User manual for "Verizon Connect Reveal ELD Logbook iOS - Formerly Fleetmatics Logbook"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Verizon Connect Reveal ELD Logbook iOS - Formerly Fleetmatics Logbook".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page Verizon Connect.

For Android and iOS devices

Driver Guide
ELD version

For 24/7 driver support, please call 844.307.2867*
*Live 24/7 support for drivers using the LogBook mobile application on iOS/Android only. Includes basic mobile application
troubleshooting support only.

Install the Verizon Connect Reveal LogBook ELD mobile application from the
Google Play store or the Apple App Store to your Android or iOS device.
1. L
 og in using your
unique Driver ID,
provided from your
LogBook admin.

2.	The Driver ID
must be verified
by Reveal on
initial login.

3. C
 onnect using
the devices cellular
data connection, Wi-Fi
or Personal Hotspot.

The Driver ID will be stored in the cache for future login.

After a successful login, the LogBook app will begin searching for
vehicles nearby. It will show all available vehicles for connection and list
these vehicles in order of proximity.

 If you are in a vehicle, or standing next to a vehicle, you will
likely see that vehicle appear first in the list.
 After locating the correct vehicle, tap the vehicle name to be
assigned to the vehicle.
 The driver will be alerted when the ELD device disconnects
from the vehicle.

Within the app, the truck icon in the header of the app will indicate
whether youre connected to a vehicle.

If the icon is Green, you can
tap the icon and view the
vehicle youre connected to.

If the icon is Red, you can tap
the icon and it will begin the
vehicle connection process.

A navigation bar appears at the bottom of the app and is split into 5 sections. The driver will have to tap to navigate
to a specific section. In this guide, we will review all the functionality available to the driver in each of the 5 sections.

Co-Driver: Up to 3 co-drivers can be added at any given time. Upon selecting
Add Co-Driver, the user will be taken to the login screen. Co-drivers can be
switched to driver while the vehicle is not in motion.
Vehicle Details: Displays the
current vehicle you are connected
to. If you are not currently
connected to a vehicle, the app
provides the option to connect with
a vehicle from the vehicle list which
is sorted by proximity.

In case of connection
with an incorrect
vehicle, Disconnect
the Bluetooth from the
current vehicle and select
Connect to find a new
vehicle to connect to.

Trailer: Click on the
icon to add the trailer IDs of the trailers that are
connected to your tractor or vehicle for this daily log. Up to 3 trailers can be
maintained. Click on the
icon to edit/delete existing trailer IDs.
Shipping Reference: Click on the
icon to maintain shipping references
along with validity dates. Click on the
icon to edit/delete existing
shipping references.

Please note:
If a trailer or shipping reference is missing from
the current setup, a red badge will appear on the
Setup icon for the number of outstanding items.

The Dashboard displays all the Hours of Service (HOS) statuses, highlighting
your current status in blue. If a sub-status is selected, a badge appears on
top of the current status. Also displayed are different timers for all available
Blue timers:
No violations at this time.
Amber timers: You are within 30 minutes of being in violation.
Red timers:	You are already in a violation state or will be in a
violation state, if you start driving or go on duty.


Timer Icons

1. S
 ince Daily Reset:
Daily time available (14 hrs) in which
you can be On-Duty. The timer
resets back to 0:00 on the first
On-Duty status of the day, with a
qualified reset of 10 hrs Off-Duty.

4. 3
 0 Minute Break Due/
Time Remaining:
Displays the count down to a
30 min. break from 8:00 hrs.

2.	Daily Driving:
Daily time available (11 hours) in
which you can drive. The timer
resets back to 0:00 on the first
On-Duty status of the day, with a
qualified reset of 10 hrs in Off-Duty.
3. Cycle On-Duty:
Timer displays the hours
available in your weekly cycle.

Once a 30-min. break is started
from an Off-Duty status, the timer
will display the time remaining count
down for 30 mins. and will apply to
the Off-Duty period selected.
If a daily or weekly Off-Duty
reset has been selected, after
30 mins. has been reached, the
timer will display the time left
to fulfill the reset qualification
(ex: 10 hrs for a daily reset).

Tip: Tap on Since Daily Reset Timer or
Daily Driving to switch between Used
and Remaining Hours.


Selecting Status

As you continue through your day and your status changes, you can modify
that status within the Verizon Connect LogBook app. Follow these steps:
1. S
 elect a main HOS status. This includes Off-Duty, Sleeper Berth, Driving
and On-Duty statuses. Driving status will update automatically as your
vehicle starts moving.
2. S
 elect a Sub-Status, if applicable. The Sub-Status will provide
additional context to your current state. If you do not need a Sub-Status,
leave the section as None, and go to Confirm Status.

Please note: Your location will populate
automatically if you are connected to a vehicle.
However, if disconnected, you will have to enter
a location manually.

	For example: On-Duty  Fueling. This allows you to identify what type of
On-Duty event happened as well as allow you to skip entering text in the
Comment field to define the event further. You can still enter comments
if you feel it is required or recommended.
3. Tap Confirm Status to complete the status update.


Time-Based Statuses

1.	Daily Resets: To set your daily 10 hours Off-Duty, select status as
Off-Duty, set your Sub-Status as Daily Reset and then Confirm.
2. Weekly Resets*: To set your cycle (60/70 Hours), select status as
Off-Duty, set your Sub-Status as Cycle Reset and then Confirm.
3. 3
 0 Minute Break: To set your 30 Minute Break for the 8 Hour Rule,
select status as Off-Duty, set your Sub-Status as 30 Minute Break
and then Confirm. A 30 minute timer will appear in the Dashboard.
*If the driver takes a break
that exceeds the cycle reset
off-duty hours requirements,
he/she is prompted to
reset his/her cycle.


Special Driving Conditions

1.	Yard Moves: Any driving in this status will count towards On-Duty
hours. The driver must be connected to a vehicle and select the
Yard Move sub-status under On-Duty HOS status. Entering
a comment is mandatory while selecting this sub-status.
2.	Personal Conveyance: Any driving in this status will be represented
as Off-Duty status. The driver must be connected to a vehicle
and select Personal Use sub-status under Off-Duty HOS status.
Entering a comment is mandatory while selecting this sub-status.
3.	Adverse Driving Conditions: You can extend daily driving time
by two hours to account for adverse driving conditions. Click on
the icon available in the top right section of the app, and select
Adverse Conditions.

Automatic Status Changes
When the vehicle speed exceeds 5 mph, the LogBook app automatically enters into
Driving Mode. Co-Drivers can access their dashboards but the main driver will not be
able to access his/her dashboard until the vehicle stops.

When the vehicle speed drops to 0 mph for
3 seconds, the screen will be unlocked.
After 5 minutes, the driver will be alerted to
change status. Upon no response from the driver,
after 1 minute the status will be automatically
switched to On-Duty and the On-Duty status is
backdated to the point the vehicle stop was detected.

Status Log
This section includes the DOT mandatory information and includes three different
views: graph, log and driver. You can change the date youre viewing by tapping
either the < > buttons and clicking on the calendar icon to select a specific date.
Within the header of the screen you can see a quick summary of your current
totals in the various statuses as well as other pertinent totals.

Displays a 24-hour timeline
segment from midnight to
midnight in your configured time
zone for your daily statuses.

Events and Stops:
Displays the time each status
occurred along with location at
that point. Click the icon to
display additional information
such as remarks, vehicle, shipping
reference, trailer # and co-driver.

Summary details for 24-hour log
period that includes information such
as driver name, license number, ruleset, motor carrier name and location,
DOT number, ELD Identifier, vehicle
information and commodity hauled.

Editing HOS Status Logs:
You can now edit statuses directly from the app. However, you will not be
able to change driving status, nor will you be able to delete a prior
HOS status.
While you will be warned if an edit you are attempting to make will lead to an
HOS violation, please note that the system will not prevent you from saving
such an edit.
Editing a certified log resets the certification status, requiring the HOS log to
be re-certified.


Status Log


Once you have reviewed the status logs for the day, click on Certify to sign
your status log. The Certify button will appear for uncertified dates only.
A banner on top of the calendar displays the number of uncertified days.
The HOS logs will need to be re-certified if there are changes made
post-certification. When re-certifying the HOS logs, entering a comment
becomes mandatory.

Please note: Once the logs for a particular date are certified, the Certify button
disappears and the date is marked as certified.

Status Log

Inspector Mode

During a roadside inspection, enable Inspector Mode. Inspector Mode
restricts what the inspectors can view, allowing them to see only
current and last 7 days of HOS status log.
In the Inspector Mode, you will notice the following differences
in the HOS logs:

The calendar icon will
disappear; the roadside
inspector must navigate
between current and last
7 days using < > buttons.

2.	The roadside inspector
doesnt have visibility
into driver HOS log
certification status.

3.	A legend for Yard
Moves and Personal
Use appears.

Status Log
Please note: When you submit a request to send
logs to FMCSA, a comment must be entered.


4.	Additional events will appear
within the Events and Stops
section including Diagnostic event,
Malfunctions and unassigned
miles associated with the vehicle.


Click the
icon to print a PDF version or use web-services (email or
web-transfer) to send HOS logs for the past 8 days to roadside inspectors.
Enter the routing code provided by the DOT inspector in the Comment field
during Log submission.

A badge appears in the lower right corner of the application to notify the
driver in case a violation might occur or has already occurred. The driver
is also identified whenever the ELD device successfully passes or fails a
diagnostic check.
The alerts can be also accessed at any time by tapping the bell icon
located in the top left corner of the application.

Notifications: This section includes 3 types of notifications:
Violation warnings and alerts will be available to view.
Click on the X to delete the displayed warnings/alerts.
2.	Proposed changes to driver logs by the Admin or Dispatcher
will be displayed here and the driver can accept or reject the
change. Once accepted the proposed change will be written
to your log.
If you accept a change, the day in question will require re-signing.
3.	Unidentified miles associated with the connected vehicle will
appear in this section. The driver must approve the proposal
before it can be written to his/her log.

Uncertified Logs:
In this section, a list of all uncertified dates will be displayed. You will be
able to review and sign the HOS log for a particular date.

Vehicle Inspection
You can review historical DVIRs submitted for the vehicle you are
connected to as well as submit pre- and post-trip inspection reports
for your vehicle.
Click on Add New to display a pre-defined checklist of inspection items.
Select Checked to indicate inspection completed.
To create defects as necessary, select Has Defect. In case of defects,
comments must be added to give further details. To add a defect, the
item must be marked Checked.
Once all the checklist items are completed, you will be allowed to
Continue to add general comments and save the inspection report.
Once saved, the inspection report will be sent via Wi-Fi or cellular
coverage to the Admin/Dispatcher in the Reports section of the Reveal
web portal.


Besides initial login, you will be required to enter your password when:
1. D
 isabling the
Inspector mode.

2.	Switching between
Primary Driver
and Co-Driver.

3.	The app has been in
the background for
more than 30 minutes.

After entering your password and selecting Unlock, you will return to the
Driver Dashboard.

To log out of the app, go to More section in the bottom of the screen, then
select Log Out. You may log out of the app while On-Dutyyour time will
continue to accumulate.
When logging out of the app when your shift is complete, it is recommended
that you always verify your status is set to Off-Duty | Daily Reset.

Tip: Keep a power charger with your device to ensure you have
power throughout the day.

If you experience an issue, you may be asked to send a Log file by
Support. You may be asked to provide the following when calling
the help line:
1.	Driver ID
used to log
into the app

2.	Date/time
3.	Description of
of the
the scenario

4.	Android or
iOS device

5.	Type of connection (data plan, Wi-Fi or personal hotspot)
6.	Diagnostics Files:
 Tap the More icon in the bottom right corner
Scroll down and select Send to Support
under Diagnostic Files
If you are unable to send the diagnostic files to Support in a timely
manner, we recommend you take a screenshot of the App Diagnostic
Data section to provide to Support at a later time.

For 24/7 driver support, please call 844.307.2867*
2018 Verizon Connect Inc. All rights reserved. *Live 24/7 support for drivers using the LogBook mobile application on iOS/
Android only. Includes basic mobile application troubleshooting support only.

© 2024

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