User manual for "MiX Hours of Service for Rovi IV"
Below you will find the vendor provided user manual for the ELD product "MiX Hours of Service for Rovi IV".
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MiX Telematics.
MiX ELD Driver Guide This guide must accompany any MiX Telematics Electronic Logging Device (ELD) as required by U.S.DOT/FMCSA Regulation 395.15, (g) (1) (2). 2|P a g e LEGAL NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER The legislation and rules concerning the installation and operation of GPS driver aids, which includes the MiX Hours of Service Electronic Logging Device (MiX ELD), vary between states. You are required to familiarize yourself with the laws of the jurisdiction(s) in which the vehicle will be operated prior to installing and using the MiX ELD. Applicable laws and regulations place the responsibility on the motor carrier to have electronic logging devices correctly installed. The MiX ELD therefore needs to be installed in a manner that complies with the law and will not cause accidents, property damage, personal injury or death. The owner of the MiX ELD and the vehicle are responsible for observing safe driving practices. The MiX ELD should be used strictly in compliance with this driver guide. MIX TELEMATICS DISCLAIMS, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ANY AND ALL LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND HOWSOEVER ARISING AND SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, LOSSES, COSTS OR EXPENSES, WHETHER DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL, ARISING OUT OF ANY ACCIDENT, INJURY OR DEATH OR RELATED TO IMPROPER OR UNLAWFUL USE OF THIS USER MANUAL OR THE MIX ELD. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, MIX TELEMATICS MAKES NO AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES (EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THEY MAY NOT LAWFULLY BE DISCLAIMED), INCLUDING, WITHOUT PREJUDICE TO THE GENERALITY OF THE FOREGOING, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THIS LEGAL NOTICE IS IN ADDITION TO, AND NOT IN SUBSTITUTION FOR, THE WARRANTY DISCLAIMERS AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY CLAUSE CONTAINED IN MIX TELEMATICS STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS. The material in this driver guide is for informational purposes only. The driver guide and the MiX ELD are made available on an as is basis. As MiX Telematics is continuously improving and developing its products, MiX Telematics may make changes to the MiX ELD at any time, without prior notice, which may not be reflected in this driver guide. Please contact your nearest MiX Telematics regional sales office if you require any further assistance. Copyright 2017 MiX Telematics International (Pty) Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this driver guide may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written permission of MiX Telematics International (Pty) Ltd. MiX Telematics is a trademark of MiX Telematics Limited. All rights reserved. Description: DRIVER GUIDE, MIX TELEMATICS INTERNATIONAL (PTY) LTD. 3|P a g e Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................... 5 HOS Overview ............................................................................................................................................................... 6 ELD Power Up ............................................................................................................................................................... 8 Log in ............................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Home Screen ............................................................................................................................................................... 11 Indicators on the home screen ......................................................................................................................... 12 Settings ........................................................................................................................................................................ 12 Setting the Audio Volume ................................................................................................................................. 12 Setting the Display Brightness .......................................................................................................................... 13 Accessing the Hours of Service screen ....................................................................................................................... 13 Setting the Active Driver ................................................................................................................................... 14 Changing Drivers .............................................................................................................................................. 16 Changing Duty Status ....................................................................................................................................... 18 Exempt Drivers ................................................................................................................................................. 20 Timeclock on the ELD and the Kiosk ................................................................................................................ 22 Special Driving Conditions ................................................................................................................................ 23 7.6.1 Authorized Personal Use of CMV ......................................................................................................... 23 7.6.2 Changing status to Yard Moves ........................................................................................................... 26 Forgot to set status to Off Duty at end of shift .................................................................................................. 28 Basic Hours of Service functionality............................................................................................................................. 29 View Available Hours ........................................................................................................................................ 29 8.1.1 Shift ....................................................................................................................................................... 29 8.1.2 Cycle ..................................................................................................................................................... 30 8.1.3 Sleeper ................................................................................................................................................. 31 View HOS Log .................................................................................................................................................. 32 8.2.1 Status colour depictions........................................................................................................................ 33 Entering required ELD information............................................................................................................................... 34 Shipping Document ID ...................................................................................................................................... 34 Trailer ID ........................................................................................................................................................... 37 ELD Summary Screen ................................................................................................................................................. 39 Claiming unidentified driving time ............................................................................................................... 40 10.1.1 From the ELD summary screen...................................................................................................... 41 10.1.2 Quick claiming unidentified hours ................................................................................................... 43 Log Editing .................................................................................................................................................. 44 10.2.1 Add a duty status ............................................................................................................................ 45 Adding Authorized Personal Use of CMV to the driver log ..................................................... 47 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Adding Yard Moves to the driver log ....................................................................................... 49 10.2.2 Edit a duty status ............................................................................................................................ 50 10.2.3 Delete a duty status ........................................................................................................................ 52 10.2.4 View annotations ............................................................................................................................ 54 10.2.5 Assigning a historical driving period to a co-driver ......................................................................... 55 Swap driving time when team driving .......................................................................................................................... 58 Pending Edits ............................................................................................................................................................... 60 Log Certification ........................................................................................................................................................... 62 Sending the logs to email ............................................................................................................................................. 65 Inspections ................................................................................................................................................................... 66 Roadside Inspections ................................................................................................................................. 66 Log inspection events from the Inspections tab.......................................................................................... 71 View and edit logged inspections ............................................................................................................... 72 Data diagnostics and Malfunctions .............................................................................................................................. 74 Malfunction code ......................................................................................................................................... 75 Data Diagnostic Events .............................................................................................................................. 75 Log out ......................................................................................................................................................................... 76 4|P a g e 1 Introduction The MiX Telematics Electronic Logging Device, ELD, when used with the MiX Fleet Manager software, complies with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrations specifications for acceptance of electronic logging devices. The U.S DOT/FMCSA rule authorizing the use of electronic logging devices was published in the Federal Register, September 30, 1988 under the caption Drivers Record of Duty Status; Automatic On-Board Recording Devices; Final Rule and Notice of Termination of Exemptions and may be found in 49 CFR Part 395. The system complies with all rules and changes to this CFR including the FMCSA ELD Final Rule, December 2015. The MiX Telematics ELD is designed for ease of use to assist the driver in meeting FMCSA fatigue management regulations. It is a driver responsibility to ensure the MiX ELD is used in a legally compliant manner. The MiX Telematics ELD consists of an in-cab display, an onboard computer and the MiX Fleet Manager software. The in-cab display and onboard computer connect to the vehicle Engine Control Module, ECM, to automatically measure vehicle motion, distance travelled, vehicle position (via GPS) etc. This information, along with manual input from the driver, is used to create the drivers record of duty status and to calculate the drivers available driving and work hours. On demand, the in-cab display unit can produce the Hours of Service summary information needed to review compliance during inspection procedures. NOTE: the MiX ELD in-cab display is a multi-function device i.e. there are other fleet and driver management features available in addition to managing Hours of Service. This driver guide only covers ELD and relevant Hours of Services features. The information from the onboard equipment is transmitted via cellular data networks to the MiX Fleet Management software. MiX Fleet Manager provides supervisors with real-time access, assuming communication connectivity, to Hours of Service information from their drivers and vehicles. The functions and information within the MiX Fleet Management software allows the supervisor to review, manage and report on driver fatigue management compliance. 5|P a g e 2 HOS Overview HOS Regulations are issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and govern the working hours of drivers operating commercial motor vehicles. The hours-of-service regulations are found in Part 395 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. These regulations are developed and enforced by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, which is a part of the United States Department of Transportation. Who must comply Hours-of-service regulations apply to commercial motor vehicles (trucks or tractor-trailers) that: Weigh (including any load) 10,001 pounds (4,536 kg) or more, or Have a gross vehicle weight rating or gross combination weight rating of 10,001 pounds (4,536 kg) or more, or Are transporting hazardous materials in a quantity requiring placards. On-Duty Time On-duty time with regards to a commercial motor vehicle is defined as all the time spent working for the motor carrier and includes: All time at a plant, terminal, facility, or other property of a motor carrier or shipper, or on any public property, waiting to be dispatched, unless you have been relieved from duty by the motor carrier; All time inspecting, servicing, or conditioning any truck, including fueling it and washing it at any time; All driving time, as defined in the term driving time; All other time in or on a commercial motor vehicle other than: (i) Time spent resting in or on a parked vehicle, except as otherwise provided in Section 397.5 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations; (ii) Time spent resting in a sleeper-berth; (iii) Up to 2 hours riding in the passenger seat of a property-carrying vehicle moving on the highway immediately before or after a period of at least 8 consecutive hours in the sleeper-berth. All time loading, unloading, supervising, or attending your truck; or handling paperwork for shipments; All time taking care of your truck when it is broken down; All time spent providing a breath, saliva, or urine sample for drug/alcohol testing, including travel to and from the collection site; All time spent doing any other work for a motor carrier, including giving or receiving training and driving a company car; and All time spent doing paid work for anyone who is not a motor carrier, such as a part time job at a local restaurant. 6|P a g e Driving Time All time spent at the driving controls of a Commercial Motor Vehicle. Off-Duty Time Off-duty time is when a driver is relieved of all duties and responsibilities at work. Sleeper Berth Time spent in a berth conforming to the requirements of FMCSA Regulation 393.76. See 395.1 (g) for specific rules. Oilfield Exemption Specially trained drivers of vehicles specially designed to serve oil wells do not have to include waiting time in their on-duty time. See 395.1 (d) (1) and (d) (2) Cycle A Cycle is the number of hours and days that make up a driver's weekly aggregate on-duty limit e.g. A 60/70 hour limit based on 7 or 8-day period depending on the rule set applied to a driver. Adverse Driving Conditions Adverse driving conditions are unexpected driving conditions which were not known or could not have been reasonably predicted before the start of driving. These conditions include snow, sleet, fog, traffic, or shut-down due to an accident. Rush hour and lack of planning do not count as adverse driving conditions. FMCSA Regulation 395.1 (b) (1), 395.2. Emergency Driving Exception The emergency exception can extend driving or on-duty limits. This applies only if further driving is necessary to reach a destination that provides safety for the vehicle's occupants or security for a vehicle's commercial load. FMCSA Regulation 395.1 (b) (2). Exempt Drivers Drivers who use the timecard exception are not required to keep records of duty status (RODS) or use ELDs. These drivers include: Drivers who use paper RODS for not more than 8 days out of every 30day period; Drivers of vehicles manufactured before the model year 2000 (as reflected on the vehicle registration); Drivers who are required to keep RODS not more than 8 days within any 30-day period; Drivers who conduct drive-away-tow-away operations. (Please refer to the FMCSA website for more information.) 7|P a g e 3 ELD Power Up The driver is required to initiate the power-up of the MiX ELD by turning the key to the vehicle batteryon position. Important note: The MiX ELD needs to be powered-up approximately two minutes before the vehicle engine is powered-up. This is required in order for the MiX ELD to record the engine power-up event, which is required ELD information for the driver log. This typically applies to the first vehicle power-up for the day, as the ELD stays active for a number of hours after vehicle ignition is turned off. The MiX ELD will be ready to use when the screen above is shown. Failure to follow the power-up procedure will result in an engine power diagnostic event being added to the drivers log and unidentified driving being recorded as the MiX ELD may not have recorded the driver log in event. 8|P a g e 4 Log in 1. Insert the red HOS driver plug into the dash-mounted plug reader. 2. Tap the relevant option: 3. Drive as HOS Vehicle. Use as Timeclock (if enabled) Treat as Non-HOS Vehicle (if enabled typically applies to vehicles weighing less than the HOS weight limit when the trailer is unhooked.) Choose how you want to be added: Active Driver The active driver is the person who is intending to drive the vehicle. All of the information about the trip is associated with the active driver. When you log in as an active driver, you will automatically be in the On Duty (Not Driving) state. Co-Driver The co-driver is the driver who is intending to drive next or later in the shift. No information about the trip is logged for the co-driver but the status is usually On Duty (Not Driving) unless they are in the sleeper berth while the other HOS driver is driving. 9|P a g e 4. Wait for the synchronization to complete. 5. Remove the red driver plug only when prompted. 6. After logging in and out of the MiX ELD, the summary screen will be displayed showing a quick status overview of the ELD-compliance actions. See the ELD summary screen section for more details. NOTE: The driver HOS log is synced with the system when logging in or out. 10 | P a g e 5 Home Screen Navigation buttons (the yellow arrows) have been added on the MiX ELD for ease of use. You can move up, down, left and right with these and use the button in the middle to select whatever option is highlighted on the screen. The red button allows you to go back to the previous screen. The green button means that you are confirming whatever is displayed on the screen. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The default landing screen is called the Home screen and contains information like the: 1. Name of the active driver 2. Driver icon Diagnostics 3. Time 4. Time zone 5. GSM signal indicator 6. Bluetooth indicator 7. Truck icon ELD malfunction 8. Tapping the MiX Telematics logo will also navigate you back to the previous screen. The menu items of all the available and enabled features, e.g. Navigation, Driving Alerts, Hours of Service, etc. is also be displayed here on the home screen. 11 | P a g e Indicators on the home screen When the driver icon in the top banner changes from green to red, it indicates a data diagnostics error. When the truck icon in the top banner changes from green to red, it indicates an ELD malfunction. NOTE: When you see an ELD malfunction indicator, immediately revert to using paper logs. For more information, view the Diagnostics and Malfunctions section at the end of this guide. 6 Settings Tap the three white dots in the top right-hand corner on the banner of the home screen. Setting the Audio Volume 1. Tap Settings. 2. Tap Set Volume. 3. To increase the volume, swipe to the right along the bar. 4. To decrease the volume, swipe to the left along the bar. 5. Press the green confirm button. 6. Tap the MiX Telematics logo to go back. Audio alerts from the in-cab device are automatically muted when a driver is in the sleeper duty status. 12 | P a g e Setting the Display Brightness 1. Tap Settings. 2. Tap Set Brightness. 3. To increase the display brightness, swipe to the right along the bar. 4. To decrease the display brightness, swipe to the left along the bar. 5. Press the green confirm button. 6. Tap the MiX Telematics logo to go back. 7 Accessing the Hours of Service screen 1. Tap the Hours of Service menu item on your home screen. Please contact your system administrator to enable this option if it is not available. 2. The HOS home screen is where you can change your duty status, view your available hours and your HOS log or input data and inspections. 13 | P a g e Setting the Active Driver 1. Tap the Hours of Service menu item on the home screen. 2. If only one driver has logged into the MiX ELD with the red driver plug, tap the driver icon on the Hours of Service screen. 3. Select Active Diver from the list of duty statuses. 14 | P a g e 4. Select the text box to enable the keyboard and enter an optional annotation (remark). Press the enter key on your keyboard. Tap here to type 5. Tap Save. 6. The name of the active driver will now be displayed in the top bar. 7. When multiple drivers have logged into the MiX ELD, you can tap the Driver List dropdown and select a new driver from the list. Remember to change the duty status of the newly selected driver to Active Driver as described in the steps above. This allows drivers and codrivers to easily swap when a new driving shift starts. In the example, Mike Brown has been selected from the driver list but not set as the active driver and therefore John Smith is still displayed in the top banner. 15 | P a g e Changing Drivers More than one driver can be logged into a vehicle simultaneously. When you select a driver as an active driver it means that all the trip information will be logged against this driver as this is the person currently driving. There can also be more than one co-driver logged into a vehicle at the same time. The codriver is another HOS driver who is riding in a DOT regulated vehicle and their status is usually On Duty (Not Driving), unless they are in the sleeper berth while the other HOS driver is driving. (Tap the Hours of Service on the home screen to access the HOS screen.) 1. Tap Driver List. NOTE: This dropdown is only available if two or more drivers have logged in using the red driver plugs. 2. Select a new driver from the Driver List. 16 | P a g e 3. Confirm the correct driver has been selected. 4. If you want to change the duty status of the selected driver to the active driver, tap the driver icon shown above and select Active Driver. 5. Enter an optional annotation (remark). (Select the textbox to enable the keyboard and press enter once you have finished typing.) Tap here to type 6. Tap Save. 17 | P a g e 7. The Active Driver has been changed and the name of the new driver is now displayed in the top bar. Changing Duty Status 1. Tap the Hours of Service menu item on the home screen. 2. Tap the driver icon on the HOS home screen. 18 | P a g e 3. Select an applicable HOS duty status. NOTE: The available HOS duty status options may vary as per your ruleset. 4. Select the text box to enable the keyboard and enter an optional annotation (remark). Press the enter key on your keyboard when you are done typing. Tap here to type 5. Tap Save. 6. The duty status has now been changed and will be displayed below the driver icon on the HOS home screen. When you start driving, and you have been set as the Active Driver and your duty status has been set to On Duty (Not Driving), it will automatically change to On Duty Driving as soon as you go faster than 5 miles per hour. 19 | P a g e Exempt Drivers A supervisor or HOS administrator can configure a driver as exempt from HOS management in the MiX Fleet Manager application. If you are an HOS-exempt driver, the MiX ELD will display a confirmation message when logging on and off using the red driver plug. You will still be able to access some of the features relevant to an exempt driver. Restricted functionality will be indicated as such on the ELD screen. 1. Log in using the red driver plug and select whether you want to be added as the Active Driver or the Co-driver. 2. Remove the plug when prompted after the synchronization has been completed. 20 | P a g e 3. The MiX ELD will indicate on the HOS home screen that you are an HOS-exempt driver. 4. This will also be indicated on the driver information log when doing a roadside inspection. NOTE: Functionality not relevant to HOS-exempt drivers will not be available on the MiX ELD. 21 | P a g e Timeclock on the ELD and the Kiosk The ELD can be used in Timeclock mode, which means that you can change your duty status without actually logging into the vehicle. Any changes made on the Timeclock will be synchronized to the red driver plug and to the data center, assuming there is communications coverage. You can also log into the Timeclock kiosk to view your current available hours and view or print your log report. You can add an annotation (remark) when changing the duty status on the Timeclock. Any duty status changes are synchronized to the MiX Fleet Manager system from the Timeclock and onto the red driver plug. 1. Log in using the red driver plug and select Use as Timeclock. 2. You can now view your Available hours and HOS Log. 3. To exit the Timeclock functionality, tap Exit. 22 | P a g e 4. Tap Exit Vehicle or Non-HOS mode. 5. If you selected Non-HOS mode, your status will automatically be changed to On Duty (Not Driving). 6. Remove the plug. Special Driving Conditions The MiX ELD and the driver both have to be enabled to use the special driving conditions. These are specifically shown on the log graph within the Off Duty and On Duty (Not Driving) statuses. You can also add these special driving conditions afterwards when editing your logs. See Log Editing in the ELD summary screen section. 7.6.1 Authorized Personal Use of CMV Authorized Personal Use of CMVs applies when using the vehicle for non-work related purposes, e.g. driving from work to home or to a place of rest. 1. Tap the Hours of Service icon on the home screen. 23 | P a g e 2. Make sure the duty status has been set to Off Duty by tapping the driver icon. NOTE: The drivers status must be set to Off Duty to be in Personal Use Mode. 3. Tap Normal Mode in the top menu bar. 4. Tap Authorized Personal Use of CMVs. 5. Enter a mandatory annotation: minimum of 4 characters and a maximum of 60. (Select the textbox to enable the keyboard and press enter once you have finished typing.) 6. Tap Save. 24 | P a g e You can now use the vehicle for personal use, which will not count towards your on duty hours. Whilst in Personal Use Mode, it will be indicated in the top green banner. NOTE: You cannot change your duty status while in Personal Use Mode. 7. To revert to Normal Mode, tap the Personal Use banner as shown above, and select Normal Mode. 8. The ELD will default to an Off Duty state when exiting Personal Use mode but you can set your desired duty status on this screen and add an optional annotation. (Select the textbox to enable the keyboard and press enter once you have finished typing.) 25 | P a g e 9. If you have not manually changed back to Normal Mode before turning off ignition, when starting the vehicle the next day (or after the rest period), you will be asked if you want to continue with the authorized personal use of CMV. If you select no, you will be set as the non-active driver and in the Off Duty state. Note that in Personal Use Mode, the location information of the vehicle is made less accurate, as required by the ELD mandate. 7.6.2 Changing status to Yard Moves The driver has to be enabled to use the special driving conditions. Yard moves apply when moving the vehicle around a yard or terminal and not driving on the road. 1. Tap the Hours of Service icon on the home screen. 26 | P a g e 2. Change the duty state to On Duty (Not Driving) by tapping the driver icon. NOTE: You can only switch to Yard Moves when in the On Duty (Not Driving) duty status. 3. Tap Normal Mode. 4. Tap Yard Moves. 5. Enter a mandatory annotation: minimum of 4 characters and a maximum of 60. (Select the textbox to enable the keyboard and press enter once you have finished typing.) 6. Tap Save. 27 | P a g e You can now move the vehicle while in Yard Moves mode. 7. You can change back to Normal Mode by tapping the dropdown list next to Yard Moves. Once the ignition has been turned off, the work state will also automatically revert to On Duty (Not Driving) in Normal Mode. Forgot to set status to Off Duty at end of shift If you did not set your status to Off Duty before logging out or switching off the ignition, the MiX ELD will give you the ability to set the date and time that your previous shift ended when switching on the ELD if it has recorded that you were set to the On Duty status for more than 14 hours. 1. Tap Yes if you want to specify the date and time that you went off duty on your previous shift. 2. Select the date by tapping on the calendar icon and select the time by tapping on the clock. Enter an annotation and tap Save to confirm the added Off Duty status. (Select the textbox to enable the keyboard and press enter once you have finished typing.) 28 | P a g e 8 Basic Hours of Service functionality View Available Hours View available hours for the current shift, cycle and sleeper. 8.1.1 1. Shift Tap the Hours of Service icon 2. Tap Available Hours. 29 | P a g e 3. Tap the Shift icon. 4. View available hours for the current shift. NOTE: It is possible to toggle between available Shift, Cycle, and Sleeper hours by selecting these tabs. 8.1.2 1. Cycle Tap the Available Hours icon. 30 | P a g e 2. Tap the Cycle icon. 3. View available hours for the current cycle. NOTE: It is possible to toggle between available Shift, Cycle, and Sleeper hours by selecting these tabs. 8.1.3 1. Sleeper Tap the Available Hours icon. 31 | P a g e 2. Tap the Shift or Cycle icon. 3. Tap Sleeper at the bottom of the screen. 4. View hours used in sleeper. NOTE: It is possible to toggle between available Shift, Cycle, and Sleeper hours. View HOS Log 1. Tap the Hours of Service icon. 32 | P a g e 2. Tap HOS Log. 3. Tap the left and right arrow to go back and forth between days. 4. View status changes and the time spent during various duty statuses. (See below for an illustration of the various status depictions.) 5. Zoom in and out using the hours icons at the top. 8.2.1 Status colour depictions 33 | P a g e 9 Entering required ELD information Shipping Document ID ELD legislation requires that, if relevant, you enter the shipping document information applicable to your shift on the ELD device. This will then automatically be associated with your driver HOS log. 1. Tap the Input Data button on the HOS home screen. Please note that your status must be set to Active Driver to enter input data. 2. Tap the Shipping button. 34 | P a g e 3. Input a value and select Submit to enter. (Select the textbox to enable the keyboard and press enter once you have finished typing.) 4. Tap OK to send the shipping document ID input value. 5. You can also view, edit or remove this information by tapping HOS Log > Log Viewer > and the Input Data tab at the bottom of the Log Viewer screen 6. Tap the downward arrow next to the item you wish to edit or remove and tap the relevant option. 7. To add additional input data select add before or add after the selected row. 35 | P a g e 8. When editing or removing the input data you need to supply a mandatory annotation (remark) after tapping Save. (Select the textbox to enable the keyboard and press enter once you have finished typing.) 9. Any edited input data will be displayed with a red asterisk. 10. You will also see the inputted value for the shipping ID displayed on your roadside inspection report. 36 | P a g e Trailer ID ELD legislation requires that you enter the trailer ID relevant to your shift if applicable. This will then be automatically associated with your driver HOS log. 1. Tap the Input Data button on the HOS home screen. Please note that your status must be set to Active Driver to enter input data. 2. Tap the Trailer Hook button. 3. Input a value and select Submit to enter. (Select the textbox to enable the keyboard and press enter once you have finished typing.) 37 | P a g e 4. Tap OK to send the trailer hook input value. 5. You can also view, edit or remove this information by tapping HOS Log > Log Viewer > and the Input Data tab at the bottom of the Log Viewer screen. 6. To add additional input data, select the downward arrow and choose Add before or Add after the relevant row or tap the add button. 7. When editing or removing the input data you need to supply a mandatory annotation (remark). (Select the textbox to enable the keyboard and press enter once you have finished typing.) 8. Added data will be displayed on the input data list and edits will be shown with a red asterisk. 38 | P a g e 10 ELD Summary Screen When logging in and out of the MiX ELD, a summary screen will appear showing a quick status overview of the ELD-compliant actions. This will allow you to easily access and review the unidentified hours, pending edits and log certification features. You can also close this page to return at a later stage. 1. You will see this screen when logging in or out by inserting the red HOS driver plug or by following the steps described below. You will see the number of actionable items indicated in a red count next to the menu item. 2. If you tapped the Close button on the summary screen, you can always return to this screen at a later stage by tapping the Hours of Service menu item on the home screen. 39 | P a g e 3. Tap HOS Log. 4. Tap Manage Log. Claiming unidentified driving time Unidentified hours are Driving and On Duty (Not Driving) periods that are not associated with an HOS or exempt driver. When drivers do not log into the MiX ELD using the red plug or forget to set themselves as the active driver, but continues to drive, driving time is being recorded but not associated to anyone. Unidentified hours are automatically allocated to the Unidentified Driver Profile, which exists on each MiX ELD/vehicle. The Unidentified Driver Profile is similar to a normal HOS driver in that it is possible to review the logs and log graph. If you forgot to identify yourself as the active driver, claim a specific period of unidentified driving time by: 1. Tapping the relevant trip on the list of unidentified activity displayed on the ELD Summary screen. 2. By using the quick claim feature that prompts you after an unidentified trip took place. 40 | P a g e 10.1.1 From the ELD summary screen Get to this screen by tapping Hours of Service > HOS Log > Manage Log. 1. Tap Unidentified Hours. 2. You will be presented with a list of all the unidentified activity within the last 7+ 1 days. 3. Select the relevant unidentified activity by tapping the box next to it and pressing the green button on the ELD. You can multi-select driving periods if you want to claim more than one. 4. To add the unidentified hours, tap Assign. This transfers the time from the Unidentified Driver Profile on the ELD to your driver log. 41 | P a g e 5. Read the prompt and tap OK. 6. Review the accepting it. log graph before You can zoom in and out by tapping the hours icons on the timeline above, 24h, 12h, 8h, 6h, 3h View the added driving period indicated in dark green with the dashed outline. 7. Tap Next. 8. Preview the available hours listing. You can view the available hours for your shift, cycle or sleeper. Now either Accept or Reject the change and tap OK to confirm on the next screen. Tapping Reject will return you to the unidentified hours listing screen. 42 | P a g e 9. The claimed driving period can be seen on the log graph indicated in red. 10.1.2 Quick claiming unidentified hours Even though the MiX ELD displays a warning message if the vehicle starts driving without an identified active driver, it could happen that drivers do not identify themselves before starting a driving period. 1. When a vehicle has been driving without an identified active driver and a user logs in or changes the status to the active driver, the MiX ELD will prompt you if you would like to claim the last unidentified driving period. Tap Yes if you want to add the last driving period to your log. 2. Preview the log graph and tap Next if you agree with the proposed edits. You can zoom in and out by tapping the hours on the timeline above, 24h, 12h, 8h, 6h, 3h. 43 | P a g e 3. View your new available hours. You can toggle between shift, cycle or sleeper. Tap Accept if you want to add the driving period to your driver log. 4. Sign off the change by tapping the OK button. Log Editing The driver now has full HOS log management capability on the MiX ELD. Any edits that a driver makes on the MiX ELD are automatically accepted. NOTE: A drivers automatically recorded driving time cannot be reduced. (The only exception is when team drivers are swapping driving hours, which is a function that can only be performed on the MiX ELD by both the drivers involved). Supervisors and/or HOS administrators can propose edits to a drivers HOS log from the MiX Fleet Manager application that must be accepted or rejected by the driver from the MiX ELD. These are displayed as pending edits. 44 | P a g e 10.2.1 Add a duty status Add a duty status before or after an existing duty status by tapping the Hours of Service icon on the home screen. 1. Tap HOS Log. 2. Tap Log Viewer. 3. Tap the downward arrow next to an existing duty status and select whether you want to add a duty status before or after the selected row. NOTE: You cannot add a duty status after the current status or after a status that is still in progress. 45 | P a g e 4. Select a status from the dropdown list. 5. Choose a date by selecting the calendar icon. 6. Choose a time by selecting the clock icon. 7. Tap Save. 8. If a duty status was added automatically or manually and the position of the vehicle cannot be determined by the ELD, you can add a location manually. The location has to be inputted in proximity format. 9. Tap Save. 10. Enter a mandatory annotation. (Select the textbox to enable the keyboard and press enter once you have finished typing.) 11. Tap OK. 46 | P a g e 12. You will see the new duty status added to your driver log, indicated with a red asterisk. 13. View annotations (remarks) by tapping the annotation icon. 14. View and edit the manual entry by tapping the manual location icon. 15. You will need to supply a mandatory annotation for editing a location. Tap the enter key when you are done and OK to save the new location. Adding Authorized Personal Use of CMV to the driver log Remember that you can only switch to Personal Use Mode when your duty status has been set to Off Duty. The Authorized personal use of CMV can thus be seen as a sub-state of the Off Duty status. This means you can only add the Personal Use Mode when tapping an Off Duty status on the log viewer screen. Tap Hours of Service > HOS Log > Log Viewer 47 | P a g e 1. Find the relevant Off Duty status. 2. Tap the downward arrow next to the duty status and select Add PC mode. 3. Choose a start date and end date by selecting the calendar icons. 4. Choose a start time and end time by selecting the clock icons. Enter a mandatory annotation. (Select the textbox to enable the keyboard and press enter once you have finished typing.) 5. Tap Save. 48 | P a g e 6. The start and end time of the PC mode has now been added to the driver log. Adding Yard Moves to the driver log Remember that you can only switch to Yard moves mode when your duty status has been set to On Duty (Not Driving). Yard moves can thus be seen as a sub-state of the On Duty (Not Driving) status. This means you can only add the Yard moves mode when tapping an ODND work state on the log viewer screen. Tap Hours of Service > HOS Log > Log Viewer 1. Find the relevant On Duty (Not Driving) status. 2. Tap the downward arrow next to the duty status and select Add Yard move. 49 | P a g e 3. Choose a start date and end date by selecting the calendar icons. 4. Choose a start time and end time by selecting the clock icons. Enter a mandatory annotation. (Select the textbox to enable the keyboard and press enter once you have finished typing.) 5. Tap Save. 6. The start and end time of the yard move has now been added to the driver log and the added/edited status will be indicated with a red asterisk. 10.2.2 1. Edit a duty status Tap HOS Log. 50 | P a g e 2. Tap Log Viewer. 3. Tap the downward arrow next to the duty status that you want to edit. NOTE: You cannot reduce driving time recorded by the OBC (indicated in dark green on the Log Viewer). 4. Select a status from the dropdown list or choose the date and time that need to change. If you are editing a Yard Moves or PC Mode status you need to supply the start and end date and time and add a mandatory annotation on this screen. 5. Tap Save. 51 | P a g e 6. Enter a mandatory annotation. (Select the textbox to enable the keyboard and press enter once you have finished typing.) 7. Tap OK. 8. You will see the edited duty status indicated with a red asterisk. 9. View annotations (remarks) by tapping the annotation icon. 10.2.3 1. Delete a duty status Tap HOS Log 52 | P a g e 2. Tap Log Viewer 3. Tap the downward arrow next to the duty status that you want to remove. NOTE: You cannot reduce driving time recorded by the OBC (indicated in dark green on the Log Viewer). 4. Enter a mandatory (remark). annotation (Select the textbox to enable the keyboard and press enter once you have finished typing.) 5. Tap OK. 53 | P a g e 6. The duty status has been removed from the MiX ELD and the Driver logs. 7. When you look at your log graph now you will see that the duty status has been removed. 10.2.4 View annotations Add annotations (remark) on any duty status by editing the duty status as described above. The only edits that can be made to automatically recorded driving time are the annotations that can be added. 1. View annotations by tapping the icon. 54 | P a g e 10.2.5 Assigning a historical driving period to a co-driver If you forgot to change your status to the active driver whilst driving, you can still assign a historical driving time from yourself to another driver who was logged into the MiX ELD when the specific driving period occurred. Note that you, as a new active driver can also use the quick claiming feature described in the Quick claiming unidentified hours section above, immediately after the driving took place to claim a previous driving period. The log editing however enables you to swap at any time while both drivers (or more) are logged into the ELD. 1. Both drivers need to be logged in when swapping driving time. 2. The person assigning the driving period must tap the HOS Log button first. (This is the person who was the active driver whilst the driving took place and who wants to remove the driving period from his/her records.) 3. Tap Log Viewer. 55 | P a g e 4. Search for the specific historical driving period that you need to assign to one of the drivers who was logged into the vehicle at the same time the driving occurred. NOTE: if you were the only driver that was logged in during the driving period the option will not be available in the dropdown list. If more than one co-driver was logged in during the specific driving period, a list of the driver names will be displayed. 5. After tapping Assign to co-driver, you can review a preview of your own log graph indicating the driving period that will be removed. 6. Tap Next. 7. You can now view your new available hours. Tap Accept. 56 | P a g e 8. A preview of the log graph of the driver who is claiming the historical driving period will now be displayed. The driver who wants to add the driving period to their driving records must now click Next. 9. You can now view a preview of your new available hours after the historical driving period has been added to your driving records. Tap Accept to claim this. 10. Only if both drivers agree with the changes are you allowed to tap OK. This is a signature implying that both drivers are happy with the edits to the driver records. 57 | P a g e 11 Swap driving time when team driving If you are team driving and both you, the active driver and another driver, the co-driver are logged into the MiX ELD you can swap a historical driving period. Thus, if you forgot to change yourself from the co-driver to the active driver, the MiX ELD will ask you if you want to claim the last driving period, right after an active driver swap where both drivers were logged in. NOTE: Both drivers have to be logged in to perform this operation. 1. Tap the Driver List dropdown. 2. Choose your name from the list of drivers. 58 | P a g e 3. Change your HOS status to Active Driver by tapping the driver icon. 4. You can now claim the last driving period by tapping Yes. 5. A preview will be displayed of the hours that will be added. Zoom in by tapping the hours icons displayed above. Tap Next. 59 | P a g e 6. View your available hours. You can toggle between shift, cycle and sleeper using the tabs displayed at the top. Tap Accept to add the hours to your log. 7. Both drivers need to accept the changes made to the records. Tapping OK means that both drivers have accepted the correction. Once confirmed, the driving period will be removed from the previous drivers log and added to the new active drivers log. 12 Pending Edits When a supervisor or HOS administrator makes any changes to the drivers log in MiX Fleet Manager, the edit will be sent to you, the driver as a pending edit that you can accept or reject on the MiX ELD. Go to the ELD Summary screen by tapping Hours of Service > HOS Log > Manage Log. 60 | P a g e 1. Tap Pending Edits on the summary screen. 2. Choose the day you would like to review. 3. Preview the graph with the proposed edits and tap either Next or Cancel to reject the changes. Zoom in or out by tapping the hours shown at the top of the graph. 61 | P a g e 4. You can now either Accept all the changes or Reject all the changes. Rejected edits will be sent back to the supervisor. You have to supply a reason for any rejected changes. 5. Tap OK to accept all the edits to your log. You can also access this feature from the Uncertified Logs screen as described in Log Certification below. 13 Log Certification HOS drivers are required to certify their logs at the end of each day of work. The ELD solution for log certification is an implicit electronic signature used to indicate acceptance. Certify your logs from the ELD summary screen. You will need to certify your log whether you have been driving, on duty or when you have been off duty as well. You can get to this screen by tapping Hours of Service > HOS Log > Manage Log. 62 | P a g e 1. Tap Uncertified Logs. 2. Select the day you want to review and certify. 3. You cannot certify a log for a day containing pending edits. Selecting a day that contains pending edits will navigate you to the pending edits screen when you tap OK to first accept or reject the pending edit before you can continue with the log certification. 63 | P a g e 4. Preview the pending edit on the log graph. Tap next to continue. 5. You can Accept or Reject all pending edits. Rejected edits will be sent back to the supervisor. You have to supply a reason for any rejected changes. 6. After accepting or rejecting any pending edits by tapping OK, you can navigate back to the Uncertified Log screen by tapping Uncertified Logs on the Summary screen. 7. You can now preview your log graph and tap certify to sign off the data entries. 64 | P a g e 8. Tapping Agree is an implicit electronic signature that means you are accepting your log entries. 9. A summary of the uncertified logs will be displayed. Certified and not synced will display in the list with a blue icon. Uncertified will display in the list with an orange icon. 14 Sending the logs to email The ELD summary screen allows you to send the log files to your personal email address. You can get to this screen by tapping Hours of Service > HOS Log > Manage Log. 1. Tap Send Logs. 65 | P a g e 2. Enter an email address and tap Send. This attaches the FMCSA output file (CSV file) and the HOS Driver Log Reports (PDF files) for the last 7+1 days to the email. 15 Inspections There are two inspection features on the MIX ELD. Users can firstly enter Roadside Inspection mode on the MiX ELD to supply the necessary information for the roadside inspection, and secondly, log inspection events. Roadside Inspections You initiate the Roadside Inspection mode when requested by an authorized law enforcement official to show all of the required ELD information, including the header segment, log graph and log listing in table format. When in Roadside Inspection Mode all HOS alerts will be muted. 1. Tap the Hours of Service icon. 66 | P a g e 2. Tap Inspections. 3. Select Roadside Inspection. 4. You can now show the official the required information. A summary of all your information will be displayed by default but can also be access this by tapping the Driver Info tab at the bottom of the screen. This screen will indicate whether you are an exempt driver. 67 | P a g e 5. Tap the Log Graph button to show a visual display of the logs. Zoom in and out using the hours icons at the top. Scroll back and forth using the arrows to select a different day. 6. For a listing of the events or statuses, tap the Log Viewer button. Scroll back and forth using the arrows to select a different day. Tap the annotations icon to view a remark. 7. You can initiate the sending of the output file (to the FMCSA) by tapping the Send Report tab. 8. Select whether the report must be sent via email or the web service code the optional output file comment, which is a routing code provided by the inspecting officer that could be a minimum of 4 characters and a maximum of 60, can be entered here. NOTE: if there is no mobile coverage at your current location, the ELD will display a warning that the file could not be sent. 68 | P a g e 9. Logged in co-drivers can show their driver logs at the same time. 10. Tap the co-driver name from the driver list drop down to access the relevant logs. 11. Enter an optional annotation. (Select the textbox to enable the keyboard and press enter once you have finished typing. 12. The co-driver can now also show the driver info, log graph and log viewer or choose to send a report. 69 | P a g e 13. If required you can also show the officer the unidentified logs for the vehicle by selecting the Unidentified Driver profile from the driver list. 14. The ELD will display a notification if there is no unidentified driving time. 15. You need to exit the roadside inspection by tapping the downward arrow next to the roadside inspection status. (You can also use the back button or the MiX Telematics logo icon to exit Roadside Inspection.) 70 | P a g e 16. Tap Yes and enter an annotation as this will log an inspection event that is recorded in the system for both the active driver and the co-driver. There are different inspections that can be selected and events will be logged accordingly: Pre-trip inspection Post trip inspection Safety check Hazardous material inspection Weight Check Log inspection events from the Inspections tab 1. Tap the Inspections icon. 2. Select one of the following: Pre-trip Inspection Post Trip Inspection Roadside Inspection Safety Check Hazardous Material Weight Check 71 | P a g e 3. Tap on the text bar to activate the keyboard. 4. Type an input value. 5. Tap Submit. 6. Tap OK to send the inspection event. View and edit logged inspections View all inspections that were logged in the Inspections section. 1. Tap HOS Log. 2. Tap Log Viewer. 72 | P a g e 3. Tap Inspections. 4. View all logged inspections 5. Tap the downward arrow next to the inspection to add an inspection before or after, or to edit or remove the logged data. 6. Change the category, type or date and time. 7. Tap Save. 8. The edited inspection will be indicated with a red asterisk. 73 | P a g e 16 Data diagnostics and Malfunctions Indicators on the ELD screen alert the driver to a data diagnostic event or malfunction on the MiX ELD. The diagnostic indication is the driver icon in the top banner on the screen. The malfunction indication is the truck icon in the top banner on the screen. Please note that only when you see the ELD malfunction error or the red truck indicator you need to contact your supervisor immediately to log a ticket with MiX Telematics.* Revert to using paper logs in the event of the ELD device hindering the accurate recording of your driver logs.** *A data diagnostics or red driver icon does not require a ticket to be logged, nor does it require switching to paper logs. **You should never run on paper logs without logging a request with MiX Telematics for the ELD malfunction. 74 | P a g e A list of some of the possible malfunctions that could occur is provided below: Malfunction code Malfunction code P E T L R S O Malfunction description Power compliance Engine synchronization compliance Timing compliance Positioning compliance Data recovery compliance Data transfer compliance Other ELD detected malfunction Data Diagnostic Events Diagnostic code 1 2 3 4 5 6 Data Diagnostic Event Power data diagnostic event Engine synchronization data diagnostic event Missing required data element data diagnostic event Data transfer data diagnostic event Unidentified driving records data diagnostic event Other ELD identified diagnostic event 75 | P a g e 17 Log out 1. Insert the red HOS driver plug. The ELD summary screen will be displayed, showing a quick status overview of the ELD-compliance actions. See the ELD summary screen section for more information. 2. Tap Close. 3. Tap OK. 4. Tap the Save button if you want to keep the duty status as is and enter an optional annotation. (Select the textbox to enable the keyboard and press enter once you have finished typing.) 76 | P a g e 5. If you need to change the duty status, tap on the dropdown textbox and select the relevant status. Type an optional annotation and select Save. 6. Wait for the synchronization to complete. 7. Remove red HOS driver plug 77 | P a g e