User manual for "Best ELD"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Best ELD".
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Best ELD.
Overview: A Road Safety Regulation It is essential to understand that ELDs (Electronic Logging Devices) don't fully automate driver logs. Drivers are still responsible for manually updating their duty statuses, such as "Off Duty" or "Sleeper Berth", and certifying their records. The ELD serves as a tool to streamline the data collection process for driver logs, making it more efficient and accurate. The Best ELD connector establishes a secure wireless link between your vehicle and the Best ELD app, streamlining compliance with the FMCSA's ELD regulations. It effortlessly captures and logs the following essential data elements: Vehicle Identification Number (VIN): This unique identifier automatically links your records to a specific vehicle, ensuring accurate logging. If you transfer your Best ELD device to a different vehicle, it will seamlessly detect the new VIN and update your logs accordingly, maintaining precise record-keeping across vehicles. Odo Mileage: Automatically fills in mileage fields in driver logs for accurate and easy record-keeping. Engine Hours: Automatically logs engine operation time in driver logs. Engine On/Off Status: Serves as a trigger to automatically record events in the ELD's logs. When the engine is turned on or off, a record is automatically generated, ensuring accurate tracking of engine activity. Vehicle In-Motion Status: Triggers automatic event recording in the ELD's logs. When the vehicle's engine is turned on or off, a record is automatically generated. Additionally, when the vehicle's wheel speed exceeds 5mph, the ELD automatically records a "Driving" duty status. If the vehicle stops moving, the ELD will automatically switch to "On Duty Not Driving" after few minutes if the driver doesn't manually update their status. 2024 All rights reserved. Best ELD, California, USA | (209) 900-2378 | [email protected] When the vehicle is in motion, the driver's status must be recorded as one of the following: Driving, Personal Use, or Yard Move. Notably, time spent in motion cannot be shortened or reassigned to Off Duty, Sleeper Berth, or On Duty Not Driving statuses. Location: Automatically fills in fields in your driver logs, providing accurate geographic information for each log entry. Your records are securely stored in a database on your smartphone or tablet via the Best ELD app. Additionally, the ELD device has internal memory to store events even when not connected to the app. In this case, the records will be linked to the "Unidentified Driver" account and displayed on the main page of the Best ELD app, accessible to all drivers of that vehicle. Getting Started: New Account Registration When you download and open the Best ELD app, you'll be taken to the login screen. To get started, you'll need to create a new account, but you won't be able to do this on your own. Instead, you'll need to reach out to your fleet admin and ask them to add you as a driver. At the same time, they'll also need to add your truck, trailer, and other important details to your profile. Once your fleet admin has set up your account, you can log in using your email 2024 All rights reserved. Best ELD, California, USA | (209) 900-2378 | [email protected] and password. After logging in, you'll need to complete your profile by adding some basic information. Fill out the registration form accurately and completely, then submit your information to complete your profile. Once you have completed these steps, you will be able to start using the Best ELD app. Upon successful login, you will be directed to the main page, where you can access key features such as logs entry, daily log, inspection, violation icons and more. Located in the upper right corner, you can manually select your status. In the upper left corner, you'll find the Bluetooth icon. Clicking on this icon allows you to connect to your ELD device. Simply select the ELD device from the list, and once connected, your logs will start working seamlessly. This streamlined process ensures accurate records and reduces manual effort. Switch Duty Status 2024 All rights reserved. Best ELD, California, USA | (209) 900-2378 | [email protected] On the main Logs screen, tap on the Current Status bar. This will open the Update Current Duty Status page. Here, you can select your current duty status from the available options and fill in the required fields. Once you've completed this step, tap save to update your status. Duty status options are: Driving status options are: Driving: This option switches your activity to Driving status, initiating the recording of driving time in your Driver Log. You can start driving manually by selecting this option or let the ELD device detect the movement automatically. If you begin driving without updating your status, the device will sense the motion and automatically change your status to Driving once the vehicle exceeds 5 miles per hour, ensuring accurate and seamless logging. On Duty (Not Driving): After logging in for the first time that day, tap this button to mark the beginning of your shift. This action creates a Start of Day note in your logs, signalling the commencement of your daily driving activities. This note serves as a clear indicator of when your shift began, helping to maintain accurate and compliant records. Off Duty: Select this option to move your driver status to Off Duty, indicating a break from driving activities (excluding sleeper berth time). This status change allows you to take a break without logging driving time. To resume recording on-duty activities, simply select a different status, ensuring accurate tracking of your work hours and breaks. Sleeper Berth: Select this option to change your driver status to Sleeper Berth, indicating off-duty time spent resting in the sleeper berth during longer shifts. This status is essential for compliance with FMCSA regulations, which mandate specific break and rest periods for drivers on extended shifts. By accurately logging your Sleeper Berth time, you can ensure adherence to these regulations and maintain a healthy work-life balance. When the ELD device successfully obtains a valid GPS signal, your current location will be automatically populated in the location field. However, if a GPS fix is unavailable, the 2024 All rights reserved. Best ELD, California, USA | (209) 900-2378 | [email protected] location field will remain blank. In such cases, you will need to manually enter your location details to ensure accurate recording of your driving activities and compliance with regulations. From this screen, drivers can also select a special driving condition, if applicable, from the available options: Personal Conveyance: Drivers using ELD mode in the Best ELD app can easily reclassify certain driving events as Personal Conveyance (Off Duty - Driving), excluding them from their driving time record. This feature ensures accurate logging and helps drivers maintain a precise record of duty status. Yard Move: Drivers using ELD mode in the Best ELD app can designate specific driving events as Yard Move (On Duty - Driving), excluding them from their driving time record. This feature provides accurate logging and helps drivers maintain a precise record of duty status, distinguishing yard movements from on-road driving. Automatic Duty Status Updates for Driving If the driver begins driving without updating their status, the duty status will automatically switch to Driving once the vehicle exceeds 5 miles per hour. When this happens, a new screen appears, featuring a central clock display showing the remaining drive time. Additionally, for nighttime driving, the Best ELD app offers a convenient night mode feature that darkens the screen background, reducing glare and eye strain when recording hours of service. PERSONAL CONVEYANCE Drivers using ELD mode in the Best ELD app can easily reclassify certain driving events as Personal Conveyance (Off Duty - Driving), excluding them from their driving time record. This feature ensures accurate logging and helps drivers maintain a precise record of duty status. When Personal Conveyance is enabled, a circular icon will appear on the main screen. As the vehicle moves, the driving event will be recorded as Personal Conveyance. In the log graph, Personal Conveyance duty status events are represented similarly to Off Duty events, providing a clear visual indication of the status. 2024 All rights reserved. Best ELD, California, USA | (209) 900-2378 | [email protected] YARD MOVE Drivers using ELD mode in the Best ELD app can designate specific driving events as Yard Move (On Duty - Driving), excluding them from their driving time record. This feature provides accurate logging and helps drivers maintain a precise record of duty status, distinguishing yard movements from on-road driving. The Yard Move feature is designed for situations where you're moving your truck, but not actually driving on public roads. Examples include repositioning your vehicle in a parking lot, or adjusting your location to facilitate loading or unloading cargo. This feature allows you to accurately log these short movements without affecting your overall driving time or hours of service. When selecting Yard Move (On Duty - Driving) in the Best ELD app, you can also add notes in the Notes field to provide context and explain the reason for choosing this status. Simply type in your notes and press the SAVE button to record the event with your additional comments. Edit Previous Duty Log To edit a duty status log, select the desired day on the main Logs screen, then slide the Log tab and choose the duty status you want to edit. On the Edit duty status page, adjust the Start and End times by selecting the appropriate fields and choosing the time from the Set time dialog. Update your duty status by selecting the OFF DUTY, SLEEPER, or ON DUTY buttons, and change your location by tapping the location field and entering a new location. Don't forget to enter a note explaining the reason for editing by tapping the Notes field. Finally, press SAVE to apply your changes, which will be reflected in the log graph. The system will also automatically check for potential violations while editing, ensuring you make compliant changes and avoid breaches. Insert Historical Duty Status To insert a past duty status, follow the same steps as editing a past duty status. Once the edit page is open, tap the + button at the bottom right corner of the screen to add a new 2024 All rights reserved. Best ELD, California, USA | (209) 900-2378 | [email protected] duty status event. Select the desired duty status, choose the start and end times, add the location, and include any relevant notes. Finally, press SAVE to complete the insertion. The log graph will update to reflect the new changes, providing an accurate and up-to-date record of your duty status history. OFF-LINE MODE If your device temporarily loses internet connectivity, the app will seamlessly switch to offline mode, ensuring that all data and logs are still captured accurately. Once you regain internet access, the app will automatically sync the logged data with the Motor Carrier's server. Typically, data is transmitted instantly to the server when your device has a stable internet connection (either through good cell coverage or Wi-Fi). However, please note that poor internet connectivity may delay data transmission to the server. Generate Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR) The DVIR feature provides a way for you to create online vehicle DVIR reports (Vehicle Inspection Report) while in the field. This helps to ensure that your vehicle confirms to the 2024 All rights reserved. Best ELD, California, USA | (209) 900-2378 | [email protected] FMCSAs safety regulations. The DVIR report feature is conveniently located in the menu bar, allowing you to quickly and easily access and generate vehicle inspection reports whenever needed. Pre-trip: A DVIR conducted before driving the CMV Post-trip: A DVIR conducted after driving a CMV Confirm and Sign Your Duty Status Logs As a driver, it's your responsibility to sign and certify your logs every 24 hours, confirming that the information is accurate. If you or your fleet manager makes any changes to the already signed logs, you'll need to recertify them again. This ensures that the updated information is verified and compliant with regulations. To sign your logs, start by tapping on the day you want to sign from the main Logs screen. Then, select the "Sign" tab at the bottom and tap the "Sign log" button. Use your finger to enter your signature, and finally, press "Agree" to complete the process. This will confirm that your logs are accurate and complete. 2024 All rights reserved. Best ELD, California, USA | (209) 900-2378 | [email protected] FUEL COSTS To access and manage your fuel costs, start by selecting "Fuel costs" from the main menu. This will bring up a list of all your fuel costs. To add a new fuel cost, tap the plus button at the bottom of the screen, which will open the "Add fuel cost" page. Fill out all the required fields and press SAVE to create a new fuel cost log. To view details about a specific fuel cost, simply select it from the list, and the "Fuel cost details" page will open. Here, you can see all the details about the selected fuel cost. You also have the option to edit or delete the fuel cost log by pressing the edit or delete icons at the top of the screen, allowing you to make changes or remove the log as needed. HOS Log Recap To review your Hours of Service (HOS) recap, navigate to the main menu and select "HOS Recap". This feature provides a comprehensive 7-day overview, including the current day, detailing your total on-duty hours, both driving and non-driving. The recap offers a quick snapshot of your duty status, helping you stay on top of your hours. By selecting a specific day from the list, you can access a detailed dialog box displaying total on-duty hours, driving hours, non-driving hours, cycle restarts, and other relevant HOS details. This in-depth view allows you to carefully review your hours, ensuring accuracy and compliance with regulations. 2024 All rights reserved. Best ELD, California, USA | (209) 900-2378 | [email protected] Submit Logs for Officer Review The Inspection Logs feature offers a comprehensive view of driver daily logs for the current 24-hour period and the past week. This feature provides all necessary information for a thorough safety inspection. This enhanced visibility enables you to easily monitor and review driver logs, ensuring compliance and safety standards are met. From the main menu, select DOT Inspection. This will allow the officer to inspect your logs directly from the device, tap Begin Inspection button and hand your phone to the DOT officer. Send logs The DOT Inspection feature allows drivers to conveniently transmit their ELD records to enforcement agents with just a few clicks. By selecting the "Send logs" option, drivers can quickly and easily share their records, streamlining the inspection process and ensuring 2024 All rights reserved. Best ELD, California, USA | (209) 900-2378 | [email protected] compliance. This feature simplifies the process of providing required documentation, saving time and reducing potential delays during inspections. HOS Violations and warnings The Best ELD app keeps you informed about potential and active violations, ensuring you stay compliant with regulations. A red exclamation icon on the main logs screen serves as a warning indicator, alerting you to potential issues such as HOS violations or form and certification warnings, enabling you to address them promptly and avoid potential fines and penalties. HOS VIOLATIONS Hours of Service (HOS) violations are the most common citation during roadside inspections, prompting the ELD mandate that requires commercial drivers to transition from paper logs to electronic logging devices. To avoid these violations, it's crucial to understand the main HOS rules. Despite this, many drivers and fleet managers remain misinformed. Key HOS rules to keep in mind include: Understand Your Driving Cycle: To stay compliant with Hours of Service (HOS) regulations, it's crucial to understand your driving cycle. If your carrier operates a 7day workweek, you'll follow the 70-hours/8-days cycle, limiting your on-duty hours to 70 hours over any 8-day period. However, if your carrier operates less than 7 days a week, you'll follow the 60-hours/7-days cycle, limiting your on-duty hours to 60 hours over any 7-day window. Knowing your cycle is essential to plan your duties effectively and avoid HOS violations. Restarting your drive cycle: To completely refresh your driving cycle, you can reset it by taking 34 consecutive hours off-duty and/or in the Sleeper Berth. This is the most up-to-date requirement, and it's the only one you need to know. Note that the 34hour restart rule has undergone changes in the past year, but this is the current and accurate requirement to restart your cycle. Understanding the 14-Hour Rule: After taking a 10-hour break, drivers have a 14hour window to complete their driving duties for the day. While driving is prohibited 2024 All rights reserved. Best ELD, California, USA | (209) 900-2378 | [email protected] after the 14th hour, drivers can still perform non-driving tasks like paperwork, loading, or unloading cargo. This rule helps ensure drivers get enough rest while also allowing them to complete essential tasks. Driving Time Limit: The 11-Hour Rule: Within the 14-hour driving window, drivers are restricted to a maximum of 11 hours of driving time. This rule helps prevent fatigue and ensures drivers get enough breaks to stay safe on the road. Remember, even if you have time left in your 14-hour window, you can't drive more than 11 hours in a day. Mandatory 30-Minute Break: No driving is allowed after any 8-hour on-duty period (On Duty or Driving) until a driver has taken the mandatory 30-minute off-duty break. 10-Hour Reset Rule: When the 11-hour or 14-hour clock expires, drivers must take 10 consecutive hours off-duty and/or in the Sleeper Berth to reset the clocks. Split sleeper berth: Drivers can split their 10-hour off-duty break into two shifts: 1. One shift: 8-10 hours in the sleeper berth 2. Second shift: 2-8 hours in the sleeper berth, off-duty, or a combination of both Completing both shifts resets the clocks, giving drivers a new 11-hour drive time and 14-hour driving window, starting from the first break. Mastering the 7 key Hours of Service (HOS) rules for property-carrying vehicles is crucial for avoiding costly fines and keeping your fleet out of trouble. By familiarizing yourself with these essential regulations, you can ensure safety on the road and maintain a compliant fleet. Understanding these basics is the first step towards a smooth and regulatorycompliant operation. Accept or Refute Log Changes from Fleet Manager Using the Best ELD portal, managers can suggest log edits, but the changes won't be implemented unless you give your approval. You have the authority to review, accept, or reject the proposed edits, maintaining control over your logs. Even if you accept the changes, a copy of the original log will be retained for future reference. When a fleet manager makes edits to your logs, you'll receive a notification. To review these changes, head to the main Logs screen, where suggested edits will be displayed. Select the 2024 All rights reserved. Best ELD, California, USA | (209) 900-2378 | [email protected] relevant day to approve or reject the changes. The Edited Log tab will show the manager's edits in a distinct colour, making them easy to identify. If you want to view the original log, simply tap on the Current Log tab, allowing you to compare the two versions side by side. Logs Settings This section allows you to modify the Hours of Service (HOS) rules or adjust the regulations set by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrations (FMCSA). These rules dictate the maximum hours a commercial vehicle driver can spend driving or being on duty for a motor carrier in a given day and week. By accessing this feature, you can customize the settings to reflect the specific HOS rules that apply to your operation, ensuring compliance with federal regulations. Cycle Rule: Set the Cycle Rule to define a driver's consecutive multi-day duty period, determining their allowed work hours within a 7-day or 8-day cycle, and ensuring compliance with Hours-of-Service regulations. Account Settings The Account page displays all of a driver's current information and other settings such as Cycles, Preferences (Language, Distance, Temperature) Compliance references. This will ensure that your account information is accurate and up-to-date. About To access information about the current app version, navigate to the Main menu, then tap on Settings, and select "About". This will open a page displaying the current app version, allowing you to verify that you are running the latest version of the application. 2024 All rights reserved. Best ELD, California, USA | (209) 900-2378 | [email protected] COMPANY INFORMATION Best ELD Tracy, CA 95377 Phone - (209) 900-2378 Email - [email protected] Web - 2024 All rights reserved. Best ELD, California, USA | (209) 900-2378 | [email protected]