User manual for "ReadySet Papeld"

Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "ReadySet Papeld".

For contact information and additional devices produced by the same vendor see their page ReadySet Papeld.

Driver's Manual
ReadySet Papeld

Download the logbook app to your preferred device. Your eet
manager must provide you with a username and password that
you will use to log into your account.

1. Make sure you have the appropriate cable for your vehicle.
2. Connect the cable to the ELD and then to your vehicles
diagnostic port.

The diagnostic port is usually located under the dashboard or on the oor next
to the drivers seat.

3. Secure the device to the dashboard or the side of the cabin.

Go to the Logs section on the menu to access your current logs and those for the
past 14 days.
You can tap on a specic status to edit it, but prior statuses cannot be deleted.
Driving time captured by the ELD cannot be changed in any way.
Certied logs can be edited, but this action will invalidate the certication. You must
recertify the log after making the edit.
Please note that edits can result in HOS violations. The system will alert you of such
cases, but will not discard the edit.

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