User manual for "ILOGELD"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "ILOGELD".
For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page
Drivers Manual ILOG ELD ELD Installation Identify the ECM port Find your trucks ECM (diagnostic) port and identify the cable. Heavy-duty vehicles usually have 9/6-pin circular ports. Light or medium-duty vehicles have 16-pin OBDII port. Install the Hardware Plug the device into the ECM port with the provided cable. Mount the device on a dashboard so that it is visible for the driver while seated and from the outside of the vehicle. Log into the Mobile App Download the app to your mobile device of choice and use the credentials created by your eet manager to log in. You will nd a list of available vehicles to choose from; select yours and let the Bluetooth connect to the hardware to start recording driving time, miles and locations. Automatic Logging Hours of Service (HOS) Your hours of service are automatically recorded by the ELD system and displayed on your mobile device. The application switches your duty status to Driving any time the vehicle moves at a speed of at least 5 mph. With the Driving status on, you are not allowed to make any adjustments or access any of the apps features. If the vehicle doesnt move for more than ve minutes, you will get an on-screen notication to change your duty status. In the absence of response, the system will automatically switch the status to On Duty-Not Driving. HOS Violations In case of potential or actual violations, you will be alerted by the system. In case of missing log data, you will see a red exclamation icon on the main logs screen. Tap on the icon to see the details. You can review the list of HOS violations below the log-graph, including missing breaks, extended driving time, shift or cycle. DOT Safety Inspections If stopped for a roadside inspection, start the DOT Inspection mode: 1. Use DOT Inspection for roadside inspections. 2. Tap Start Inspection and give your mobile device to the ofcer. 3. If necessary, tap Send Logs to transfer RODS to the FMCSA.