User manual for "Safe ELD white app"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Safe ELD white app".
For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page
SAFE ELD WHITE User Guide Table of Contents: Step 1: Download and Install Safe ELD White Application Step 2: Logging In Step 3: Connecting ELD Device Step 4: Dashboard Step 5: Change Status Step 6: Recap Hours Step 7: Check Logs Step 8: Certifying Logs Step 9: Shipping Document Step 10: Trailer information Step 11: Switch driver screen Step 12: Check Account Information Step 13: Sync Data Step 14: DOT Inspection Step 15: Logging Out Step 1: Download and Install Safe ELD White Application Screen: Open the App Store on your device. Search for 'SAFE ELD WHITE'. Action: Download and install the application Reminder: Using a personal phone for ELD purposes can cause technical problems and ELD data malfunctions. It's recommended to use a dedicated device for work. Step 2: Logging In Screen: The login screen displays a field to enter your username and password. Action: Before logging in, obtain your login credentials from your safety manager. Ensure you complete entering your login and password. Step 3: Connecting ELD Device Connecting ELD Device: A prompt appears asking to use Bluetooth. Action: Tap "Allow" to connect the ELD device. Make sure your ELD device is connected. If you encounter problems with the ELD connection, contact your safety manager or our technical support department. Step 4: Dashboard Dashboard: Screen: The main dashboard displays duty information, including available driving time, shift time, and cycle available time. Action: Ensure your ELD is connected and your internet connection is stable. Step 5: Change Status Change Status: Screen: Status update screen with options such as OFF, SB, DR, ON, PC. Action: Tap "Status" and select the appropriate status, then update the current location and any notes. Step 6: Recap Hours Recap Hours: Screen: Recap hours screen showing hours worked and available. Action: Access from the main menu to check your recap hours. Step 7: Check Logs Screen: Logs screen displaying daily logs. Action: Scroll your days to check if the statuses are displayed correctlly. Step 8: Certifying Logs Screen: On the bottom right side of the screen is the "Certify day" menu . Action: Access from the "Certify day" menu draw the signature and press Certify. Step 9: Shipping Document Shipping Document: Screen: Form screen Action: Tap the central form menu, you will see your current information. Step 10: Trailer information Screen: Form screen Action: Tap the option trailer you can delete your old trailer or to add new to safe new one tap Add. Step 11: Switch driver screen Screen: Switch driver screen. Action: Tap "Switch Team," choose your co-driver, select your duty status as SB, and choose either "Sign Out" or "Disconnect." Step 12: Check Account Information Screen: Account information screen. Action: Tap the "Account" option to view your personal profile and company information. Step 13: Sync Data Screen: Sync data screen. Action: In case of a technical problem, tap the sync button in the account menu. Step 14: DOT Inspection Screen: DOT inspection screen. Action: Tap the Status, change status to "ON" add comment "Dot inspection" and tap update. Step 14: DOT Inspection: Screen: DOT inspection screen. Action: Tap the menu, select "DOT Inspection," send log, choose the method (usually web transfer), include the web transfer code received from the DOT inspector, and tap "Send." Step 15: Logging Out Tap "Account". Select "Logout".