User manual for "Matrack ELD for Android"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "Matrack ELD for Android".
For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page
Matrack Inc..
Hours of Service Getting started with Matrack ELD Table of Contents Login ......................................................4 Installation ......................................................6 Login ......................................................7 Hours of Service ......................................................12 Certify Log ......................................................14 Roadside Inspection ......................................................19 Data Transfer Driver Profile Settings Device Malfunction Device Diagnostics Unidentified Driving Profile Customer Support ......................................................21 ......................................................22 ......................................................27 ......................................................29 ......................................................31 ......................................................33 Introduction Matrack ELD solution for Hours Of Service (HOS) is designed and developed according to FMCSAs ELD specification. The Matrack device connects with Engine Control Module (ECM) of the vehicle and retrieves vehicle data including engine, speed, location using engine synchronization and Global Positioning System (GPS). Matrack ELD solution requires two components, an onboard device that connects with ECM and Matrack ELD mobile app. Refer Installation section for device installation. Login Login to the app using valid username and password. User will continue to stay logged in till logout. 1 Enter the username and password to login. If you do not have an account, contact fleet manager. . Important: Contact your Fleet manager for user credentials. Installation Connect the available (9 pin/6 pin/16pin) diagnostic end of the provided cable to the vehicle diagnostic port usually found in the vehicle cabin. Under the dashboard. Underneath the steering wheel. Below the drivers seat. Near the drivers left kick panel. Connect the device to the other end of the cable. ELD Device will automatically turn on when connected. Install Matrack ELD app, login, connect to ELD device via Bluetooth BLE. Turn on the ignition Device is powered up and start recording hours of service Login 1 Tap on the gray vehicle icon displayed in the title bar. to choose the vehicle from the list. Logged in username and chosen vehicle will be 2 Select a vehicle from the list of vehicles allowed for the driver by the fleet manager. Important: If your vehicle selection list is empty, contact your fleet manager. 3 On selecting a vehicle, a pop-up window will be displayed where user can select either Matrack Tracker or Pacific Tracker. On selecting the tracker, nearby available Bluetooth devices will be listed. 4 After selecting the vehicle and powering on the connected tracker, the dashboard screen will display the device power status using the vehicle icon. Green vehicle icon indicates powered up state and red vehicle icon indicates powered off state. The current status of the driver will be displayed on the screen. Important: The onboard device records data even when a driver was not associated with the vehicle. Before start driving, it is recommended for drivers to select the vehicle. Otherwise, it will be added to the unidentified driver profile of that vehicle. Driver can claim that later. Unidentified driver profile will be displayed to the drivers associated with that vehicle in the subsequent login. 5 The current status of the driver will be displayed in the middle of the screen inside the circle. The driver status can be changed by clicking the Current Status, and it will show change status screen and allow the driver to change status to Off duty, Sleeper Berth, On duty, Driving, Yard Move (YM), and Personal Conveyance (PC). The location and odometer details will be available from ELD devices. Driver also can manually add these details. On tapping the location icon, the current location will be fetched and displayed. The annotation note is mandatory for status PC , YM, Manual Driving. After selecting new status and enter requested details, current status will be changed to selected status upon tapping save button. Hours of Service After selecting the device, the driving status will be updated automatically. Automatic Driving Status 1 When the vehicle starts moving at the speed 5 mph or greater, current status for the driver will automatically change to Driving. It continues to remain Driving when the vehicle is in motion. A driving window will be displayed when speed is 5 mph or greater which will disappear when the speed is 0. On the driving window, the vehicle status will display as motion. Driver cannot make any other operation in the app screen while the vehicle is in motion. During automatic driving event, an intermediate log will be recorded in every one hour when vehicle in motion. Drivers may change the status to off duty and then PC for personal conveyance which will be recorded as personal conveyance in the event record. Drivers may also change the status to YM for yard moves which will be recorded as yard move in the event records. Driving window appears during PC and YM when vehicle is moving with the respective driving status. 2 Once the vehicle remains stationary (speed = 0) for 5 minutes, a new screen appears in the app asking, whether you want to change the status. Driver may select continue Driving status or change to different status. If no response was received within 60 seconds, driving status will automatically change to On Duty. . Certify Log End of the day or multiple times in the day drivers can certify and sign the logs for the day. Need to re-certify and sign again if the changes were made after initial signing. 1 \ Tap on the Form icon in Logs screen to fill in the form before approving the log. 2 \ The driver gets the form data displayed on the screen. On tapping form icon from day log screen, General info screen will be displayed with three tabs Form, signature and review. The form tab has three sub-sections- general, carrier, and codriver. Form data can be edited by tapping the edit icon in each sub-section which would lead to the editable tabs- General, Carrier and Co-driver. (a) Form screen (b)General section (c)Carrier section (d) Co-driver section 3 \ Tap on the edit icon in form to edit the details. After editing the details, click on save button to reflect the changes. 4 \ Add your signature using the signature tab in General info, if not present. Then certify and approve the log using Approve button in review tab. 5 \ Once you tap the Approve button, the Drivers Certification screen appears along with agree or not ready button. Tap agree button to approve the log. If you tap not ready, log are not authenticated by driver and will appear unauthenticated to the concerned authority. Roadside Inspection DOT Inspection screen allows DOT inspectors to view Drivers RODS in the ELD display. The drivers RODS (ELD output file) can be sent to the DOT Inspector upon request as per FMCSAs data transfer requirements. Driver can use either Web service or Secure Email option to transfer ELD output files. FMCSA will make ELD output file available for the DOT inspector. The data transfer form will have a mandatory text field, comment, to enter any data/code provided by the DOT inspector. 1 \ Tap on the Inspection tab to generate the driver's RODS. The driver can choose the date for which report needs to be displayed. Use date navigator buttons to change date. The View Additional Details option displays a popup window with other details. Data Transfer ELD output files can be transferred to the concerned authorities using ELD's Data Transfer Feature. Matrack ELD supports FMCSA's Option-1 Telematics for data transfer. Driver can select either Web Service or Email option for data transfer. During road side inspection, DOT Inspector may provide mandatory text to be sent alone with ELD output file. Enter the mandatory text in the comments. 1 \ Select Data transfer option in the Dot Inspection to initiate Date transfer to FMCSA using Web Service or Secure Email. Driver Profile Settings Settings allow the driver to view/ edit the driver details, carrier details, time zone and cycle rule and preferences. The driver can reset password from the settings page. 1 \ Tap driver details option in settings screen in order to see the driver details. Tapping the edit option in driver details screen will enable the edit screen and driver can enter/edit driver name, license number, dot number, email and phone number. 2 \ Tap carrier details option in settings screen in order to see the carrier details. Tapping the edit option in carrier details screen will enable the edit screen and driver can enter/edit carrier name, office and home terminal address. 3 \ Tap time zone and cycle rule option in settings screen in order to see the time zone and cycle details. Tapping the edit option in time zone and cycle details screen will enable the edit screen and driver can enter /edit time zone, cycle, cargo type, restart hours, rest break mins. 5 \ Reset the password. Device Malfunction Malfunction and diagnostics events of the ELD device were visually indicated in the ELD display. Malfunction was indicated with red banner instead of regular blue banner in the logs screen and red dot on the top right for all other screens. When a malfunction was found during the diagnostic event, the banner in the log screen will turn to red color with a text Malfunction including the malfunction code in parenthesis. For instance, Malfunction(P). The values of malfunction code contain values P, E, T, L, R, S, or O as per FMCSA requirement. When clicked on the malfunction banner, it will take the driver to malfunction screen where additional details about the malfunction with malfunction code description highlighted. In the event of malfunction, drivers are required to maintain Drivers Daily Logs manually and report about the malfunction to the carrier within 24 hours. The problem should be resolved within 8 days. Contact your fleet manager and Matrack customer support for assistance. Customer support details are available at the end of this document and in apps Help and Support screen. Important: Tap on the red banner for additional details about the malfunction. The malfunction screen will display the malfunction code and highlight the malfunction description. Sl.No. Malfunction Code Malfunction Description 1 P Power compliance malfunction 2 E Engine synchronization compliance malfunction 3 T Timing compliance malfunction 4 L Positioning compliance malfunction 5 R Data recording compliance malfunction 6 S Data transfer compliance malfunction 7 O Other ELD detected malfunction Device Diagnostics Matrack ELD software monitors power, engine synchronization, missing data and various internal data diagnostics periodically. During the diagnostics checks, visual indication is displayed in the ELD display. When a diagnostics event was found during the diagnostic check, the yellow dot will be displayed in all screen in right top corner. When clicked on the diagnostics event yellow dot, it will take the driver to diagnostics details screen where additional details about the diagnostics event will be displayed. Important: Tap on the yellow dot for additional details about the diagnostic event. The diagnostic event screen will display the diagnostics details. Sl.No Diagnostic Code Data Diagnostic Event 1 1 Power data diagnostic event 2 2 Engine synchronization data diagnostic event 3 3 Missing required data elements data diagnostic event 4 4 Data transfer data diagnostic event 5 5 Unidentified driving records data diagnostic event 6 6 Other ELD identified diagnostic event Unidentified Driving Profile DOT regulations require all the ELD Driving events in the ELD should be assigned to the drivers. If the vehicle is in motion and no driver was connected to the ELD then it will be recorded under Unidentified Driving events that can be claimed by the drivers later. The Unidentified driving events will be displayed to all drivers of that ELD after the login. Driver can view/claim Unidentified driving events selecting Unidentified driving icon in the home screen. 1 \ Tap on Unidentified driving option in the side menu to view/claim Unidentified driving events. 2 \ The driver can view /claim the driving events from this screen. Tapping claim button will display the popup to enter missing details. Customer Support If you have any queries, reach to the following mail: [email protected]. Drivers can reach customer support using Apps Help and Support screen.