indirect use of this web site. ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. This site will NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT or any other kind of loss.